(2012/05) May 2012

Vanilla it's normal dun worry.

Zara I oso have constipation. Dun force it out. Juz drink more fluids n eat fruits.
Thank vanilla!!

I being waken up ard 4pm.. Infect almost for a few days now, dunno is jet lag or the pregnancy...
Wow, welcome all new mummies again! Elise, many of us are first time mummies too! You should call gynae and just let her know, I am having spotting too, some days heavier than others but still not too much...I called gynae and she said as long as no pain n not fresh blood then shd be ok..

re: waking up early
Somehow I sleep very very well, even if I pee in the middle of the night, i stil can drop back to sleep immediately..haa, think now we know all pregnancies are never the same!

re:morning sickness
Mine is more evening sickness, but somehow I am quite glad to have it coz of the spotting I have, seems to assure me the preg is progressing well..so in the morning I will tend to eat more..evening really cant eat..

now i see until i abit immune also, as long as i dont have pain, should be ok..
don't worry ya..
Re: waking early

Wah.. Lucky I'm not the only one.. Since so many are having e same problem den I Assume it's normal.. Haa...

But waking up so early is really tiring. I tried not to sleep in e day time but still woke up very early in e morning.. Haiz..
Elsie , faster call gynae. If u dont have, just ring one from the hospital directory. But no need to rush A&E. Dont move around so much.
Good morning mummies...

Just did my test ytd. It shows positive. Going to see my gynea on wed to confirm the prenancy. =)

I have an angel and this will be no. 2.

I have updated my details in the spreadsheet.
good morning... *yawn*

congrats & welcome Inuka!

ftmama & vanilla: in the end my constipation became diarhhoea last nite... urgh... =( now it stopped thou... and i'm still back at work now... *sleepy*
morning everyone..
having monday blue~ now... hehe

hopefully the MS will go off soon..
keep on burping since yesterday..

regards the coconut, yes - it's the fish mackerel inside the otah that is no gd for us.
so overall, i think everything juz moderate shld be ok!

Jiayou, mummies!

Elise- how are you now? Did you go see a doc?

Waking early- Yup, I also have that. Usually, I will sleep till 12noon in the weekends. But recently, I will wake up by 9am. But during the night sure will wake up to pee.

Yesterday is the worse, woke up 3 times! May be I drank too much water.

Countdown: 4 more days to scan. I am really looking forward cos last scan can't see anything.
Welcome inuka, congrats... =D

littledotty, good luck for your scan tml.. =D still waiting for mine... next week.. SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haiz... So looking forward and excited too.. =D
Good morning every1..have been busy reading through the posts since ive not log in for so long...:p

Going for my scan this wed..cant wait..hope bb has grown..last scan at 4wks cant see anything..haha..friends laugh @ me for going to the gynae so early..but 1st time kan cheong mah..heehee

Rest well n eat well every1!
Morning ladies, went for my gynae visit last sat to confirm my preg but cant see anything in the scan yet =(
was told to go back 2 weeks later... and given duphaston on top of the usual vitamin & folic acid. Hopefully can see something during the next visit... made me so worried now!

Re: Constipated
I'm also feeling very constipated these few days & making me feel very bloated instead.. keep having this 'tight' feeling in my throat & stomach area...though i dont have any MS (yet) *keeping my fingers crossed*

Re: feeling tired
Tis morning woke up so reluctantly... feel like heading straight back to bed again... Soooooo tired sia.... hopefully can last through the day.....haiz... been feeling very tired lately... and back aching from too much bending & squatting from taking care of my #1...anybody same here?

Oh ya...btw my gynae did tell me to avoid pineapples & coconut during the 1st trimester... so mummies with the concern, you might wanna take note as well.. =)
ICez, how many weeks are you when you went for the scan? I also cannot see anything during the scan like about 4 wks+.

How much duphaston are you taking now? mine is 3 times per day. But I noticed Dr only gave me 1 week supply.

Littledotty: Good luck! Do update us after the scan!
morning MTBs! how's everyone feeling today. my skin breakout is worse than ever, and i'm seriously contemplating taking the erythromycin antibiotics to calm my skin down. it's supposed to be pregnancy safe (FDA category B), but still trying to hold out as long as i can. Preferably dont want to take anything at all! But everyday i get depressing looking at myself in the mirror. got to put on thick makeup before i can step out of the house and go to work, abit depressing... =(

any MTBs tried erythromycin before? any suggestions? does the skin outbreak get better after first trimester?

Elise: how are you! hope everything is ok. brown spotting should be ok. it's not uncommon. i also had brown spotting and end up my gynae just gave me more progesterone pills. no need to rush to the doc, can monitor first. but if fresh blood, then prob faster seek medical help.

littledotty: you seeing Dr Liauw tomorrow. have fun!
vone, same same.. i oso go to gynae and scan at about 4 weeks+... see nothing too.. lol... i was swchedule next wed le...
Ayana: Based on LMP, it should be 5wks already when i went on sat but still nothing can be seen...that's why kinda worried.. coz in my #1, i could at least see the sac and a tiny dot flickering in the screen.

anyway, i was told to take 2 times daily and was given for about 2 weeks dosage... think it was supp to last till my next scan on next sat...
Heya new mommies to be. Welcome to the thread!

I have been cramping since sat and then woke up in the middle of the night last night with severe pain. Not sure if it's the uterus or my tummy. Then woke up this morning with slight spotting. My back hurts like hell too. So worried. Going to see gynae later cos I'm spotting plus cramping. So scared! To make things worse, my MS seems to be lesser today!!!
Im also having white heads breakout all over my face.
Got such few years back when the haze hit us and i got it again last fri.
I thought was rashes but GP was saying its acne, cos can see white head. He didnt prescibe me with any cream to apply cos he say those they have are too strong for me to apply, given my preg condition.

Now thinking if I should go gynae to confirm preg and also to get something to apply.
Also duno if its due to hormones change or due to haze...
But really depressing n sad to see my face like tat and feel so rough everytime i touch when washing face...haiz
thanks for all your blessings, I pray it will be ok too, excited to hear the heartbeat..

Piggywiggy, hope you are ok. Update us after your gynae visit ya..

Yesterday I went to see my chinese sinseh and he said he can detect the bb's heartbeat but my body is weak so bb will be weak..I was really glad to know that he can hear the heartbeat coz of my spotting lately..anyway he gave me this powder med (got pao shen inside) to take over 3 months, costs a bomb but I hope it will make me better..my sis took it too and her girl is healthy and strong..
Piggy, i've been having cramps before i tested postive and after positive the cramps got more frequent and the gynae said it is normal. But i'm not how pain is ur pain cuz everyone pain tolerance level is not the same. Perhaps its jus ur pain tolerance level lo, tats y u felt very pain? Perhaps its just the normal cramps ya.. Dun thk too much...

Anyway, my cramps recently reduced alot.. haa.. Started to worried too.. lol.. Got cramps oso worried, no cramps oso worried... haa.. Dunno wat to expect lo.. Until can see the heart beat den can have a peace of mind...
Icez, wat is the duphaston suppose to do? my gynae cant scan anything n only ask me to continue with folic acid..was not given anything else...
Vanilla, my pain tolerance is very high. I delivered no 1 without epidural! Last night's cramps had me in cold sweat. That's how bad it is.

Thanks ladies for ur encouragement. Just sian that I keep on spottin despite not doing anything!!
Ok, I just went to the gynae cos I tot my appt is this sat, but is actually last sat!

So did the scan and saw the waterbag. But its like a dark patch only. How to even see the yolk and sac? Is sac = waterbag? I'm so noob.

Next appt is this sat, hope can see more things.

Icez, I know how you feel, if really worry, bring forward the dr's appt? =)
Ayana, I believe what you saw is the sac and yolk sac is within the sac itself. How many weeks are you now? It may not be so clear if you are still early
vone: was told that is is supp to stabilise the pregnancy... in chinese is 'An Tai Yao'...

piggy: dun worry.. update us after ur gynae visit ya~

Ayana: nvm lahz.. i will 'patiently' wait for my appt next week.. since doc did mention that even if i go down this week again, might not c anything yet coz still early..
Mi also abit worried.... my MS now like no more... and i tends to cry easily now...
Have not seen a gynae yet cos cannot decide and all selceted gynea only free to see mi on 29 Sept or 30 Sept. What should i do? Confused...
Dear all,

I'm a 2nd time mother with a 19th mth old princess... My LMP is 7th Aug, but dont have a regular cycle. So no idea how many week old this new precious is... But i was given an EDD of 14th May from my gynae... I went back to my 1st pregnancy gynae as i can very happy with his service... And trust me, he is damnn affordable and known for his good stitching skill...

DolceVita > same EDD, 2nd child & our elder's age is quite close...
Ayana, don't worry. When I went for my gynae check at 5+ weeks, the scan didnt show much except for the sac and the yolk which is normal at this stage

What did the gynae tell you about the scan?

Welcome geraldine!
i saw baby plus in takashimaya! my friends recommend me this and say start using at 18weeks. Their babies are so easy to teach. its 318 in sg, but online is only 149US i think, just not the warranty.
My scan is 26/9. Funny thing is, when i count using a 40day cycle, i am 7 weeks this week, and last week when i visit my gynae i was 6 weeks, but she told me i am 4. Issit that she didnt include the first 2 weeks or smth i read that isnt when the baby is formed but ur period or ovulation or smth? i am confused.
Thanks dotty, =) My gynae very chop chop today, think his main concern is to see if the sac is located at the correct place or not, cos previously scan shows nothing much.

He measured the sac and says its 7mm. So small leh.

Lyn, don't worry too much, 29th is just around the corner. If you really worry, just go other gynae to scan?

Beebeemer, I read the reviews in Amazon, got some says their born with hearing prob leh.. after reading, I scared to buy le..
u go amazon check it out, I know they say the decibels are lower than even the mother's heartbeat.. But still quite worried leh..

Initially I had wanted to purchase this item too.
Hi Geraldine,

My EDD is not firm yet cos Ive yet to see gynae, but from iphone application, it says 20May2012 as my LMP is 14Aug11 =)
My elder gal is 2yrs 2mths now =)

Just made appointment with gynae, earliest night time booking is 26Sep11,next mon
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing fine. Been so long since i log in this forum. Just an update. Went to the gynae today as my MS was pretty bad. Vomitted a few times so can't continue working. Gynae gave some medication to help reduce the vomitting.
Did a scan too and i could see the water bag as well as detect the heartbeat. Gynae said that MS helps to make the pregnancy more stable and pregnancy is going on well. The feeling is surreal. Kept laughing when i see the heartbeat hehe.

Will be going back in 3 weeks time. Till then, hope all of us will stay safe
Hi beebeemer, no. It is not bad. Everyone has different body structure. So not having ms doesn't mean you are ad-normal. You are just the lucky few who don't get ms. Don't worry ya..
back from the doc's! i have quite a bit of old blood in my uterus hence i keep on spotting... the gd news is that the cramps seems to be coming from my intestines rather than my womb. womb was not contracting when i felt the pain. to counter the pain, i was given the progesterone jab and also progesterone inserts on top of progesterone pills! overload on progesterone liao!!

Baby has grown quite a bit since last Wed. Now he/she is abt 11.7mm, heart rate of 148bpm. so fast! i hope that continues!
Vanilla, i shd be 7 wks 2 days but baby measures 7 wks 3 days.. haha these scans are not 100% accurate.. always +/- a few days..

Doc said i got too my wind in my tummy.. can see the intestines contracting non stop.. said drink ginger tea but i drink liao feel like puking..

thanks Inuka. I dont have MS but dont have a fantastic appetite so weight went down instead of up.

still wondering, i used onlnie calculator w LMP and ovulation cycle 40days, it dates me to 7w4d today. but my gynae told me i was 4 last week.
quite a big difference?
