(2012/05) May 2012

Sadsad, hehe yeah I got married two years ago so the timing is just nice for DH and me! DH is 32... Where do you stay?

oh i think must log-in gmail? coz i realised i was logged in when i typed... then when i log out cannot edit liao

peaberry, ya so young... envy leh... young mummy
Hi fun, nice to know another 2nd time.mummy here. Me to my boy 3.5 year old. Bigger gap better for my case can help more
u on facebook too?
Ha, sorry gals, I changed the settings to 'anyone with the link can edit'..hopefully you guys can type in now..

ya peaberry, I envy too, so young...good good..
littledotty: high 5! yeps the climbing of stairs is a torture esp when u have lessons at diff classes back to back!

thanks anyways for the google doc.

Chloie: Tht's great! Do take extra care.
Chloie, gd to hear that everything is well. Rest rest rest!!!

Rosegal, I'm 6 wks 5 days today. I was fretting so much the last couple of wks. Seeing the heartbeat ease my worries but only for a little bit!!!

Fern, KRC, Sadsad, I think I won't tell my son until I hit 2nd trimester. That will be safer. Right now I m too tired to entertain him much. Off load him to my parents or the tv. Hahah. I'm trying not to let him jump on me and physically restrain him when he does. I have been rather grouchy with him too so he is avoiding me a bit.

Littledotty, thanks for the google doc. I'll go home to update.
Sadsad, oh that's near! Boon Keng is a great neighbourhood.
So near everything.

Ftmama and littledotty, am quite nervous cos most of my close friends don't have kids yet so have to take pointers from the experienced mummies out there!
Sure peaberry, most of us are first-time mummies too, we help each other ya..

piggywiggy, I am 6 weeks 5 days today too, but my gynae says she will give me a more accurate EDD and date at my next scan..gals, when you go check for bb's heartbeat, does the gynae check whether the cervix is closed? according to MTBs here, if cervix is closed, the possibility of miscarriage greatly reduced...
littledotty, abt the cervix closed... are we able to feel? coz i use progesterone inserts and recently i find it hard to insert, like all closed up...
I see a lot of ladies are planning to deliver at Mt Alvernia! That's my top hospital of choice too. Second would be TMC or KK Hospital due to proximity. My OBGYN is not tied to any hospital so we still have some time to consider the options and make our final decision.

Anyone delivered at Mt Alvernia before with positive reviews?
I delivered my boy at Mt A 6 yrs back, the services was quite comfortable. Not much prob at all.

My galfrd has her gal 2 yrs back at Mt A, she dun like it. She feels tat standard might have dropped.
Hi all

Update from my gynae visit today.

Baby size 9.5mm, HB 135. EDD 3 May. Currently 7 weeks

Everything looking fine now. To continue with Duphaston twice a day and weekly proluton jab

Those in fb group, I have created spreadsheet for Yr update ya

So happy today
Chloie, have lots of bed rest pls. Good everything is well now

For those who added me in FB, I will add you to the group when I have access to my laptop ya
babypom>> hehe thats great! see baby always feel happy =)

peaberry>> i delivered my first there and i liked it, so going back again =)
babypom: congrats!

So happy to know many hear can aldy hear baby's HB. I also noticed that u also get jabs from the gynae. Is it expected for all MTBs to get it too?
Hi hi

I m new in this thread. This my #3 baby. Hope its a gal as my #1 & 2 r gals. 1st in apr 08 2nd in apr 10 3rd one shld b may 12.
Fun, ahh okay thanks! Most of the reviews I've heard so far are positive, even recent ones. Guess I should go on a hospital tour a few months later!

babypom, congrats that's great news! I can't wait for my next appt too. Miss seeing the little bean already hehe.

sadsad, that's great to know! DH was born at Mt Alvernia so he's already supportive of the place, haha.

farhana, I don't think jabs are the norm unless you need supplements or hormonal support. I'm not slated to get any jabs, just taking oral Progesterone right now.
Thanks everyone. My gynae also very kanchiong tdy to detect the HB cos of my last MC.

Farhana, agree with peaberry. Not all need the jabs. My gynae is being more kiasu w me
farhana, yup not all need jabs... i itchy backside ask for jabs... coz at first they give me 2 types of inserts but i find it very messy...

diamond22, oh... i'm going this sat...
babybom, haa.. 3rd MAY??!! hahaha.. ITs our anniversary and rom anniversary leh.. haaa... Congrats.. haa..

So happy and excited for those mummies who can already heard bb's heartbeat... Am still waiting 2 weeks later then can go back..

I thk i tested postive real early.. lol.. LMP is 12 Aug, O on 28 & 29 Sep, so DPO1 is calculated on 30 Aug and i tested positive on 09 Sep. Which is like DPO11.. Considered very early i guess, even before i missed my AF.. haa...

So i really really look forward to my next visit to gyane.. haa.. As this is my 1st, i really very excited lo!! keke.. I thk i'll cry when i see e heart beat.. keke.. =D Keeping my finger cross... haa.. Pray hard that everything is alright and in place... =D
my doc says theres nothing much i can see now so she sending me back to her 2 weeks which makes me 7? i think. not too sure because my LMP is july 15 and by the correct counting i should be 9 weeks now but because my ovulation is 40day cycle so she can only determine on the next trip back. Pls let me see the heartbeat!!!

issit necessary to take oral medication? i was just given folic acid.
Hi all,

i just got my result...it was positive....

this is my 1st pregnancy....i feel so lost.

the doc said is about 6 - 7 weeks, and i should look for a gynae... any good recommendations? for the price...not too expensive.
beebeemer, oral meds aren't necessary unless your OBGYN prescribes it for an existing condition. I take my oral meds due to PCOS. Folic acid or a good prenatal should suffice for most women.
Winnie, WELCOME to the club!! haha...

I'm also expecting my 1st.. Already been to gyane liao.. But oo early to see anything..

I'm with Dr Lawrence Ang @ Sun Plaza. 1st consultation is $80, scan is $70 and subsequent is consultation is $50, scan oso $50... His delivery fee is ard 1.2k, so its actually quite affordable.. =D

He is those chop chop kind.. Talk very fast but will eventually if u have any questions he will still answer and oso will bother to explain to u.. You can refer to my earlier post when i visit him.. haa.. =D

Alternatively, u can go to http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/36738.html?1316077344
to see some of the threads comparing gyane... =D
Hi Winnie welcome! i am a first time mum too :D
you can see my gynae Chua Yang (female) at Chun Tin Road if you stay at West Area. she is very good very attentive. Her pricing isnt on the high side you might wanna try giving the clinic a ring.

A Clinic For Women call (65) 6463 3366
2A Chun Tin Road S599589
littledotty:saved le! i realise we are all having children younger and younger. :D good sign for singapore then. yippee! how does the fb group work?
Beebeemer: thanks! I have been resting at home after the jab and taking Duphaston daily. Hope everything will be well when I see my gynae again tomorrow. I have been sleeping alot these few days!

Chloie: great to hear all ok for u! Can u hear bb's heartbeat already?

Welcome all MTBs! I am also a first time mummy. Currently 6 weeks and 5 days.
VaNiLLa> Isit? Can see while I typed ar? LOL! Dint know that. I'm using that for the first time.

newbie2012> Cant hear yet. My gyne asked if I want to go back next week to listen to the heart beat, but I say I'll go back 2 weeks later to play safe.
Chloie, haa.. yaya.. when u click on e name there e box will be highlighted ma.. haa... then i saw Chloie... haa...

mine oso same.. I did a calculation based on LMP, i thk i really tested positive early... I thk all mummies here not so early as i am lo.. All is 5 weeks plus den find out.. Me is like tested positive exactly on e 4th week.. Haa.. Went gyane on 4 weeks 4 days.. haa...

So i really excited to go back 2 weeks later.. haa.. Nv see e hb really worried.. 2 weeks later i'm only in my 6week 4 days lo.. haa..

Pray hard....
WAHHHH!!! one afternoon i didnt login so many posts!

Chloie: its great that you are all well..
Vanilla: im also excited to go back 2 weeks later.. i keep thinking its the coming week.. hahaha... i think i am about the same as yours.. =)
I have a question, how do you girls count the baby's age to the correct day? i cant figure out when i conceive mine. I just saw a dot when i was at the gynae. i deperately wanna know how long. my gynae say should be 4 plus, then i saw similar dot like ultrasounds dating 5.5-6weeks.
beebeemer, i dunno leh.. I jus have those iphone app and it will calcualte automatically for u when u keyed in ur LMP..

But i know exactly when i Ovulated, so it will be more acurrate ba.. I guess.. I'm not sure la.. I haven have e chance to tell my gyna yet.. haa... too excited and i forgot it.. lol... =D
Hello! had dinner? i ate the same thing last night.. last night i could eat quite a bit but today i totally can't! threw it all away.. feeling really nauseated.

beebeemer, u can try using the conception counter from babycenter.com. enter ur LMP (start date of ur last menstrual cycle). very few ppl will know their conception dates. i know mine cos it was the only day i had sex for 1.5 mths!!

Re: Confinement lady
i had one for my number 1. she was a fantastic cook.. my breakfast were like fried ee mee, wanton mee, hardly recycle dishes.. she cooks the meanest vinegar trotters too! but the bad thing was she wasn't supportive of me bf-ing. until i broke down and told her i won't give in to feeding formula. that was abt day 6. aft that she cooked a lot of soups for me to boost my supply.. and i managed to bf for 14 mths.

Vanilla, i also tested +ve at DPO11. almost 4 wks ago liao... all my preg i test +ve by DPO12. haha.. i m obsess with POAS!

Newbie, hope u are feeling better.. anymore spotting?
Chloie> u rest well ok. Did gynae give u MC to rest?

Beebeemer>I calculated from iPhone app. Just input my LMP

Piggywiggy>thanks. Been resting and sleeping alot the past 2 days. Will b looking forward to Tmr gynae's meeting. Praying that all will be fine
piggy, haa.. really?? sama same.. cannot tahan till missed AF rite.. haa... me too.. lol...

Actually, i wasnt sure cuz the line was till quite faint and next day which is DPO12, i test using the clearblue digital, tat one got pregnant 1-2 weeks like., haa.. and i got 1-2... which is like 3-4 weeks lo.. haha.. And i test using e strips n watson kit.. haa..

In total, i tested DPO11 2 test, 1 strip and watson kit
DPO12, Clearblue Digital + Stip + China cheapp Kit.
The day i see my gynae, i did 1 watson and stip de.. haha... So i did 7 tests in total.. Even my gynae save e part to test whether i'm really pregnant anot.. haa... Cuz all 7 tests are positive.. lol.. Gynae say wah u test so many times.. i was like.. ya.. lol.. =D

Morning everyone!

TGIF and hope everyone have a great day ahead

Remember to drink more water to keep yourself hydrated which will help in MS
