(2012/05) May 2012

you sound really excited zara!

You know today I dun feel the morning sickness so prominently as compared to the past few days, wondering if it is normal..sometimes i think i worry too much and cant wait for the scan on Tues to tell me how the bb is doing...sigh, got MS uncomfortable, no MS also worry...
Gd morning!

Littledotty, I know how u feel. Some days my MS don't start till later and I panic!! Haha. It will come. Don't worry!!

I wore a skirt today. It's too tight! I feel like I can't breathe!! Very uncomfy plus it makes me wanna puke.
Littedotty, maybe you had a gd rest so MS is getting better?

Relax and dun worry too much instead look forward to Tues appt to see yr bb

I think I also tested positive early.
According to Iphone app, I am only 4W6D as of today.
My LMP is 14Aug, my cycle days is 26.

When I went to see GP, he also say its too early now for testing, but when he test for me, he confirm positive..heehee

So thats y thinking wont be going to see gynae so early since wont b able to see anything ?
And I think gynae will see me only once a month de when i refer back to my appointment card.
Piggywiggy, time for a shopping spree keke

Dolcevita, in early stage can only see the sac. The rest are still too small

I have been eating too well. Put on 600g in 10 days! *faint
Good morning ladies! Last day of work for the week! Yippe!

piggywiggy - at least in the end your CL still cooks lots of soup to booste your supply. Well done! It's usually strong determination that makes breastfeeding successful. I breastfeed my son for 2.5 years! Miss the days. hahaha.

Interesting day today... going for my gynae appt at 11am, then thereafter to see my 3-D drawings for the new house.. excited. kekeke.
littledotty, dun worry... my MS sometimes morn, sometimes afternoon, sometimes evening... u nvr noe when it comes...

woohoo, my mac delivery juz came! slacking at home tdy
Babypom, haha wont be doing shopping so quickly. I still have my old materity clothes. The prob is my clothes are quite casual cos I was studying when I was expecting my no 1. So prob need to get more formal clothes when the preg stabilizes.

KRC, I don't latch my boy at all. Did exclusive pumping. I would have continued if it wasnt that I needed to complete my studies. I will def bf longer if I can this time around!! But quite tiring cos I gotta wake up at 3am to pump.
dotty: yes! i'm gg to pick him up fr airport later.. feels lonely without the hubby esp now preggy.. jus wan to have him ard me all the time.
today feel my right side under the rib and right shoulder aching.. esp when i take a deep breath, i feel a sharp poke feel. i think i strain myself at manicure yesterday.... =( n i feel short of breath.. =(
i tink we all need loose clothes soon.. cos the usual ones are jus nice and i feel bloated. can't suck in tummy anymore. last time still can suck in a bit when required.. haha.. now i jus cant...
Oh gosh, I've already ordered some maternity clothing online haha. My usual clothes and bras are already a big snug.

What iPhone apps are all of you using? I'm using the BabyCenter one, BabyBump and Sprout (this is my fave, especially for iPad - shows you really interesting 3D renderings of your baby's development).

littledotty, it's normal for symptoms to come and go.
I admit I get frantic too when I don't feel sick, etc but these days I feel sick most of the time. I can barely get through a single meal and dinners are the worst.
peaberry, which website u order from? i need to order too... all my clothes getting tight n those in our local stores are mad expensive...

as usual... i wasted money again... could only eat half of my mac breakfast...
ftmama, I ordered from http://www.oldnavy.com/ using vPost - they're having a sale right now! Had to resist buying some baby items LOL. I agree that local maternity stores are just crazy expensive. I know the feeling about wasting your money and food. Hang in there!
very very light brown discharge need to inform gynae? I saw a little in the morning, now no more already.

Today I wore jeans and it fits v well, but once I sit down, the waist area start to feel tight and uncomfortable already. = ='
DolceVita, i already went for gynae, guess i'm just too gan chiong. I thk wun be able to see anything till 6-7weeks lo.. So if u cna wait u can go when u r in 7 weeks.. =D

preaberry, vpost very expensive de leh... lol... I'm thking to order from china.. haa.. very cheap.. lol... Cuz even if u buy those branded de, they oso MIC(made in china).. haa.. So i wan order from china... =D
Ayana, I think it's nothing to worry about but you can let your gynae know just to be safe.

VaNiLLa, I've ordered from Old Navy before so I trust their sizing and quality.
I think smaller size ladies can wear those Taiwan or Korean imported clothes; I need slightly bigger sizes cos am L haha.
Hi Ladies,

I m first time mummy after trying for very long...
I jus tested and seems positive and dun know which gynae to go to? any good recommandation i m staying in the east.

peaberry, oh.. oldnavy now got international shipping but it's $57 plus for shipping... i also wanna noe how much you pay for delivery via vpost... hehe
zara, vPost charges by weight of the package so depends on how much you buy. I ordered around 7 pieces, including Winter accessories and stuff for my DH, so might be quite heavy. Will let you know when I get the bill from them, as the package is still being shipped from the US. Already saved quite a bit cos of the sales on Old Navy website.

ftmama, I tried visiting some local sites but their sizing was so small! Envy mummies who can just wear bigger clothes and not maternity clothing specifically. ASOS also has nice maternity wear but they're a lot more expensive. I don't think I'll order from them unless I need something very special for a special occasion. Let me update you on my vPost shipping bill. I didn't opt for the Old Navy international shipping because it seemed quite expensive.

Lyn, congrats and welcome!!!
Hmm not sure about the East, but if you want someone central, I'm seeing Dr Lai from Camden Medical Centre. He's super nice and goes to any hospital.
Hi!! Welcome all the first time mummies! Me saying hi. Here I am saying hello to all. Me sahm caring my 3.5 year old. So tiring too.. Mil only helps out when I work part time half time certain days! Tiring men
Welcome Lyn! You may want to try Parkway East. ,y friend delivered there and quite good..

Re: clothes!
Yes, my clothes are getting tight too, esp round e tummy, dunno why coz i thought we don't grow alot during this time??? but my tummy very bloated then very uncomfortable so I tried to wear dresses, think it is time to buy..old navy sounds gd!

Ayana, just call your gynae up. I called mine yesterday when I had spotting for past few days, she said ok as long as no fresh bleeding or cramp..but I still worry.. sigh..
my stomach also feels bloated.. i think i'm slightly constipating these few days too.. but still hungry from time to time.. eat and feel even more bloated. i have to eat less but more frequently. regular 3 meals make me uncomfortable. But i still am thankful that i can eat lah..

wearing loose clothes, drinking less coffee, not drinking alcohol, stopped some sporty activity and are making pple suspicious n i very scared they ask me cos i dun wish to tell yet. but when pple ask, i cannot say i am not preggy cos "pandang" that bb will not be happy... how?
Clothes: Actually, I can't believe it either, how come so fast cannot fit in already. Some more I'm wearing those low cut jeans. Stand up its ok but sit down very tight.

But its good cos got excuse to shop haha..

Spotting- Thanks littedotty, ftmama, pea for the advise.
Ayana, think it's the bloating. Didn't actually gain any weight but the bloat is making my clothing snug!

zara, think you can tell people that you're unwell. I attended a wedding and told people I'm taking meds for flu so cannot drink alcohol. They stopped questioning after that. Some might ask more about your "illness" but just brush it off as the flu hehe.

It's lunchtime! Facing the same dilemma as to what to eat. I threw up my breakfast just now. Don't want to have to run to the toilet again later...
peaberry: yah, tat's what i said.. haha.. but because in the past i'm very active, always join in all the activities.. now i always flu... but no choice lah, i have to blame it on the "flu" first.. tonight fren celebrating bday at some ktv.. aiyoh.. i have to "flu" myself again.. ahha.. jus hope they dun ask too much..

hope u all have a great lunch!
hi all! i usually start work at noon so when i come in here and see the thread has archived again! haha! my jeans felt snug. though i didnt gain weight at all, must be all the bloating too. didnt have much appetite for lunch, just had a box of cherry tomatoes.
Hmm seems like a number ladies here dun have appetite? On the contary, I have very good appetite leh.

Anyone same as me?
ayana, mine is random. on some days i feel like eating a whole bunch one some days i dont feel like having anything at all. :| or i desperately wnana eat it but once i eat it i find it very disgusting.
Ayana, mine is super random too. Most times I feel like I can eat a horse and I want to order everything on the menu, but I don't feel like putting any of it into my mouth. Does that make sense? Haha. Last night, I ordered noodles for dinner and when it arrived, the smell turned me off and I couldn't eat it at all. DH ended up eating two dinners...

beebeemer, cherry tomatoes - yum!
Re: appetite,
Im jus normal lo.. But felt more hungry easily.. But sometimes oso dun feel like eating. So far I'm eating good.. Haa.. But I noticed If I eat too much, very Xing ku.. Like all e food can't go down n end up felt so full n uncomfortable.. So I try to stop when I feel I'm gonna be full.. Eat abt 70%.. or 80%.. I can 100% but after tat suffer liao.. So I try to adviod it.. N when I'm hungry I was food immediately de. Haa.. Can't wait!! Lol..

Re: Clothes,
Im not skinny kind so all my clothes r actually all quite loose.. So no problem for me..
but I have a short which I find it tight Liao.. So I stopped wearing it.. Haa
that's good babypom and ayana, good that ur appetites are not affected..

I also have problems with eating, hungry but cannot eat too much at one time..but we have to eat so that bb will grow stronger!
littledotty, if you can't eat, please drink something eg milk, milo, cereal etc...

I am eating small meal like every 3-4 hours
fun, ok thanks!

i bought ginger slices but its sugar coated n i find it too sweet... will try the ginger tea n see if it works
Dunno why but this time around I don't feel like having ginger tea! with my first one, i took those kind of instant ginger tea almost daily.. now i drink liao wanna puke..

Finally out of my tight skirt!! home early today but nausea seems to hit me most intensely when i m home.. machiam at work it is kept at bay like that.. boo..
Me too !
Must eat when feeling hungry, any delay will start to feel nauseous..
But cannot finish everything, eat oni half and im full le...then 3 hrs later, im hungry again and need to find food.
Also not satisfied with just snacks like biscuits, wana eat meals...

This is quite different from my 1st, as I can eat alot then and even had supper, just keep eating n eating then....
Hi dolcevita

i'm same as u! this is totally different from my #1!
#1 dun recall eating so much... clothes oso almost cannot fit in when i'm only 6 wks now!
#1 i can still wear till 5MOS!
Baby Tots,

Im opp from you, alot of my clothes are tight by the time im 3mths. And I ate alot during my #1.
Now, still early stage, so far clothes can still wear, weight didnt increase and appetite not so good, keep wanting soupy stuff...

Btw, my #1 is a gal, yours ?

Dolcevita, me too same wif u.. Haa.. For me daytime meal can be fuller but at night I can't take full meal.. Felt very uncomfortable.. I tried a few times Liao.. So dinner can't eat too full..

Like tis morning my mil cooked noodles n it's a big bowl but I eat till like 90% den stop le.. Probably it was ard 12pm and 20 mins ago I'm hungry.. So I ate a waffle.. Haa.. Cheese ham.. Haa.. I'm not hungry le but I jus feel like eating.. Lol..
