(2012/05) May 2012

Hi all,

Just to check. It means if u are spotting or bleeding, that means u are prob in danger of a miscarriage? So tht means if all is fine, baby should be ok?

Piggywiggy, happy to hear the good news

Newbie, have more rest ya

Littledotty, added u

Farhana, some do carry their babies to full term despite having spotting

Ftmama, can try some 100+ too

Fern, still cannot add u dunno why
All mummies,

Jus wondering if you gals live alone or with paretns or inlaws?

I know its abit too early to ask this, but i thk very far leh,.. keke.. =D

Will u gals find CL(confinement lady)?

Haa.. i'm really excited for my next 2 weeks scan lo.. keke...

Tho my gyane told me not to tell anyone but i decided to tell my parents cuz they can help make the chicken esscense.. keke.. Or brew any an tai medicine for me la.. haa... Really so excited.. keke.. =D

Hope i can get to hear the heartbeat and sac and everything!! =D

Re: Pimple Outbreak,

Do you gals apply anything? I cannot tahan leh. I applied the Garnier Ance roll over de.. Used to be quite effective but now like no use liao.. lol..

What did u gals do for e pimple ar??
I am staying w IL.

For confinement, I will have to hire CL lor cos my mum old liao and MIL not so willing

Pimple - now I dun hv cos cant advise. If u use any pimple cream, pls check ingredient is ok to use for pregnant. Dunno if aloe vera helps?
sadsad>> i din have any MS at this moment.. most friends said MS may kick in anytime from the 6th week onwards..

as for the folic acid from guardian, i have verified with the guardian staffs, it's the house brand 'guardian' folic acid in container that they have recalled.. not the strip ones at the guardian pharmacy area

travelling wise i think so long as it is short trips it should be fine.. im gg for two short trips before end yr..so long as dun walk too much should be ok..

anyone know are are the fruits to avoid? banana safe to eat?
Babybom, wa.. ur inlaws place still gt place for CL to sleep in meh? I tot CL will sleep over, they help u look after bb at night and cook for u and wash ur clothes n bb clothes?


Huh.. how to check whether cna use anot?
farhana: think better inform gynae, I had very light spotting too, can only see when wipe but to play safe, just inform her..

vanilla: I am staying on our own, do we really need to get CL now??? alot are saying Dragon year very hot in demand..
morn all... early morn my MS started again... was enduring thru-out the car ride... then merlion when i reach office... wonder how to survive the day
Actually is it necessary to get CL? Anyone of you not getting CL? Cos I'm a bit not used to people living with me.

I also got pimple popping out, lucily 2 big pimples only, at first I thought its AF coming. haha, My chin area start to have redness too.

ftmum - how many weeks are you in now? Are you week 6 already?

BB and BabyPom- haha so its not only me that thought that the jab is painful! The jab seems taking forever! I did not look at the injecton but it takes some time to inject everything in! And afterwards, my left leg seems to be aching too. Luckily its only for a day.

My next scan will be next Sat. =) Hopefully can see something. By then it will be 6 weeks ++

VaNiLLa - I may be going back to Dr Ang too, afterall, I paid $200 to him in the first visit. lol But still thinking, considering...

Chloie - I google liao, heart beat faster is normal, relief to hear that =)
ayana - yup 6 weeks + now... actually i also duno if i shd get CL coz MIL said she will do and i'm also not used to have other people in the house...

are you jabbing progesterone or proluton? i tried both before... the proluton is damn painful lor...
babypom, thanks for creating the fb group! My username on fb is Patricia Cheung, nick SHM is Rosegal ...

BB shalyn: so coincidental! wah... you might have your baby on your birthday!
babymoo & babykk, so sorry to hear the news.. i've been not as active these few days - if you are still reading this pls do a mini confinement to get better, plus, pple say that during the 3-6 months after each loss, the womb becomes more fertile, so babydust ya? Take care!
morning ladies!

re: pimple cream. i suggest get from the gynae, they stock the pregnancy safe ones. quite effective for me. it is getting slightly better, though pimples are still popping up like there's no tomorrow. sighs...but smaller ones...not like the big painful kind.

re: confinement lady. i dont think im getting, also not used to having stranger in the house. most likely move back to my mum's place for that month.
confinement lady>> not must to have. esp if u live with parents or IL and they are willing to help. Of course if have you probably get a better rest coz everythign "outsource" hehe

pimple>> gosh i have a huge one on my arm of all places! thinkign of getting it checked at the GP.

MS>> not at all leh
i think MS is good sign. means your hormones are good

I need help. later i got BBQ but pregnant so early stage, can eat BBQ food not?
sadsad, make sure the food are fully cooked bah n avoid seafood in case not fresh... dun eat otah too coz it contains coconut...
Sadsad, say got sensitive stomach hehe

Ayana, jab take longer while cos is oil based wor

Ftmama, I took proluton x 3 so far

I am gg for my gynae appt this afternoon. Wish me luck
sadsad, they got order other food like rice or bee hoon? if have maybe can eat those? i noe its hard to turn them down n dunno wat reason to give...

babypom, is the fb grp you created a secret grp? (coz i dun intend to announce my pregnancy in fb) if yes i would like to join u all... will pm u my details...
update us later babypom!

farhana: just to let you know, I called my gynae about the spotting and she asked if I see fresh blood or have painful cramps, which I have neither. She said then no prob, but if have then go to the clinic immed..

Going for BBQ is very tricky, think I would say I have tummyache and doc advised not to eat BBQ food in case not well-cooked..

Think tmrw I ask my mother if can do confinement for me..heeehee, best is always with own mother..
wahhh... so many posts!!!
vanilla: ur gynae so good! my one talk for 20-30min.. then charge me $370!!! almost fainted.. hubby also almost fainted.. my nxt appt 27/9.. i tink another $370.. gosh... ur doc from where?

babyporn: good luck... so exciting hor!!! btw, are u agnes tan? cos i rec an add, but never reveal anything.. and hor, me same as ftmama, i dun intend to tell anyone yet.. only family and here in forum.. hahaah...
Hi all,

I would like to join in too.
Just discovered Im preg on Mon, thru test strip. The 2nd line was very faint. So on Tue, went GP to get MC and to get tested again, he confirm positive.
From website, est due date should be 14May11.
This is my 2nd preg, my first child is 2yrs old.

Having menses like cramp since a few days b4 menses was due till now, should be normal right ?
Planning to see gynae prob next week or later bah =)
Hey ladies, I'd like to join you as I'm due in May too, 9th of May to be more specific.

Had my first u/s at 5W6D earlier on Tues and we saw and heard a really strong heartbeat! Really excited as this is our first child. Hope to get to know more May mums-to-be!
Ayana, I thk u should go back to him. At first I too dun like him cuz I find him too chop chop Liao. Which I tot he wun bother to explain anything to me, like jus scan if ok den say ok kind. But since my 1st visit is too early to scan anything, so I guess there's not much for him to say too. And he even pasted the scan onto the booklet by himself, which I was quite surprised! I mean he could have asked me todo it myself. I'm more sensitive in small area things so u can see he is actually very caring. And most of all, his charges are consider quite cheap compare to others.

Zara, Wah!! Urs from where sia.. Lol.. Already half of my package Liao leh.. Lol.. Anyway, my Gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang, he is located at Sun Plaza. I was with him since I started ttc-ing. Took 3 cycle of clomid and strike on e 1st cycle, he was quite surprised too.. Haa.. So do I.. Keke.. =P

When I was ttc-ing I dun really like him as he is e chop chop kind. And talked really fast!! So when I was pregnant I rethought whether to go bCk to him. Initially I wanted to change Gynae but had a discussion with BH, he said e Gynae I wanna change is located at TMC and stick wif Dr Ang is at sembawang. He consider and say stick to Dr Ang better, cuz he mention if anything were to happen, choi!! *touchwood* It's more convenient and faster to go back to him. If at TMC, peak hr jam like dunno wat den how? So we stick to him.

Anyway his charges if I'm not wrong, 1st consultation is $80, scan is $70. Sub visit, consultation is $50, scan $50. While At least for me these r e 2 charges tat I was charged lo.. Haa.. Soamube u can thk abt it.. Cuz I rely felt ur Gynae is way too expensive. Is jus e consultation alone is so ex den e doc delivery fee sure damn ex le lo.. 2k-3k, if gt complication? Need c-sec, 3k-4k? I canny imagine e bills.. So no offense wor.. =D but I thk very far.. =D

Re: CL
It's not a compulsory thingy. It's up to individual. For me now I'm loving wif my ils, I definitely wun be doing my confinement here. So I'll be going to my mother's place. if everything is smooth I'll be buying my house before I give birth and I'll be doing confinement at my own place. Highly likely my aunties wun let me find any CL de la.. Haa.. Thk most probably they will come by and cooked for me. Or my mom will cooked. So if I already had my place so my aunt can sleep at my place lo. Haa.. So I can save e portion for CL cuz it's not cheap de lo.. Some more dragon year sure super hard to find n super ex la!! Normal de already ard 2k, next year probably 3k..

I just went one last week. I thk it I alright ba.. So long e food r all cooked!! Cuz my Gynae asked me to eat ask normal do everything as normal as tho not pregnant lo.. So it means can go BBQ le Ma.. I jus make sure e things I eat is really cooked lo.. And I already skip cold drinks since I noe I'm expecting. Bring water bottle everywhere.. Haa.. Only once in a while I will drink 1-2 slip from my BH. Tats all..

Re: Milk powder for Mama,
U gals started drinking already? I saw e ingredients from e sample mamil mama. It contain folic acid leh. So I was wondering if can take anot? Cuz if I take e folic acid pills everyday liao den now drink e milk will I be over dose by folic acid? Lol... =D

Anyway, good luck to those who r going for scan tdy!! I can't wait for mine!! Still gotta wait 2 weeks!! MuahahahahA.. So excited.. Felt excited for those who r going tdy de.. Cuz mostly r going for e heartbeat right? Haa..
babypom, my OBGYN wanted to see me early as I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), and he wanted me to take Progesterone as soon as we confirmed a viable pregnancy.
Otherwise won't be so early also.
Hello mummies,

The thread is really moving fast! I wont join on facebook, cos of firewall issues, so unless I'm using my hubby's iphone, otherwise, I hardly check my facebook account!

Re: CL. My mil did the 1st one for me. Just basic cooking, the rest of the stuff, actually we still do it on our own. New born sleeps a lot, and if they wake up, they basically wants milk. So cos I was fully breastfeeding, there's no need for anyone to help me with that. So it's pretty easy actually, except for colicky babies of cos...

If you are planning to look for CL, look for one who is pro-breastfeeding. If not, you'll really get a hard time, cos they'll keep telling you that you don't have enough milk, and to supplement with formula.... Even with my mil for my son, my mil will keep telling me that. Luckily for my hubby who's very supportive, I managed to pull through the difficult times.

Going for my 2nd gynae check tomorrow. Should be 6weeks.. hopefully can hear heart beat. Anyone, who places your hand on your tummy, can actually feel heart beat? Hee.. don't know if it's mine or the baby's! hahaha.
babyporn, dotty: my gynae is dr chan hk, gleneagles. my fren intro him.. say he very good, very professional. well, he is la, but abit exp. maybe during my nxt appt with him, i will ask him about his package. if not, i might change also.. if nt, really very very shiong.. but he is one of the gynae that delivered mark lee's son and goh chock tong's grandson.. n he is one of the 6 gynae in singapore that has a 4D machine that can see ur bb movement...
peaberry - wow so fast can see heartbeat ah... i can't wait to see this sat... i'll be 6W4D... hope everything will be ok...

Milk powder - i was thinking of buying enfamama or anmum coz they have chocolate flavour! i dun like pure milk
Littledotty: Thanks for the info. Actually i dont have spotting. Just wondering

So excited to see so many updates. For me, the cramps have stopped. So now it makes me worried if baby ok or not. Hehe...so kanchiong. When got cramps complain, now no cramps I think baby not ok.

So did a HPT for the 5th time and luckily it still says pregnant.

The wait is killing me. Can't wait for next Sat to do the scan and detect the HB. Hopefully all is ok.
Vanilla, folic acid is water soluble so it will get flush out if too much

Zara, ohhh that explain the expensive charge haha... $100+ each visit alrdy very siong for me. $300+ I will faint

All the waiting time is keeping us in suspense arrrggh!!! Meanwhile try to relax and think positive

Happy mummy, happy babies
Hi ladies!

Re: CL - Will call my CL once I detect heart beat. Must kiasu abit cos next year is dragon so I presume there will be more babies.

Re: BBQ - Add some bbq food last sat. I only ate the chicken wings, otah & hot dog. I stay away from the seafood.

Anyone has a slightly bigger lower tummy? Have been on vegetarian diet for the past month, only started to eat meat from last thur to sun [I self excuse myself cos of the little one]. Started vegetarian again this week. Ever since I took meat, I felt my tummy bigger. But this whole week have been on Veg, still big lei! And my jeans is tighter. I hope my tummy is not growing too fast. I do remember friends telling me that 2nd preg will show earlier. *finger cross* I hope I can still wear my normal clothes till week 32 at least.
ftmama: haha....that's why. we just have to wait i guess.

babypom: yeps waiting time is killing us. thanks for the advice. my DH also keep telling me not to worry but i guess we women, know ourselves better since we are the ones going thru it.
Hi krc.

Me also baby no 2. Eldest is 3.5 years. Do add me in facebook ok? Those w bb no hw u deal with eldest. Keep sticking w me. N shows tempers easily. Mil say he jealous
Re cl, yes I am confirm having one just like my no1 I also have a maid n mil will come Over help deal with no 1 n oversee maid n confinement lady. So that I can have enough rest
milk powder - Oh I didn't know milk powder so expensive one, one tin around $25? Wonder can last how long.

Peaberry - wow congrats on hearing the heartbeat! How does it work? using the ultrasound machine too? and using earphone or wat? I also have pcos....

vanilla - yah, most prob will go back to him, as soon as my current gynae says ok and discharge me, cos he dun do delivery anymore.. But I'm a bit disappoint Dr Ang didn't give me any med to support the preg, you know la, first timer, very kiasu ma.. But ya Dr Ang is good cos I've a few friends whose babies are delivered by him.

Zara, yours talk for 20-30 min very good le, I think mine like 5-10 mins only cost $210.

Babypom, oil based jab?!

Beebeemer: my appetite aso quite good, but after eating, my stomach seems to be v tight and bloated...

chloie - Yes, I feel my lower tummy like bigger dunno why and above the belly button the stomach area aso feel bloated and tight. I used the measuring tape yesterday and found that my waist increase 2 inches (not cm haha) ! Happy la, cos I'm severly underweight.
Ayana - Thanks! We had a transvaginal ultrasound.
Didn't use earphones. Are you taking any hormones for PCOS?

Chloie - My lower belly is slightly bigger too but I think it's just me and not the baby showing haha!

Anyone have a gut feeling of what gender their baby is? I have absolutely none, so strange. DH and I would really love a boy for our first born though. Fingers crossed!
peaberry, I had one hormone jab only, and taking duphaston and another small purple pill which I forgot the name. How about you?

What med are you taking?

So you mean, can hear the heartbeat sound from the machine? There's a speaker attached issit?

Ayana, yes there's a speaker attached hehe! It's very sensitive and could pick up the baby's heartbeat (it was 108 bpm).

I'm taking 200mg Progesterone and 1500mg Metformin for insulin resistance daily.
