(2012/05) May 2012

ayana, may i ask the hormone jab is it progesterone jab? i'm currently on proluton jab n utrogestan inserts...

juz curious wat are the supports that diff gynae give...

i juz wasted a whole plate of my lunch after a few mouthfuls... juz can't stomach the food...

congrats peaberry! I am so happy for you! I am a first-time mummy too so really excited

chloie, I think me too, as long as bb is settled done and well in my tummy, I will call for CL if my mummy cannot take care
peaberry, babypom - oic! haah very curious on how it works haha!

Peaberry, I stopped my metformin liao after knowing I tested positive.

Oh I bought it with my today, the other medicine I'm taking is called medolin.

ftmama, I also dunno what kind of jab. The nurse told me its hormone jab though. And it takes very long to inject in.
wow this thread sure moves fast!
ftmama: try to keep some sour plum in your bag so you dont get car sickness? i just finished 1/2 a tuna sandwich. so wanted to eat it, finished 1/2 then feel very er xin now.
piggywiggy: happy to hear the good news congrats!! :D
newbie: bed rest! dont anyhow move around since got mc must make full use. stay home watch some tv, dont over exert. poor me have to work!
but as long as baby is healthy, so far i have not had bad MS yet i hope it doesnt start till end of 12 weeks. otherwise it's gonna be very obvious for people to in the office. i ma lready going toilet so frequent my colleagues ask me if i am okie!

btw i would like to join the FB group too, issit a closed group? i am afraid if i join then its obvious when i post or smth cos we arent telling friends yet.
Chloie, yikes I hope everything's okay! Please keep us updated. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

littledotty, thanks so much and congrats to you too! So happy yet cautious at the same time.
Chloie, your gynae will be able to give you the pregnancy support to stop the bleeding. Keep us update and try to have more rest
wow this tread really moving fast now!

haha thanks for all your tips, i'll try them!

babypom>> hope u see hear heartbeat liao! 6 weeks ya? keep us updated!

tummy>> ya mine oso seem to gotten bigger

welcome to all the new mummies!
Oh Chloie, hope all is well!!!

Fern, are you stay home mom? I have a different situation, cos my hubby is the main caregiver. So my son will not stick to me. My hubby is very good with kids (he's just amazing! No need to do anything, will attract lots of kids to him!), so all things big or small, I leave it to him to handle. We each has a different role to play.

Maybe you can show your son that you care alot about him too, and always assure him that you love him. I always tell my son that if he wants attention, just tell me straight, and I'll give in to him. If he throws a tantrum, nobody likes it, and will ignore him totally. That seems to work most of the time. of cos, then you must be prepared to drop everything when your son said he wants attention...

Sigh.. think I'm going to get more vitamins from my gynae tomorrow.... I've lost 1kg for the past 2 weeks!
Hi all MTBs

Those who like to join us in FB, please note this is a secret group meaning only members in the group will be able to see the comments.I know most of us would like to keep a secret till week 13
Krc, yes me sahm as working only part time. He is wry close to me since young though I was working pArt time. Gave up job since didn't like the way she look after I def can't along w in laws hence had a maid to help though me part time
Working only. My boy is better now once a while when I explain baby loves kor kor. Hw old yr boy?
Hi chloie, pls take care. Don't panic! I spotted red with my son yet delivered him full term. Do update us!

Peaberry, I heard my baby's heartbeat yesterday too!! 123 bpm. It's amazing!!

Re: tummy
Mine is sticking out!! Quite obvious ESP in the evenings. Very bloated!!

Nobody wanna do a table here? Just have some basic info such as nick, gynae, expecting no what, and ur EDD.
Hi Fern, mine just turned 3. They can't really experience how baby loves kor kor yet.. so perhaps, don't use that. Tell him you love him instead, and you'll very happy if he loves your baby too. Cos if baby comes out, he'll be taking eveything away from kor kor.. so how in the world, would kor kor see it as baby loves him. hahaha..
Fern, KRC, u told ur first born already? I don't dare to tell my son. I told him I was expecting before and then I miscarried. For the next 3-4 mths he kept asking me if baby was inside me. I was so heartbroken and kept tearing each time he asked.
Chloie, hope everything turns out well.. Thk positive ya!! Keep us posted ya!!

Re: Tummy,
Mine is already fat tummy so whether anot is it growing I really dunno.. Haa.. Can't tell. I dun have a flat tummy to compared with.. Lol..
I think is ok to tell my son cos he asked me that months ago n my son is v attached to me lies jumping
Ny body ESP sit my tummy so ever since I explain he v careful n takes extra care to hug kiss n pray for bb everynight. My son needs Lots explanation to me family members ok not to friends till pass over safe stage trust god all is well even at early pregnancy
all will be well. I find it very hard to lie when he asks when baby comes lor. Sometimes young kids listens explanation and he reminds daddy be careful ny tummy n say mummy I lie yr lap instead but my tummy
piggywiggy>> me too!! gosh i totally get u! i intend to tell later oso... coz i dunno if my girl really understands leh.
Piggywiggy, I also dun feel telling but he keep asking? I dunno lie leh. But gd things sometimes he forgets. Do at own comfort zone. Ok?
piggywiggy - hi, my boy also likes to jump on me.. so I had to tell him not to, and cos I have a baby in me... I think it's ok to tell, and I want to get him involved in the gynae visits, so I can show him the baby growth..
They'll slowly understand.. like yesterday, we were out.. my hub held his right hand, where I hold his left hand.. and he told me, mummy cannot swing me, cos got baby inside.
very sweet.
littledotty>> cannot leh.. some moe site

fern>> your boy ask why cannot jump is it? actualyl my daughter still crawling all over me
that evenign suddenly rain i still carry her and run... hai... got big kid is really hard to take care
In fact my boy jar jump Onto my stomach last week before infound out I am preggie. Thank god scan fine. Mine love jump on me so recently he say why cannot jump. Mummy don't love me anymore? So I explain have baby n since then e very careful with tummy he say I want kiss baby n mummy cannot carry ask daddy carry! Before preggie I only carry on bed nt around. So actually v sweet if our elder kids
understand. Mine even put toys bks, milk into my stomach. Say share w baby. But ask me why baby can't ans back so cute
Hi Everyone

I'm in my 2nd pregnancy and currently in my 7th wk. Just went Gynea for my first visit last monday and the little one already has a heartbeat. :D

My EDD is first wk of May 2012 and hopefully can be on the same day as my hb's bday

My first one is already 6 yrs old this yr. This is actually a planned pregnancy as i wanted a dragon (same as my hb)

Been having some major (i think it is to me) morning sickness problems going on. Nausea is Number ONE enemy!
hi fun! how do u cope with MS?

talking abt dragon year... my fren was telling me to start doing volunteer at schools coz dragon year sure alot of babies n difficult to get into school of ur choice next time... haha...
Hi ftmama

I've been craving back wat i had craved for last pregnancy.. vegetarian bee hoon!

My first preg's MS is not as strong as this time ard.. so i am still trying to cope my way. Now currently taking anti nausea med from gynea.. on and off..

My son already got into Chongfu Primary, so just follow suit for this #2
Chloie, phew that's a relief! Agree with the rest to take care and to get more bed rest if needed.

Littledotty, thanks for creating the spreadsheet!
Yes farhana! I am a teacher that's why I thought using our document link can do but think moe too secure.. so I did another one..

Really tough to keep standing and climbing the silly stairs man..
wow everyone went in i cannot update hahaa
peaberry u so young! and i live quite near u =)
chloe, good to know! take care!
