(2012/05) May 2012

zara: me too, wanted to watch tv but just can't take it and slept..I only wake up to pee once and very strange, it is always ard midnight..

My hubbby and I intend to travel in Dec to Taiwan, is travelling ok? I told him we ask the gynae during our next visit for her opinion..

littledotty: i think Dec will be 2nd trim right. travelling then should be find, if pregnancy has no complications. i also intend to go travelling in dec..babymoon!

actually, i have to travel for 2 weeks in early Nov (like week 13) for work. I already asked Dr Liauw, she say ok. she like very cool hor. everything also ok one. haha.
hi babypom, thanks! My ID on facebook is Denise Teh, nick on SHM is littledotty

Yes Olivia! She is very cool, my hubby asks her about what I cannot eat, she says everything ok, just in moderation..
Where are you going in dec?
Littledotty: havent decided on location for babymoon. but most likely will be one of those chill at a beach resort type of getaway. =)

what about you?
OMG! So much posts, just glance thru first.

Ayana> I do experience faster heart beats too! And I can feel it pumping really hard. I hope it's all ok.

Baby MoO & Babykk> So sorry about your loss. Please take good care of yourself & rest well!

VaNiLLa> I felt my temper going worst. A little bit will flare up at my hb liao. He has been very understanding. He said during the previous one, my temper was very bad too. So he more or less expect my temper to go up.

littledotty> I also plan to go for a trip during cny. Cant decide where yet. Hope I can get a all clear from my gyne then.

babypom> Thanks for trying to create the private group. My FB nick is Chloie Peck.
ooh, I am going to Taiwan
Been wanting to go and plan for it already, didnt expect will get pregnant!

beach resort really nice and relax, stress-free, good for baby!

Chloie, which place are you going?
littledotty> Maybe aussie? Since I cant celebrate the coming cny, got to take the chance & go away.

Fern> Isit? Didnt see lei. Think my fb got selective mode on who I can see.
babyporn: my fb is Evelyn Chew ([email protected]) thank u for doing this.. so sweet of u!

littledotty: me already planned a europe trip too,booked half the hotels and air tickets. Asked my gynae n he told me that travelling is actually ok.. he even used an analogy which i liked.. monkeys also never stopped swinging from tree to tree even if they r pregnant! cabin pressure all that are ok, and the comfort level of the seating. if its a long flight, he suggest business class. gynae only worry the medical facilities of the intended country you are going to, that's all. but anyway, i cancelled europe le, just nearby hongkong/ taiwan for shopping...

*sleepy again*
Hi Mummies,

Fern: im expecting no 2.. so we are in the same boat.. this 2nd one is so much different..

Beebeemer: im having the similiar like u too.. my face kinda dry and peeling.. sometimes i need to rub my face or scratch it.. i dun use makeup already once i got my MS.. and always feel thirdty.. drink water and always running to the toilet.. plus.. feel like vomitting thru out da day.. haiz..

I hope all da mummies here will do alright.. just take good care of ur health and dun carry heavy things and to be to stress..
I hope i can go overseas too.. been planning but once we've got to now tat im pregnant.. everything postpone.. its hard to tell my hubby tat its ok to travel in my 2nd trimester.. haiz..
siti: ask your gynae, if gynae allows u to go.. my gynae thinks its ok.. his theory is, life goes on as per normal, do what you want to do, with caution. asks your gynae to convince ur hubby.. my hubby is only concern my first trimester.. n i also really want to go to my fren's wedding in HK on 8 Oct, but it might only be like 7-8wks by then.. *pray that i can go*
will be going for my gynae appt later. hope everything is growing well. btw, the facebook group u guys talking how to add?
FB added: Chloie, Zara, babyfran

littledotty: too many Denise Teh. dunno which one is you leh

Fern: cannnot find you under your email
im travelling too! seems like many of us are in the same situation. i am going bali in early oct, thats about 8 weeks, then tpe korea late nov that should be well past first trimester. My gynae say its okie to travel, she is concern that i will be having morning sickness and will not enjoy the trip. ha!
I have pimples popping up everywhere. arghs! one goes down another comes up. whats this! hormonal going out of control i know. and i dont feel like having meat today, i finished a whole tupperware of butterhead lettuce and cherry tomato without sauce. haha.
Hi all, jus back from gyane.

After seeing the gyane it makes me feel better lo. haa.. Like spent money liao then good leh. haa..

Anyway, still too early to see anything which the doctor say its normal. So was schedule 2 weeks later at 28/09 to go back and see him, hopefully by then can see the heartbeat liao.. keke.. So excited!!

This visit to Dr Ang was quite a good one. Perhaps the previous time i wasn't pregnant yet and thus there's nothing much he could have talk to me. Today i spent ablt 10 mins inside? haaa..

Go in sit down:

Dr Ang: Hi, how are you?
Me: Good..
Dr Ang: So any good news?
Me: YESH!!
Dr Ang: wow!! You only took 1 cycle of the clomid?
Me: YES!!
Dr Ang: Ok! Lets scan and see..
Me: *walk over*
Dr Ang: So did you do any urine test?
Me: Ya..
Dr Ang: Postive?
Me: YESH!!
Dr Ang: Ok, its too early to see anything but its normal to cant see anything at this stage.
Me: Ok.. *relived*
Dr Ang: So how many of the tests you did was positive?
Me: ALL!!
Dr Ang: ALL? Cant believe it right? So how many test did you test?
Me: Many.. Like 5-7
Dr Ang: Wah!! Ok. Like tat no need to test liao. Save money. Cuz if you test like 2 tests and one is negative 1 is positive i'll test again, but if you did 5 tests and all is positive, cant be all 5 tests is spoiled right. So no need to test le.. =D
Me: Ok lo.. =D

He told me not to tell anyone until 3 months. As many things can happen during these 3 months. Not to take raw stuffs. Eat normally, go to work normally, everything as per normal jiu ok le..

Later on he explained to me the Package and the charges. He gave me a paper with what does the package includes, the vitamins, scans and consultation. I thk the package starts as early as 6 weeks. Its $570 before GST..

Then the delivery packge. Cost probably around $1,120. But all these are just estimated. The exact firgures got to wait till we really used the stuffs there then can know. haa..

After that when i was paying, the aunties there ask me to take the brochures. Haa.. Say 1st time mummy huh? I said ya.. Then she as me whether i wan to try the formula milk for mummies? Which brand i wan? I was like, i haven try before so i dunno which is good and nice to drink. So she gave me:

1) EnfaMamaA+ - Chocolate x 2
2) Mamil Mama - Vanilla x 2

And told me if i cant stand the milk taste then dun mix so thick, make it more watery.. keke.. =D

I was even given a booklet to paste my scans. haa.. Then Dr Ang even pasted the scan into the booklet himself, i mean i'm quite surprised la. He can actually gave me the booklet and as me to paste it myself but he didn't, he pasted it on himself. But he paste slanted then when i come out, i took out the scan and i re-paste it myself.. keke.. =P

The boklet itself got like

- First sign of life!
- Baby is taking shape!
- See the little hands & feet!
- It's a boy/girl!
- Everything's looking good!

It's more like a milestone thingy la. Anyway, i'll make a sketchbook for my whole pregnancy! haa.. Photos, scannings, bills, vitamins. Every visit i go i'll write something.. haa.. =D

Anyway, i felt quite ok with Dr Ang le la.. At least i felt he did explain to me what i wanted to know. Let me clear my peace of mind. =D

Re: Travelling,
I'm going to Port Dickson this month. I thk its ok ba. I nv ask the doc total forget about it. But its travel by bus so i thk it should be alright.

Re: Pimple,
My face is like shit lo... Sianz.. The pimple keep popping and pooping and all very pain lo.. wah lao...

Re: Cramps,
I asked Dr Ang regarding this. He mention it is normal la.. But unless got bleeding or spotting then it is not a good signs.

Re: Temper,
Mine is like crazy la. A litte bit only, i'll feel like crying.. haa..
Thanks Vanilla for your post. Very fun and nice to read. And so cool your gynae give you a booklet to paste the scans. like so thoughtful! very nice. =)

my DH also want to do a scrap book, i'm like sure or not? i doubt i will really bother...i'm the more bochup and unsentimental kind...i say you do lor..then he keep quiet. haha
Ya! How come they give booklet so nice??
Olivia, I bought a journal myself so that I can note the bb growth! Intending to paste the scan inside too
your gynae is so nice. mine too told me its too early to see anything. but detected a sac so all's good. waiting to go back and see her 26/9, presumably she say its 6 weeks by then. but my lmp was july 15th. meaning my ovulation is 40 day cycle!
beebeemer, finally i find someone share the similar LMP oredi. mine was 14Jul, average cycle is about 40 days. found out i m preg on the 31 Aug.. we should have the same EDD, did your doc told you about urs?
VaNiLLa> Pimples popping! Might be a boy!

Sketchbook> I did that for my previous one. Now going to use back the same book so the first one wont be forgotten.
Ya.. It was nice.. haa.. Its a booklet from the milk powder kind.. EnfaA+..

Its actually called, Ultrasound & Pregnancy Record..

hahaha.. Still can write my name n date and clinic.. lol..

I wasn't told if there's any sac. guess its really too early to see le.. haa.. So Keppy my fingers cross.. tats wat my gynae told me.. *fingers cross* lol..

Chloie, yaa.. tats wat u thk too.. lol... i started having those pimple pop out even before i tested positive.. Like in my DPO10.. wha lao.. till now still haven gone.. kepp coming n coming lo.. wha lao.. i really faint lo... so ugly..cant imagine when later down e stage more will come.. Hope i dun get a ugly face... lol.. =D

Re: Sketchbook,

Maybe we can share some ideas how to do the sketchbook and not spending too much money on it.. Haa... I have some left over stickers from my wedding preparation.. keke.. So i'll be reusing them... =D
My email is [email protected] pls add me as nt sure why i can't be found there. Just came back frm gyne too. Saw a sac n tiny baby but v small can't see properly say cme back 2 weeks later to when 7 weeks. Gd thing baby is in right position as whT gyne says and healthy pregancy but reminded me no raw food Which i don't like anyway. Paid 175 for scan n consult n multivits. 2 wks later no need pay as will be under package Liao lor
Oh babypom, it is [email protected]
Thanks! Sorry to trouble you..

Congrats on the positive scans Fern and beebeemer!

Olivia, you know whether Dr Liauw offer any packages? I heard there is none from my sister who gave birth 3 yrs ago..
@Babypom: add me too.. Shalyn Lee, email is [email protected]
Tks so much for creating..
btw, if you had the jab, you must rest alot alot. the jab is so painful, it hurts for 3 days for me. for our babies, it all worthwhile.

@rosegal: your edd is 5th may, which is my birthdate, hahaha.. my edd is 1st may, i was asking my gynae if it will drag till 5th may.. lol..

@Denise/littledotty: I also have dark brown discharge which is also known as spotting. I had a jab and medication to take everyday to stablise, also gynae say i must bed rest (meaning i can only leave my bed to toilet and back to sit or lie down), so if you have brown discharge, better tell your gynae asap. I call her when she is on leave, and she wants me to go down to tmc asap, she will come back esp to see me as well. so it may or may not be serious, but better to play safe.
@vanilla: you are so cute.. tks for the info.

i have a question, pimples normally grow on facial area right? i seldom have pimple, this time i have a very big pimple, a 10cent coin size, at my pubic hair area. izzit normal? OMG.. so scary it feels like pimple but size feel like tumour.. lol
Anyone has similar prob like me?
bb, I have added you.

The jab is painful but I feel ok after 2 hours. Maybe my butt fleshy too much fats... haha

Do you need to continue with the jab? Mine was schedule on Monday and Thurs
thanks BB, I will let my gynae know..today I don't have it and I guess becoz I didnt walk around or stand for too long, just sitting most of the time..like when I sleep at night and wake up, I do not get it too.. but I will call her tomorrow to inform and see what she says..

Did your gynae do any scan for you when you went back to see her?
Hi mummies,

Letting go of the following:
1) Avent pre sterilised cups with lid 180ml x 10 at $25
2) Avent pre sterilised refill cups 240ml x 5 at $10
3) Lamaze spin & explore garden gym for tummy time at $30

Condition: 9/10.

Kindly PM me if keen.

Thank you!!
Bb, Haa.. My post is cute.? Lol... WAh.. I dun have it ard tat area la.. Lol.. Maybe u can let ur Gynae noe?

Babypom, I PM my details le.. Check ur mail..

Re: packages

I thk my Gynae package start as early as 6 weeks... Haa.. Cuz e paper he gave me start from 6 weeks but I can only take up e package at ard 16 weeks cuz tats when e bb r considered stable. It also says wat scan need to pay which is usually e Oscar scan n detail scan. Both 100 over.. And all e money I paid before tat will be deducted n I jus pay e balance. The package is $570 before GST. =D
BB: your "pimple" may be inflamed hair follicle? I suggest you show your GP/ gynae. Sometimes can take antibiotics to stop infection. Other times, the doc may lance it for you to drain the fluid.
BB: as long as its external i think its just hormonal changes. mine is like forehead chin arghs! like olivia's suggested, see the doc can drain or if its just a huge pimple then wait for it to "ripe" and squeeze gently.

i havent talked to my gynae about package. didnt know see gynae also got package leh! i will ask next round. i cannot cannot wait to see the gynae. Please let me see my baby's heartbeat.
i havent really had MS yet (choi!) and my appetite is quite good. just that whenever i eat something oily i will puke out. cos prior to this i am actually preparing for my wedding coming 1st oct so this baby news is double bliss for us. i was on a diet and been mainly on veg and white meat so now when i take super oily stuff my body rejects it. quite sad, bye meepok/char kuay teow/ prawn noodle etc
ftmama, aiyo so poor thing. pls drink more water to keep yourself hydrated ya

My MS is mild nauseous when I gets hungry and sleepy (touchwood*)
Hi i m back from my gynae visit. saw baby's heart beat!!! i m just on time, everything measures as it is supposed to be at 6wks 4days! so happy!!

Sadsad, i use a container to collect my pee. u know those small chilli containers? i use those.. haha..

Re: travel
i went for a babymoon to Perth when i was carrying my no. 1 at 24wks. quite easy.. i strongly encourage u to do so! cos aft ur baby comes u either have no chance to travel or have to travel with bb which is no fun at all. I was supposed to be gg to NZ in early Sept! I paid the deposit 3 hrs before i tested positive. had to cancel in the end.. still waiting for refund!

Vanilla, ur description of ur gynae visit is so funny.
did Dr Ang tell u how much he charges for delivery fees? my gynae has NO packages and he charges $2K for normal delivery without assistance! ex ex ex but he is sooooo gd!

Ftmama, i don't puke but feel really nauseated everyday, esp in the evening. try hot ginger tea? i find it helps.. just eating little bit here and there rather than having big meals.
Hi all MTBs had a scare yesterday. Suddenly after work got discharged with some bleeding. Quickly rushed to MtA n see Dr Ho my gynae. Thank God managed to do a scan and able to see baby with heartbeat
so happy!!! However need to go back on fri for a better checkup to see what caused the bleeding. Was given 3 days mc so resting at home with the "an tai" meds. But buttocks aching from the injection.

All MTBs please go see the gynae if got such discharge cos my gynae said such things can be threatened miscarriage.
good to hear that piggywiggy! I hope I will see the same too nexxt week

babypom: I have added you on FB

Being nauseous: mine is throughout the day, but not vomitting, especially in the morning and in the evening..I have no appetite and a strange taste in my mouth, but really hungry so have to eat a bit..try to eat soup stuff lately..
