(2012/05) May 2012

Hi Mummies, I would like to share this piece of info on maternity shots by a good photographer.

He is currently having a soft launch promo which is going at just S$250. It includes a 2hr shoot, about 10-15 images edited and returned in low res JPG and 3 prints. More optional upgrades to the packages are available for customisations. Edits and prints go thru olor enhancements and touchups, prints are done with premium print makers. Website: http://www.3littlepics.com/. Contact: Tey Yong How +65 9793 2031. Can preview his profile on FB

rosegal: i was very upset reading your post. i think its the biggest fear anyone can have and it happened without any signs and symptoms. hugs. i hope you and your hubby can find strength to get through this and try for one when you both are ready.
the baby will bless you frm up above. and pls dont be silly, none of those things you mention attributed to the loss. Do take words lightly if u hear negative comments from people who dont understand, dont allow their unkind thinking/comments to make you feel worse. promise us u will be strong girl.
Tears welled up my eyes when i read ur post... I'm really sorry to hear abt ur loss... *hugzzz*

Hope your post-mortem will give u an answer soon... Meanwhile take good care of urself ok? U'll always have all of us here to count on if u need support...
Hi girls,
Thank you so much for your words of comfort and your empathy. Really receive all the hugs n luv n hugs back to you all
I am so touched by all of you here, you have warmed my heart. I know that things may not be easy for a while, but brighter days will come
And as I say, there are still many things in my life I can give thanks for. For now, I will take stock, seek God and seek His peace and direction.

I also pray for you all that you all will go on to have a wonderful journey ahead in your pregnancy, and really move on from this sad post of mine! Har har... :p (this post has generated so much tears!! No good!! Pregnant mothers should be happy!! :D Smile k? My angel above also wants her peers on earth to be happy hor!) Happy mommies make happy babies!! :D

Anyways, yep, I'll drop by again some other time... Meanwhile, take care too, all you May mommies! Luv you all!
Rosegal, I'm so sorry to hear that.. When I was reading ur post I really felt the pain.. I really dunno what to say to console u.. But virtually I can only give u a big big big BIG HUGZ!!

Rest well ya...
rosegal> Im so sorry to learn of your loss. It reminded me of the day I have to go induce out my girl. You need to rest well now and try for another bb soon! You will be blessed!
rosegal: i'm so sorry to hear about ur loss.. pls take care and may god bless with you with good health and yet another bb soon... *hugs* it's really great to knw that u are still positive and cheering us on.. thanks dear!

chloie: congrats on clearing the 'test'..

yip: sometimes, i still do feel the pukey feeling also..

re diaper: i thought of using cloth diaper in the day and pampers at nite.. but sigh, i dunno wat to do.. there's a bum-wear similar gmarket... much cheaper.. the inserts are not disposable and washable... but u can get the biodegradable liners which can hold the poop and not dirty the outer later too much.. that liner can be thrown in the toilet bowl and flushed away.. its the same liner u use for the cloth diapers as well..
Hello Mummies!

I am new! Very glad to join all of u in the May MTB thread!

My EDD is Labour Day 2012!!!

Going for my detailed scan on Xmas Eve! wooohoo!!
rosegal: concentrate on getting healthy. U might want to try TMC. Hugz dear.

Re: Diapers
My MIL will be using the traditional cloth type, but i guess i will be using the pampers @ night.

How is everyone's apetite? Mine is quite bad. Not that I puke everytime i eat, but the amount is like before preggy, and definitely much lesser than first trimester. Got so worried esp bb kicks are lesser or almost non-existant. Talked to bb and he kicked me once or twice today. Phew...

And I had terrible backache. Not only the usual pelvic ones. It is like between the left shoulder blade and spine at the upper back. No matter how i stretch, cant stretch there. Asked hubby to massage, 1min after that, it comes back.. =(
I also eat v little now, like pre-preggy and somehow i do not seem to feel hungry. I crave for sweet food like choc or cold desserts.

My backache is exactly like yours too.

Having disrupted sleep every night as i am either busy visiting e toilet or tossing & turning on bed bcos my tummy seem to have intermittent cramp-like pulling then i sleep on my side (either way). But if i sleep straight, my back gets painful. I wake up every morning snooze my alarm clock so many times, so tired n sleepy at office everyday.
Hello mummies! Can I join? My EDD is 2 May, just had detailed scan last Fri and its our 2nd girl girl. =)

Rosegal, sorry to read about your loss and I hope you are taking it well slowly. Take the time to build up your body and I am sure you will be blessed with another baby soon. Take care...
rabbitz: ^5! is it in between the spine and shoulder blade and about 2-3cm left from the spine? I cant seem to find a way to relieve that. =(

I have same problem of slping too! Left/right, got problem on tummy and now, i suspect my back was strained. i put two pillows below.. like one for my head, one for my back forming a long pillow if u get what i mean.. at least it supports my back. i cant think of anything else. =(

Congrats babyL!
I am having a baby boy. my first!
Dear rosegal, I really feel for u when I was reading your post. I know it's a difficult period for u..pls stay strong n take this time to build up your health!

May you be blessed again soon!
Yip, thanks! Congrats to u too! I am hoping for a boy but no fate. Anyway, now hoping for a healthy baby. Am having low placenta, pelvic pain, backache n breathlessness. Aiyo! So many problems started so early with this pregnancy.

Btw, u can get the preg pillow at Kiddy Palace. I never tried before but so far i am using a bolster to support my tummy when sleeping on sides.
Thanks BabyL. I will try to go and find a Kiddy palace.

Just took birdnest. hopefully my bb gets all of them!
Do u girls know if we can eat blood nest?
Yip, i just started taking bird nest upon reaching 20 wks. Finished 1 bottle of concentrated bird nest n MIL made me 2 tupperware of them too. But i know cant take too much in case baby got asthma.

I am not sure abt blood nest though. So far only took those normal types one.
Good Morning.... Muack!!
Today office xmas mood!!

BabyL: i also low placenta that y doc say no traveling.. no too much walk and alot of no for mi..Sianz...

I never buy any gifts for colleagues this year cos cannot go shopping... my gynea actually suggest mi to go online shopping so funny!!
Yip my mum says cannot eat blood nest, forgot the reason..

Anyway I bought a wedge shaped preg pillow, available originally from kiddy palace n slept much better without the tossing ever since. Also backache is not as bad.

Quite useful as I can use it to sleep a variety of positions including on my back but propped with it sideways.
the pregnancy pillows at Mother Care are very expensive, $100 onwards. I havent check out kiddy palace yet.

That time when i bot my normal concentrated bird nest from the shop, the assistant also told me to eat normal one. She doesnt recommend blood nest.
Where do you gals buy your concentrated bird nest? Those that are bottled and ready to eat? I was thinking of taking bird nest but since there isn't anyone to cook them for me I can only rely on ready made ones ... any recommendations?
Hi! I am also a may mummy and also sahm to a very active soon to be 4 year old! Hope p exchange views with u girls here!

I am around16 weeks too n doctor say I have low placenta too but he said will move up as I advanced in pregnancy. So will pray for the best. My eldest son was same the last time.

Nice to know All u may mummies
Good afternoon all,

Just came back from my HK trip and trying to catch up the updates from this thread... had a trip tiring trip which keeps on walking & walking...

Rosegal, i m very sorry to read your post... A big big hugz to you n hope u stay strong... God bless.

btw, wishihg you gals a blessed xmas ahead...
Hi all,

Am back from my cruise. I enjoyed myself - resting, eating. The kids enjoyed it too. The cruise is really family friendly - food, service, etc. All the waiters and stateroom attendents all learnt tricks to amuse kids. The food was fabulous, especially the desserts... I wonder how much I gained. :p

Re: Backaches at night / Difficulty sleeping
Consider sleeping on your left side with a higher pillow and hugging a soft pillow (you can lean abit on it too).

Re: Birdsnest
Yip, I try not to take blood nest. Its called blood nest coz its the 3rd (or more) nest from that bird and hence when the bird builds it, it "threw" up blood. I take "bai dong" and "jin si".
Yumii, can just go to reputable stores like Eu Yan Seng, Dragon, etc. I get mine from a supplier of restaurants and hotels who is my relative. I find the quality for that price so much better than retail (maybe coz its relative). If you want I can get from you but you have to come to redhill to collect coz its all glass bottles.

Merry Christmas all.
Dear mummies I just had Thai food for lunch and wish to share something with u all...

Turns out that we cannot take lemongrass herb at all..it will stimulate the uterus n cause bleeding hence miscarriage so pls be careful with your food..

I didn't know n had a few sips until dh n I decided to google n check on the spot..super scary..think ever since rosegal's post, am quite paranoid ESP when bb didn't kick..

Sorry rosegal didn't mean it in a bad way but first time mum I'm scared..
oh no, i been taking tom yum soup! I know cannot take lemon grass but forgot its an ingredient of the soup. Thanks for the reminder.

I got sll my birdnest conc from Zhen Zhong Ping in Oct when they having 25% discount.

i read from somewhere cannot eat too much bird nest. I'm taking one big bottle once a month. Hv to consume within 2 weeks upon open, eat time i eat one table spoon.

I am having a lot of phlegm, can anyone advise what shld i take? Pi Pa Gao?
Rosegal, I feel for you. I am pregnant with my 3rd child, and I am terrified still, especially after my precious son, the 2nd one, being born with bilateral cleft lip and palette. I am trying to gather positive thoughts to channel to the baby... but every day i pray for a kick/flutter in the tummy to indicate that he/she is fine. I am going to hv the detailed scan by Dr Lee at Mt A in January and I am excited and yet worried at the same time.
My prayers are with u, Rosegal, and I really feel for you. It's tough giving birth to someone whom you cant have and to hold forever. But if u r brave, try to see your baby and hold her... before you depart with her... i m tearing up just typing this... take care brave one...
thanks for all the advice! I will check out kiddy palace once these crazy shoppers are out! hehe!

for birdnest, i guess i will skip the bloody kind then. I am taking EYS concentrated ones. now have promo. 3 bottles for $180. 1 bottle can last for 14 days once open. Yday gave hubby a tea spoon and he was like.. opps.. $5 gone. hahaha. but really ex.

I didnt know cant eat often. Cos once open 14 days last. i guess i will just take a bit bit everyday. tho i have a boy, boy also must have pretty skin. hehe!

Lemongrass?! i took it when i was in Bali and been drinking tom yam! thank god for the heartburn that i stopped during 12 wks or so.

rabiitz, i didnt take pi pa gao wor. cos inside alot of herbal mixture. i drink hot water down.

Candymix, i am with u. dont mean to be a bad way too, but now i also ask baby to kick me, give me a sign.. it takes alot to face such situation. hope she is doing fine now..
Re: lemon grass,

Is it true? OMG!!!!! I love Tom yum soup leh!!!!
I din noe leh... Had a couple of times during my pregnancy le.. Sianz.....
I had a few sips of lemongrass drink lo, even more potent..luckily I stopped..but still feel worried..

Now worried about the 2 pieces of roast lamb I had a few wks ago during one of the Xmas lunch..people say will cause fits (yang Dian Fong)..aiyo..damn scared..any1 had experience eating lamb/mutton n bb is ok?

Think will be more careful going forward..
I love tom yum soup too, although I haven't had it yet since my pregnancy. whew! What other common foods use lemon grass as an ingredient?

Re: birdnest ... I'll try checking out EYS. One table spoon per day sounds reasonable. Would you gals be taking bird nest all the way until delivery?

Fifi: Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to trouble you, I'll try out the ones at EYS first. :p
Hi ladies!

I dun think u guys shd go overboard worrying abt what u have eaten. As long as ur baby is still ok, pls dun go and start worrying abt the morsel u ate yesterday or even last wk. u are just scaring urself and giving urself unnecessary stress. now that u guys found out the lemongrass is not gd for preg ladies, then dun eat it in the future. what's done is done. learn to let go, relax and enjoy ur pregnancy!

I know everyone is scared now but pls don't go overboard worrying abt things. most miscarriages are beyond our control. in fact being stress out all the time, watching what u eat and what u do won't help. so chill ya?

I have low placenta too.. doc nv say anything abt travelling so i m just gonna do whatever i feel ok with. everything in moderation. hopefully placenta moves up so i can deliver naturally!

Rabbitz, i take pi pa gao cos its the only thing that stops me from coughing at night! i try not to take too much western meds for now..

Rosegal, my prayers are with u. it's not going to be something that heals overnight but i know u are strong enough. Just wondering if you know abt the recurrent miscarriage group that NUH is treating? let me know if you want more info.

Anyway an early Merry Christmas to all of u! have lots of fun, love and laughter in this festive season. i think i over did it today with the office christmas party cos i had really bad pains around my pubic bones the whole day..
Lyn, same here. Gynae advised cant walk too long, carry heavy things or travelling. Even when i went for business trip this mth, i have to take progestrone jab to sustain coz of my twice bleeding. Just hope the placenta will move up as preg progresses so can natural birth n dun worry much.

Yumii, i bought my concentrated bird nest at Hock Hua. Its Guan Yan, 6 small bottles for $180. 1 bottle can finish within a week. Its 1 teaspoon every morning.

Candymix, i had tons of tom yum soup with this preg! Didnt know about the lemongrass thingy. Anyway will just stop taking from now. I also avoid taking duck, frog legs, mango n bak ku teh.
Hi ladies, pardon for the interruption, am from the March 2012 mums.

Just bought babycot recently from Baby Studio but would like to let go. Please let me know if you are interested, thanks!

Hi mommies to be, sorry to jump in.
since I'm not bf anymore, I have a Medela Freestyle pump to let go. 2months old and hardly use. Interested please drop me a pm.
Ayana, my mum told me duck is "poison", frog legs is coz scared bb will have speech prob next time, bak ku teh is coz of the star anise herbs which we cant take. Mango is coz when she had my bro, she had too much of it n my bro came out with alot of skin allergies. But i guess moderate shd still be ok. I avoided since my 1st preg so just continue with this 2nd one. My 1st preg diet was really strict, even no cold drinks or crabs. Everything also control but now i cant resist most stuffs liao. Hehe...
Rosegal, I just read ur post...
Be strong and take some time to built up ur health k.

Re: food
Actually, I agree with wat piggy said, dun get overly worry about wat u eat and everything in moderation. I had watermelon, Tom yam soup, duck meat, pineapple tarts, bak ku teh, crabs during my #1. She's okay ah. I always remember wat my gynea told me, no raw food, no alcohol and min caffeine. The rest, take in moderation.
Re: low placenta
No need to get too worry at this stage... cos as the weeks goes, the placenta may just move up. And it's not uncommon for the placenta to be low during the early pregnancy stage.

Re: pregnancy pillow
Yes, I think it really helps Us sleep better esp when our tummy gets bigger! Mine is wedge shape and I got it from Robinson during my #1.
Hi Mommies,

have a great Xmas eve (the silent night) with your loved ones.

My baby is so excited for the party tmr that he is kicking so much today. =)

Have a blessed Xmas.

I rmb someone have contact for Post Natal Malay massage lady rite?

Can i have the number?

My fren jus gave birth den e lady put her aeroplane...
Hi all my edd is 5 June. As I'm expecting twins, full term is actually 37 weeks so joining all of you here. This is my first preg. Really excited.
Hi serene, welcome..

Congrats in ur twins... U conceive naturally or IVF or took pills? Haa.. I always wanted a twins, a gal n boy.. Den can close factory le..

So urs is prince or princess?
welcome all newbies!

Happy boxing day to all!

hey.. the last time the meet up. no photos to share?

Juz came back from hong kong last week.. going to KL this weekend to celebrate my elder boy's 5 years birthday.. wah he is half a decade old already! :p
vanilla: this is from my SIL:
Lisa 9790001(three) 9026008(five)

Just change the last digit to the spelling of it.

Put aeroplane at this moment really kinda sianz

Serene: Wa! Must be damn tough on u!
I only have 1 an dmy back is breaking like mad. hehe..

welcome back astro!
wa u going those crowded places...
sorry for disturb, all mummies to be. I'm a mummy to be in Jun 2012 too.

I'm helping my cousin to sell her 2 maternity dresses in L size that she only wear once ot twice only. $30 each dress (UP : $69.90)
if interested please contact me at 97472522 for photos as i can't upload photos here
Mummies who went through the amniotic test,

Were there any after-effects? If I don't feel any cramps or pain, can I assume normal lifestyle (as in going out, walking etc) or is there any period of time which I must rest (as in bed rest, not doing anything)? Feeling very confused now.


hi mommies... and welcome new mommies here...

so quite recently on the forum, everyone holiday mood.. keke..

astro: u r good! can go to all these places.. now i shop for 3 hrs, my legs will kill me already.. unless i wear my fitflops.. maybe can shop longer.. hahah...

re food: i also agree with qinyi n piggy.. i also eat duck (actually i had craving for roast duck in my first tri), crabs, tom yam soup, cold drinks, coffee.. but in moderation.. i do avoid things like sashimi, shell stuffs like clams/ mussels, mutton ( i dun like), frogs, fresh salad.. i havent ate any bird nest also.. haha..

i also crave for macdonald's double cheeseburger, but doc was screaming at my weight so i try to control and i havent ate in 2 weeks! hahaha...

everyone started shopping alrady? i'm crazy over all the girly stuffs for my princess.. ahhaha... cant resist!!!
