(2012/05) May 2012

Hi deebee,

No after-effects. But immediately after the gynae draws the fluid, he will ask u to rest in his clinic (lie down) and give u 1-2 days of medical leave. Also, you are to call the clinic, if you feel any discomfort which includes cramps, bleeding, etc.

Take care!

Hi MM6J,

Thks. I'm worried cos I have a little girl and I'm afraid I can't avoid having to carry her. Maybe not the day of the procedure itself but the days after..
Morning mummies,

Belated Merry xmas and happy new year !
Super holiday mood, don't feel like working...

Welcome to all new mummies

Must be exciting to have twins.. do you know the gender yet?

Your nick sounds familiar. Are you from 2008 thread by any chance?

The gathering was cancelled i think... not many people can make it.

Re: food restriction,
I think some food restriction comes from the old folks and each culture brings in different restriction. I usually eat everything in moderation but those I completely avoid are caffeine (though I take tea once a day but have stop coffee since preg), alcohol absolute no no and raw or half cooked egg, meat. For lemongrass, first time i'm hearing it actually. I'm an Indonesian and use lemongrass quite frequently in cooking, so I will definitely use it at least 1-2x a week and even for my #1 things turns out ok. I try to do a search and most websites are referring to lemongrass oil or aromatherapy. But then again, if you're not comfortable then just try to avoid eating it alltogether - better to have a piece of mind

Re: birds nest,
How much should we take if we buy those ready to eat one fro EYS ? I didn't take any for my #1 but since #2 is a girl, thought maybe would take :p
Hello everyone,
Hope u all had a wonderful long weekend.

My appetite remains same as pre-preg and eating for one. Had lamien fm crystal jade and cant even finish a bowl myself. However, my tighs and arms getting more fleshy
i guess must be due to the chocolates i been indulging in. Have to cut before going fat.

BTW I received a Philips Avent electric milk warmer as Christmas Pressie. I would like to let go at $59, retail at $79. Anyonbe keen pls let me know ya

Hi vanilla and tute, I conceived naturally with no family history on either side. So it was really a surprise. As for the gender, gynae say can't really see as one was showing us the backside and the other is side view. Both were sleepy as they normally kick me at night. So waiting for detailed scan in jan.
Hi yip,
Yup I worried about logistics too. My friends also told me my back's gonna break cose theirs nearly broke with one. Lol
hi deebee,

usually, if u r preg, ur gynae will advise u not to carry ur older child. this is also in case if they accidentally "hurt" ur tummy.


wow, double happiness with no history. take good care!!
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
hi all mummies here! happy holidays! hope you all had a great one and looking forward to the 2nd long weekend this coming week :D

welcome serene! congrats on having twins! my cousin's wife too had fraternals with no history or IVF etc. Just so happened and its a wonderful gift from whoever above that is smiling down on u. when is your next scan to find out their sex? finding out 1 is exciting, cant imagine your thrill for 2!

Recently been having quite some backaches. hubby's got me a "Ortho Back" to be placed in my office, that eased a little since i sit all the time while working. the worse aches are when i wake up from bed, my shoulders or neck aches, either sidem and its getting quite challenging to flip sides.

my detailed scan is tmr morning. think i m gonna have a sleepless one tonight. hope all mummies have a great end to 2011, looking forward to our bundles of joy in 2012!
Hi mummies,

I have a brand new in box evenflo playpen to let go. Grey/lime green colour. Comes with bassinet, changing table and hanging mobile. Salesperson explaned that this model is more secure as the bassinet is zipped to the playpen with a metal bar supporting the bottem.

Looks similar to this:

Bought at $250, looking to sell at $150. Interested, please sms me at 9749 1442

Hi mummies!

My edd is 31 May but with no. 1 it maybe overdue and be 1st June. Now I am in my 17 weeks only. Have not gained any weight and is pretty worried about it. Dr also mentioned about it.

Low Placenta
I also have low placenta and Dr is also worried about it. He did mentioned that if it continue to grow downwards, I will have no chance at normal delivery. He told me not to worry as long as we rest more, it will be fine. So ladies, do rest more and I believe everything will be fine.

Food Restrictions
I agree with -tute. Everything should be eaten in moderation. However I also avoid raw foods (which the biologist has also mentioned). He said if the food is not fresh enough there might be some micro-organisms in the food that may harm the baby. But I also have friends who eat raw sashim. So I guess its everything in moderation.
A fren just delivered first baby this month, was 2 weeks earlier than initial EDD. I heard its usually the case that #1 will be earlier but i imagine it to be abt max 1 week earlier?

tlisa: did u had morning sickness? u might be losing yr own weight due to yr poor appetite but baby growth is normal? The scans will be able to tell the BB weight. I'm now 20w gained 3kg while my fren gained 9kg! Done my detailed scan last week and was surprised to know my BB is 10% bigger (longer) n heavier than expected, maybe cos i been eating durians... will stop..
Hi beebeemer, good luck for your scan. I'm sure it'll be fine. My detailed scan is on 18 jan. I just praying they'll be fine and healthy. Detailed scan is ultrasound only rite?

My belly button have been hurting lately, guess its due to expanding uterus pressing against belly button cose my tummy looks really big already.
Hi serene,

welcome! Congrats on having twins ;) envy u, can close factory if it's a ger n boy!
My belly buton also hurts recently, especially after a heavy meal, guess it's pretty normal ;)
Hey Lyn, ya. Think Its really normal for us to feel pain there. Thought is quite weird. Haha.. Long time never pop by here. Hope all of us are doing well

I also ate durians for consecutively 2 days, not much. But quite scare that baby will put on too much weight :p
tlisa, we share the same EDD on 31 May. I also did not gain any weight thus is very worried. My last check was 10 Dec but gynae said baby is growing fine. Like you, now 17 weeks and my next check will be the detailed scanning on 9 Jan.
I just hope this will not be the same as no.1 as he was born premature with very low birth weight... I was so paranoid that i actually rented a fetal doppler to hear baby's heartbeat everyday.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Yumii: No worries. As long as you get your bird's nest from a reputable source, its fine. Whether you like the concentrate or not concentrate, raw or ready to cook is up to you.

Re: Foods
As what some others have said. Don't worry too much about foods. Just take everything in moderation. There are many myths about foods and they are just myths and superstitions. Avoid if you want but just ensure you have a balance diet. As for items like lemongrass in foods, moderation is the key & what has been eaten is eaten. Let it go.

Re: Low Placenta
I had for previous 2 pregnancies. More than 50% of preganant women have low placenta detected during detailed scan. This is because the womb is small. As the womb expands, usually the placenta shifts upwards with the expansion. The only thing is do not carry heavy things & no sex because the opening of the womb is not stretchable and hence placenta at that position has risk of detaching if the womb opening is "stretched apart".

tute: If instant bottles (non-concentrated), can consider 1 bottle once a week or once every 1.5-2 weeks. Increase frequency later on. If concentrate, then consider maybe divide into small portions to take once a week or so also.
CNY is around the corner. All the abalone and other clams seafood should also be taken in moderation. Heard my fren says even sotong and prawns shld take minimum as likely to cause BB skin allergy.
Are u all having acid reflux? half the time i am and mouth always tasted sour. I was recommended to take 'flavoured' fish oil so that in 3rd tri when the reflux gets worse, i wun get put off by the fishy taste. I think it kinda make sense bcos during the times when i throw up with my last consumed being food durian or ice cream, i didnt feel as disgusted as the 'after-taste' was sweet and easier to get over.

i am sick of losing my taste buds due to the reflux. The only solution is -- Antacid.
my detailed scan was pretty fun, but it was all over in 1/2 hour. baby was lying in the same position as me when doing the scan, but doc said not worry usually they will turn down in third trimester. i got my scans in x-ray films, its kinda hard to see cos i have to put it against the light but fun nonethless. finally got a bottom up shot of in between the legs :D

rabbitz: my baby is longer than average too! i was afraid its going to be a big baby then i will have a hard time giving birth to him. so doc says it depends when i am due, if full 40w will be big but she says usually #1 will be earlier than expected so we are expecting the baby out early May instead of mid May. Other than this all is good.

p.s my mum called and said she saw my fav stall selling durian and got me 2 boxes! last box for 2011 :p 3 days till it ends anyway ha!!!

i have been taking seafood pretty regularly cos i dont like meat still. so my food choices are fish or noodles/rice then theres prawns inside. eeks! then i should "jie kou"
I used to have quite a bit of acid reflux. recently kinda more controlled. (cross fingers). I heard and tried of ways like, take biscuits to "soak" the acid and push it down etc. All didnt work la. I had to tahan the pain, else, keep making myself puke the acid out. try to control diet, hard but i guess no choice. =(

for the puking, hubby suggested that since there was a pattern in my vomitting, i shld eat the medicine away from this pattern. I usu puke @ night and in the morning, so i only take medicine after i puke (at night), or just before i sleep (to confirm no more puking). U might want to try it.

Haha! after months of puking, tomorrow is 1 week of no puking solid gross food! morning puking biles juice etc still happens, but no more food! hehe. i agree on the "after taste" of the vomit. for me, MILK is the worst. if u mix milk and food then vomit, good luck. A bit gross, but there was once i puke right after drinking ginko nuts and barley dessert. lol.. i can still munch the leftover barley! keke..

Beebeemer: so cute!! i cant wait for mine! ur baby so obiedent. When u say ur baby is longer than usual, care to share the measurement so that we can do our comparison? Mine is still far away.. 16th Jan =(
Beebeemer, Haa.. I can't wait for mine too.. Going tis fri!! Haa.. Waited like so long like months la.. Wah Lao.. Haa..

But recently I felt alot of movements inside me.. Can feel e kicks too.. Haa.. These few nights I started saying good night to bb.. Haa.. Say mummy going to sleep Liao.. U oso sleep earlier.. Muahahaha..
Beebeemer, Haa.. I can't wait for mine too.. Going tis fri!! Haa.. Waited like so long like months la.. Wah Lao.. Haa..

But recently I felt alot of movements inside me.. Can feel e kicks too.. Haa.. These few nights I started saying good night to bb.. Haa.. Say mummy going to sleep Liao.. U oso sleep earlier.. Muahahaha..
mine is even further - 20 jan!!
hmm, how come i dont "feel" the movements as what you all mentioned.. how does it feels like? uncomfortable and got things like wriggling? I feel some wriggling inside me at times but not strong enough

thks beebeemer for sharing the detailed scan experience
so they will give us x ray films instead of the copy we rec from our gynae appt?
my BB movement is also more frequent now. I can even feel front / back 'kicks'. I was looking down my tummy and can see light 'poking movement' from inside my tummy
Hi zp1503,
You can try taking milk formula for pregnant woman. I having trouble keeping with weight gain too as very impt for twins not to be too underweight but found out I can gain more after drinking the recommended dosage. If u cannot stand normal flavor can go for those chocolate ones. Drinking a bedtime milk formula can really help with weight gain and make u sleep better.

The initial kicks i only feel once a week. The kicks feel like bubbles popping when they juz start and they progress to stronger ones that u can feel both inside you and on the skin if u put your hand to your tummy. Those are more like kicks n punches. By then I am able to feel movements everyday.
Hi Serene,
Unfortunately the milk powder for pregnant woman is not suitable for me as i feel like puking after taking that. Thus has been taking low-fat fresh milk ever since. I think in this case, i will have to switch to full cream milk to gain weight. But thanks for the reminder!
If you are worried abt big baby, do cut down/refrain from taking durians. Too much durians tend to lead to bigger babies.

Try the chocolate flavour ones?
By the way, what brand of milk powder are u all taking now? I taking Similac Mum but it seems the powder will not dissolve totally n will have clumps. #1 i took anmum and was ok and thought to try new brand. Expiry is 2013 but dunno if its normal... Anyone taking Similac?
to avoid clumps, do not use hot water, use lukewarm water instead, then when the milk powder is fully dissolved, then can introduce hot water
Afternoon ladies!!! Hope all is doing well!

DolceVita & Sunflower> Is your amnio result out???

Went to my gyne's yesterday afternoon as I was experiencing intense cramp in the morning. Gyne say could be due to the womb that is stretching. Did the detail scan ytd too. Bb was very active & naughty too. We want to look at his facial structure using the 3D scan but he kept covering his face with his hands. After a while, he removed his hands and caught a glimpse of him. He look just like his daddy! And he has chubby cheeks. Gyne was saying that bb was this stage do not have much fats yet, but my boy look just like a bb who is ready to be born. And he is heavier too. 400gm!!!! I hope he wont be too big for me to deliver.
btw, can we go for hot spring? im gg taiwan next week, and wanted to go hot spring, was told that early pregnancies, to avoid going hot spring. But since im in my 2nd trimester, can i go?
anyone of u went before?
I taking friso and anmum now. Friso clumpy too anmum is fine. I also feel disgusted taking the milk powder but for the babies no choice.

Think better don't go hot spring as may overheat the body.

Not yet, expecting the results next week, but think i will call up the clinic to check tml if they already receive it.....
Think Sunflower also abt the same timing as mine, if not wrong.
I called the clinic just now.
Nurse informed that gynae just left for vacation last night and will not be back till next week.
So far have not received anything back from the lab yet...
So continue the waiting...
vanilla: share w us on your detailed scan once done okie! hope baby is coorperative and let u go through the scans quickly :D

fifi: my mum la! she spot good durians then will buy for me, and i cannot resist also. had 1 1/2 box yesterday but it'll probably be for a mth or so before i crave for it again. thanks for the advice!

ak: i think different facilities give it differently? mine came in x-ray films but i read other mummies received CD as well as 80 images not too sure on the printed paper or soft copy. where will your detailed scan be at?

yip: My doc charted the below measurements according to a Singapore average chart and baby was longer/bigger than average but his tummy is of average size.

By date: 20W 0D
No. of fetus: Single
Presentation: Breech

Bi-parietal diameter = 48mm (20w 5D)
Head circumference = 180mm (20W 3D)
Fetal abdominal circumference= 146mm (20w 0D)
Femur length = 33mm (20W 3D)
Transverse cerebellar diameter: 20mm
Hello mommies! like Esther and Beebeemer, I had my detailed scan yesterday too. Most of my boy's (yes another boy!) vital stats were bigger than average (that's prob cos we have better nutrition). His weight was 492g at 21 wks 4 days. I got one 2D scan photo and one 3D scan photo of his face.
what's most impt to me is that baby is healthy, all organs were developing normally. i was straining so hard to check out his heart as that hole in the heart is one more common deformities. Thank God everything was ok.. My hb though, was expecting a gal (cos he said this preg i have been super grouchy). I saw the penis way before the sonographer confirmed it and even aft the sonographer pointed it out to my hb, he still asked, "sure it is a boy and not a gal?" so funny.. the sonographer burst out laughing herself. :p

AK, won't recommend u to go for hot springs.. if the water temp is abt ur body temp, still not too bad. however if it is too warm, quote Babycenter "you get overheated and that increases your heart rate, reduces blood flow to your baby, and potentially puts your baby under stress. This can affect ur baby's development" - unquote. make sure the water temp is no hotter than 37 deg. Also, now that our vagina's env is changing, getting into mineral rich (and non sterile water) might not be a gd idea.
just my 2 cents worth.

Re: mother's milk
I don't recommend taking the full amt on the tin! i find that too rich. For me i take Enfamama, which is 6 spoons to 200ml water. I usually take 4-4.5 spoons.
if u are worried abt calcium, try other things like yoghurt, low fat high calcium milk, tofu and soya bean products. much easier for the body to absorb than calcium pills.

Oh i forgot, I have been coughing over a mth and my doc suspects that I might have a mycoplasma infection in my respiratory system.. sian.. it means i have to take special antibiotics!
My results out liao! My doc sms me on xmas day, saying my amnio normal... Thats the best xmas present i've received..

Did glucose tolerance test, no call from KK.. meaning gd news... Oh ya, cfm its a bb gal liao..

Dolcevita, i'm sure ur amnio results will be gd news too!
Ak, thanks for the advice! Will try ur method... =)
Btw, have also read that we shouldnt go hot spring else baby will be under distress if the heat gets too warm so best to avoid i think.

Piggy, ur bb really big! My gal is 400g at 20w. Maybe boy bigger? Btw, is ur tummy bigger compared to #1? Alot of ppl commented my tummy is small at 22 wks and some said i dun look preg even though my arms n face already grown fatter. I thought #2 preg shd have bigger tummy. But i guess if bb is growing n still bigger than my #1, guess should be normal ba...
Hahaha! Ur hubby so cute! For mine, its me who asked the gynae if its really another bb gal. Till now, still hoping got chance to see the "bird". Hehe...

Sunflower, congrats on ur gd results!
Beebeemer: my detailed scam is at tmc. How abt urs?

Piggy, serene and babyL: thks for the advise ;) will not go for hot spring then.
Morning mommies!

After all these festive seasons, i guess I will be hitting the malls to grab baby stuff since Trimester 3 will be starting after CNY! Yay!

At Milk Bottle now:
I read that newborns can get 4Oz.
a) How many do u all buy? 2? 4?
b) Do u buy the larger ones or how long can 4Oz bottle last for bb?
c) Glass or Plastic? I am more inclined to glass tho i know most of the plastic are already BPA free. But.. with experience of my close friend losing her child with cancer, makes me really worry..


Congrats on getting the clear for your results.
Im still in the waiting game..have to wait till next week...*cross finger*.

Do we still need to go for the detailed scan after we've done this amnino test ?
Not advisable for hot spring. Temp too hot for you and baby.

I use BPA plastic bottles coz my kids may drop bottles as they get older. I dun bother with 2oz bottles coz I BF direct till I head back to work and I use the 5oz ones.
Hey micteo, I'm also gg for detailed scan on 5 Jan..am also keen for 3d scan but when I asked, they said 3d scan only available from 28 weeks..

Dear mummies who went for detailed scan in tmc, the 3d scan is included in your package is it? Any1 took additional n paid for it?

Oh btw happy new year!!

Hey all,

I'll be going for my detailed scan on 4 jan! Been feeling my baby moving/kicking randomly for the past week. For a very paranoid mum, it's a huge relief.

Amongst those who mentioned getting a 3D scan, did any of you do your scan at KKH? Was just wondering if it was going to be an option, can I opt in for it, do I ask for it or is this even available at KKH?

When will you mummies start buying all the big items for your baby, cots/strollers and the likes? I really don't know where to start looking, what I should be looking for and when. Does anyone have a comprehensive check list of what we should get?
