(2012/05) May 2012

Lyn, all the best!

KRC, starting from this year, teachers' day and children's day no longer falls on 1st Sep and 1st Oct, they fall on the 1st fri of Sep and Oct. Which is why the teacher's day is on 2nd Sep and children's day is on 7th Oct.

Ya ms will slower go away as you reach the 2nd trimester. Good for you!

Hello everyone, good morning! It is Friday again, I am so glad!

Looks like we have more new mommies joining us, welcome to the club! I hope those who are uncomfortable are getting better..

Thankfully, spotting has stopped, just the MS is still rather upsetting..see anything also don't feel like eating..luckily Mummy is always the best, she asks me what I want to eat and cook for me..so grateful..

I changed to kitten heels too, kept all my killer heeels in shoe cabinet and I agree, shoes is very important during this time..got to be very careful when walking..especially during rain..
take care all mummies..endure..
Har, interesting, teacher's day and children's day can change one ah, issit only Singapore? Or other countries too? hmmmm...

Jaz, Some gynae charges for the scan printout, but some gives free, so better check with yours.. If you want, you can take a photo, its better, the quality is better haahha.. or best video it!

Yip, sleeping in sitting position... Must be very xin ku. Yesterday I feel very bloated when off to bed, very uncomfortable too.

As for the Oscar, ya, I will see what the doc recommend, if not necessary, I will not go for it lor. Even if results is bad, I think I wouldnt bear to xx it.. so, like no point to do it, unless got problem or advised by Dr lor.. Save $$ and save your worries lor..

spicegal- yah I also think the FBI card benefits not good enough...
esther: try decaf tea? marks and spencer have nice decaf tea.. i tink i will try decaf coffee also.. ehhe.. i really miss having a full cup of hot, shiok shiok coffee..

welcome sunflower! we have the same edd! n i realise, my name not updated in the excel sheet.. is this not the same as the one in fb? strange...

re children's day: i think its because clash with PSLE.. so they postpone.. keke.. or maybe they give a standard "off-in-lieu" to all the teachers and students because falls on a saturday..

Lyn: enjoy meeting ur beanie!
littledotty, most impt is you eat what you feel like eating then the ms will not be so bad.

Ayana, this announcement was made by MOE last year, they choose Fri so that the teachers can have longer breaks over the weekends...think only for Singapore bah...

Zara, actually its ok to have 1 cup of coffee or tea per day. I have 1 cup of coffee daily for my #2 pregnancy.
*waves* Vanilla & Jas13
We are oni at week 6, coming 7, lets all jiayou together ya =D

Oh Jas, we have so much in common ya..heehee..
Hw old is your gal ? Has she started CC ?
Hi Gals,

I just tested positive as my menses is 1 week late. So I should be in my 5th week. This will be my no.2. Had miscarriage earlier this year cos the baby did not grow.

Now I do not experiance any symptoms.. is a little worried that there is something wrong... Will only be able to see the gynea next week...So girls if you are experiancing MS, its a sign that your baby is growing well! (As mentioned by my gynae last time). Of course, if you don't experiance anything.. you are very lucky!
morning everyone!
I feel much better tho still have traces of MS.

thanks for all the welcoming back and hugz! Yeap I am now back and alive in Singapore, in the arms of my hubby! Woot!

tmr is my day and I hope i can hear beanie hb too!

i am making ju hua cha now. I haven been drinking much, only eating. headache to scroll up, but like someone mentioned, eating seemed to curb the feeling of vomit, so guess what, i put on 3kg!!!! Ahhhh!!!

Someone suggested having biscuits by the bed, so i pop 2 (machiam eating med) after brushing my teeth! and i din wake up last night except to pee twice. And i ate a few each time i wake up in the morning and it controlled! i managed to sleep till 11am. hahaha.

5 days haven on my office laptop. lol...

Is there a peak on MS and slowly dwindle? I feel like a total handicapped last few days.
yip: welcome back!!! hope u r feeling MUCH better nw that u are back...

spicegal: i also read somewhere its ok to have 1 cup, but i try not to drink so much.. like v bad.. hahaha... feel guilty lo..

Iris: yah, me too.. nw better already.. i read somewhere that your body reduce immunity so that it doesnt reject beanie.. beanie is new object in the body! tat's why we fall sick easily..
Hi Hi,

Me having #2 and tested +ve for 5 weeks. Next Sat then see gynae. I think EDD should be end May 2012.

I also have just caught the flu when i found out that i'm preggie. Is it the flu season now? :p
welcome Iris to the club!
we cant take liang teh and only can eat heaty stuff, hence fall sick easier.

Zara, feeling much better! but the heavy head still persists! =(
such an active friday morning.

i feel like crap. threw up milk this morning and it stinked! not gg to take milk again. taking half day to go back and rest
hugz MM6J.

Alone at home and thinking if I shld just buy porridge from downstairs. i feel so miserable! =(

But yet need to eat so i dont feel nausea.
thanks elffie, i think u shld go buy something to eat. u're right it's the hunger contributing to nausea.

what did u eat ak??
MM6J: actually not many heaty stuff, just drink milo cos i avoided all teas and coffees, so the next alternative is milo. i can drink up to 3 cups a day!
Iris, zara,zp1503,
Ya.. Same same aft I found out I'm preggy I'm down wif sore throat first, last week and it got worse tat even swallow silaiva oso pain la.. Den no choice go see doc and he gave me antibodies and soon aft my sore throat is getting Beta, I'm down wif flu..

So sick!! E flu is like shit la.. And the phlegm is making me so sick and uncomfortable.. I can feel e mucus dripping behind my throat la.. So sick!! Eeekkk!!! And I had problem spitting e phlegm out.. I dunno how and I dun wanna spit to hard n end up vomitting.. Haiz...

Now my whole body feels so weak.. Body so aching.. Like having fever like tat.. E aching is at my back.. Haiz...

At first it's jus block nose, then became like running tap water.. *faint* It continue of like 3 days and worsen ytd so I told DH no choice gotta see doc.. Cannot carry on like this.. I'm afraid tat bb dunno good anot.. I scare sick too long bb next time oso easily fall sick lo..

So we went Doc Tis morning.. Took a flu and cough medicine.. Hopefully all these sickness will go away.. Shoo shoo shoo..

Cuz my appetite is being affected too.. I felt very tired eating lo.. And not much appetite too.. easily felt full le..

I'm not sure if tis has got to do wif e hospital trip I made. Cuz my mil was sick and she went KK to do some check up and all of us acc her to take report.. And Tats e day we break e news to em and DH ah Yi told me not to go hospital to visit pple or wat.. All dun..

So MUMMIES, stay away from hospital.. I guess we r all very easily affected now.. So stay away from clinic and those who r not felling well.. Need to build out vit C so we wun fall sick so easily lo..

Haiz.. And I'm already feeling very tired le.. Den e medicine is making me even more tired.. So lifeless...

Yip, so did e trick worked? Put some discuits beside ur bed and eat some so u wun feel like puking?
ak: me too.. i had one in my ear.. and 2 on my face.. but its all subsiding..

yip: give ur head a cold wash? a quick one, u may feel better.. or pull ur hair like rosegal.. i also get headache.. ask hubby to massage abit and then put some oil... then slp... but u can do that after ur lunch.. then u wun feel nauseated also..

its a bz day at work for me!! i jus need to tahan another 6 hours.. then i will be free for 3 months!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! so happpieee!!
ak, i also drink milo too. plain water tastes blah and i hate milk now. i try taking juices (presha fruit) so at the same time there's vitamins.

gosh vanilla, sounds bad, hope u feel better soon. since u r at home, jus go lie down. i can lie down all day do nothing..

already with ms i feel so
yes, do stay away from the hospital or clinic or even sick colleagues. some pple damn inconsiderate one. i hate hate hate those who smoke at places they shouldnt!

i'm still at work. hoping to leave soon
Mm6j, ya... Doc check my throat and he said he can see my mucus dripping behind my throat lo.. Wah Lao..

If only I can get rid of all e phlegm and mucus den I thk I can feel very good and get well oso lo.. Haiz..

Mummies, any way u gals noe can get rid of e sickening mucus and phlegm? Haiz... Damn terrible..
Hi Gals,

I learnt that to curb MS sometimes is to eat. Whenever I felt like puking for my first one, I munch on biscuits or other foods. It curbs the feeling. You can try.. I always had something to eat in my bag. I guess its another way that baby says they need more food.
Hi Mummies, I was arranging for my flight back to SG as really miss SG food and don't have much appetite for oily and salty beijing food. Coming back on 4th Oct and going to Oscars test on 13th Oct. Luckily TMC managed to squeeze in a slot for me, although have to wait in the line. Can't wait to come back!

Pimple: Ya I have a huge pimple on my nose too! Pimple outbreak

MS: I think my MS is hitting peak this week, I am week 9 now... Always feel like vommitting.

CL: Ya I wanted to use my Sister's and SIL's CL, but she say she too old liao then don't want to do anymore.. boo...

Milo: Milo is my life saver in Beijing! Going to buy many packets back to Beijing.
elffie, u drank chrysanthemum tea? i think i read somewhere preggy cant drink wor

munching on walnut and sunflower seeds now.. dont have much appetite..
hi all, have been reading silently for quite a few days. thread moving so fast. went to my gynae on 27sep, baby was supposed to be exactly 7wks according to LMP, but doc did a scan and was unable to see anything thru tummy. so had to do a vaginal scan instead. saw the waterbag. baby measured 2.6mm with heartbeat of around 120bpm, doc estimated baby to be ard 5wks3days with edd of ard 25may2012. gynae say will confirm actual edd with me on next visit when she is able to measure baby bigger =p

didnt really have much ms for mine first pregnancy. this time round was disaster. morning day n night, i feel nauseous. hungry also nauseous, full also nauseous. definitely feeling super tired.

scan photo> mine gynae dun charge for the scan photo, but charges for the scan itself. vaginal scan was 80bucks. wow. so ex. hehe. but i'm comfortable with my gynae. colleagues all tell me she's ex though.
Hi mommies... Saw my little beanie already.... Gynea say so far ok.... Was given the duphaston also... My first visit damage is 280$ .... Is it common .... My sis is complaining too ex lor... Seeing gynea in 2 weeks time!!! Then will see heartbeat!!
My beanie is measure @ 6weeks 1day!!
Rosegal, Raine n Zara,
is there another EDD list in FB??

My ms is not as bad, just that every morning when i wake up, will have alot of gas in my stomach.. Will keep burping out air eeks! No appetite to eat also, but i find drinking hot milo kinda help curb the nausea.. Will alz try to eat some crackers and milo when i wake up. Now on mc until next week so its easier...when start work liao duno how... Also having headache occasionally..

Do u ladies start to drink Anmum, Mamil Mama etc now? Any recommendations which brand tastes better?
Afternoon ladies!!!!! TGIF!!!!

Check with you, have anyone been having nasal discomfort? Ever since I found out I am preg, my nose has been trying to be funny with me. It can be blocked up on one side otherwise it will give out those funny noise when I breath out. Really is irritating me to the max.
vanilla: i also have that mucus dripping behind feeling at times.. u need to drink more water.. and dun eat fruits that causes phlegm lei..

Lyn: my visit to gynae is also about there.. $155 for consultation and $155 for the scan.. actually i also tink very expensive, but i m very comfy with my doc already.. so i prob jus stay with him la... even the nurses there also v nice and friendly..

sunflower: i m currently not taking any milk.. doc ask me to avoid milk and dairy products.. i tink it causes me to LS.. so i'm not taking.. he gave me vitamins and ask me to eat more leafy vege.. u can google vege with calcium.. spinach, lady's finger are some veg that has HIGH calcium content and can retain better than milk calcium.

chloie: yes me.. i get that all the time.. i jus put some oil and try to relieve myself la.. no choice.. if not, u go see gp and get medicine to reduce the block nose?

had vegetarian bee hoon for lunch.. YUM!
Hi new mummies, this is the list to update!


and we already have 41 mummies, wow!

zara, I had bak chor mee! strangely I never like to eat pork, in fact I havent had bak chor mee in years, now preg only wan to eat bak chor mee..really ah, appetite goes haywire...

Sunflower, I havent started any milk except to drink my fav Magnolia low-fat milk..tastes good and I eat it with cereal

Hmm...lately I realised my boobs not that sore anymore, and start to wonder if bb is growing ok..sigh, fingers cross...
Welcome new mtbs!

Zara, what did u get for lunch? I finally had my aglio pasta craving solved. Went to Cedele to eat their prawn lime pasta and OMG I finished the whole thing! First time I finished anything since I found out I was preg!! Still had space for choc truffle cake. Now I'm feeling nauseated liao.

Littledotty, strangely somebody posted the same thing on sore boobs in our FB grp. Also said that boobs dun seem az sore but their gynae said MS peak from 7-9 wks. May be its the same for u?

Chloie, increased in nasal discharges is normal. My nose also giving me prob. It's cos of the increase in progesterone.
Hi Iris, I went to Dr LN Sim at TMC cuz was searching for female gynae and saw ppl recommending her in forums. went to see her when i discovered spotting at wk6, she asked me to not do any heavy duty stuff and pass the housework to husband. gave me a scan and saw the sac.. so she suggested me to do a transvaginal scan so we can see the baby. she only charged me for 1 scan.

my first visit to her cost about $199 (consultation + scan + utrogestan).

how do i join the fb group?
hello all, im taking anmum milk. think it has more calcium compared to the other brands. i mean afterall its to increase calcium right? the other minerals and vitamins don't matter as much to me whether it is in the milk or not..

starting to feel nauseous esp when its past meal time now..but once i start to munch or eat, i feel much better..maybe thats y i had not been feeling MS for past few wks..

piggy i also had cedele for lunch! the mushroom and bacon pasta haha
Btw I read that local book it says as the pregnancy progresses, quite common the nose becomes bigger n more stuffy..

I don't have flu but I need to blow my nose more often leh
Hi all mtbs

Lovely to see all may mummies together. My edd is same as piggywiggy and spicegal. I just noticed it is a public holiday - vesak day.

Jiening - i am also seeing Dr Sim, but was asked to go back on 11weeks (4weeks after my first scan 7weeks). Quite concern on baby development..just updated the list, thanks
piggy: i had vegetarian bee hoon le.. was lured when i was at the food court.. and it was quite yummy!

btw, i had abit of discharge again today.. not bloody, but brownish watery type... shd i be concerned? hmm... it's a bit bz at work today, and i was walking up and down the stairs quite a bit..

welcome all new mtbs in this thread too!!
iris, I had spotting too since week 5+, like zara describe, brownish discharge. Was given Dup by gynae and for the past week, it has cleared up..

I see Dr Phyllis Liauw at TMC, maybe you can refer to our list, all the gynaes May mummies are seeing are listed, I believe most of them are good

zara, did you tell your gynae about the discharge?

I was craving for a Fillet-o-fish for dinner and ended up enjoying the burger but not sure why, puked it all out after that..terrible..
Dotty: yes, but previously it was pinky n he said it's ok.. No pain also.. This time also no pain, a bit of twitching which I aso get sometimes. I'll monitor tmrw n c how.. Maybe today I did too much walking n a bit rushed...

I'm still waiting for my prata dinner... Haha...
jiening: we cant drink ju hua cha? i read that we could.. =( ... i thought we cant eat nuts as beanie might be allergy to it?

welcome Fifi!

Chloie, u feeling better? drink pi pa gao?

yeap, the biscuits does help at night, and i am trying it tonight again. I made also red dates and longan, drinking now.. else my body is rejecting all damn water =( it doesnt like me to swallow it down =(

Hubby suspected the last few days of diarrhoea and vomit related to the stomach flu he had caught earlier. He might have passed to me cos we read that preggies supposed to have constipation not diarrhoea. If it is true, then, my MS is just the headache i guess? I just hope it to fade off.

tmr is my turn to see beanie!
re: shoes
the day hubby knew we were parents, he looked at me and said, time to ditch ur heels. argh!!!

but then again, it is a whole new shopping spree!
Bought a flowery pumps for $21
Hello mummies!!

Let's look forward to 2nd trimester and tell ourselves that ms is gg to be over soon! Jiayou! Wishing a speedy recovery recovery to all mummies who r not feelin well. Our immune system is pretty low now so pls take care.

Hi dolcevita, my #1 is turning 2 in 2 mths time. She has started cc since 18mo. How old is yours?

Hi Ayana, my gynae used to give free scan printouts. Juz amazed by how much charges have increased over e 2 yrs! And dunno if it is too weird to take pics using my hp. In fact I prefer soft than hard copy!

Re: Facebook
Is there a fb group created for may12 Mtb? Can someone add me? I believe it's a private group, rite? Dun wanna announce to anyone yet. So far only my family members knew abt it. I've been using lunch hr for my gynae appt.

Lastly, enjoy your weekend! Really lookin forward to Sleep sleep sleep!!
Re: shoes
I've bought geox shoes during my 1st preg. Serves me well from 1st to last trim and after delivery! My feet started to swell during the last trim and my shoes juz expanded wif my feet.
For other shoes, I bought 1 size bigger during the last trim but after delivery I have to wear it with an insole.

Re: prenatal class
I've attended mrs Wong' lesson. Very interesting. Good for hubby too. She even teaches massage techniques that hubby can do for us! I find it very useful for 1st-time parent.
Highly recommended!!

Suki, hehe glad know we're going to the same gynae! :D she told me her appt usually is 4 weeks apart.. but she gave me next appt 3 weeks later cuz i had spotting and she wanted to make sure.

elffie, i just googled again, those sites are saying to stay away from chrysanthemum tea during pregnancy wor. so think better dun drink next time bah. and also barley drink also cannot cuz it will expel whatever that does not belong to our body out. >_<

for nuts, i read to stay away from peanuts and tree nuts, but there are conflicting info regarding almond.. haha.. but i'll just stay away ba. but im eating walnut. :p

i've started drinking similac mum. taste not bad la, and add cereals into it for my breakfast, quite yummy. :D
