(2012/04) Apr 2012

Talk about shopping.. I already bought a baby romper from Hard Rock Bali when I was there last week. My dad went to Beijing and came back with 5 sets of new born clothes (blue colour) and my colleague went to KL and bought a pair of baby shoes (for baby boy).. and TADAH!! On Sat, found out we're having a GIRL. HAHAHA!!!

So i myself did a little shopping at marina square yesterday. bought 1 dress only so far, got to control at least until i get to HK next month. Hahaha! loads of other stuff to buy... now deciding on her stroller lah. anyone bought already?
i found i can't find anything to buy!! the baby girl clothings are so much sweeter, cuter!!! Bumer
LittleDd: Simply can't resist the baby shopping! Been frequenting mothercare and kiddy palace, a lot! Which is harmful on the pocket. I bought a city select stroller for my two girls, from the baby hypermart sale, cos it was quite a good bargain
super kiasu, this mommy here.

Eliz: I've gone crazy buying sweet dresses for 3 months old babies! Pocket's lobang is quite big already. Husband always must restrain me from buying more. Hahas.
me! already bought quite a lot:

- stroller
- playmat
- sterilizer
- around 10 rompers, 4 tops, 1 bottom, many booties and mittens, 3 bibs, 3 blankets/towels

wahahaha... overly excited 1st time mummy
1st time mummy more things to buy... totally understand.. hahaha.
So far, my boy will just get hand me downs from #1 - stroller, cot etc.

Just needs milk bottles and clothings so i just can't seems to find any i like!

hahaha.. pocket lobang will only get bigger as your gals grow up. Even as i search for clothings for my boy, i end up buying stuff for my gal!!!
Eliz, you got me worry!!! Should I wish that my HB wins (another girl) or my girl to win (boy). M gynae visit is 2 weeks time.

Yes, nothing really interest me in the blues, really blue!!! That day, I was telling my HB that I'll have real problem scrapbooking if is a boy, all the blue blue, nothing facinating or interesting!!!
Wow sound so exciting when u all can start to do shopping already. That day I was pondering which pacifier to buy because the cartoon prints is eithr for boys or for girls.. Car prints.. Flowers...ship..buttlefly..in the end I didnt buy anything..haha because I still don knw the gender yet. Haiz. .
I agree having a girl girl is much more fun to shop for their outfit n accessories! :p
wow ... yes i saw alot of princess ... do we collate how many prince / princess we having in apr 2012

congras to those know their bb gender
i bought sterilizer, car seat, pillow for breast feeding n receiving towel. tempted to buy stroller but have to control as quite tight on budget. sad.

baby rompers will be hands down from SIL. SIL n MIL also bought some new rompers, mittens n booties for my baby already...

tempted to buy some girls' clothings but my baby gender not confirm yet. have to wait for detail scan on the 5th Dec. what a long wait...
hopefully mine can be a princess too!
silvery gal
don't sad.. stroller u will only need when baby is older.

actually my hubby said to me its a good problem.. go easy on my pocket!
Wow sound so exciting when u all can start to do shopping already. That day I was pondering which pacifier to buy because the cartoon prints is eithr for boys or for girls.. Car prints.. Flowers...ship..buttlefly..in the end I didnt buy anything..haha because I still don knw the gender yet. Haiz. .
I agree having a girl girl is much more fun to shop for their outfit n accessories! :p
oh my goodness.. thank God im not the only siao shopping one. maybe we need to buy a whole new wardrobe for our princesses. hahaha!!!

stroller recommendations???
Eliz: heee... thanxs... ya dun wan waste money 1st since most ppl say stroller can wait till baby is 4 mths old...

Ms_Tan: ya, be it boy or girl still our bao bei.. just tat girl stuffs r so pretty!!

Coraine: wow, really risky.. my hubby say dun pin too high hope 1st as he scare later more disappointed... so i just take it neutral n dun buy any clothings tentatively.
Silvery gal..hehe..cos the gynae said the private part is very flat..
so i doubt will grow didi in such a short time? haha..i hope don't grow leh~~
You are definately not the only one..
I'm already thinking to make those customised tshirt/romper: Big sis Megan and Small bro Keagan. hahaha. Super KS!
coraine, my gynae also said he never see anything in between the legs. so he say most likely is a princess. but still i shall wait till my detail scan next week, before i start my shopping sprees

eliz, i want too.
i want Big Bro Kyan, Lil Sis ________. Blank for now. dunno what name leh
Yes! I just bought some very sweet printed swaddle cloths, baby basics and the list goes on man. Thank goodness I'm not alone here, going gaga shopping for my girlies. Hahas.
I had to tell my hubby, that I'm not alone, alot of April mummies are buying as well, to lessen the impact a bit. Hahas.
Can't help it, 1st time parent thing, plus they are princess-es! Somehow, baby shopping relieves our physical discomforts( growing bump, occasional pain here and there) a little
Ni, dun worry... I just read this article. Not going for csec unless I have no choice.

Amiang, I will go read up more on IUD and other methods.

For my #1, I resist buying things becoz I was very pang tang. No choice since I lost 2 babies before so I follow all the old wives tales. I bought most of them only quite late in pregnancy when hubby return from overseas.

This time round, not much things to buy since my sis and buddies just gave birth this yr so I it lots of hand me downs items.
Back from gynae. 17 weeks today. Likely to be a girl. cos no pointy parts! haha... Gynae say the bottom got signs of vagin**. no idea how she tells lar. but i trust her. going for detailed scan on 2 Dec. Should be able to confirm by then! YEAH!

MEinME: Not cannot travel in 3rd tri. More like, got airline restrictions so cannot travel. Actually ferry to bintan also got restrictions lor. Last time go malacca by bus, no restrictions mah! haha.. This time i want to go penang, so must go earlier. Cannot take bus to penang lar. i think my toddler will go cranky.
Hi Mummies, I am on week 17 now. I am Having the pain like the contraction pain... Is it alright?.. Not sure is it because I had salad ytd morning. I had diarrhoea two timea ytd
Waah! So exciting ! So many mummies can start shopping le! heehee I've gotta wait till wed...

I thot no air travel from 26 weeks? Tts the recommendation I have from the drs here, so Im heading to melb in mid to end dec.. heehee... share shop there! wahahhahah...
Jojay - perhaps you're having indigestion and wind. I'm having that now more frequently at 19 weeks. Seems like food go down quite slow nowadays as the tummy gets bigger. And the wind causes the so-called diarrhea too. I had to go twice yesterday as well, one before breakfast and one after breakfast. Even today my tummy is still full of wind. Can feel it gng round and round my stomach which is now right under my boobs!
wow, so many mommies having princesses. how nice!! lots of shopping for girls. =)

Little Dd,
i believe the bill estimation is correct. my doctors charges also crazy high so we had to top up a few thousand for #1 delivery. no choice since my gynae only delivers at GlenE plus it is the closest to our home. (just in case!!) i was pretty happy w my stay at GlenE e last time so I have no prob gg back again.
Hi mummies,

If you are looking for Maternity Clothes, you can look thru FB - Little Collections ([email protected])

THey changed their Pre-Order due date to this coming wed, so if u gals are still interested in ordering muz be fast.. =D
Hi mummies,


Have you ever thought of getting insurance coverage when you are pregnant ?

I really have got something that I will like to do a recommendation.

The plan is known as Pru First Gift and 3PA.
It is a plan whereby it insured you and your babies while inside and later on , when your bb is out, it will automatically change to a lifelong plan for your bb which can be used for protection,critical illness and TPD,as well as a savings ,edu plan for your kids.

Can you imagine how much it will cost in the future for the education cost?

Many mummies do not want take up cause budget tight , but rather spend on your branded..
I feel that it is our responsbility to assist them a smoother life when we can .
It is all about money at times that can bring the whole family down .

Mummies and daddies are both impt to our precious. Sometimes life is unpredictable and why I said so is because too many real cases around.

Do not wait till last minute and worry about this and that ..
This happens to many mummies esp those around me .

Lastly , please upgrade their medishield plan to get comprehensive hospital coverage which deducts from medisave. So why not?

Well I am a mummies of 2 , 2Y and 6Y , and a financial consultant from Prudential .
It is my honour to share more details with you .

Can call me at 82225541, otherwise we can chat here too
I'm going for my 16th wk scan today... Can see gender or not is up to fate liao... Hubby not back yet dunno why... Even thou he supposedly to be on lve today... Uncontactable since 12hrs ago le... Zzz so I also dunno what happen...
cheekyduckie.. thanks for adding me =)

tangerinez.. congrats on clearing your test =)

time_of_my_life.. i also gained abt 5kg or more so far.. going 20w for me.. just hope that i will be able to back to my pre-pregnancy weight just like #1 =).. i gained about 15~18kg and i shed more than 20kg due to breastfeeding =) breastfeeding really help in slimming down.. haha

Seems like alot having princess.. shall confirm mine in end NOV =)
Jojay..Sorry..i mean salad.. don knw why I go n type "satay"..maybe I m tinking of eating that.. :p

But I tink satay n rojak we better don eat ..pray safe.
y cant eat satay and rojak? i just had some rojak last nite.. oops..

btw, i had a small serving of tiramisu, wonder if its ok? only after i ate it, then i suddenly remembered it contains coffee liquer rite?
lilcactus: a little bit of everything is ok lar. And not all tiramisu contains alcohol. Some just uses syrup. Don't worry too much. Unless you are a binge alcoholic, everything is fine.

Same questions: Why cannot eat rojak/satay? Satay is cooked meat. should be ok.
Rojak, maybe got uncooked veg... and prawn paste... ehh... confused.
Aisuhime...found your husband liaoz?

Satay - i had satay last month at toa payoh..and their sauce was sour!!! so i think sometimes all these things which are left outside better don't touch so much..
Eliz, the girl's are prettier!!!! I can share but I need to wait till next Sat to confirm.

Anyone want to join me for Mothercare UK? I'll ship via Borderlinx. Free domestic shipping if order above £50, international shipping will be shared by value of item. Exchange rate is per credit card, no mark up. PM me if you want to join me. Thanks.
meinme, i want too. can organize gap spree too? haha. oh no. i can imagine i m spending tonnes of $$$ on baby gal's clothes! heee!

eliz, i want the socks too? can mix boys with gals? or u looking for mummies with boys only?

Morning mummies! It's a hot day today after 4 days of rain...

This morning on the train, a very nice gentleman actually ask someone to give up the seat to me. How touched. This kind of ppl really rare nowadays!

what did the doc say? Hope everything is fine. Do rest well yah.

Re rojak
My mum always ask me to avoid rojak coz of the prawn paste and it may not be very clean coz not cooked. Plus afraid bb will have allergy skin next time due to the prawn paste. Not sure if the 2nd part is an old wives tale thou but i just avoid. Same for balachan chilli...
