(2012/04) Apr 2012

Leo_Baby: The new ruling is 30 days. I think that's why they usually only work for 27 or 28 days. Cos they will take 1 day to go back chop and 1 day to come back lar. Then they start a new job. After that rest for 1 month. Then start again. Something liddat. My MIL was telling something like, the way the days are reset is quite strange. If you just go in stamp and come out same day, will end up having lesser days. Don't really understand.

hi mommies,
a great morning to sleep in, but got woken up early to go to the loo. Bowel movement been very regular since preggers. =P

i still feel exhausted but today is the first day that I do not feel so nauseous. hopefully its a start of it waning..*fingers crossed*
Hi Mummies,

long time no see..

I still feel pukey..

And many smells provokes the nauseous feeling.. feel shitty..

Did my Down Syn test and scan. everything pass.. was very happy..

next visit will be on week 18 - deepavali week
hang in there...i know how u feel. Yesterday i was sick e entire day. bleh! all sorts of smells put me off too. jia you!!!
Hi mummies
Wow so many posts! I'm into my 14th week now n started my 2nd trimester i will b visiting the gynae this sat. Can't wait to see how bb has grown. Anyone started to dream of bb's gender already?For me I dreamt of bb's gender during each pregnancy n it has been accurate for both! This time I dreamt I had a girl! Hoping it will b dream come true haha...
Hi mummies

Any room for one more dua bak tor woman in here?

I'm expecting my #2, EDD 14 April. So far and yet so near! My #1 is 3+ and has been an absolute sweetie toward the younger one so far, kissing and holding "conversations".

Just did the 12-week scan today and remembered what a beautiful thing it is to see your baby kicking inside you

For those of you who are still suffering from MS, I am a fellow "sufferer". Still throwing up every other meal. Bleah. And I have super dog nose; I can smell everything my neighbours are cooking!

Have a happy pregnancy, mummies!
Welcome Pink Bunny!

Yum Yum: No need to be too concerned over weight gain now. I had 0 weight gain all the way until about the 5th month for #1. I do not suffer from MS. As long as baby is growing it's ok. We have enough reserves in ourselves to keep going. If your gynae didn't say anything, most likely it's ok.
My weight gain isn't a lot now either, even though my tummy is obviously growing. Partly due to falling sick and periods of bad appetite. Just continue to eat healthily. That's the most important.
I believe some of the mummies here with very bad MS are in fact losing weight still.
I also realised that even though i seem to be eating a lot, i do it via small meals, instead of 3 main meals. Maybe that's why there's very little or no weight gain. I appreciate the little weight gain now. Better control. Better for after preg weight loss. =D

Odiey: Welcome back! So good that you are in 2nd tri! Congrats. So when did u declare the end of 1st tri? 12w? 13w? 14w?
I am going to declare my own freedom after gynae visit on 17th, if oscar results are good. Almost 2 more weeks to go. zzz
wow! the thread is moving so fast!

LittleDd, I'm having weird dreams too lately and it's making me super tired. Sometimes, the dreams are not very pleasant. =S However, I read that it is becos we wake up more often than usual that we tend to "remember" our dreams, maybe that's why we feel it's more than it used to be?
Hi Cheekyduckie
According to babycenter, 2nd tri starts from 14 weeks! I read from the weekly emails that they send on the pregnancy updates. But even before that, most of my colleagues already knew that I'm preggy from the amt of weight gain I had as well as the bump that was showing.

Am sure your oscar results will be fine. Dun worry too much. BTW, anyone in 14 weeks started to feel bb's light movements? Just last weekend, I started to feel some light flutterings in the tummy which was a familiar feeling. I think I'm starting to feel the little one a bit =)

Oh, babycenter provides quite a wealth of information on pregnancy which I find useful. They have lotsa interesting articles too. Go sign up for the weekly email updates if you have not done so. www.babycenter.com
Odiey: Check if you signed up for the Singapore Edition of babycenter. I think it's more accurate. At least the estimated baby size is more asian based. There's a lot of confinement tips, meal plans for each trimester, etc.
ok lar. 14 weeks then 14 weeks. Just nice 14 weeks after i see my Gynae on 17th! haha... So excited.

Year End coming! Time to be Jolly! With lotsa parties and yummy food! Woooooo Hoooooooooo!

LittleDd, SmallPea: U still have dreams? I think i just knock out dead every night! Waking up every 3 to 4 hourly to make milk for #1. After that it's dead asleep again. Too tired liao!
mummyjesline> good luck with your oscar. did they say when you will receive the result?

i guess it's good that your weight maintained. i have already gained 4kg. i think it's too fast.

odiey> when i was expecting my son, i dreamt that i was sleeping and woke to find a baby next to me. when i looked at the baby, i saw that it's a baby boy, but somehow i didn't see how he looks like. that was sometime in the first trimester b4 we found out the gender.

then this time, a few weeks after testing positive, i dreamt that we were selecting names for the baby and they are all names of baby girls. will have to wait and see whether it would be accurate.
Oh mummies
Just to share something my gynae told me:

1. No running
2. No jumping
3. No carrying heavy objects
4. No raw food
5. No cats!

No cats is new to me. Think it's the fur and the litter box that could possibly harm mum/baby

I get more dreams than usual too!
Welcome Pinkbunny!

I haven't had any dreams about baby's gender but I didn't have any for the previous 2. Just hoping that will be a smooth delivery and healthy baby!

Gained 4 kg already and I'm wondering if its too fast as I'm only 14 weeks. I asked hubby yesterday if I've become fat and he said no. Phew!
cheekyduckie, yes! still have dreams, but not so unpleasant ones now =p

still feeling pukey these days and ot much appetite though super hungry! not sure if there's any weight gain thus far
mummies, if you've an iPhone, add the babycentre app. It's free! And, as cheekyduckie says, this version is customized to SG.

Got back from Oscar test n gynae visit n puked! Still get car sick! Haiz. You will b reminded to drink water - it's so that the bladder presses against uterus n baby has less space to move I think.

Took two tries (with a 20-min break in between) before sonographer could get baby in position for the measurement. Gynae says Oscar test results out tmrw. Didn't know it wd be so fast. I'd read it wd take at least a few days?! Anyway, pray for the best.

Couldn't tell gender even tho gynae tried to see. She only said possibly girl but too early to tell. Hv to wait till next visit in 4 wks lor. Baby was waving arms n changing positions tho! So cute.
Gina: Yes. Oscar results usu out the next day. But if you did the blood test, will take about 4 days. I am gg for my Oscar and Blood Tests on Monday. Then go back to Gynae the following monday to check the results. *fingers crossed*

PinkBunny: Yes. Cat litter contains some bacteria or something like that which is dangerous to the mother and will pass on to baby. That's why no go zoo in 1st tri also. After that it will be better. Nothing to do with the fur, unless the poop stuck on the fur.

El: At least your hb say no. My silly hb just keeps patting my tummy. And i will just shoo him away telling him to stop disturbing my fats! hahahahaha...
Oh yes, it's the SG site.

Din know there's an app for bbcenter. Shall go download.

Weight Gain:
Think i have gained 6kg already =( My hb even said that I looked like i'm in the middle of 2nd tri now. sigh... What do you gals take for snack if you are hungry in the afternoon? I'm limited by the choices available ard my workplace.
oh no...din know not supposed to go to zoo as i just went few wks back...

odiey, its gd that u hv appetite. u like biscuits? normally i dun hv much appetite n will take biscuits to curb the ms
Odiey: u can try oats, cereal, those uncle toby kinda "hamster" food bars, dried beans (camel, tong garden kind)? These can stock up in office. Else, I try to buy an extra muffin/bread/egg tart during lunch time for tea later.

bbtwo: no need to worry lar. just try to avoid, not banned. I am sure there are mummies who keep cats at home, and can only try to avoid.
Appetite good but ended up I looked so fat. Going to have a hard time losing after delivery.

Somehow oats, cereal, uncle toby dun appeal to me, even before preggy. The easiest for me to get is the stuff from polar like egg tarts, swiss rolls. But eat until sianz. Nowadays so concerned abt how fattening the food is before I buy. hahaa...
Odiey: Totally understand. I used to love chicken in a biscuits. But now, the box on my table is just sitting there for weeks. Even my favourite junk food like chips and cheezels and twisties doesn't appeal anymore.
I also have very limited stuff that I can eat around here. Most of the time, I just go to the cafeteria grab a bao or lo mai kai or whatever is still available.
I tried buying during lunch, but hor, many times, i dun feel like eating the thing when i get hungry later. waste food lor.
Always hungry but no idea what to eat.
Maybe you want to pack some fruits during lunchtime and eat later? At least it's healthy.
snack ideas: fruits, dried fruits like apricots n apples, nuts n raisins, yoghurt, Meiji crackers, Digestives, n sometimes when I crave chips, I get apple chips to treat myself :p I've had to avoid processed foods cos risk of getting gestational diabetes is high (had it in my previous 2 pregnancies). Luckily this time round this baby doesn't mind oats with dried fruits n nuts in it!

Today gynae again suggested no sugar yoghurt as alternative to prune juice to ease bowel movement. I complained it's too sour! It's an acquired taste :p

Jia you mummies! All of us either crossed or nearing 1st trimester finishing line!
yeah i have been buying fruits after lunch to munch later, but it doesn't keep me full for long time hahaa.... just now, i was at City Hall for lunch so managed to grab a Chewy Junior bun for tea break =) same here, for hot snacks, I prefer it to be hot when i eat it. Once it gets cold, I tend to throw it away. so waste food.
Thanks for the welcome mummies

Ni and bbtwo
Yay! Which hosp will you be at? I'll be at Mt A. Maybe can shout words of encouragement to each other during delivery hehe

I also *try* to eat healthy. But see raisins and yoghurt also feel sian. Esp since I'm craving junk like bak kwa all the time!

Yikes. Was thinking of bring #1 next week. Maybe just stay away from the big cats?

Those with #1s:
Do you find yourself to be more short tempered with them? I feel so guilty. Esp cos I'm so tired and cranky (thankfully better now) and no mood to bring her for outings or do crafts with her like last time. Poor thing
Oh btw, let's all enjoy the remaining couple of weeks that we can still lie on our fronts (stomach)! Soon tummy will be too big and boobs will be too sore!

Weight gain
I've put on very little (becos I've been throwing up so much I think) but still I look at least 4 months preg. How can it be! But still people pretend not to see me on mrt. Sigh
Hi mummies,I will be in the week 12 tmrw, still not put on weight yet.
but I was suffered badly by bloated stomach, headache and ms.. It is worse than last few weeks. I was on mc for last two days due to headache and wake up about 3:30am, then couldnt fall sleep again...,
Any mummy have same problem? And how to get rid of the bloated problem... Really pray hard all these quickly over
Jojay: Ru Yi Oil shd be fine. But dun rub very hard lar.

Pinkbunny: I also not putting on weight. But tummy getting obvious lor. I was sticking my tummy at 2 ppl in the mrt this morning, and they just pretend to look away. Sighz... No energy to go ask them to get up also.

Gina: I am also trying very hard to control my salt intake for the fear of my increasing blood pressure. Sighz... And yet, this time round, I am totally craving for salty food. Faintz.

Yucks... I bought Chwee Kuay for breakfast from the food court and it tastes HORRIBLE! I want the Tiong Bahru Chwee Kuay.... wailsssss
Hi pple,

Have been following this forum for a while.
I am going into my 14th week now..My morning sickness is very bad, till now, i will still vomit esp at night..

Btw, my EDD is 10April 2011, but it should be earlier because i am carrying a twins...
Twinkystar: ME ME! I am especially wanting Coke Float! But, so far, haven't given in yet. Shall try to resist for as long as I can. Instead I go for Sprite or Mug rootbeer. No caffeine. Lesser evil. hehe...

Kai Li: Congrats! Twins! How cool! So now we have 2 pairs of twins here!
Hi Twinkystar,

Yup it should be identical twins. But i am abit confused because my gynae told me it is 1 sac with 2 placenta but when i went for my oscar test, the person told me is 2 sac and 1 placenta.

Will ask my gynae again next week when i go for my visit.
Hi all,

I 'disappeared' after a 'Hello' thread.

Into my 13th week now, this pregnancy was unexpected as I had problems conceiving due to low eggs reserve. I also failed an SO-IUI and IVF twice. Really was surprised that I conceived spontaneously.

I have bad MS and also super picky with food now. I have problems of getting food to curb my hunger pangs which do not trigger MS.

EDD is always changing. Most probably should be 9th April.
Congrats Dragon Mummy!!!

Apparently bad MS is good..Tts what my gynae say..It shows that the baby is thriving inside!!!

SO endure!! I also enduring!!!
Congrats smoke, another Pair of twins here! So cute to have twins!

Congrats on clearing ur oscars, Eliz!!!

Twinkystar, I need my coke too. Not daily. Maybe 2-3 times a week to satisfy the cravings.

Cheekyduckie, I had the bedok chwee kuey for breakfast. This is my 2nd time this week eating this!! Yummy!
Hi Tan Kai Li
Congrats on your twins!!

Dragon Mummy
My ms is bad too.. Just puked twice!!! I shd have stayed home today.. itchy backside.. Am on mc as i extracted my wisdom tooth yty. But i felt bad as i was on leave yty and had used up all except 1 day of my mc allowance.

Thanks. How u keeping up?
I love the bedok chwee kuey!! But now avioding it as i will end up burping chwee kuey the whole day!
Twinkystar, u muz log in to Singapore apps store. If ur acc is from us app store, go create another accented sg store. U shld be able to change the acc under settings, app store tab
Twinkystar, they all have high sugar content. So can only choose the lesser evil lor. At least these 2 have no caffeine. If you just drink 1 serving a day, and the rest is just plain water, and no excessive sugary desserts, I think it will still be ok.
Soon if anyone snatches our seats we can say "oh, are YOU pregnant too?" Hehe

Which is the famous chwee kuey stall at TB mkt? I stay near there but have never known which chwee kuey to have

I also heard the same! That hormones are working well if got MS. I just heard yesterday of a friend who bled a lot in 1st tri cos apparently not enough hormones and her body "didn't know" it was preg and her menses just came as per normal!

Congrats on twins!!

Aiyoh on coke. I never order but whenever I take a sip from hubby it always tastes soooooo shiok!

I keep getting sleepy in the day but wake up in middle of night and cannot sleep for 2 hrs. Argh. Is anyone also in insomniacs anonymous club like me?

Hey what is it that is supposed to cause water retention ah? Is it salty stuff? Can't remember liao but my first preg I had it very bad. Feet and nose! Yuck!

I took MC yesterday. I shivered with cold out of no reason. Anyone experienced that?

I need coke too but it can only be coke zero. I'll puke if I drink coke.

I must start my morning with a cup of good coffee else the rest of the day will be terrible.
