(2012/04) Apr 2012

hey gals!!! suddenly so active this thread haha.
welcome 'new' mummies!

re: ru yi oil - gynae says can but only above belly button. cos no research done on its effects on baby. so best dun apply near baby. i got past my weeks 6 to 11 with ru yi oil every night.

re: insonmia - if i wake up at 4am to pee (which usually happens), i can't go back to sleep too! such a pain!

i'm nearing week 13 but still have MS. now is purely triggered by smells and not just queasiness but will trigger headache too. i thought it's supposed to get better?
eliz, household chores still suck! but i have a v nice mil who will come over to help me to mop the floor, clean the toilets. the new maid will be coming in 2-3 weeks time.
Twinkystar, u can create new acc online or if u only have iPhone now, u can go "settings" then "store" tab. Sign out from ur current one. Sign in again, select create new acc. This time around, remember to choose ur region in sg. They will need a credit card detail.

I have 2 acc, a US acc and a sg acc that me n hubby are sharing. So this is the only reason I can think of when u are not getting sg version. If this is not the reason, den I'm not too sure what it is. Hths
Ni - wow, your MIL is very nice!

I still love the taste of Coke. But gassy drinks don't make me feel very good now.

Pinkbunny - insomnia seems to be striking quite a few of us. ginamummy mentioned its due to hormonal changes.

Thanks. How do i know if my apps account in from US or SIn?

Or how to check if the babycentre apps that i downloaded is US or Asian Version??
Time: 11 am to 9pm (Fri & Sat), 11am to 8pm (Sun)

Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

Contact Details:
Telephone: +65 64043676
Fax: +65 6343 9600
Email: [email protected]

BABY EXPO provides you with amazing choices and unbeatable value on everything for your pregnancy, baby and toddler. Get set to make the most of our HOT DEALS & GREAT PROMOTIONS!
As for insomnia, I have been waking up every 2-3 hrs. It makes me so tired. Luckily I can dun report for work if I'm tired. I went to work whole day yday, I was so tired out at night, puke everything by night. I realize my MS always come during night and I will need to slp by 6-7pm else will puke
Ni, what's the event for?

Mummies, which week do u schedule ur Oscar? mine will be down on week 12, and it seem that most of u already done it. I know my edd is the latest here and kkh only can schedule me on 19th
Mossie: my Edd is 22 Apr. I only doing my Oscar & Blood test on 10 Oct. Visit Gynae for results on 17th. So we are about the same lar. Last few liao. I just take it that do later more accurate lor.
mossie, this is the baby expo. starting tmlo. at Singapore Expo.

for oscars test, its usually done between 11 weeks - 14 weeks. i did mine at 11w 3 days after i seen my gynae. wanted to clear it faster for a peace of mind.
ni: i went to Singapore Expo website to check, event calendar stated baby expo from 21/10 - 23/10. A bit puzzle here. So is tomorrow or 21/10?
bubuya, my bad!!! the baby expo is 21/10-23/10
thanks for pointing out the dates if not all mummies will be making wasted trips!
ni: haha.. you are welcome. I was thinking if tomorrow then good, since tomorrow I'll be taking leave, then can go there for some shopping...
Hubby booked Lion King Tickets for our 19th anniversary of knowing each other. Any other Mummies going or have gone??

So maybe my turn to surprise him in December to watch Wicked in West End. Since he also surprised me with tickets to Europe to celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary
Hi mummies with ms, when that dreadful feeling of gg to throw up comes, try this breathing relaxation method I read fr babycentre. Breathe in n think of the sound "re" n breathe out slowly to "lax". Relax. Relax. Relax. It's helped me avert some throw ups. Worth a try.
Take half day leave? I just applied.. going off soon.. Gona try sleep my MS away.

Lion king is nice
I'm sure Wicked will be even nicer! hee.. I'm planning to get tics as well.

Thanks. Today is horrible. I have puked no less than 4 times since morning.. think nothing left in my stomach.
I tried to sxhedule earlier with kkh but no go. Lol, I think I'm just being impatient and always forget that I'm the latest edd here.

Ni, Thx for the info. Since the event is not tmr, u ladies can go for takashiyama sale that's start today. I actually Wana go, but feeling nausea since last night. And I doubt my hubby Wana go too coz his idol Steve job just died and he is sulking away.

Sigh, I hate my relatives. I am still in my first tri and the aunties are telling everyone I'm preggie. It start with my mum to my grandma, den my grandma to aunties and from them to pple I don't even know!. Hello??! Ant anyone keep a secret? I told my grandma off and say I pang tang, den she say nvm, she not pangtang. Hello??! I'm the pregnant one, not her ok? I already lost baby twice so I rather be careful. These few nights been having nightmare that something bad happen to my baby. urgh!!! I'm so pissed
Yesterday at NUH waited 1 hours for our turn to do OSCAR scan .. in the end... this #2 scan only take 5 mins .. unlike #1 .. took us 4 hours
sayang sayang. last time i told my team at work very early and they were very helpful and understanding. but i was upset that my boss took it upon himself to tell the folks that were servicing our account. i felt it wasn't his right to tell since it was MY pregnancy. but i think people just want to tell everyone cos it's such good news la. chin up, your family is very happy for you and want to share the good news

steve jobs
hub is now wondering if his mac is going to be worth more money *roll eyes*

mummies going for the sales
have fun and remember to protect your tummies!

my gynae said some mummies have said that ribena helps with that! no harm trying i guess

wow twinkystar
you and hubby are so sweet

fellow insomniacs
what do you do when you can't sleep? i just roll and roll and roll and roll and think about housework haha
Smoke,Kai Li
Congrats on having twins! Are they your first child? Had always hope to have twins so that can close shop but no suck luck kekeke...

Chwee Kuay
Clementi also has a branch of the bedok Chwee kuay. My kids love it. But so far I din dare to eat as it's super oily and my stomach can't take it now.

Aiming to go down to Take to shop for my niece's birthday present tonite. Hopefully no OT tonite! It's been late nites for the past 3 days.
Ahnah, 5 min is a breeze! r u able to take the result right away? I just call up kkh and try told me I can get results immediately since I already submit my blood test last week.

Pinkbunny, I know they r happy for me but I just wish they keep quiet abt it. Last week I attend a bday party and my aunite was telling her friend I'm pregnant. I was like, who the hell is that?! I just but my finger to my lips and ask her to keep quiet abt it. I dun care I'm being rude but seriously, y is she tellig pple around?!

As for insomnia, usually dreams or hubby snoring woke me up. I would wake up to pee and get back to bed, thinking if I shld go make a bread or not. I usually end up closing my eyes and tell my tummy, slp is better although it might take another hr before I doze off again.

Chwee kueh!! One of my cravings in the morning esp with Chee Cheong fun. Ate twice in the past 2 weeks. Although oily, but it was one of the food I can take pretty well
Hi mummies.. Im new to this forum and im glad to c this forum so that we can discuss n share any issues with regards to our pregnancy.. My edd is on 30th apr 2012.. Anyway yesterday n today i felt abit of pain, not cramps, near the pelvic area.. Mild pain n tolerable but can feel it.. I wonder if this is normal? Anyone of u experience this too?

Also, read in previous posts that theres this SBI thingy that u join to get discounted rates for oscar? Im doin my oscar end of this mth and i'll b deliverin at TMC.. Anyone can enlighten me?
Hi Mel!
Welcome, we share the same edd. The cramps could be baby pressin on our pelvic area but if it is worrying u, u shld call ur doc. I get it sometimes too.

Sbi is subsequent born incentives. If this is ur first born, u may Wana join fbi. U can visit their website online to find out more. Once u join, u can enjoy discount in the tests and other stuffs

we only given a paper report stating the fact only, as for how is the level of the risk.. it will only available on the next report when the blood report is out.

Try call your gynae and ask lor ... my wife even email to gynae and surprising got reply from him.
welcome mel!
i get cramps too, when i walk too much.

pinkbunny, i get insomnia during the early weeks of my pregnancy. now i sleep so early, like 10ish, but had to wake up to pee at 3/4am. and lucky for me, i get back to sleep almost immediately.

after lunch now, eating a cup of yami yogurt! nice!
Thanks ahnah,
I decide to switch my Gynea to kkh. They assign me dr Hendricks. But there is no way I can reach her until my appt. Not even email or contact no. I heard not all gynae in kkh are so unapproachable. Some even gave their email and fb.Anyone got good Gynae to recommend in kkh?
Hi Mossie,

I got my Oscar scan results about 10 mins after my scan, blood tests were done 2 weeks before the scan.

My gynae visit is this coming Fri.
Mossie: ok thanks! Shall look at the website n ask abt the FBI.. Hopefully can save me some $$.. Haha.. Ya somehow i feel mayb its juz baby pressing or mayb its comin up to my tummy area now so my insides r adjustin n movin abt? Since our edd r the same, which wk r we now? Coz its different when i c the v-scan date n when i use calandar to calculate frm first day of last period.. Pardon me for askin so much!

Ni: yup i tink i do walk alot too. Coz im in the childcare line so alot of moving abt!
i think some ppl r not sure if we r pregnant or we just happened to have bigger tummy. so we give them benefit of doubts...

pinkbunny: when suffering insomnia, i still try to keep still in bed, hoping to fall asleep. sometimes will wake up to drink milo haha... cannot sleep = hungry...

btw, can we have korean ginseng chicken soup? have a craving for that...
Leo_baby: confirmed identical cos they are in the same sac, sharing one placenta. Which makes the pregnancy a high-risk one. High chance babies will be born slightly earlier and all. Hais.

Oh yes, mommies, I realized something the other day, I started leaking colostrum, which was a first for me. Wondering if this is normal?
Mel, my gynae say use the v-scan day. Cos everyone's period length not the same. Supposed someone only get her period once every 3 months, when she detects that she is preggers, she can be only 1 month preg instead of 3, cos she might have ovulated only at a later date.
So LMP can only be used as initial gauge.

Mossie: I heard from my SIL that if you want to choose gynae, you will need to opt for the higher rate rooms, or something liddat lar. Quite confusing for me. She herself wasn't aware until a week before she delivered.

Mel: Yes. There's a fee to pay for the SBI/FBI for 2 year membership. $148 for FBI. You get discounts at most of the shops in TMC, some outside shops too, and the 24hr TMC clinic, and the scans done at the Fetal Assessment Centre. You also get up to $100 savings for stay when you deliver.

I prefer the Tiong Bahru chwee kuey compared to the Bedok one. Arggg... no outlets near by. Wailzzz... Not sure if hb can wake up earlier tmr to bring me go Chong Pang to buy. hahahahaha...
Pebblestones: So FAST leaking colostrum? I thot it only happens in 3rd tri. It has never happened for me before for #1. Now, I do realised that there's like little white head looking spots excreted. I think my body is cleaning away the block ducts from #1. I got serious case of block ducts for #1. hahahaha.
In any case, just wash with water no matter what it is. Don't go scratch at it or scrub it. Else later infection.

Mossie: Don't be upset of the spreading news lar. Last weekend I attended my hb's cousin's kids bday party, and to my surprise, ALL of THEM there knew abt my pregnancy! And were very actively asking whether i felt sick, any cravings etc. Can't blame the in-laws, I think they are just too excited that another grandchild is coming and they forgot that 1st tri should not tell. They never tell when I had #1. I think they are too overjoyed now to remember.

No one in my side of the family except my mother and sister knows yet. I didn't even tell my grandmother. =P
Mossie - My gynae is Dr John Tee from KKH. If you want to choose him, I think you have to opt to be private patient at KK's The Private Suite. If so, can only choose A or B1 class rooms.

I chose him because there was pretty good feedback about him online and he is experienced. However, he is a man of few words. He is also very chop-chop and gets right down to business. I estimate he spends only 5-7 min on average per patient! Good thing is that the wait for him tends to be short unless he is called away for a delivery.
Thanks dragon mummy. Maybe kkh will be as fast also.

Mel, we r abt 10 weeks plus. The most accurate to know our gestation week is from our last menses. Those edd on our scans are just estimated according to baby size. But different baby are different. Although we have the same edd, we might give birth diff day in the end
Cheekyduckie, all my relatives knows becoz my grandma told them. They keep talking abt pregnant to me non stop. What I'm angry is they even tell pple whom I dun even know. They r concern for me, I understand. But they go and tell other pple, that I dun understand. It is non of those outsider business. When I start getting nightmare, I get worried. I was very quiet with my #1 but this time, I let my co worker and some friends know.

As for the edd date, I think u r right. For my case, menses are regular so I just take my menses date. I realize the scans date change all the time and sometimes baby in awkward position and they can't measure properly. My gynae also refer to my menses date too.

Ni n el, I heard of dr tee as he is quite popular. Is he approachable? My concern is like when I have questions to ask, I can nv reach dr Hendricks. I.e. My anti vomitting med is finishing soon, I may want to get more. Who do I go to? I'm sorry for all the questions but I was using a private gynae until recently. I use to just call up my gynae for any questions.

I with Dr. KT Tan.

She's a no nonsense gyne.. not much chit chat kind.. go straigtht to the point.. decisive..

As i see her since my #2 .. i'm fine with her

I'm telling her that i hope to be on natural this time round .. she is encouraging.. but she says still depends on the baby, placenta and many other factors..
Hi dragon mummy,
Thanks for offering. I am taking ondensetron and so far, only this can curb the vomitting. I tried to cut down but everytime I skip a dose, I feel the nausea.

Sunsweet, since u hav experience at kkh, how is ur overall experience there? The only think I'm complaining now is doctors not very approachable. Anything muz go 24 hr clinic. And the last time I went there, I was greeted by the worse doctor I ever seen. Mu cousin told me her doc is very good and even gave her his email n fb contacts. Anything, she just email him. She also said there is a kkh clinic in amk which she find shorter queue.
mossie, i m really not sure abt kkh. i m with private gynae, i m with Mount A, Dr HK HO. He is also man of few words, but he is always so accurate and pro. So i continue with him. but his nurses are damn approachable (they are aunty aunty ma). I call them up as and when i have qns. Even for my oscars test, i call up the nurse to ask them to help check the test results.
Mossie: My menses is those crazy kind. Can range from 30 days to ehhh... 40+ days. So my gynae used my v-scan to determine my EDD. Which, not bad this time, just 1 day difference.
If you are not registered as Private Patient under the Private Suite, maybe can just walk in and see any other gynae for the meds? Or you want to try calling up KKH and ask for advice?
Or you want to try to cut down on your anti puke medicine? See if you can control it yourself?
Mossie - err, actually I haven't tried calling Dr Tee in between appointments yet and I only switched to him recently as my previous gynae left KK for private practice. Maybe you can informally ask the TPS nurses/receptionists? Dr Tee has been there a long time so I'm sure they know what his practices are.
Ni, those private clinics always have chatty nurses. My old gynae too. But my gynae is lousy at treating gastric so I think I'm dropping him for this pregnancy since that is my main prob now.

Cheekyduckie, the nurse book me under private suite but I'm having second thoughts coz I think my gynae is super overbook at her ivf side. I may just Wana switch to another doc at kkh. The last I went 24 hr clinic after my hospital stay was bad experience. I was vomitting more blood compare to the usual traces of blood. Their nurse did their routine call that day also and advise me to go 24 hr clinic and ask to switch other med. I told the doc there and she scolded me. She ask me go get the medicine from the nurse Loh. Damn pissed. At that moment, I just hope that I can see my own gynae instead of this kns doc. But there is no way that u can speak to ur gynae without appt at kkh.

Dragon mummy, thanks for offering the medicine. U r very helpful.

I think I'm the question child here today. I'm so full of questions and rant
Mossie: ok now 10wks plus.. Few more wks to end of first trimester.. Had been freakin out at the smallest weird feelin..
So afraid my hectic work schedule @ childcare might lead to complications..

CheekyDuckie: hm.. The FBI sounds good.. Goin home to read up on it tonight den mayb join b4 oscar scan end of tis mth..

Anyway my cramps tat i felt tis mornin r not so noticeable now.. Will monitor tonight.. If not, shall take mc tml to c gynae..

El, maybe I'm the panicky type i prefer my gynae to be contactable. I have lots of problems when I'm preggie, just like my #1

Mel, I freak out easily too. If u still unwell, go see ur doc
