(2012/04) Apr 2012

Cheekyduckie: I find that timed release tablets are better than effervescent tablets in terms of effectiveness. The effervescent Vit C washes out of our system very fast unless you take several times a day.

Mummies, which medela breast pump is gd? I used to have a manual avent pump, its so tedious that i got backache and ended up i gave up pumping. this time thinking to buy an electric one, and see if i got feed bb more breastmilk.
Ni & Lilcactus

Thanks for your reply

U got to cheer up or else your baby will be sad too

Totally can understand how u feel, i only have 1 boy at 19 month. I also cannot stand him cause he stick to me and always want to carry and i am small size i can't carry him long.

I always feel heartburn and tummy always feel uncomfortable. (T_T)
Lilcatus: i use the Freestyle. Small and light enough to carry around. Good for me as I care for the bb alone after confinement. I hang the pump on myself and walk around to tend to the baby when there is a need to. The grossest I did before, change bb sh*tty nappy and pump at the same time. haha.
I used to own the Avent double electronic. Gave way after 3 months. And it doesn't pump clean for me too. End up very bad engorgement, and milk supply just drops big time.
Hey Elim,

Actually not sad about it, just uncomfortable, cos you know we keep having the metalic taste in our mouths rite..

I'm actually feeling very great this preg! Cos my just turned 2 yo girl is such fun to be with lately. and she is more sensible now, there was once i was feeling so xin ku, i told her mummy needs to rest awhile cos bb is sleepy. so she sayang my stomach and kiss it before running off to play with daddy! so whenever she is ard, she just brightens my day
only when she sleep then i think of the xin ku ness.. haha

Just to ask ah, did u mummies get water retention on your legs ?

I rem when i have my first one, water retention sat in only when i was like 8th month preg, but now i got water retention already.
Lilcactus - Your 2 year old is so sweet! My gal who's the same age is totally blur and doesn't understand anything!

Dolphin - So far no water retention for me yet. Perhaps you should try elevate your legs? Check as well that you're not taking too much salt in diet.
Dolphin, water retention so fast already? Try not walking too much also.

Cheekyduckie, regarding oscars test, if no problem, wouldnt receive any call right? I did mine on Friday. praying the blood test will be alright!

lilcactus, i am thinking of getting medela freestyle or PISA.
Ni: oooo... will get call? i dunno leh. I doing my Oscar and blood tests next monday. Last time do no call lar, and results ok. So not sure whose procedure it is to call lar. But nvm lar. Just wait lor. I think i gonna scare myself silly through the waiting again.

Ni: If you are going to pump in office, PISA might be bulky and heavy lar. But if driving then it's ok. I could bring my freestyle to shopping and pump there last time also. haha. But then, I heard PISA is more powerful. Not too sure. If my supply is gonna be like #1, den Freestyle is good enuff liao. Maybe I just use hand express also can. Hand express is the cleanest and most convienient i find. But hand ache!

Dolphin, get ur hb to rub down your legs every night. Sleep with legs slightly lifted. Don't wear tight fitting shoes.
Ni: My hubby and my mum want to get rid of my maid in Dec. She's been with us for 4 years. Can't send back to agent as we renewed her without going through the agent. I'm hoping that I can get through the sacking without too much drama.
eliz: not taking oscars cos we are taking amnio instead. no point spending money on oscars since we've decided we want to do amnio regardless.

ni: different gynae say different lengths for 1st trimester. mine says once i see her, which is tomorrow when i am 12 weeks 2 days, and she clears my scans, means 1st trimester over, can announce.

isn't 2nd trimester supposed to be honeymoon trimester? my MS is slightly better but i am so weak! yesterday i walked about 5 min from the house to bus stop and i felt so faint. heart beats very hard (not fast, just loud and hard) and feels i really need to lie down.

feels like an invalid sometimes

really hats off to 2nd/3rd time mummies!
Hmm.. what's amnio ah?

I also 12th week today.. still no good.. sigh.. maybe will have to wait till 5th month like when i had #1

Anyway, this will be my last!! Actually i forgot how it was when i had #1 but this time round i will remember it well!! Also not getting younger, no more #3 regardless #2 is gal or boy
el, talking about drama-ness! my maid wins hands down. Yday i sent her back, she gave me so much drama that i told her, "Pls pack your bag within the next 15 mins, if not i will call the police to escort you!"

amnio is short for amniocentesis, usually done on week 16 onwards with 0.3% risk of miscarriage but 99% accuracy on chromosomal abnormalities.

gynae will scan the baby to ensure baby in right position then poke a needle from mummy's tummy into the waterbag and then draw out the fluid to test.

my HB wants to be very sure that baby is healthy, so we opt for this instead of Oscars although it is invasive compared to Oscars.

i had wanted 3. but HB keep asking me: you sure? cos i see you having #1 you so pathetic already. HAHAHA...
I would also recommend Medela freestyle too! Although it was a heavy investment, but no regrets!
I have kept it in the store after using it continuously for 9 months, I hope next yr can still use for my 2nd baby =)
Maids: There are reports/rumours that Indonesia is going to stop Indonesia domestic worker supply to Singapore. So far only 4 countries made it to the approved work places for Indonesia Domestic Workers. Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. As of Sunday, MOM has not confirmed this news.

Amnio: is a more accurate test for Downs. Involves inserting a needle into the belly/waterbag, draw out water to test. Something like that. Not everyone will do this due to the higher risks in this test compared to other non-invasive tests like oscar.

Tangerinez: our body working harder to pump blood to the little one. So heart will work harder. Try to slow down your walking pace. If going up stairs, do slow down also. I find myself getting tired very fast too. If the symptoms get too bad, please speak to your gynae. My blood pressure goes up with my pregnancy. So my heart pumps real fast and hard. Very scary. My hb was very worried when i had #1.
Tangerinez -Still have MS even though I'm officially in 2nd tri. There is just some food that the baby doesn't like! I puked out all my dinner on Sat night.
thanks everyone for their suggestions, seems like freestyle is good enough.

for CL, i was thinking to get a daytime confinement nanny for 2 weeks, but guess wat quote i got, its $1350 for no cooking, just cleaning and laundry! so ex!
lilcactus, what I hv is the pump in style advance (pisa). I've had it for 4 yrs, used daily w my first two n lent to 2 friends. It's still gg strong! *touch wood* Hope to use it for no. 3 too. Bulkier than the freestyle model tho.

TMC sells 2ndhand models at their parentcraft centre. Dunno if they still offer this service. My advice to mums (especially first time mums) wanting to buy bf equipment n accessories is: if you're really determined to bf long term, read up a lot on it n get connected to a network of mums who bf so u get advice n support. Gd to be mentally prepared for the hiccups along the way: blocked ducts la, mastitis la, engorgement la, well-meaning aunties telling u you don't hv enough milk in first week so give up la...

Then things like bf pillow can get gd condition ones 2ndhand fr forums like this n fr craigslist sg. Cos a lot of mums stock up new stuff then find they can't continue bf long-term so a lot of equipment n accessories r actually in gd condition.
Ni - Wow. How did you manage to handle it alone? I think I don't have the guts. My hubby however has assured me that he will do it.

The main problem for me is that I don't think that my maid has performed that badly in her work. She does the housework, cooks and looks after my two kids in the afternoons and without my active supervision. But the cons are that:
a) She does have an attitude problem at times
b) Talks too much on hp
c) Isn't always honest about what she does in terms of work
Gina - like Tangerinez, my gynae suggest Amnio instead of Oscar as it provides a more accurate result. But I'm intending to take Oscar and if results is ok, forego Amnio.

Lilcactus - I am also thinking of getting a daytime nanny for 2 weeks thereafter order confinement food! But I didn't know it cost so much! Did u call up the agency to check?
El, i did it when my hubby is around of cos! hahha

my maid also has an attitude problem. is very rude and overbearing. act as if she is the owner of the house. do household chores very slip slop.

the last straw came about like this. i was having friends over for dinner and mj last saturday. (she sleeps in the study room which is glass room, and i have already told her about this when she is hired). So in front of my friends, she started to paste newspaper all over my glass room without asking us for permission. which is very rude i feel. this is my house and u want to do anything, u need to ask permission right???

also, she took the dog down to pee and poo. usually its only 15 mins. on sat she went down for an hour walk! i asked her why so long, she rebuted, the dog dun wanna poo lar, what can i do!

Seeeeeee! She is always challenging my authority. So thats it, off she goes! Haha, maybe i am having raging hormones problem too.
mummies, do u all experience white discharge? and also clear, watery discharge with odour? no itch.

last few visit always forgot to bring up this matter to my gynae... and my next appt is going to be a mth later...
amiang, yes the rate is quoted by them. another agency is so popular that the apr nannies are all full!

ahNah, i'm at 11.5 weeks and feeling better for the past 2 days. although feeling more comfortable, i hope it doesnt signal baby isn't fine or anything like that.
thanks cheeky. i'm going to get the gynae to explain to my HB why i have to breathe so hard/loud. he keeps thinking i am sighing and says it's bad for "tai jiao" argh!

mummies, when can we start to take tonics? i think part of the reason why i feel so weak is because cannot take tonics! i used to take chicken essence and black chicken soup last time.

what kind of tonics can we take? bao shen? dang shen? ren shen? dong cong cao?
AhNah: My very mild MS all disappeared even though i am still in 1st Tri.

BF: Yes. I agree with Gina. Well meaning aunties, MIL, mothers, etc will keep saying not enough milk etc. They will even compare the amount of milk that is being extracted. Or when bb gets hungry very soon, they will say not enough milk etc. Must really have a very hard ear to filter all these. I believe that any amount of breastmilk is better than non. I wasn't a good cow, i had to do partial FM after 3 months cos bb wasn't growing well. But I still happily pumped whatever I could until she was 10 months old. And she rarely fell ill. I was so grateful i did that cos i went down with chicken pox when she was 5.5 months old. I continued the pumping even when it was uncomfy and painful. Cos, the antibodies i was producing would protect her.

I am going to do the same for #2 this time! Hopefully with prior experience I will do better this time! hahaha...

Silvery_gal: I still get discharge. No smell no itch though. If there's smell, must tell gynae. Cos last time i was down with yeast. Got smell but no itch either.
Silvery gal - mine is yellow discharge. =(

tangerinez - i didnt stop drinking chicken essence leh... but only hv 1 bottle every week.
and my Heartbeats very fast also. my colleagues always tot im having asthma attack!

later going to see gynae again.
last sat went for oscar scan... later going to collect my result! sO scaryy~~~!!
lilcactus, at first I also worry. So I keep pestering my wife and ask her ..

"how is my baby ? is she/he moving inside ? Hhhhhaaaallllooooooooo"
CheekyDukie: So have to make a trip down to my gynae or can wait till 1 mth later? Actually started since i m preggy...

yingoinkoink: mine sometimes can be yellow... dun be so stressed up. should be fine!
Hi mommies-to-be!

Am a April 2012 mommy as well..am expecting twins, which came as a surprise to my partner and myself. Hahas. Do have a blessed pregnancy mommies-to-be!
Silvery_Gal: Yeast usually will be weird smell. If the smell is overly fishy, might be bacteria and must see doc.
If you had recently engaged in "activities" with your hubby, he might need to get treated as well.
Maybe you call your gynae up to check first. Yeast is quite common in pregnant women.

AhNah: Tell your wifey don't worry too much. A lot of it is self induced/imagined. Just avoid whatever is making her sick as much as possible. It will be over soon. If it gets too bad, can get anti puking medicine from Gynae. My gynae gave me when i had #1. This time round she didn't give cos I told her no need.
Try ginger tea. It does help when i was feeling slightly pukey. I got the Twinnings Infusions Lemon and Ginger Tea Bags from Cold Storage. Very yummy! No caffeine n no sugar too. Healthy! =D
Pebblestones- Welcome! And congrats! It must be exciting to be having twins. Do you have older kids?
Ni - Wah, your maid had bad attitude! Mine is still scared to some extent of me and hubby.

she only worry abt her clothes .. wat to wear and what to eat for dinner.

gynae also gave her the anit puking medicine but she refuse to eat.

She wanted to drink tea and cold drink which gynae and me forbid her to do so. hahahaha
On another note, I've just bought a Zojirushi breadmaker without my hubby's knowledge. Can't wait to try it out to bake fresh bread at home! My colleague had been raving about hers for some time.
AhNah: Maybe you get some fruit tea or floral tea for your wife lar. Don't deprive her until liddat. As long as the tea don't have caffeine, it's ok one.

Pebblestones: Congrats! So cool to have twins! If only I also had twins. It's my secret dream to have twins lar. But not so lucky.

El: How do you secretly buy? He will see it in the house right? I supposed it is not a very tiny machine.
ahNah, let her sip some tea its ok one. as long as you restrict the amount she drink.

when i felt bad, i also gave in to drink some tea as i felt it made me better. but i dont finish the whole cup, sometimes just half. it doesn't do anything to bb, dont worry.
Cheekyduckie -I got my colleague to buy for me but I will have to bring it home from the office. Once it is home will not be a secret anymore!
Ni: yes my maid also bad attitude, guess all maids is like that, I FIRED HER OFF....

Pebblestones: Congras to your twins, i always wanted a twins, but NEVER
so sad ...

ahNah, you mean gynea will stop cold drinks? Mine gynea practically said i could drink what i want & eat what i want, he always say can eat & drink will be the best ... humpf ...
Ah Nah -I have been drinking hot herbal tea after I throw up. Has helped to settle my tummy a lot. Herbal tea shouldn't have any caffeine, but of course if in doubt, check the box. It should say caffeine free.

Maybe my gynae is more kaisu... but I dun mind. He even warn me not to Make out with my wife for the time being.
for me, i did not stop taking caffeine during my 1st preg, maybe half a cup a day. only when i in 2nd trim i stop then i went back to caffeine (normal teh) in my last trim.

it is ok to take caffeine, just in moderation.

my this preg, i am more kiasu, wanted to totally abstain from caffeine one, but end up suddenly MS, so i tried to sip teh on days that i feel loss of appetite/nauseous and i find it helps!

so far i have 2 gynaes and none say totally cannot take caffeine.

AhNah: The packaging on my tea box says no caffeine. I checked before I buy. Floral and fruit teas usually have no caffeine or very little caffeine.
Fruit teas are generally known as herbal infusions and don't contain caffeine. =)
Unless the teas are mixed with tea leaves, otherwise should be caffeine free.

Yah. Caffeine prevent calcium absorbtion. But that's only if you take in large quantities. Recommendation for "addicts" is about 2 cups a day or less if possible. Unless you have some condition which cause your gynae to give that advice, should be ok.
Old wifes tales will say that Ang Moh tea is Liang. So preggers cannot take too much lar. And chinese tea is too "Lai3". also bad for preggers.
