(2012/04) Apr 2012

Silvery_gal: I also indulge in my occasional green tea and coke! hahahahaha.... The weather now, sometimes so freaking hot... how to resist the coke and ice green tea. =P
Hahas. Thanks alot ladies! It's really exciting but super challenging and tiring expecting two at one go. Just did the Oscar today, thankfully, everything is alright so far.

EI: nope, no older kids. Our first born;)
Pebblestones - I'm a twin myself! So I can tell you that having a twin is lots of fun.

I still indulge in my cup of coffee everyday! When you already have two kids and don't get much sleep at night, really need it to survive the workday!
Congrats! i get all excited when i hear the word: twins!! haha.
Double the fun but double the work too. Lol.

I also need my cuppa to hit start my day.. i try to drink half in the morning and then if afternoon, feeling really horrible, another half a cup.
cheekyduckie, i still drink coke! and koi and gong cha too! i take all kind of drinks except alcohol. haha. the key word is moderation. dun drink in excess can already

pebblestones, it must be exciting to have twins! if its one boy one girl, u can close shop already. As this is my #2, i wouldnt want to have twins! hee
Ni: I was secretly hoping this round I will somehow get a pair of twins! Then I can get my dream 3 kids! My hb says stop at 2. So sad. Nevermind, I shall work hard to convince him! hahahaha... Just like how i convinced him to have a dragon bb, cos i do not like snakes and horses. wahahaha...
I am so hungry!! 13 weeks and suddenly I feel like I need to eat every other minute..gosh!

Pebble - Congratulations on your twins!!! I was hoping for twins too cos i did IVF but its singleton, which I am very thankful for! Nevermind, 2nd pregnancy can aim for twins again hehe..
By the way ladies, if u are willing to spend a bit, I bought my supplies of caffeine free teas from TWG. Also u can buy Rooibos tea bags from Cold Storage or other supermarkets. Rooibos teas are free from caffeine.
hi mommies,
my nausea started this morn (usually happens in late afternoon and night). Am hoping will cease by dinner time. feel so uncomfortable. Being pregnant can be so xin ku...=( really pray that nausea will stop soon. hubby was whining that i have not been spending much quality time w him and our daughter since preggy. i feel bad too, but its no fun feeling sick all the time. sob!!

i have been waking up really frequently at night too, especially to pee! at least 3-4 times. haahah...

wow, thats so cool!!! congrats!!!!
Again, I can't thank you ladies enough for all the well wishes

Thanks alot..
Just wanna tell all of you here to jia you! The end of first trimester is approaching! Hopefully, it's our light at the end of the tunnel, for now at least. Hahas.

P.s: can't close shop leh, cos my babies are identical, meaning, same gender and same look. Hahas. Am already worrying how my family is going to differentiate them.
Pebblestones. Don't worry about not being able to tell them apart. Family will learn how to. I could tell my buddy and her twin apart at first look. Quite a lot of others were tricked when we went ard to prank. If you know them well enough, it can be done.

Counting down to my Oscar. 1 more week to go. 2 more weeks to the results. Arggg... My 1st tri just got extended because of this. Haha... I was abt to declare myself free this Sunday! Exactly 12 weeks. =P
Morning! Its a wet wet morning.. Best for sleeping in but alas, no such luck... tmr better don't be so gloomy too... i hate to park at TMC! Usually get hubby to alight me then he will go park opposite or at the URA carpark.

So looking forward to getting clearance for the oscar test. Wonder when we can tell our baby's gender..
Good morning mummies!

I had a nightmare last night, and was jolted up at 7am! Dreamt that I failed my Oscar test and was required to do a amnino test. so I called up my gynae clinic tO check on my test results! And thank god! I cleared the oscars, I m under low risk! Phew!

I guess I was being paranoid;)
Pebblestones, congrats! Twins r so cute. My uncles r twins n so r my cousins but next generation no twins yet. Each time I'm pregnant hubby will ask: twins?

El, I agree with u! By my 2nd pregnancy I really needed the coffee to kickstart the day or else like no energy!

Ahnah, any particular reason gynae said no caffeine n cold drinks? My gynae says can eat n drink anything so long as in moderation n hygeinically prepared. That makes for a happy mummy! Guess why I'm sticking w her for pregnancy #3 ;)

Rainy day, mummies. Walk carefully.
Good morning ladies =)
such a nice weather to zZzzzz....

Anyway yesterday went to collect my report.
LOW RISK!! Heng ah~~!!!
BUT... got yeast infection =(
my gynae asked me not to worry too much... coz no baterial infection. he only asked me to cut down on sugar.. =)

Anyway my EDD keep changing..
from 12/4 to 14/4.. den base on oscar scan = 13/4.. but yesterday scanning = 10/4
Eliz, why don't u let the valet park car? No extra charge. I m looking fwd to seeing beanie tmrw. Pray for the best for our Oscar tests. I must remember to sign up for SBI card tmrw: discount for Oscar, 20-wk detailed scan n TMC stay. Did u sign up for it?
Good for u!

I agree.. Happy mummy happy baby.. i also drink/eat, just in moderation.
Valet got charge ah.. then they also park at the URA carpark and we need to take their mini bus to collect our cars. So troublesome..
Oh, got discount ah??? I already paid for my oscar wor

Congrats too! Gynae say nothing to worry then its ok.
Eliz: Yes. I also do the valet parking. Confirm cheaper than parking in TMC. The U-Turn to the URA car park opp is very far away... and there are quite limited lots. We just use the valet.

Gina: Do sign up for the SBI. Good discounts I think. The card gives discounts at Mums & Babes too. I go there to get my Medela pump parts. I am going to try to use my #1 FBI card for my Oscar. After it expires in end Oct, then before the 20 week scan, I go apply SBI. So cheapskate.
Think the card also gives discount for other tests @ TMC. I got to do like almost every other test when I had #1. So very worth it for me.
Eliz: Yes Yes. Valet provided by TMC. I thot usu just pay like $2.50 or $4. Depends on how long i stay there lar. I think it's ok. I just realised that recently not everyone goes via the minibus, once they drove the car to me, wait at the taxi stand, the other time take minibus.
I guess the service is good when it's raining. At least hb and i won't get the rain.
eliz, yes there is valet parking at tmc. quite convenient, except have to wait for bus to send u to ur car when going back.

cheekyduckie, i paid for oscars and detailed scan together. oscars + 20th week detailed scan at $470+, so if u going to use ur FBI card, u can pay for both oscars and detailed. my gynae says its cheaper to pay for oscars and detailed scan together.

congrats on clearing oscars test too, ying!
Ni: My gynae didn't get me that package. I got the Oscars with some other thing to do with Oscars test. No idea what that is.
Will do the detailed package later ba. See the Oscar results first.
I usually do the valet but always alot pple so gotta wait for at least 2-3 rounds of the minibus.. when not feeling good, sucks to wait. hee.
Eliz: Sometimes, I get hubby go pass the ticket to valet first. Den i sit inside and wait. Where the aircon is! Can get drink from dispenser or delifrance lor. So still quite ok lar. I figured if wait for my slow hb to walk over to the URA, drive over, the minibus might have come liao.
Good morning mummies...

I haven't posted for some time. The thread is moving so fast... I don't know where to 'cut' in..

Congrats to all mummies who cleared the OSCAR. I will be going for mine this Thursday. And then will be leaving for a vacation in Melbourne in the evening. I hope the result won't give me anything to worry about during my vacation.

Have a smooth pregnancy everyone..
Good idea!! Hahaha...

Good for you.. Melbourne is nice.. I'm planning a holiday too.. hubby's changing job so got a week break in nov..
But with MS in ard, not sure where i shd go.. Nowadays super no energy to shop.. lol.. good for my cc bills though.
I have also booked my holidays to Hong Kong in Nov. Bringing #1 along. In laws coming along too. Hope I survive the trip. haha... Hb can have a good workout carrying #1 around. =P

Eliz: The shopping will start soon. Once bb gender is known, sure shop like crazy. No need to go out. Just online shopping is enough to kill!
Online shopping is super scary. Sometimes I get packages and I forgot what I bought?!
Hi Mummies,
any one started taking fish oil, prescribed by gynae? Ive started but really dislike the burps of fish oil smell lor. =(
Anyway, im gg to visit my gynae and do my Oscar this afternoon.
Can't wait to experience it. =)
eliz> this Melbourne holiday was planned in the beginning of the year. hopefully can relax and enjoy. hope MS stay far far away and my boy will be in a good mood and not cranky...

cheekyduckie> you're right. online shopping is so addictive.. see anything fanciful, just click Add only. Add the end then get a shock at the price...

MummyJesline> good luck with your Oscar. I think we're seeing the same gynae, Dr Heng.
Congrats to all Mummmies who have cleared the oscar test!

I'm a tad worried for mine next Saturday at 13 weeks.

Anyone been having weird dreams as well?
Last night I dreamt that my finger got bitten off by someone. And then my hubby went for a costume party with my gfs without telling me. He was very much wanting to go without me. So he put alot of make up, wore jeans and a funny jacket and went. Then I found out and they had no choice but to let me into the party.

Any idea what this could mean?
AhNah: Maybe you want to ask gynae why not good. My gynae say prevents calcium absorption. But a little is ok. Every gynae will have their own preference. So better to find out more.
Or maybe there's some other reasons why the gynae is banning the caffeine for your wife. Everyone of us is different, have different situations, so good to clarify. Else must suffer for months. Can be very torturous and painful.
hi all, passed my Oscar test last week, but forgot to ask whether can see the baby gender or not.... anyway, am looking forward to see the little one again on next Sat appointment..

So envy that some of you could go for vacation.. i've been begging my hubby but he rejected coz he's too paranoid, keep saying i cannot take flight... sienz...
LittleDd: initially when i know i am preggy, i was paranoid, thinking if it is ectopic or will i suffer a M/C. so i have some bad dreams initially... as for these few days, i dreamt someone feeding us with human flesh... and some others not good dreams...
anyway, i notice there is a few mums the EDD is always changing... the 1st time i visit my gynae, he did not tell me my EDD. 2nd visit, he also did not tell me until i asked him then he calculate for me. he say if my baby is not out on my EDD, dun have to worry even if it is over a wk!!
Pebblestones> congratulation. My 2 sis are twins and identical ones too but no problem from telling them apart. is yours going to be identical or not? In case u wondering what I asking since you had not even seen them. Well, are they in the same water bag or 2 different water bag. Same water bag will be identical. That means they split from the same egg.

Ladies> really admire your with so much energy to do things not sure why I am always lack of energy. Anyone started to take any bu tiang? I had no recollection what i took previously liao memory loss is bad after one pregnancy. suggest the 1st time mummies to really record your bb pregnancy journey. Like me now I forgot what I prepared for myself last time. Can someone refresh me pls.

Also need your assistance to advice on the CL deposit. how much to give and how to ensure that this person will not be a cheat. Pls advise.
silverygal, don't worry. The edd is just an estimate. From 36 wks the baby is considered full-term, safe to b delivered already.

Leo_baby, my last CL asked for $300 deposit n came recommended by friends so that was one assurance. I also had a photocopy of her passport, partly for assurance but also cos she wanted us to apply a work permit for her so I knew she was serious abt her work n her reputation. Hubby n I didn't mind paying the extra $170 (I think?) for the work permit for peace of mind.
Silvery Gal: I asked my gynae why EDD keeps changing. She ask me to follow the 1st EDD predicted via the v-Scan. Cos tummy scan not accurate. So ok lor. I follow the 1st scan.

Leo_Baby: Paying for the work permit also means your CL won't need to go back JB to chop her passport every 2 weeks. Can be quite disruptive if you really need her. And the jam @ the causeway is quite terrible nowadays. Previously my MIL also had to do that, cos we were not in time to get her long term pass.
There's also a restriction on m'sia passport that they are not supposed to be staying in singapore for more than 2 months in a 3 month cycle. Something liddat. So if your CL don't have work permit, and she had been on a few jobs before you, she might not be allowed to come back in.

Not to scare you, but very hard to tell if the person is a cheat or not. Even if you photocopy the I/C, Passport, etc, also very difficult. Cos in m'sia there isn't a proper record system to track. Even if there is, you will prob have problems lodging complaints. My hb's family are m'sians. Even they agree.

Yeaps. Anytime from 37 weeks is considered full term. I delivered #1 at 37 weeks 1 day.
Hi cocomama, yup I'm at the parkway east clinic now. Just seen dr Heng, drew blood for the test n saw my bb lying on the front. Never see baby in that position before leh? Now waiting to settle bill then go to radiology to do Oscar scan.I think I did not gain any weight since last visit
Cheekyduckie> Is it every 2 wks? She told me if they work 27 days they can don't need permit as then they need to go back.

Ni & Gina> Thks for info.

Ladies> Any mummies game for meet up already? Where do you all propose?
cheekyduckie, i delivered my #1 at 37 weeks 1 day too!

leo_baby, i m ok to meet. i m working in town area and lunch is pretty flex, so can meet in town
