(2012/04) Apr 2012

Sorry to hear abt your bb. Pls take good care and rest well after the op. You will be blessed with a healthy bb soon!

Hi moms,
I hv a few items for sale/give away. Please sms me at 91558725 if you are interested.
1) medela swing breast pump bought 14/8/2011 (warranty till aug 2012), selling at $250. Used barely a mth as i hv not enough milk supply.
2) my breastfriend pillow $40 (almost new, used a few times only as boy is a premature and refuse to latch on)
3) medela washable breast pads, very new and good condition $10
4) 2x 3ml avent nipple cream samples FOC
5) 30ml palmer's nipple cream FOC
Leebabytwo, so sorry to hear that. But I agree with you on the choice of gynae. My first was delivered by Dr Ang and so I went back to him when I preg 2nd time. He couldnt detect my ectopic preg and I had internal bleeding for 3 weeks. Lucky I went my sis gynae for 2nd opinion and I had a op immediately on that same day... And I also heard alot of bad reviews of Dr Ang after that from frens. Glad he is no longer my gynae.

My bump super showing already lor.. machaim 5 months preggie

I lost weight though.. but i feel so fat!
little dd> i tink i got a tiny puny bump. not very big thou.. super puny.. did u weigh urself? i did gain about 1kg thou.. i'll be at 11w tomorrow.
pouts. i also have a bump. But varying in size throughout the day. So far safe in office though. Think there's another lady who is also preggers and showing a lot more. So all the attention is on her now.
2 more weeks to end of 1st tri!
I look like I'm already 4 mths preggers. during the last visit to gynae, have already gained 3+ kg!
Hi ladies, quick update from me. I went for my NT scan on Monday, everything looks good! Baby is waving at us! The feeling is so priceless, this is one active baby, couldn't stop jiggling wriggling around hehee..

I'm back to work also yesterday after 12 weeks of bedrest. Felt so tired at the end of the day.

Oh btw, my baby looks like 13 weeks 3 days old instead of 12 weeks 2 days. And is already 10.7cm long. EDD could be shifted to March I think, will need to get more info from gynae on the next checkup.
Hi mummies

My tiny bump has defnitely grown bigger and i've upgraded to wearing maternity clothes as I felt suffocated in the normal ones. I've already informed my boss at 8 weeks and yesterday at the team mtg, he casually mentioned abt my pregnancy in front of everyone. But am fine with it coz I'm into my 13th week now and many people already guessed that i'm pregnant as i was quite skinny in the first place. At least now I wun get so many questions from the colleagues. In terms of weight gain, I think I have gained more than 3kg =( Trying to slow down... Anyway, I dun feel hungry as often as the past 1 mth. Cutting down on the amt of snacks now...
Andreanie, wow ur baby is 10.7th already! I jus went fOr my gynae visit, Bb is 4.7cm, I am 11weeks 4 days. But I did saw Bb's little hands and feet moving during the scan, so amazing!

Drew 5 tubes of blood for oscars test! Was painful Loh.
Ni, the 5 tubes of blood purely jus for oscars? that's alot! =S I'm gonna do my blood test on my next appt on 8 oct *cross fingers and toes*

I'm 10weeks 2days. excited!!
Hey mummies, I walked in for my oscars test without an appt, and to my surprise no need to wait. I was given the scan once I reached and thankfully baby is very cooperative, all the measurements are taken within 30mins. Thank god all is good. And sonographer kept commenting baby is very playful and active, kept jumping, waving hands, kicking during the session..

Also booked the detailed scan, on the 3rd week of November, by then can know gender
LittleDd, your colleagues are so nasty! Ignore them. Take care of your health and be happy. Happy mummy happy baby. My side quite nice. Keep asking whether I'm ok cos I look very tired. Ask me to eat more. This is my 3rd pregnancy at the same workplace. So far my bosses are ok. Just want me to make sure I train other colleagues so that they can cover my duties when I'm not ard.
Twinkystar: i'm with moe. If I remember correctly, they count by days. 1st 2 mths is 56 days. If you are not sure, can always go to your AM. I always go to my AM to disturb him. "force" him to calculate for me.
Welcome all you new mommies!

Hey smallpea.. I'm exactly at 10w2d too!! ^5! Going for Oscar on 14th Oct cos I want to see the baby as developed as possible and Oscar is recommended between 11-14 weeks so it's still under the given time range. Initially I booked mine on 8th Octt TOO! ^5 again!

Andreanie.. your baby grows so fast! I'm sure you have a bump already?
I plan to tell my boss on 13th Oct or 17th Oct when I am at 12 or 13 weeks.. after that tell the stupid gossip woman and say "NOW you can go spread the news to the world, thanks CNN!"

Fed up with her mouth!
sigh, puked out my lunch
when will this end???

I'm 11 weeks 2 days. Oscar test next wed.

Heck her. No point getting upset. Some pple just keep their mouth shut.
Twinkystar: I think all count by days lar. I remember the MC that my gynae gave me was written in no. of days too.

LittleDd: relax relax!!! cool down ok.
Eliz, 加油!!hahaha~~~ they say mummy morning sickness is because ur baby very active and high IQ, it's a good sign~~

not like me~~ haha.... i might have a low IQ and not active BB? haha..
I'm sure they say that to comfort mummies with ms. Doubt its true. haha.. My sis no ms for both kids and both just as smart

Lucky u.. super envious! I even had a frd who played golf during her preggie days.
wahaha~~~ ur words comfort me too~~

i experience no appetite or after meal not comfortable only when the doctor give me Duphaston pill, but mine is just small case if compare to u all~ So i really salute to all mummies who have mc.
Hey littleDd, yea! ^5! Am pretty nervous and excited for the coming check up =p

Eliz, jia you! I don't think my MS is v serious but still I find it highly uncomfortable to try to keep the food down sometimes =( Can't wait for it to be over as well!
Jiayou! better days will be here soon!

Am planning for a short hol in Dec but not sure where to go with 2 kids in tow and a big belly. hmmm... any suggestions?
i can't wait for the "honeymoon" stage!!

Wa, you are good. 2 kids and a big belly sure sounds adventurous.. How abt resorts in Bintan?
You mommies going overseas for babymoon in your 2nd trimester? Besides Bintan, where else in mind to go?

I've not even had honeymoon

Well I have a business trip to Bali in Nov' though. Hahaha! Substitute.
LittleDD & Ninilicious - Yah! Can u believe it? I cannot believe how big my baby is! Still remember during my 6 weeks scan, my gynae said baby is smaller than gestational age. And what do you know? Lil bean is now growing one week in advanced! And this is coming from me who lost 5kgs effortlessly after I got the positive sign!

Babymoon - I was thinking of a staycation instead of vacation. Wonder which hotel is nice to stay here in SG.. any suggestions? Was thinking somewhere in November to celebrate hub's birthday as well as our 5th wedding anniversary.
Eliz: Bintan is definitely easy. Cos nothing to do except resort activities. If your budget allows, how about Club Med resorts. They have childcare and baby care facilities, all meals on board, lotsa resort activities too. They will even provide baby friendly food if u request.

Andreanie: Babies grow by leaps and bounds. Very fast one.

LittleDd: Places i am considering are Hongkong, Taiwan, Bali. Initially had planned for Beijing, but i think it will be very cold there, so drop plans. Mostly regional. As i do not want to end up uncomfy in a long haul flight. Had a friend who did Maldives for babymoon.
I am planning for 2 trips. The other one go to Penang, hopefully next year. Need to check on airline restrictions.

If dun go now, it will b no hols for next 1yr. And with 3 kids, hard to go anywhere...

You bringing your kid along? I'm trying to avoid beach resorts as dec is monsoon season. Ended up gotta stay indoors. But it's def much easier. Hongkong is out as it's not kid friendly plus I have gone twice in last 1yr with 1 child each time. Am exploring Taiwan as well but outside of Taipei. My only worry is the amount of luggage plus having to handle 2 kids at the same time. Not sure how that can work if only 2 of us gg.

How abt RWS or MBS? I went to RWS last yr and the kids love it!
Eliz, I'm 11 wks plus and doing the Oscar test next Wed too! TMC right? Will be there in the morning. Maybe we will bump into each other.

I'm still uncomfortable after meals and evenings have to lie down but nothing as bad as previous weeks. Still off water :p 6 kilos lost but baby bump is showing.

My friends are thinking of driving up together to Sunway Lagoon in December. Anyone been there before?
Hi, I am 9.5 weeks. Hv already booked for hong kong in nov. I will be bringing my two kids along together with hubby.2 of the 7 nights will be staying in hk Disneyland. I think I can't go anywhere once no.3 is out.
Yes andreanie I agree that babies grow v fast! It's amazing to see them swim around in our "Olympic size swimming pool"

And I m booking a room in MBS in nov for hubs birthday too! ;)
Odiey: Yes.I bring my kid everywhere I go.
Actually not all areas will be affected by monsoon. Depends on which side the monsoon will be at. Dec to Mar is actually the best time to visit Phuket. I was there in June this year n we were hit badly by the tides and waves.
I have been to hongkong 2 years back for my babymoon too. haha. Actually been to HK many times, same for TW.
With 2 kids in tow, I think you need to get help to go along. Else can be quite a nitemare.
My other options are Australia. But boring leh.
Does anyone have cramps in their lower abdomen? I constantly feel bloated and not hungry at all.. MS is so frustrating.. Been vomiting since my 6 weeks till to date daily..

For those thinking of ordering Natal Essentials for confinement food, I mus comment for it's fast n good service. I managed to call them oni ytd morning, the staff patiently explain the menu to me n dinner is sent tat evening warm n nice. In fact, t's quite yummy for the first meal I had last evening.
anyone booking those malay lady for massage? Wonder when i shd start to look. The one who did for me when i had #1 wasn't responsible at all. Last few session she went mia and always changing my appointments.

Yes! TMC. Appointment is at 8am!! Faint!! That's my normal waking up time

True also.. tough to travel with 3..

HKG is definately out.. cannot bring pram ah... so not child friendly..
good morning mummies! last day of work week for me!

anna g, i used to have cramps during earlier stage till about 8-9 weeks, cos i think the uterus is expanding. and if this is your first pregnancy, the uterus must expand and work hard to grow, for the growing baby. unless the cramps is painful and sharp pain then you have to consult a gynae.

leebabytwo, how was ur op? how everything was alright. rest well.

eliz, hkg is not pram friendly. i went to a few resort travel, i must say not bad. very family friendly. went to port dickson and tioman. quite ok.
Leobabytwo, glad to see you're staying positive. Do rest well. Tx for feedback re. Natal Essentials. Think I will cater from them for confinement but maybe for 1st two wks so don't get sick of food. Will hv to ask them what's substitute for chicken n egg in 1st wk n no liver n kidney for all meals-don't like taste of those!

Eliz, mine's at 8.40...not much better...hahaaa! Think Jamu massage lady don't hv to book so early right? Mine was very chatty when all I wanted was some quiet me-time for a bit of pampering. Hahaa.
I'm thinking of a babymoon on Bali (but with two kids in tow) at a resort. But timing is a bit up in the air now as not sure when I have to change my helper!
Massage lady i think i will book like in mid 2nd tri lar. My Jamu massage lady was ok. She does chat a little. But i think most of the time i just doze off. I am the kind who will fall asleep no matter how noisy/uncomfy the environment is.

I am more or less settled for HK for my babymoon. No pram sounds tricky, but i am sure we can work it out. She doesn't like to sit in the pram anyway. We will figure it out.

I heard from my colleague that Natal Essentials is good. I am thinking i wanna order that for lunch, den dinner, my MIL cook. And she can cook for the rest of the family also. Else lunch cook for 2 persons not here not there. This way will have more variety too.

Dec is good mth for Phuket? Shall check that out. They have quite a lot of nice resorts. HK weather will be very good in Dec! That's the only reason why I'm looking at Taiwan coz feel like going somewhere cold but not freezing cold like Japan/Korea.

El, is it moonsoon period in Dec for Bali? I went for my 1st babymoon in Bali, kinda miss that place.
