(2012/04) Apr 2012

i think diff gynae got diff say lo. my gynae say mine engaged ard 28weeks so he always warn me those sign of labour... maybe is #4?

Mrs kang
yeah, my bb also abt same weigh 2.5-2.6kg, i did the scan on monday...

I remember when i got my #1, after 2mths, i got this breast crack that make me fall sick. That time I also total BF but dr say I cannot BF her for 1-2 weeks becpz I'm on antibotic and my BF is toxic... my breast so hard and pain, but i continue to pump out my milk so at least when recover i still can BF her. I remember TBF her till 1st b'day.

I hear from my hb say last time when he was born also got hole in the heart. Dr give him some special notes in his health booklet so he cannot do PE in school, when in NS, better nothing for him to do, just storeman. shake leg. I met him when he is 21yrs, finish NS, and got a sport job till now. Every year do those health check up didn't mention abt the heart issue. I think the hole is close but just duuno when?
My #1 also when she is in P1 diagnose when heart murmur. But at birth, nothing. According to the dr that see my girl is very normal to have this. Hers is extra heartbeat. Now i got to bring her to HPB for yearly check.
So think positive... Like what desperatemum say, maybe will close by itself. My gynae also say if i deliver early than 37week might face this problem. only when full term bb are less lightly to have this issue.
Yes, ur bb deliver in full term but diff bb got diff development grow stage, some fast and some slow. Dun give urself too stress.

which hospital u go? sound so scary...

Lokking for my 37week checkup on monday. I really hope bb can stay inside after 38weeks. I dunno to induce... I hope my bb will only deliver after 24 april ( EDD 30/04) coz after 1mths confinement will be june holiday, at least i can rest for another mths...
Newbie88.. My EDD is 30th April how about u? Reborn we share the same EDD
me and hubby also wish baby come out during 20 something. Preferably 1 week before EDD
Mrs kang: No I haven't start.. I will b working till next Friday
btw i just visited the birth shop at sin Ming.. They hav breastfeeding group and she say can make appt when face prob in breastfeeding w her to seek help during weekdays noon..she says first few days dun need pump n latch first den when milks come in den pump..
Breast pump
I didn't get pump before #1 arrival. I do regret. So my hb bought me avent single manual pump, which very lousy.... I still continue to use till my #2. but I realize I need a good pump coz I need to bring to work. Den I order from momsinmind.com.sg (no more), the brand is ameda dual electric pump ($300). This pump I like it very much, is user friendly but will need to buy extra spare parts. I did try the medela but not good enough... My #3 also still using now #4 will be using it too.
For me, day time I will pump and bottle feed, night will direct latch on so I can slp thru the night. My this ameda I can pump every 90 min I get 4oz. I never keep ebf in my fridge more than 2 days. I will discards or warm up to clean my bb face.
Breast milk is very good to clean bb sticky eyes. And if bb face got those red rash, can use too. It will clear up fast.
I will pump once I discharge from hospital. I also drink nursing tea and fenugreek pill to tonic and increasing milk.
what a boo boo the first PD made!!

i am also trying ameda dual pump this time for #2. glad to hear the good review from another mommy. =)
Hi lovexuan, hope your sore nipples recover soon..
I do not ve experience in bb with VSD. But my gd friend has a daughter who is diagnosed wif it. Apparently, this is pretty common n could b detected upon birth. Unfortunately in her case, d PD overlooked n it was found out a couple months later.. And it explains d bb difficulty in breathing n slow growth. They sought 2nd opinion n aft a few mths hole did not auto heal by itself (which apparently happens most of the time). Hence, they proceeded wif the op. bb girl recovered very well n since then had grown quite a bit. They chose the surgeon at nuh, cux apparently he is one of the best in this field... Hope this info helps.. Meanwhile, do take care!!
Lovexuan - one of my friends is diagnosed with a hole in her heart. Not sure if it is same as your baby, she is now still very healthy except that she can't do P.E. In school or vigorous exercise. Hope this experience will ease your mood slightly.
hi mummies, those who have popped and have cl, do you find that you bond less with the baby cos you are resting most of the time, and cl does the rest of the things like feeding, cleaning baby up etc? will you still carry baby around to cuddle or let baby be in living room (instead of in room) if he is awake?

now i'm in dilemma, cos i dont want to carry and cuddle baby unnecessary cos scared he used to it. but worry if he'll know which is mummy if i dont. but when i talk to him, he seem to be listening, as if he can recognise my voice.

wat do the rest of you mummies do?
Congrats to all the mummies who have popped in the last week.

Lovexuan, pat pat. I know the feeling. With my 1st one I stayed in the hospital with baby while he underwent phototherapy. It was the best thing in retrospect because the nurses were on hand to help with the latching and feeding.

This time, I was discharged 2 days later. Milk hadn't come in and I ended up latching on for hours on end and pain and cracked nipples. I really felt like giving up with the breastfeeding even though I fed no. 1 for 11 months without supplement. Anyway, I took fenugreek and corrected my latch and it's much better now. I also took sg flex while nipples were recovering because latching also brought me close to tears. It's much better now that I've corrected my latch. Hang in there!
Larson/piggy mum, both my kids were in the OP Position. I delivered naturally with vacuum. The pushing takes longer than normal delivery but with epidural it was manageable. Don't stress too much.
I have delivered close to abt 1.5 weeks le. But till nw, still no milk supply. Izit by nw if there still no milk mean condemn Liao ie. no nid to try stimulate milk le since aft 1.5 wks still no milk.

My confinement lady n mil has been telling mi aft 3 days no milk mean no milk le. Dun haf to waste time pumping.

As a 1st time mummy, I really hope to give my gal BM. But till nw no results plus all e discouraging words fr CL n mil, m thinking shld I really give up ?

Any advice fr experienced mummies ? Sigh.....

let yr bb latch or seek help from lactation consultant. will surely have milk.jia you.breast milk is gd for yr bb.try your best
Bbliss, no milk meaning not a single drop or very little? Maybe you dunno the technique of expressing milk or baby doesn't know how to latch on. Doesn't mean no milk. Pumps dun always works for everyone. Try visiting a LC to understand what is the problem. Good luck!
Kirsten, if u have, bring just in case. Even if no milk, can use pump to stimulate milk in case baby doesn't know how to latch on. The nurses can sterilize the parts for you.
i have engaged a CL coz this is my last bb liao. I think have to set rule for urself towards CL.
My rule for CL will be, she cook for my whole family, doing some laundry and cleaning. The only thing she will do with my bb will be shower and maybe clean the poo or pee.
At night, i will look after the bb myself, direct latch on and change diaper myself.
Day time I will EBM and bottle feed myself.
Chalis: think 100ml is normal, sometimes I only produce 60-80ml.. Haha!

Kirsten: I did not bring pump to hospital. My baby stayed in the ward (1bedded) with me for most of the time so I just latch on.. Kkh does provide a pump for u to use should u require. Anw it's good to be bonding with bb thru breastfeeding ESP for first few days!

Lilcactus: hmm I would still hug and carry baby when he is awake, just that when he fall asleep faster put him on the bed.. Anw feeding oso will carry mah. Muz still have cuddles and hugs! Hehe. About CL I'm not so sure le.. But she is supposed to help bathe and wash the bottles bah since ur not suppose to touch water..
Reborn - If I remember correctly fromthe tour, got wifi but must Pay for 2bedder ($20/day)....

Can any mummy share why our hands are no.t aupposed to touch water during confinement month? Don't have CL so trying to make sure I cover the basics. Thanks!
regarding bm, so far the best i could do is pump 50ml only! sometimes only 30ml.. so just keep trying.. drink lots of fluid, it should help.. fyi, i've delivered my boy on 29mar, and bm only came in on the 5th day after delivery. now is day 11 after delivery.

cayden's mummy: i'm trying not to cuddle him too much, cos i scared like my #1 (no CL that time), she is super clingy to me! dunno if its bcos i do everything myself so up till now, she only wants me, and no one else! faint sometimes... so hope this time my boy will be more independent

during confinement, think old folks believe we shouldn't touch water at all, but i think sure will, to a certain extent. i still brush my teeth and wash my face and wash my #1's bottle etc.. cannot avoid...
the reason why we can't touch cold water is becos cold water might cause wind to get into our body. we can touch only hot/warm water.
When washing bottle or doing things that will touch water pls wear glove. Get those cheap and disposable.... If really hands dirty, use warm water with add in alcohol.
Haiz.... My hb been sick for few days. So worry is tml checkup gynae wants to to deliver.... If I deliver tml maybe my hb can't be with me and I will be alone..... What's make me more worry is I'm afraid if my hb pass the illness to my newborn bb... May god bless me.... Bb pls stay in for another week or till ur daddy recover from flu....
Thanks! Good idea on the gloves... Not v pantang but if not difficult to follow w try to listen to the traditional tips, if possible..

Lilcactus, haha, I totally forgot still have to brush teeth!!!

Lovexuan, niece diagnosed w the same issue last year but doc says it's actually quite common so just need to monitor first few month to see if it will self-repair itself. Praying for your little one...

Jia you all mummies. Finally started my ML & delivering this thur.. Any mummies w same date? Thanks for all the sharing!
Lilcactus: ahh icic. I'm also afraid my boy will be too clingy, once he fall asleep in my arms, to the cot he goes! LOL.. I also let his daddy, grandma and grandpa carry and coax him to sleep, so he won't be sticky to just 1 person..

Lemon: I've been waiting to join the FB group since a longgg time ago but the admin like MIA!! Grr.

Ron8129: ya it's like what Lilcactus say.. The wind will get into our bodies. I also feel its unavoidable, sometimes need to wash bottle, brush teeth, wash hands.. Easy to say wear glove but just super lazy and u wont bother! Lolz..
i think i am a "defiant" mommy, plus my mom is particular about hygiene and she will be e first to ask me to shower after delivery. hahah...i still touch water (pretty hard not to when you have to keep hygiene especially with a lil baby!) like normal. altho i have hear from others to use warm water. guess i just cant be bothered. life goes on as per normal for me except to skip cold drinks. hahah...

are you delivering via c-sect? all the best ya!! must be looking forward! =D
Reborn: it's $88. Hee. Nah never.. Saw his weekly column in U-weekly 3 years back and went to him to calculate our ROM date then subsequently our AD wedding date.. The shifu (son of Jing Zi Long) is very friendly and explain the procedures to us in detail. We have had friends who went to other shifu for wedding dates and the shifu is too "modern" liao, not too comfy with that.. Hee.

Mrs Kang: no prob!

Is my boy's Chinese name girly? I hope not! I love it.. Hehe. Sounds like his English name!
chalis thanks for sharing your experience. i worry bcos my gynea is the one suggesting c-section cos he doesn't dare to take the risk if baby still in OP position. and i dare not challenged him. see how. hope baby will be good.

abt touching the cold water, i think is a good tips not bcos of pantang, bcos when just give birth our body still very weak so touching cold water too much then later on we would be proned to rtheumatism (not sure if i spell it correctly
. anyway, hard to avoid but try to use warm water instead.

pinkbunny you are at TMC, i think there is a Pd there who got a lot of complaints.

so sian waiting. btw i noticed something, previously when i clean my nipple (during bath)if too hard will have little white liquid come out, today bcome yellow like colostrum, does this mean i will give birth soon? anyone experience this?
desperatemum: dont think so, cos i started having colostrum quite early on.

haru: me too. also just do things normally.. only shower then will use herbs, if not still touch water to wash hands etc.
Hi there,

i'm back after missing for the weekends.

reborn : yeah, we share the same edd but seems like u r gonna pop earlier..do update your checkup today k..
Desperate mum
Abt few weeks before I deliver my #1 I also have milk come out. ESP during hot shower the milk will just leak out. It doesnt mean anything about labour... Just ur body prepare for milk....
Just to check btw 36-37 week do ur bb still move a lot?
Mine been moving non- stop since ard 16week till now....
Mine is a boy....
Reborn, I am 37weeks today my baby girl is moving more as compare to 2nd trimester hee.. Sometime can give me shock haha.. Let enjoy this last few weeks of them kicking and moving inside us
reborn : my baby is moving alot especially at night and when i'm in e office. maybe its the position that i'm sitting in the office that makes her uncomfortable./
ladies who want to join the FB group, please email me at [email protected], your NICK and email address, I can help to consolidate then send to admin. We DO NOT encourage silent reader, good to participate and share. Thanks.

PLEASE DO NO PM me because seem like something is wrong, many told me they have PM but nothing in my inbox or junk.

FYI, admin just delivered last week.

Haiz.. most of you mommies have delivered and talking about the next phrase of motherhood - mainly breastfeeding.

Those of us who are still in the waiting game, when are your EDDs and are you on ML already?

Sigh, I am reaching 38 weeks this week and still no sign of baby coming except for soft cervix when I went for 37 weeks' check up.

Any mommies to be experiencing bad heatiness? I'm so heaty my chest is starting to pop tiny pimples, I've got the bad flu and sore throat, phlegem is yellowish in the morning. Never had such bad heatiness before. I'm constantly using the tissue now.
Wondering if this could be a "sign" than baby is coming out this week? WAHAHAHAHA! Seriously hoping so though. Starting ML this Wednesday!
