(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi Mommies
I pop! My boy is 2.955kg at 38weeks 1 day..
Epidural didn't work well this time round, so contractions are horrendous for me.
Admitted with no dilatation, only water bag leakage. So the dr dare not check my dilatation subsequently fearing of infection. By the time when I really can't take it any more, I'm 3cm dilated and the anesthetist reached in 15 mins and i was given the epidural but the pain was wooosh.. I was still on laughing gas throughout as the epidural was taking effect too slowly on me.. And I was already 9cm dilated in less than 30 mins. So delivered with partial epidural in effect..

Congrats Lotusmum, have a good rest
can someone tell me wat is mucus plug? does it necessary have to be strands of blood??

i'm having some white sticky discharge recently and it looks alittle bit like phlegm, when i touch, it's sticky like glue, isit mucus plug??? isit signs that labour is coming soon for me????

recently i'm oso having very intense braxton hicks which lasts for at least 10seconds everytime the baby tightens

this is my #3 and my due date is on 30 Apr. i'm 36 weeks now, officially left with 3 weeks and 4 days.. getting so excited and nervous cos heard from many dat #3 can be very fast so i'm looking out for signs as i'm still working and will only be going on ML 1 week before my due date.
Hellooooo from TMC observation ward!! At 38.5 check, gynae was worried re low water level and upon hearing my baby is less active than usual, sent me straight to TMC for induction! So now alrd inserted the pill, after 6 hours, on drip, then on Good Fri, PUUUUSH!!!
pink bunny,

my checkup is next wed. i'll observe for the timebeing since there's no cramps or pains..
congrats ya... jia you!! pushhhhhhhhhhh
congrat lotusmum, envy you for dilating so fast, take care!

pinkbunny, it's your turn now. try to relaz and all the best!!!

mummies, long weekend ahead, enjoy the time before baby come
Mummies, have you all brought the breast pump? I am thinking should I buy now or after I deliver I buy from TMC.. But if baby have problem latching, can we borrow the pump from hospital?
Mrs Kang, if i'm not wrong think can rent.

Better have 1 standby or at least a mannual one, cos for my first one, 1 day after i discharged from hospital, i got terrible engorgement, pain like hell. to me the pain was more than delivery pain. i came back to the hospital for treatment, got to massage the breast to dissolve the lump and then pump out the milk. so to me, it's a must have.
Desperate mum, I will buy the breast pump but is thinking can I get it when discharge from hospital lor. Will make sure when I discharge from hospital my breast pump is ready
anyway thanks.
Hi Jesline & Lotusmum, congrats on your smoooth delivery to a healthy baby!

Jia You pinkbunny! Am sure everything will be fine. god bless.

Just went for my weekly gynae checkup this morning. Baby Gal is found to be in an occipito posterior (OP) position.
btw, am currently in my 37 weeks now. Have tried doing some exercise like going on all fours etc ... Hope baby will be good and be in the right position soon. any mummies with similar experience?

Btw, what are things to take note after a C-sect? especially in terms of diet?

Usually how long must we wait after a c-sect delivery before we can do jamu message?

Tks for your advise and wishing everyone an advance Good Friday & Happy Easter!
congrats!!! have a good rest ya!

how exciting!! all the best with your delivery!!

how do u know it's contraction and not braxton hicks? i really cannot differentiate, my tummy suddenly gets very hard and i feel the tightness and oso a feeling down near to my vaginal. should i see my gynae?
Pinkbunny: jiayou! Push push!

Lotusmum: congrats! Wow everyone is really popping one after the other.. Hee!!

Mrs kang: I'm not sure about other hospitals but Kkh does provide a pump should u require. It's important to get one, however if ur milk only come in 3rd or 4th day like me, there might still be enough time to get one after u discharge. I also heard most ladies don't have milk for the first few days..

Mummy_baby2008: mucus plug comes with brown or red streaks. Same like u described lor, very gooey and thick. Iirc, u are only starting labour if it comes with brown or red bits. I had it too, brown for a day and red for the next 2 days. I gave birth on third day..
Boohooo everyone around me in observation ward is eating yummy smelling food. Nurses ordered sandwiches for me but gynae said no eating boohooHOO!!!!
Congrats to all mummies who have popped! :D

Pinkbunny, jia you wor!!

Went for my 38 weeks + check up.. Gynae did VE, but cevix not yet open ley >.< .. gynae ask me to walk walk walk more again or do squatting excercise.. haiz..

Guess the rest of the mummies who have not pop yet are as anxious as me ! :p
Hi mummy, I have pop too. This morning 10am 37w6d..

Here the birth story:
1am: I notice bleeding
1:30am: reach hospital &amp; contraction start
every 10 min
2am: doctor check and dilate 3-4 cm
2:30am: epidural injection
5am: dilate 8cm
7am: fully dilated to 10 cm
8:30am: gynae came and ask to wait for bb come down progressively so no need to pushso hard
10:04am: baby girl arrived, 3.018kg

Mummy exhausted... And rest
Whoever pops at TMC go look at the board of pics outside observation ward 3. The one with all the artistes and "famous people". How can all the mummies look so radiant after birth?!
Pinkbunny, ya I saw the photo too when I was there last sat... I also wonder y!!!! I told my hubby I m looking so horrible now can't imagine right after birth... Hahaha

One after another mummy is popping... Congrat to all! I was hoping my baby will pop early too coz too tired. My c sec date is on 16th. Final countdown now...
we got the same edd!

No ppl here seeing tmc dr ang?
Next Monday check up again, dr wants me to prepare and settle my 3 kids.... Coz most lightly will be admitted Liao after see him. The pill my gynae gave me do help me stop the contraction but just feel my bb head very pressure.... Think maybe today walk too much... Hope can tahan till 37 week which is coming monday
hello??!! U are supposed to be in labour! What board of pics?? Haha! One funny mummy leh u! Do update us! jiayou in pushing!

At my checkup a few days ago bb weighs ard 2.4.. Gynae says abit small for a 36 wks bb.. but 'its ok! He's very healthy!' his quote.. hopefully he will gain more weight in the remaining wks!

So excited! Seems like there's at least one mummy popping everyday! Jiayou to all mummies!
Mine abt 2.5-2.6 also 36 week. Gynae didn't say small.. Small better, easier to push unless u c-sec...

Mine #2 deliver at 2.9kg, 38 weeks. So hard to push and I got tear. ASAP she is discharge, she drink 4oz every 2 hrs. By the time she full mths already 4-5kg. Look very chubby... All fold, cannot even see her neck!
Just came back from my 37 week check up and same as yours, mine is in OP position too. Gynea said could be due to tummy muscle not strong enough to support baby hence she has to squeezed.. He said nothing i can do though and if by week 39 still like this then hv to schedule c section, which I totally dun want. My no 1 was natural le. Can teach me the exercise you doing to change baby position? thanks!

Pinkbunny, are you supposed to be in delivery ward? Hope to hear good news soon ya.

Super worry now...
Yah tats wat ppl has been telling me.. weight at birth is one thing weight gain aft birth is another.. lolz! folds u say.. hopefully i have enuff bm to achieve tat! Btw i think we have the same edd.. 30th Apr rite? But u are early! Hopefully ur bb will stay till Mon! Gd luck!

from wat i noe if u c-sect position of bb does not matter too much bah.. read in baby centre getting down on all fours helps in getting the bb in position!
Hi hi!
Mother of two checking in! *thank you, thank you* my little sweetie arrived at 1.57am at 3.095kg, via natural birth with epi.

This time my experience with epi was much better. I was only a little numb in the legs but could feel cervix dilating! (Felt like a balloon being blown inside me). 1-5cm took forever. But 5-10cm only took 1 hour! This time I could also feel myself pushing. Walau eh it sure is exhausting!!

Jia you all mummies! Waving pompom!!
Pinkbunny!! Congrats!! Everyone of us is taking turn to pop !
my edd is 30th apr.. So I am still waiting hee
Larson n desperate mum, my bb was oso in OP position n dr said my labor via natural will gg to be a long n may nid assisted delivery such as vacuum.

But by e time I popped at wk39 which is juz last week, my gal was delivered without any assisted delivery. Natural push come out....

So dun worry too much. Bb will turn their position even when at labor stage. Meanwhile, juz enjoy this 2-3 weeks while yr bbs r still in yr tummy, enjoy their kicking. Coz aft u popped, u will kinda missed those mmt of yr little ones inside u

Jiayou to all mummies on labor train soon !!!
Thank you mommies!!

Congratulations Jojay and Pink bunny.. Case closed.. :p

My no.1 came to visit me yesterday and cried when leaving, wanting to go home with me.. It's so heart wrenching...
Desperate mum
Try keep on talking to ur bb... It works also. Dun think of the position so much. I remember when I deliver my #1, her position of her face and body facing side way, but I also dunno how push push for an hour and out! The gynae say wow if discover the position like this must go emergency c-sec.... Haha. But by the time bb out, both hb and me look so worry because pushing too long, coz her head to look like 101 Taipei tower! After few hours it went back normal. Oh ya, the gynae do cut me den bb come out. The midwife say like MEi MEi giving birth, so small hole... Sound bad right.....
Hi mummies, mine was popped out on 3rd Apr
super busy with breastfeeding.

Mrs Kang - please prepare a pump, my breast got engorged the 2nd day after delivery, super pain cause I didn pump out the remaining and my baby drank very little and slept a lot.

Stressed, hope she will gain weight.
Hi mummies, thank you for the advice on the post natal massage. Have taken note, i will take it consecutively too.
How long shd per session be? And if freelance, how much do they charge for 7days?? What type of herbs shd they be using on us? Must it be jamu?

Congrats to those who have popped!
Take care n enjoy the moo moo days

My #1 has been cranky. I feel heart wrenched n torn between 2 daughters. Tot this time is my last confinement then should be obedient and do a good one, but I guess it's not really possible as I still have to b hands on with sticky #1.
Prob due to epidural, can feel that my spine is rather weak thus time, easily 'suan', like no strength to support my body.
Hope I'm on the way to recovery during this mth.
Happy Good Friday to all!
God bless!
Congrats to those that Popped!! Yay!! Hehe. Pinkbunny, did u feel any pain?

Mummy jesline, I went to SMS about 4 to to 5 massage ladies, the timing range from 1 hour to 1 hour +, some do not do top to toe, only tummy massage n binding (then who will want?). Some do not include breast or baby massage. Prices range about $60 per session, but most impt is what includes in their package. Most do not use jamu now, is lemongrass or lotion or oil. For mine she use massage oil for body and ginger cream for tummy den bind it. Must also ask for frens reccomendation as I only trust those tried and tested effective one..

Btw most freelance massage lady are fully packed, some even make booking 6 months in advance..
wow, congrats baby dragon and pink bunny!!!!

had a busy but fruitful day with hubby and daughter. went for nice brekkie, and then to robinsons for last min shopping (bot booties coz realized i had none!), and then to sentosa beach in e evening..a late night for my girl but she had good fun. feel happy spending time w her before baby arrives. =)
Sounds like you had a lovely day
I remember thinking during my false alarm staycation "lucky I did all those things with #1" haha like you, brought her out for activities past bedtime too

Cayden's mummy
Pain, of cos got pain
that's why got epi :D my contractions very power

And now I'm being bullied by a little white bundle of cloth! Xiaojie now doesn't want to latch on, just wants to sleep sleep sleep! :S
Pinkbunny: ahh icic.. B ur ur labour considered more easy/shorter than #1?

Hahaha bullied by a little white bundle of cloth!! Lolzzz.. Me too me too!! Sobs sobs we so poor thing hor. Haha..

Btw what insurance r u ladies getting for bb?
Hi desperate mum,
you may wish to check out this website...http://www.homebirth.org.uk/ofp.htm
As i dont intend to hv C-sect ( unless absolutely no choice), hope baby will b gd &amp; turn correctly during labour.

Hi bbliss, thks for the encouragement!! Its my first birth &amp; hope to hv a smooth vaginal delivery.

Congrats to all mummies who hv pop!! Its getting exciting!
Wow! So many mummies have popped! Congratulations!!!

babydrag0n, our babies are a day apart! Heh heh.. ;)

Anyway mummies... I am feeling so upset now. Cos baby is not with me. He has been admitted into mount alvernia for phototherapy due to jaundice.
I am currently facing so many challenges. My nipples are super sore, cracked and bleeding. The pain is soooo excruciating that i cried each time i latch on. Baby doesn't seem to be drinking correctly. I hate to pump but i am pumping like i am a moo moo cow now. 30 minutes of pumping every 2 hours yields only 100ml of ebm... But i am super engorged yet baby is not here to drink. I miss him terribly!!!

My baby is also diagnosed with heart murmur aka VSD aka hole in the heart. Any mummies with similar experience?
Thanks bbliss and reborn, that's very comforting.

Larson, thanks for the link and yes let's aim for a smooth natural delivery.

Baby dragon and pinkbnny, congratulations!!!
Lovexuan, sorry to hear what you are facing now. I know the engorgement pain, worse than delivery pain w/o epi. Maybe you can seek help from the lactation specialist in TMC (ms Wong) ? Worked for me last time.

About your baby, maybe can get 2nd opinion? My friend's baby had this before and I thought now is still too early to tell? The hole may close itself when bb full month, so there is still hope ya. Try not to think so much and rest more cos baby needs you to be strong to take care of him.
hang in there...use breast shields to protect your nipples and if you have a massage lady she can help with engorgement too. stay positive ya? The pain subside after awhile, coz now nipple not used "working" so hard. i remember i couldn't even bear to wear a soft cotton t shirt too when i first started bf-ing.
Just came back from gynae check up, baby girl is 36weeks plus n around 2.5kg gynae say good weight coz natural he hope baby not too big so easier for me during delivery
next appt will be next Friday
Mrs kang, I'm same phase as u too
my gynae says bb will only consider engage when water bag burst then the bb head will have space to move down n get engage..
Oh no dunno why I typed so much then everything disappeared.

Poor thing lovexuan. Sayang sayang. (I wan to say sayang ur poor sore nippes but that would sound so wrong. But you know what I mean la). I second desperate mum's suggestion: go pay mrs wong from TMC parentcraft centre a visit. She's a godsend

Heart murmur in babies is not uncommon and like what desperate mum says, sometimes it goes away by itself. What's your doctor's advice?

Mummies this morning I got a shock- I was awoken by a PD (not mine) who gave me an update on "my baby"... With news like "she has jaundice, may have to stay on after I get discharged", which made me a bit upset. Then an hour later MY PD showed up and gave me update on MY baby. I was like HUH? I thought my PD was on holiday or something to sent someone else. Turned out the first PD gave wrong mum wrong update on wrong baby!!!!!

Walau eh

Cayden's mummy
Yup it was a shorter labour, tho diff. For #1 I had natural sign of labour (water bag leak) then induced with drip. For #2 I was induced by drip directly cos water level low accompanied by baby movement low. So this time it was 12 hours from time of induction to time of birth. Some more I was so worried it'd be what 2 hour labour haha
