(2012/03) Mar 2012

Morning ladies!

its working week again!

starr_nn - my nose become bigger, gained 20kg thru' out preg, bump is round. n ive got a girl! lol.. mayb u can take it as a ref, see got any particular pattern for bb boy or bb girl?

Hi morning ...

Wow, I was on leave on Fri, didn't log in over the weekends and almost couldn't catch up with the posts.

Welcome all new MTBs!

We have a spreadsheets for the MTBs information (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AldImEaT5U1RdFlhYk1jWHlsZmwwUlVHVXprVzNLTVE&hl=en_US#gid=0) and a FB secret group (pm Mrs Carice to add you).
I didn't know 2nd tri starts from 14th week, I keep thinking it's after 12th week. *self denial, haha!*

Anyway I'm hitting 14th week tomorrow, MS almost gone even with multivits.
haha me too... my #1 is gal....
when pregnant hormonal sure change de.....
when i had #1 i had oily skin n my face change n hor i never use any skin care product.....

cause the promoter say when we pregnant we use the product on our skin not 100% will absorted de.....

my one gf her face never change at all.... she got 2boys....
Morning Ladies ...

yesterday manage to do shopping at spring ... finally i buy dress and pants ....

i think i buy more dress rather than bottom ... no need to headache ... just wear and go .... hahaha ...not scare tummy no space to grow liao ....

v eager to see my little one in the afternoon .... at the same time i worry ... dont know why everytime i see gyane also scare of bad news ... maybe my friends really affect me alot ...sigh ...
i buy at vivo ... so most likely i will go back there ... i go suntec ... see le dont like even though they sell the same thing ... weird me ...hahaha ... what abt u
haha i also at there.... i prefer go vivo.... bf princess got alot of room to go... haha..... suntec i never go there think push pram hard to go there ba.... hee hee..... nex also got spring... think that side bigger than vivo....
Mrs Carice: I also went Vivo Spring to get my maternity shorts. Didn't see u leh... I went there early mornin around 11am to avoid the crowds. U should look forward to every gynae visit. Don't worry too much
Plus rem to ask Dr Fong what's the gender as blur me forgot for my last visit. My next visit is 4wks later at 16wks @_@
My appt is on Fri and will be doing my Oscar as well... Just changed my gynae so hoping he's good... *keeping fingers crossed*
Michelle : next one maybe i go nex ... my hb dont like go there ...

Zelda : i go late noon cause i need to take nap before i go shopping ... nowadays like no energy to do lots of thing ... tired easily ...

i cant help to worry to much cause i mention before abt my friends ...so i still scare scare de ..even hb assure me that after u see ur bb heartbeat mean this bb going to be urs ... guess i my mind play trick on me ...

erm ...dont know can see at week12 anot lei ... scare he dont want to tell me ... or should i wait till next appt then ask ...see how first ...later i say silly things again ... must i drink more water to go n c him cause the last time i dont know go pee ... he say v hazy inside ...
Previous was a randomly assigned gynae at KKH... Felt that he was rushing through the consultation and waiting time for the whole appt very long (4+ hrs!) and have to run to a few clinics to scan, take urine test, weigh and see doc... so decided to go private...
morning ladies,

i m 14wks today... going to see my little one this evening after waiting for 4 wks from the last visit. so excitied!!
Morning all mummies! New to this forum. Expecting my little baby in end March!
Was reading the previous treads and feeling so glad that i am not alone in this tiring, sleepy, burpy and farty 1st trimester... hahaha! Can I join you girls in this long 9 mths journey?! :p
sigh, i wonder how many of you are like me man... trying hard to keep myself awake during work when my eyes are feeling so heavy and the whole body so tired plus feeling pukey. Plus have to act like i am not pregnant cos i haven't told anyone in office yet.

hoping to tell my boss after my down syndrome scan in 2 weeks time. really hope that will come soon so that i can really act and look pregnant. boo! and hopefully by then, the MS will be gone! yeah!!!
when did you girls tell your bosses abt your pregnancy ah?
Hi mummies!

Congrats drypantz!

I told my boss once I knew i was pregnant as I was suffering from severe morning sickness and couldnt go to work due to motion sickness and he allowed me to work from home for a while.
morning ladies

welcome drypantz, my direct manager were informed like when i'm in 6 weeks as i feel very unwell and keep getting mcs. my big boss only noes at 8 weeks cos he keep asking me to drink wine during company event so i no choice tell him. so now i can behaved like preggy and rest whenever i really cannot tahan the tireness. But most impt bosses must be understanding cos for me my managers are single so they will not understand the discomfort we going thru.

Btw, we have a spreadsheet for all MTB to input information (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AldImEaT5U1RdFlhYk1jWHlsZmwwUlVHVXprVzNLTVE&hl=en_US#gid=0)
We also have a secret FB group pm Mrs Carice to add you.
snoppy: ur boss is considered good le.. my managers keep wanting me to OT OT OT even thou they noe i not well need more rest as when i was on mc to rest at home my work got piled up.... feeling very frustrated about it.
wenwen: yup, he treats me quite well by empathising with me when i felt rather sick until he learnt from HR what he did is not allowed, then he got no choice and asked me to take mc whenever I'm not feeling well enough to come to work
I just informed my boss 2 weeks ago. Didn't really make any difference, just informed him for the sake of informing, hehe.

I'm feeling sleepy at work too and worse part is I'm losing sleep at night. Will feel v tired and go zzz at 10 but wake up at 2-3am and can't get back to zzz till 4-5am. Alarm rings before I can get enough sleep.
Hi Michelle,
I'm also like you. Got to force myself to eat. And will feel very bloated afterwards.
The weird thing is I often can't tell whether I have stomach discomfort or I'm hungry. E.g. For breakfast, I ate 4 pcs of dry crackers, one muffin, one slice of bread and one cup of oats. One hr later, the weird tummy feeling comes and I can't tell if it's hunger or stomach discomfort. So I don't know what to do.

Mrs Clarice, im also like u.. Prefer to buy dresses.. Feels more comfy and less headache cos mo need to match.

Do you ladies start buying new underwear? Find mine getting tight.
Congrats and welcome drypantz!! Great to have one more lady to go through this slow and like never-going-to-end 9 months together.
I also told my boss few days after I knew I was pregnant cos of bad ms.. It's tough having to act like not pregnant.. My poor colleagues heard me puking and started asking.. So in a way, no choice got to tell..
Welcome drypantz...
Recently at nite I cant slp well, got discomfort in the tummy. Anyone experiencing the same like me?
Linda : i did not experience it but i do feel pek chek because i cant sleep ... then hb play classica music for me ... less than 5 min i snoring liao ... haha
Juniorme and mabelcherry, thanks for the kind words! I got a one yr old gal already, have to carry her n pat her sleep every night, very hard to take a rest n prevent spotting. II got a maid, but she also need to do housework, so I have to help out every now then
. This pregnancy is really long, n I don't enjoy it.
Huijun: i have the same problem, i will have abit of pain on the left side of my womb, dunno is it due to my cyst.. there is even a night i woke up in pain... havent seen my gynae yet to noe wad is going on. my appt is only on 13 Sep.
what's your reason for not able to fall asleep? Classical music helps?
I've been losing sleep these few nights too. Feel very tired but mind just cannot switch off, wonder if it's a phase or just me ...
mummies: when you can't fall asleep try to relax yourself ard 1 hr before bed so that the mind can rest and not so tense up. Classical music does help alot too.. also not to do work or watch tv on bed so that our body knows that bed is for sleeping.. dunno how true but my fren told me it works.
gosh i feel so quilty now... i had nasi padang for lunch and coke.... have been taking soft drinks for the past few days now so guilty.
tracey>. try not to carry ur girl too long, and sit on the sofas or bed intead when carrying her?
at least u have one pregnancy experience... instead the pregnancy is long... especially the MS is intense stage... really horrible... very low moral... dunno when is going to end..

303jun> i brought new cotton panty and bras already... some bras really too tight and some undies also too tight... very uncomfortable...
i need some maternity shhorts for weekends going out... current one, wear le, bottom up got a lump of fats popping out, after meal, can burst the buttom i think.. LOL

drypantz>> welcome to our group... what u experiencing i fully understand... i wanted to inform my boss only after week 12, and has to pretend like nothing happen which is very tough... keep yawning at work, especially i took the medicine for MS, making me sleepy... then if i dont take, i feel terrible even to sit down...
now at week 13, i still no chhance tell my boss yet cos i am attached out at week 11, went back office a couple of times but boss either busy or on leave... MS will subside when approaching week 11... i did for me... touchwood... hee...

huijun>> i got some classical CD too... i read up and i think the BB's ears can only hear sounds at week 20...i got gf who brought the baby plus to strap round their tummy and let their BB listen music at later stage..
for our stage nw, listening to soothing music of us like helps to keep our mood peace and calm... so our heart beat more regulating and BB inside feeling at peace also... this is my opinion...

ladies, today i gave myself break, took MC to rest at home... LOL... i told doctor i feeling headache... and doctor took my pressure and everything was fine, and still gave me 2 days MC... :p
planning for a brisk walk this evening if weather is good... think i can be a little more active nw.. hee...
tracey>. try not to carry ur girl too long, and sit on the sofas or bed intead when carrying her?
at least u have one pregnancy experience... instead the pregnancy is long... especially the MS is intense stage... really horrible... very low moral... dunno when is going to end..

303jun> i brought new cotton panty and bras already... some bras really too tight and some undies also too tight... very uncomfortable...
i need some maternity shhorts for weekends going out... current one, wear le, bottom up got a lump of fats popping out, after meal, can burst the buttom i think.. LOL

drypantz>> welcome to our group... what u experiencing i fully understand... i wanted to inform my boss only after week 12, and has to pretend like nothing happen which is very tough... keep yawning at work, especially i took the medicine for MS, making me sleepy... then if i dont take, i feel terrible even to sit down...
now at week 13, i still no chhance tell my boss yet cos i am attached out at week 11, went back office a couple of times but boss either busy or on leave... MS will subside when approaching week 11... i did for me... touchwood... hee...

huijun>> i got some classical CD too... i read up and i think the BB's ears can only hear sounds at week 20...i got gf who brought the baby plus to strap round their tummy and let their BB listen music at later stage..
for our stage nw, listening to soothing music of us like helps to keep our mood peace and calm... so our heart beat more regulating and BB inside feeling at peace also... this is my opinion...

ladies, today i gave myself break, took MC to rest at home... LOL... i told doctor i feeling headache... and doctor took my pressure and everything was fine, and still gave me 2 days MC... :p
planning for a brisk walk this evening if weather is good... think i can be a little more active nw.. hee...
Bb : no idea cause i just feel restless n pek chek even though I feel tired. Then my friend pass me one cd then hb play. Hb say I v fast zzz.

Now at clinic waiting n dr haven lunch. Zzz

Zelda : no one ask me pee on the strip yet. Maybe next appt??
Thanks to all!
hmmm, sounds like my MS is not as bad, so i shldn't complain so much... but there were days where i have to ren till lunch and puke at the toilet at the foodcourt so that no one suspects.. sigh..
wenwen, your boss is so nice! and dun have to feel bad lah! just eat what u feel like eating! this is not the time to feel bad! hee! but do watch cold soft drinks though, heard from my ma that the baby will have a lot of phelgm if you take too much cold stuff during preg.
juniorme, thanks! i will be in my 11th week soon. hope the MS will come down man. really tired of all the burping and stomach discomfort + pukey feeling.
Carice : i dont mind go nex, my hb also dont like to go there.... haha....

303jun : Hmm past day i keep eating cause of very bad ms.... but start from yesterday i had no mood to eat at all.... but i still .....force myself eat abit cause i scare i no engry to take care princess as she super hyper active.....
underwear when i had #1 i keep buying when size is tight..... but advise from friends better buy paper one to wear to prevents keep more underwear......

BB : I also cant sleep well at night... sometime untill 3am then fell asleep... when happen fell asleep princess milk time is reach....

Tracey : me too my princess become more more very nottie since i pregnant.... very tire plus i still bf on her..... har....

Pregnant not easy de.... we need to jia you jia you.......
303Jun & drypantz.... ur gynea Dr Adrian W...

is he nice.... i heard friends say he super fast n busy..... chop chop words n time....

Is this true.....
Hi, I recently delivered and would like to clear some items which I’m no longer using.

These include:
Brand new baby and toddler clothes from Osh Kosh B’gosh/Carter’s/J Khaki/Nursery Rhyme, MyBrestFriend pillow, baby carrier, cot mattresses, Spiffies tooth wipes, Mothercare and carter’s prewalker shoes etc . Check out my link below!

Thanks, ladies who have visited my album before! I have added new items so do take a look.

If you see anything you need, pm me for discussion.
Lastly, have a safe delivery and enjoy motherhood!
Michelle : Personally thinks that Woody is a good and efficient gynae. Bad thing abt him is the super long Q and waiting hrs and also super fast session when you finally get to see him. he will just ask u the standard qns like "how are you?" then will ask u to lie down to do ultrasound scan. Then ask if you have any more qns and then send you out of the room. Super chop chop and no extra info given unless you ask. but when you do ask, he will definitely explain and answer ur qns (at a super sonic speed though). haha. oh, and he can be quite witty and humorous at times...

My #1 was delivered by Woody too. The night before delivery i was quite upset with him for scaring me with statistics to persuade me to induce birth. That night when i visited him, he found out my water level is going low and asked me to induce that very night so that i can give birth the next day (which i was half suspecting that it is cos he will be at TMC full day on weds so it will be more convenient for him... haha..). when i said i need to consider cos i want to let the baby choose when to pop, he quoted to me that 1 in 10 babies end up in stillbirth (dunno if i rem correctly). I felt quite threatened and was feeling so vexed and upset to be quoted such statistics i told myself i will never go back to him again. but the whole delivery was so smooth and efficient that i decided to go back to him again for my #2.

hmmm so in a nutshell, if you want someone good and efficient you can go to him, but if you need more attention and info then he might not be a good choice
hope this helps!
