(2012/03) Mar 2012

Thanks Drypants at least he able to answer what u ask... my #1 gynea i ask but no answer so i so upset that time as already pay for the package....

wenwen: My bosses also like yours. For me I have work from home access so weekends & when I'm on leave, also need to clear urgent work. Sianz. I envy your good appetite. I can't even finish my sandwich for lunch ;P Now tummy alot of wind... not sure hungry or just discomfort.

Read that some mummies have insomnia. I don't know why but can sleep v well leh. hahaha...

On classical music, choose 1 that you like. I use to have 1 album & whenever I heard I will get headaches... don't know why. Hahaha...
Zelda, Michelle,
I was sleeping v well too till these few nights. My hb is away on a work trip and the kids came over to sleep with me. End up I get awaken by the slightest sound they make then couldn't get back to zzz.

yes yes, I used to have one which my bil brought for me for 胎教. The moment it's on, I'll have a headache and giddy spell. :p
BB : i think i too stress of my mil i just hoping that my hubby dont let her know first.... cause once she know liao i sure kanna..... then she is the person like eat this n that will sure have boy.... but i dont want have this type of stress anymore...... tire.....

Hi Ladies....

U all prefer eat sweet things or salty things nowadays.....
Michelle: I can only take sweet stuff when it comes to drinks, cannot even drink plain water which is totally opposite from #1 where I drink lots of it, hopefully, gender for #2 is different from #1. Hehe
aiyoh ... pregnancy is already so tough plus all these stress. You are not staying with her, right? Maybe just ignore her if she makes any remarks after she knows.

I prefer sweet stuffs. Been craving for sweet drinks, cakes, dessert & etc ...
I'm like totally banned from sweet drinks cos they are normally cold and cold stuff is not good for the baby? So end up keep drinking plain water and seriously getting quite sick of it... :s
michelle - eat sweet concieve babygirl? got logic? lol..

Anyone tried the gender predictor/calculator?

my boss just asked me y i keep taking mc lately.. -,-" he tot its my girl who fall sick. haha..
Back from my med appt. Bb is doing well n tomorrow go tmc for Oscar. Yeah no more jab.

Zelda : dr Fong say only week 16 then can see. They did ask me to test the strip n weight.
BB : ya i not staying with her..... but she will keep looking for me then make sure i eat or drink in front of her... if i dont dare to eat she complaint to my fil n say me..... this is the part i hate n stress when force me to eat i dont like..... i more want to vomit..... now i understand why my sil dont want to give birth since 10yr plus till now......

Snoopy : i agree.... my mum also say what u feel want to eat go eat... cause is baby want to eat de..... hahahahhha happen some food i never eat before and ask to eat...... hee hee.....
Dym - haha how u know that..... i also see see look look de... so ask around..... hee hee.....
where to see the gender predictor/ calculator....
michelle - u ask us sweet or salty ma. so i tot u know. anyway, every preg is diff. the more i hope, the lesser the chance to get what i wan. already tell myself its a girl. haha! just google for it. theres alot.
michelle, hope you are not using back the same Gynae!!! how can a doc not be able to answer the patient one!??! aiyoh! your MIL sounds quite jialat. dun be too stressed up by her though... just ignore her lah :p one ear in one ear out...

i crave for salty food so i think my #2 is also gg to be a boy. a bit sad cos #1 boy liaoz.. cannot buy those nice pink dresses liaoz.. hahaha! but most impt is the baby is healthy and happy!

oh, congrats snoopy! will have a 好then can close shop liaoz.. keke..

Dym, i tried an online predictor and the results is that cannot tell whether boy/girl -_-" oh, and what u crave for must eat if not the baby pop out will keep drooling.. hahaha.. my mama says one..
oh when i got #1 i pray hard i want girl... heehee...... end up god really give me girl.... my hubby also want girl #1.... hee hee....

ya i heard sweet things is girl
salty is boy....

but true or not also not sure ma... right.... see see look look n compare it ba.....
drypantz: hahaha, even if #2 also girl, i will also close shop cos old already, no more energy and the 2nd pregnancy is killing me, I shudder to think about a 3rd one!!

michelle: I think not accurate based on cravings cos every mtb is different leh
All of these not applicable for my last pregnancy so now my mil, mum, aunty & etc ... also don't bother to predict/guess the gender for this one, haha!

Anyway I saw from one of the 2012 thread, they mentioned something more scientific - if foetus is on the left side of the uterus at the initial stage is a gal, if right is a boy. Due to some implantation reason or what. Can go check your 1st scan and see.
BB - mine on my left but close to centre. its gona be a girl! lol.. hope my gynae able to tell me the gender next week..
Hi Huijun,
Same here.. I also got discomfort in my tummy.. But don't know if it's hunger or discomfort cos of bloating. I went to see a Chinese doc n say that my stomach is weak.. Ask me to take medicine n take small but more frequent meals.. Thing is my job doesn't allow me to eat as n when I want.. So I still try to eat full meals n the bloating is killing me.
Mummies, anyone got same prob as me?

Zelda, I've the same feeling as u.. Terrible hor? I told others about this and they don't understand.. They ask me how come I don't know how I feel. But I really can't differentiate lo... Lol..

Juniorme.. Guess I better start buying new underwear.. Else soooooo tied..

Michelle...Paper undies I tried but I'm not really used to it.. So
no choice, think I just buy a few, keep washing n rotating until
bb pops out.. U got #1 to take care really not easy. Salute to you and those who are pregnant now n with kids n some still need to work. Tough leh! As for Dr Adrain, like what you say he's really chop chop. There's always a long queue at his clinic and his consultation hrs aren't really long. He always asks if i ok, then scan baby, tell me baby is healthy and expected date. But when i ask him questions he answers them all. Though like what drypantz says he speaks at supersonic speed. Sometimes i got to ask him to repeat. Haha. My friend just delivered by him. Heard his skills are good. N his package his quite affordable.

About sleep.. I can't sleep well too.. I try to sleep at 11pm everynight.. Then I sleep about 2 hrs will get awaken cos of hunger and then can't sleep the whole night. The next day and night also can't sleep.. Lasted 3 days 2 nights.. Until I went to see doctor.. I asked gynae n he said cos mummy brainwaves very active.. If give us math problem to solve now, we can do it better than pre-pregnancy. But I find my brain getting slower leh.. Lol..
Pregnancy is really not easy. It isn't like anything I imagined at all. Guess I'm weak by nature.. I asked friends around me but they don't have so many problems de leh..

Ladies, do you mind sharing roughly what u eat in a day? Im not sure if I'm eating too much or too little that's y I feel so terrible.
not now. I mean initial scan where you see 2 "holes" in the uterus. bb will be in either side.
Haha Agree if at centre is what unisex ma... haha.....

snoopy : i know i just ask ask ma... what i see n hear so i ask n share lor....

Dym : my sister pointed one also is girl.....

I also close after #2 cannot tanhan.... as my age old liao..... plus my back always give me problem after #1
BB, so when we look at the scan, it should be the opposite in our body? If fetus is on the right side on the scan? lol
not opp, it's the same side. eg. if printed scan shows left then it's on the left of your tummy.
won't be centre. You go look at your 1st scan. (or if some of the MTBs went for scan later then might not see this) The uterus is "divided" into 2 sides.
BB - u talking about the very 1st scan when its just an embryo not fetus yet right? ya i rmb 2 dots and mine was on the left flickering.

star_nn - i wanted to ask same qn oso! haha..
303jun : haha at least ur gynea give u answer.... when i got #1 also sleepless... when ask my #1 gynea he never give me answer just keep quiet that y... now thinking go back to him or find the another one.... as i also worry find another one still the same how..... haha....
Eat har.... i every 2hrs eat before 4sept.....
porriadge, rice noodles or bread.... sometime i feel i eat too much i try eat salad..... cause gain 5kg a month to me i feel alot....
since yesterday i every 4hr -5 hr force myself eat... not sure what happen to me or baby... haha....
dym & snoopy, im trying to convince my hubby to stop at two, but he said must at least 3...
given the state i am in now, i really dread gg thru it again. wuah!!

303jun, must jia you and be strong for your little baby! i will also wake up in the middle of the nite feeling hungry and also cos have to pee.. will wake up at least 2 times to pee and early in the morning i will be so hungry i feel abit of gastric pain.

for me, i try to eat the same as pre-preg just additional biscuits in between meals. trying not to overeat cos i gained total of 22kg in my last pregnancy (cos i super crave for carbo and was carbo loading most of the days) i had such a hard time losing them i dun wan to commit that mistake again! will focus on good nutritious food this time round. but each individual is different. think you have to experiment abit here and there to see which quantity best suits you. take food that is light and easy to digest lor, cos digestion slows down for preggies and so you will feel lousy if loaded with food that is too heavy & oily.

Jia you!

oh, that time my tummy very sharp then is boy.. haha.. so i thot quite accurate :p
since i hoped for a girl so badly and those online gender prediction show me i'm expecting girl haha .. i tried all types of prediction and all give me results of girl haha

can try out for fun if nvr expect much on gender =)
Oh ya for at night i at least every a hr goes to pee.... this time.... will it normal lei... when i got #1 wont every a hr go pee at middle of the night...... when hungry at middle at night i try to drink milk then go back force myself sleep.....
don't worry, you'll forget in time to come. That's why a woman's memory turns for the worse after each pregnancy. So that she will forget the hardship for previous pregnancy and go thru it again, hahaha!!
Just saw this article on the web:

Sleep Position
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy. Right side? You're pregnant with a girl.

Upset Stomach
Little girls aren’t always sweet. Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter.

Soft or Dry Hands
If your hands are dry during pregnancy, you are having a boy; soft—expect a girl.

Food Cravings
Your favorite pregnancy foods may tell you what sex the baby is. If you’re craving citrus while pregnant, you’re having a girl.

Adult Acne
If altering hormones makes your skin break out, expect a girl.

Graceful or Clumsy Pregnancy
If you feel as though you’re gliding through they day, you’ll have a girl. Stumbling? It’s a boy.

Face Weight Gain
If your face gets fuller, it means you’re having a girl.

Sugar and Spice Food Cravings
Craving salt during pregnancy? Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn means a boy is on the way. Need a little something sweet? Ice cream, chocolate, and candy means you’re having a girl.

Mood Changes
If you’re experiencing pregnant mood swings, expect a baby girl to arrive soon.

High or Low Pregnant Belly
If you’re carrying the baby low on your stomach, expect a boy. If it’s high, you’re having a girl.

Baby Weight
If you’re carrying the baby in front, it’s a boy. Is the baby weight spaced all around your middle? It’s a girl.

Pendulum Test
Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. It swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.
You ladies are tough! Can have #2,3... I'm going to STOP at ONE... Hahahaahahaa.. Boy or girl also nvm. My gynae also tell me 16 weeks then can tell me boy or girl.. But I read from some threads some gynae will tell at 12 weeks.. Guess depends on gynae?

drypantz - haha wen i had 2 boys all are round tummy

michelle - there is alot of types , u can goggle it and try out every each of them but dont pin too much hope la .. for fun haha

BB - haha !! u hoping for a girl? but boy or girl oso ok rite since u alrdy have a boy & a girl .. i wanted girl so badly and finally , finally got haha .. i cant imagine if this is a boy and i gonna try for #4 haha
