(2012/03) Mar 2012

ello mummies, me 12wks pregnant, so tempting to join in the chat. during my 1st pregnancy, i silent read another thread but didn't really chat much due to buzy work load. since i'm a sahm now, so hope can go thru the current pregnancy journey with all of u.

Michelle: How come your princess so notti?? I think u're a super woman to be able to function with so little sleep & take care of active, tantrum throwing toddler 24x7 plus housework, cook etc! Y'day my gal also had nitemare & scream almost every hour after 2am. I only manage to fall asleep at 6am but not long after have to wake up to go work! Super tired now so I took chicken essence. Or else sure doze off at work de!

drypantz: No haven't suspended my mbrship yet. Too lazy even though it's just opp my office ;p Haven't been going to gym too as still feeling tired (excuses ;p). Will be suspending soon as no point I keep donating $$ to the gym. Mine is Fitness First.

chrmei: Wah TMC so cheap $400+ include detailed scan. Mine only OSCAR oredi $470
Detailed scan another price as I rem the previous time I did my detailed scan in TMC.

Carol: It's ok as our tummy quite small now. Can still sleep on our backs.
Welcome chiny! This is your bb #2?

Carol: I just tell my boss & my staff that I got checkup. Usually I try to fix myself the last appt so I don't have to come back to office. Since my clinic in Paragon can still go shopping mah ;P
Zelda : before I pregnant she is not like that.... Before that she only wake up for bf every 3hrs... When I pregnant she change I tot what happen I bring her see doctor end up I find out I pregnant.....

We can drink chicken essence during pregnant meh I tot cannot..... If can I really need it....
Now I outside with princess.... Cannot stay at home she keep want to carry..... Headache also....
carol, i usually will take leave. gynae said he will give me mc but i still take leave. haha.. abit wasted hor..

welcome chiny!!! and congrats!

michelle, think can drink.. i also drink sometimes cos really wan to KO liaoz.

my boy more whiney and needy nowadays... wonder if cos he could sense a didi/meimei in my tummy... hmmm.. do you all believe that kids are so sensitive they can sense the unborn kid? looking at your comments, seems like this is quite true!!!
michelle - i tink chicken essence can drink cos my hubby boil herbal soup with tat for me as i dont dare to drink it like tat bcos of the smell
Drypantz : really ok I will buy n drink really cannot tanhan....

Ya I think so cause they jealous of unborn baby.... Actually I don't believe but now cannot don't believe....
thanks, michelle& drypantz for the welcome! michelle, me stay @town area. u wan to jio me out har? what abt u?
Daisy I tot we pregnant cannot drink herbal soup de.... ??????? When I got #1 is my mil make sure that my home don't have chicken essence n herbal item she will take all away.... But now I really feel want something's to build fresh myself....
michelle - usually start fm trim 2 can liao but i'm taking it 1wk per time cos hubby say i have to drink since i'm not eating well cos my ms is very bad

starr_nn - chicken essence is ''bu'' i tink ..
chiny, i stay Sengkang. go look at the excel spreadsheet and fill it up! hee.. got the details.

michelle, i went to google and it says it is safe to drink chic essense and in fact it is good and beneficial!

i think can drink "bu" soup but some herbs e.g. 田七 we cannot take... go asked the uncle at the medical shop he shld be able to advise.
michelle, hahaha...ya lor very far...some more need to change train too ma fan liao... tonic iszit must include dang gui? Coz when i was small i always had high fever. according to my mum when she pregnant she always take dang gui. dun know the fever got to do with dang gui or not?
Daisy : ha ha when I ms I got try once I vomit all.... But now I super tire n bad mood.... But I cannot keep fed up ma no good for baby n princess.... Wait princess mistake me don't dote her anymore...

Drypantz: thanks for ur info.....
Daisy - ur hubby so good..... every week got herbal soup.. nowadays i keep pestering my mama out or sleep thru my weekends.

Congratz chiny!
Michelle: I think u v ke lian. Luckily my gal not like yours (maybe not yet... shudder). My gal only want me to carry her when we go out. So during weekends I try to distract her at home with TV, iPhone & Youtube. See what kind of mummy I am. But I also try to bring her to my friends' place to play with their kids as I find that she loves to socialise with other kids & it will tire her out.

On chicken essence, I thought ok leh? I use to drink regularly from 2nd trimester onwards for my #1.

My gal oso regresses to a bb nowadays... will want me to rock her to sleep (when she can jolly well sleep on her own) & just fake cry for attention -_-"
Welcome Chiny!

can drink chicken essence. I drank almost everyday during the 2nd month. Now not so tired so didn't really drink as much.

Re: herbal soup
Can drink but avoid tian qi, dang gui cos these are for blood circulation, not good for us. My mum cooks simple black chicken herbal soup for me. She puts yu zhu, dang shen, gou qi, red dates and don't know what else. Supposed to give me the "energy".

my company gives time off for antenatal checkups but I'll try to fix on Sat for alternate months, paiseh to take time off every month.
I know some other companies give time off too. Maybe you can check your company HR policy.
michelle - soup is still ok for me but solid food is very worse cos like cannot digest and will puke out very soon ..

dym - he ah , i tink he worry for the little one inside cos seeing me not eating like before he worry the baby cannot absorb so he make herbal soup every wkend
michelle: y is she so mean? chicken essence can take, and only certain herbs can't take
herbal chicken soup or fish maw soup, sea cucumbers & mushrooms are good according to MIL. i've them since 6 wks, twice a wk
carol - ur hubby not cooking chinese cuisine ? mine only good in chinese dishes ,other types he not so good at it ..
Welcome Chiny...

Mum say its ok to drink chicken essence, and we should start taking bird nest during 3rd trimester...

My hubby also a chef, but he cooks local delights and western, he dunno how to boil soup for me...
lunch eat too full! super regretted. not feeling good now. argh~

ladies, dun forget to drink coconut from 3rd trimester onwards wor..
Hi mummies,
This tread is moving too fast Which I can't follow.
Did my oscar test yday & bb neck fold is fine now is pending for the blood test. Gynae tell me next mth will be the HIV blood test..
Any mummies will be doing post natal massage? Those wrap type? Would like to check the rate now.

Hi Qin,
I did my Oscar at my gynae clinic at clifford centre.
thanks dym,bb & linda for welcome me! drypantz, haha...sengkang even further. Where's can i find e excel spreadsheet? michelle , next time, u near town, we can go shopping 2gether. Breastfeeding child tend to be quite sticky ba....my girl sticky but still acceptable lor.... michelle & zelda, i'm too another kind of mummy sometimes really dun know what to do with my girl so i juz let her watch youtube or tv. talk abt cooking, my hubby no choice he only cook for me during confinement that was twice only. btw, my hubby is not a cook luckily his food was edible....
Ladies : i back from Oscar test.

Qin : same amount as you $319.

Zelda : yours include detail scan ? dont know why mine only oscar test. guess i have to wait till thursday or friday then know result since wednesday they dont open. happen to see dr fong at tmc today ....
Sorry for late reply

Zelda : too bad my princess don't like watch tv....
Cartoon she also don't want.... Only want to play.....

BB : thanks for ur info... At least now I know lots to chose to drinks if not tire of one soup only.....

Jo : ya, even bird nest mil say cannot drink only till last one month drink only.... Thanks for ur soup info too
Went for check up yesterday night, bb is 14weeks ady. Didnt manage to see the gender. How come I still vomit everyday??

I also have sleepless night sometimes. This pregnancy is tougher than the 1st one..
Carice: Mine don't include detailed scan. That's y I feel it's v ex! Oh Dr Fong got case this morning ah. Anyway his house is near TMC.
dym - 3rd trim is still so far away leh lol u rly like planning so far haha ! yest i went fruit stall , the auntie there told me not to eat banana too .. old folks rly got whole list of food tat cannot eat haha

Carol & Linda - nvm , no soups but still will have yummy food =)

Pinky - did u have the normal blood test before oscar?

wenwen - take half day off and go home nap ! lol

orange - dont worry .. ur not alone ! i'm with u lol mine 15wks alrdy ..

michelle - bring ur girl over to me , i let my boys help u look after .. lol they can play whole day also , very energy one ! haha
Daisy - not me only. some already booked CL leh. -_-" i only say what i suddenly tot of. mayb i should include rmb to eat more durians? avoid beef/mutton? LOL....
dym - LOL .. guess CL rly nid to book early cos dragon yr seems so HOT lor .. u nvr go book ! haha

durian , yeah eat more durians !!
michelle - my mom's place at blk 438 , if nearby can bring her over .. my boys dont mind looking after didis and meimeis cos they love kids ..
daisy: i wish i would my work aldy pile on my table until i cannot be seen le..

ladies: dun eat too much durians, very high in sugar.
Daisy - CL? so exp. even got CL, i oso will take of my baby my own. so whats the point of hiring?

my girl dun like durians!!! mayb i eat too much when i got her??? i think my mama will 'shower' me with durians from 3rd trimester..

wenwen - wow !! so many work to do ah .. if cannot finish , can u leave till tml or u have to OT usually to finish it?
