(2012/03) Mar 2012

might not be for some phil cases. The maids might be the ones asking for transfers cos the employers not treating them well. Or some might have completed their contracts therefore lookng for new employers.
My previous helper was a transferred case and she completed 2 yrs contract with us. She was the one who asked for a transfer previously cos the previous employer asked her to wake up at 5am, work for 2 households & take care of 5 young kids (employer's kids + cousins).
BB - she says she seldom have transfer maids and cant guarantee me one in dec lo.. which i think its good, no maids on hand means all employers satisfied with their helpers? my fren is charging 938-1588 with insurance. dun think she will mind if u go bombard her with tons of qns. if u need her name, pls let me know.
luscious>> so far i do not find the oil too oily for me... it absorbs to the ckin very fast.. i pour a bit to my palm and warm with the other palm and just rub onto my tummy area... wasit and butts... and after a few rubs, all absorbed.. left a spa fragrance in the room... hee... cant smell on myself though...

selda>> i also feeling sleepy nw, get to bed at 11pm but turn here turn there, here itchy, there itchy, last night rained at 12 i also know, then when finally good sleep, pee twice and poo poo once in the middle of the night.. my body crazy!!! and nw sleepy again... tonight must ge to bed even earlier to cater all these wake up in the middle of the night...
don't worry, won't bombard her with questions. :p I'll get her name from you before I go.
Previously we only asked if the maid could cook, ok with dogs, ok with bbs then we ok. haha!
BB - lol.. i bomb her alot of qns when she came my house that day. i hold her for 2 hours lo! didnt know i so long winded.. let me know when u need..
2hrs?? What kind of questions did you ask? Tell me leh, then I can ask the same questions, haha!!
Hi All,

Would like to join pls. I'm expecting my 2nd child & EDD is around 24 Mar.

I've actually know about this forum back in 07 when I had my 1st child, but my gynae is conservative type, so I couldn't share about my pregnancy till recently.

Can call me Jen or bunnybluey.

I saw some discussing about childbirth education, just to share that I've attended the one at TMC although I decided to give birth at MA. I went there because of Mrs Wong, who is very experienced in lactation/baby massage/etc. She often appears on TV programmes when talking about baby/young child related matters.

The course is not just about childbirth but also share on other things, like pelvic exercises, teaching the hubby to massage the wife. After giving birth, can also attend baby massage course, which I did.

When I gave birth to my son back then & I encountered problem latching/breastfeeding, & called her on weekends, which she responded & advised us, so it's pretty useful for being a 1st time mum then. When I had engorgement back then, I also went to them.

I would recommend her lessons as several of the mummies in my 07 grp also attended hers, but have to book early as her lessons are usually very packed.
Thanks mummies for the info where to buy clarins... i am blur sotong ball lah

Mary: wah thanks for the info on where to buy clarins... that is so so much cheaper
thanks behappie for the welcome!

yup, since my 1st child, my gynae doesn't encourage me to share as 1st trimester is usually the most unstable period, probably also because i had assisted fertility procedure - IUI, so best to share when things are stabilised & confirmed.

also, there's some kind of chinese superstitions, evil spirits thing, so better not to say, in case, bad things happen to baby.

I am selling away my breastpump.
It is a Hygeia Enjoye Bundle with the Hands-free set sold by mumsfairy.

Retail price is $650, selling at only $500.
Only used 1 month, about 5 times. Condition is 9.8 / 10

This pump has many good reviews. It can be found at http://www.mumsfairy.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=30

Please sms me at 92980177 if you are interested.

Hi, u guys start using the lotion for the stretching tummy. I haven't started yet. But I bought one from my gynae clinic ( elastin); the nurse at there sold to me. Don't know when should I start apply as I don't see no stretching veins yet. Should I use after 5 months onwards?
Welcome bunnybluey
I agree Mrs Wong classes are v good but they are always pack. That's why I didn't sign up for her class but went to another trainer class which fits my schedule. Yes can go look for your trainer if you have latching / bfg problems and they are most willing to assist. Don't worry I conceive thru' IVF. For my case, I think alot of pple know whether I successful or not bcoz they will immediately ask me when I go back to work in the office. Stress!! So your #2 is conceived naturally?
BB & Dym: Ok
Maybe I prejudice ;p

JuniorMe: I'm gorging myself mad with fruits & tidbits to keep myself awake. Wahaha... No choice as everyone tell me their work urgent & I must review asap! Nowadays our staff become our bosses lor... keep chasing us for quickly review their work. $ hard to earn lah!
Welcome on board! Bunnybluey. I planning to sign up the course when I attending my follow up appt at TMC next week. I a bit kiasu afraid later Mrs Wong's course being taken up.. But not sure will it be too early for me to sign up.

momo_Mummy: You're welcome. Good to share.
J: i didn't do any 4D for my first one. is the picture good? hb thinks the heat emitted is on the high side. btw, i only went to dr ho the last time at the end of my pregnancy. was lucky he was willing to accept.

bunnybluey: welcome. my first child is also 07.
BB - i forgotten what i asked. I read up singaporemaid.bs.com and ask similar qns lo.

Hubby wanted indo maid as we felt philippines maid more 'cunning' - she took her time explaining to us y we should take phil maid as we have nb at home. (my hubby kns, went on to ask her about Myanmar maids)

she explained to us that indo actually more cunning than phil ones.

she quote her experiences when she went over to indo to see indo maid agency.

she also explained y transfer maids are not problematic maids - she has a few to share, eg, employer make the maid wake up 4.30am to help them prepare ingredients for the fishball food stall. she has to work all the way to midnight den can rest and den wake up at 4.30am again.

she explained some maids will 'show patterns' when loan is finishing or loan is too long. if maid runs to embassy den u will have to let her go as embassy ALWAYS think that their fellows are right and employers ALWAYS wrong no matter who is at fault.

for every maid that needs transfer, agency will top up another 2months loan on maid. so that maid wont chin chai run away or say wan change employer. those fresh maids(no matter what country) r v new to our country so i think have to be v v patience to them and need more time for them to familarise.

buying those necessarities for helper - she told me they will let the maid knows what employer will provides her with and explains all details before letting her sign her contract. u no need to buy idd card for her, she has to use her own money to buy. i will buy what i think i should for her.

AND YA, if maid tio TB or mental problems or preg, insurance doesnt cover de hor.

Thats all i can rmb.. me super lo soh. most importantly, im comfortable with her.
Thanks zelda for the welcome!

My #2 also conceived through IUI, only succesful upon 5th attempt. We have better luck when trying for #1, striked upon 1st attempt, told hubby maybe it's beginner's luck, lol!

For IUI, it can be done sort of quietly, so only my female colleague, who is now my RO, knows that I've been trying, even so when I know it's successful, I didn't share with her voluntary but she asked & I just smiled at her. Most of my colleagues in my team only know about it recently.

On another forum & FB, my online friends also know that I've been trying for #2, told them that if they don't see me ranting there means good news, but I only announce officially recently.

When my mum came over to stay overnight at my place on one of the weekends, she asked me are you growing fatter (as i'm quite a plump person) or pregnant, I also never tell her, just smile. Somehow, my mum is very smart or maybe alert (mum knows their daughter best), she knows about my 1st pregnancy as well before I can say anything.
Dym: You are very detailed. Indo maids can be quite problematic; we changed twice and both times it was the maid who wanted to go back to the agency. Even this current one wanted to go back but stayed after some convincing. But she is super slow and i dunno whether she can handle bb in future altho she said she can. i was at one stage very tempted to get experienced maid but they want twice weekly off and at least $500. will assess current maid to see whether she can cope when we moved to our new place; else may consider getting transfer or experienced filipino maid.
Kelly - ya lo.. v hard to get experienced maid with no off. twice weekly off? or u mean two off in a month? $500 exp leh.. i tot salary now is 450 - 480?
Hi Mummies,

My friend just came back from Hongkong. For the Clarins Oil, the prices are:

HK - SGD 70
SG Duty Free - SGD 65

So I asked her to help me buy from Duty Free...
Dym: i was looking at one agency that specialize in experienced maids and majority want off every two weeks. indo maids ask for $480 onwards while filipino starts from $500. even if pay these salary also no guarantee they will be good.
thanks all for the welcome!

mary, better to sign up early so that even if earlier class is full, can attend later one, or know all the schedule early, can choose the day.

kelly, did u join any mummy grp in 07? i'm in jun 07 but i gave birth in end may.
Yes, my hb just came back with my Clarins oil from airport DFS, $65. But I hvn't start applying yet, lazy ... :p

ya, I didn't buy IDD card for my helper last time too. That time she even said the Pantene and Lux shampoo/body wash I got for her not suitable so she ended up buying her own each time she goes for her off days or got her friends to bring over from Phil. I wanted to pay her for those, she said no need. Good for me ... :p
Kelly - v exp leh. i was quoted 430 for fresh phil maid with experienced only in their own country with no off day. ya.. salary high or low doesnt guarantee their performance. pray i can get one ok-ok de.. haha..
Jen, Kelly,
quite a few 07 mummies here. Dym and myself too.
I remember 1 or 2 more but forgot the names, hehe.
i applied stretch mark cream back then but not very useful, still have stretch mark after giving birth, but it's gone after quite some time.
BB - i think the agent got tell her beforehand la. she can use what we provide, anything other than those she have to pay herself.

she oso mentioned to make her sign on salary slip?

BB, u can try asking her if she will send her money back home every month or keep until her contract ends? If she need to send money back, most probably her family v poor so she is really here to look for money not hanky panky? if she says she will keep, den open an account with both urs n her name. so she wont keep withdrawing money .. most of them will kana con by those bangadesh worker.. OR mayb she v rich at home, no need the salary to survive? most probably here to holiday?
Kelly - my fren in hougang green from 10Oct onwards. Agency name is Cozy Home..

My girl is Aug07! but im not from any 07 thread..
So tired recently.. I had stomach cramp on the right side twice recently.. dunno why? Anyone has the same problem like me? Anyone here can feel your baby moving when you're on bed? Last few nights I feel something hard but it gone lately.. feel so weird..
oh, the good thing is don't really have to worry about phil helpers with bangladesh workers. I realised they kind of "look down" on them. They usually will look out more for Phil men if really want look for bfs.

The pay question is a good point but can't look for too "desperate" ones too else they might ask for pay advance or family keep calling for $$ and she'll be affected by them.
BB - prob is my side got many workers ard.. bangla, thai and phil.. every month end, u will see them q-ing up under my block in western union. -,-"

super headache right? LOL..

i got no house phone, so she has to hold a phone for me to contact when urgent.. sianz.. duno if i should go apply for a line..
oops ... then you might need to watch out abit with those workers around.

Think better to get a fixed line rather than let her hold a phone? At least you'll know if she's at home when you call home.
Kelly - v tricky qn! v hard to ans this qn. haha! i believe if u confiscate one, they will find ways to get another if they really want..
my previous one had cos she had off days so easier for her to hold a hp. But we restricted her to using it only after the kids sleep.

If no off days then probably won't need a hp.

if no off days, no $$ how to buy a hp?
BB - i tot they will get from their home? i read some of them got 2 or more hp with them lo. i heard my fren says her own maid got a phil sim card which she can only communicate with phil number and that number only her hubby has. that card cheaper oso..
BB - mine currently has no off day but has asked to get one. i am sure she will ask again later..so problematic..last time, my SIL's previous maid also had a hp which she could only use at night but she secretly asked her fren to buy another one for her...if we stop them, they have their means to get one.
oh, then maybe you check her luggage or get the agency to check. If she brings a hp, you can keep it with you till maybe certain days/wkends then let her use it? Usually 1st timer here more timid.

Ya, the phil SIM card is cheaper for them to call home. Not sure if can buy here or only available in philipines.

yours is a 1st timer here? Or ex-sg? Actually I have no problem with them holding hps as long as they don't use it during work/daytime. I'm just giving some ideas for those that don't wish to let the helpers hold one.
BB - my hubby scares the maid open door to strangers when we not around or sleeps.. All the probs raised here depends on how smart the maid is. They r humans afterall, imposed so many restriction will they feel stress anot? Sometimes have to close one eye lo. If I'm not at home, I believe she will do things she like.. I can't be there to guide her 24/7. She has to be 自动enough.

Any comments on kids sleeping with maid???
kelly: agree!
i've thought of it for long long time liaoz, abd concluded that if she's doing her job well, i'll give phone, idd and off-days if she ask. but means she got to pay herself too. if job standard drop then warning and if not termination. she's human leh, if too much restriction will try to find loopholes and ways and means.. even more headache. might as well both parties happy happy

BB - mine is a first timer. did you encounter any issue with your helper talking or smsing until very late at night? our previous maid did and overslept in the mornings but we just close an eye since she was with us a long time.
