(2012/03) Mar 2012

My hb used to go for those 2 weeks incamp training but ever since he defer his reservist in 2007 which happen to be my EDD, till now no more incamps.
morning ladies, my hubby also no reservist bec he has no unit too.

Haiz he will be travelling again for 1wk starting tomorrow nobody help me to rub my back and " gua sha" for me
Morning mummies!.

just finish reading all the post... hahaha...

I am also constipated! and i hate prune juice..

Michelle: what stretch mark cream u using... i using Elancyl but u say no good. My no 1 i use the cheapest brand one plamer but got rashes so i dun dare to use now. Now use Elancyl but i hate the smell, makes me want to vomit... any recommendation?

Looking for Maid agency that can help me bring a ready maid over from Philippines, anyone knows of a good agency that wont ask me to pay up front 6 months of the maid's pay? i dun mind paying agency fees of $100-200....
Candice: the gathering is a FRIDAY i need to work leh... cannot join u guys
i am only off on tues and thurs... Mon, tues and friday all need to work
Momo - i think u looking for transfer maid. cos new maids or maids in Philippines, require to pay upfront for the maid's loan. i didnt bother to check out the agency fee but i will be paying 688.. if u need maid from Philippines, the whole process takes 2 months or so. indo maid needs lesser time about 3weeks -5weeks. im still looking thru bio data of the maids given.. haven decide which one to take. cos i need a Philippines helper with no off day.
they are meeting in the evening 7pm, not 7am. Typo in timing.

You can also look for those agencies that allow you to give post-dated cheques but I understand those agencies will charge more for agency fees.

so you decided to get a helper already? I was looking thru the biodatas too and some seem too good to be true lor. :p Think still need to interview them over the phone or see them in person (for transfer maids) then will know.

Not many Phils don't want off days so you might have a problem there. My hb is crazy, he said we don't need the helper on weekends. Asked if we can just get a helper to work from Mon-Fri, off on weekends and pay her $300, haha!
BB - i think helper is the only option for me as i cant afford to take leaves every month if kids sick lo. Ive gotten two only. Both only work in own country b4. She helped me interview both. only these two willing to accept no off day and got experience with nb n kids.. what should i ask if i ask her for interview over phone?
Hi all, Gd morning!
Everyday I realize I had been dropping hairs... Haiz.., bleeding gum too... So problematic me!
Im too laZy to work.... no choice... But have to work...
I don't really know what to ask too but maybe the basic stuffs like what dishes can she cook, how was her experience with newborns/young kids, give her some emergency scenerio & see how she'll react, assess her spoken English and understanding ...

Phil, right? For Phil if only experience in own country still alright.
I have bleeding gums too and it bleeds just like that. Blood will just flow out non-stop for awhile. So er xin ... :p Think quite normal cos I had this for last pregnancy too.
BB - lol.. should i trust my fren? i really dun know what to ask. ya.. in the end, decided to get Philippines helper. one of them got 3 teenages already. the other one no mention. i more interested with the one with 3 teenages. but hubby says both look like will abuse kids. -,-" my fren just laughed at hubby cos hubby judged by looks. hahaha!
BB: I also need helper. But dun intend to get now. Hope to source ard nov/dec, is that too late? Today on leave but need to run errand at northpoint. Must eat subway today.
oh, it's your friend's agency? Then guess should be fine. Anyway I believe it's luck too. I've got friends that got helpers with impressive resumes, done well thru phone/video interviews but in the end also didn't turn out well. And some not too impressive ones turned out to work well. Just pray harder after you confirm one. :D
if getting a fresh Phil will take about 2mths to come. Nov/Dec might be abit too late especially since high chance you will deliver 2-3wks prior to your EDD. You will need to train/assess her before you deliver, right?
BB - yupz. i guess getting a helper is just by luck. My fren keep telling me this lo. what to expect when their salary is only $1+/hr. since my main is looking after kids during my absence, i shouldnt be complaining if house work is not properly done. LOL.. this is so true........
Good morning all, I slept well last night only after my hubby came bac at2:30 am. I should try like u guys without needing them for the sake of BB.
Michelle: Clairs is good? Where to buy Clairs? smells good?

Dym: agency fee so expensive ah? I heard from fren is abt $100 to $200 nia leh... haiz is very heartpain to dig so much money out from pocket to give agency... but if dun go thru agency is like so troublesome! headache lah...
BB, oic is evening ah... aiya my evening is very fully booked with my little boy cos i got no helper now and must go pick him from nanny every evening.
momo - i lazy to go search what they includes in the agent fees. normally agent fees so low, will not includes free replacement. u have to go check out what they offers. i oso v heart pain to part the 3k+ for the loan(excluding the agent fees, insurance, etc), but think again, u no need to pay the helper for another 8months of employment.
Dym: y 8months? I tot we are paying for their 6 months only? I just called an agency "JPB at hougang green" this is what they tell me, they hv 2 package for ready direct maid (means the maid i want direct from philipines:
1) non guaranteed: $2400 loan for maid (means dun like cannot change maid)
2) guaranteed: $2800 loan for maid + $399 agency fees (dun like can change maid)

Credit card installment need to pay extra $107.

Turquoise: ur agency installment need to pay extra admin fees? mine need leh... very sien...
Good morning mummies

Ate 2 kiwi last nite n this morning can do biz Liao.. Constipation for 2 days alrdy.. Finally.
My hub is one of the no need reservist Keke Coz he is spore PR.. Hehe
momo>> i am using the clarins oil in the night and the cream in the day time. so far so good, absorb to the skins fast for both. the oil got those essential oils fragranes which smell like in spa...
momo - i told u i lazy to check out other agency le. v tedious to go and ask one by one. i cant even confirm if ALL agency shares profiles of maids. If they shares profiles, meaning ur agency receive what likely my agency oso will receive. so all these depends on luck. i have no idea y my fren wan charge me so ex. my fren told me its 8months of their salary.
Junior: r u mummies talking abt the clarins brand that sells in all shopping mall? Paiseh i sotong ball dun noe the brand well...

Dym: hahaha... i first time getting maid so confuse lo... think is very troublesome getting a maid... sien lah
momo - i oso first time! haha.. to me its a trial and error thing. indeed v troublesome. i hope my fren can get me one b4 cny so the helper can help me with spring cleaning! LOL..
momo_mummy, ya the Clarins they talking about can be found in shopping malls like Robinsons n metro etc. It's $82/bottle for oil & $82/tube for the cream. i think someone is going to HK right shld be cheaper there else can wait for robinson sale or metro sale for 20% off the retail price. i think online some places also sell cheaper den retail but dunno is it authentic. oh ya when you take sample from them must tell them for preggy woman de cos Clarins have a few oils only non preggy den can use de, the other day my preggy fren told me de.
I also had bleeding gum during last pregnancies but not so often like this time.. It's like any moment will have blood... Haiz... I scare I will bleed till low blood...
I'm gg to ask my gynae to give me iron pills... But iron pills will cause constipation...
carice, why wont the dentist do for pregnant women? I thought its advisable to go dentist when we are pregnant since we kind of have weaker gums?

I need to go dentist also, also have the bleeding gums lately
momo mummy,
you can call up a few other agencies to check their fees cos I understand different agencies charge and work differently.
momo>> i got the creams and oils from bugis juntion seiyu. u can go to other shopping mall with the clarins counter to get it...
oh, that will be near me. What's your friend's agency name? You can pm if not convenient to post here.
Hi mummies, you can get Clarins cream and oil from Swantson @ level 2 (above the hawker centre) next to OG Outram Park. They only sell at S$53.30 each for both products. I bought it from there..
I'm so sleepy now & having a terrible headache since morning. My gal slept at 11pm last nite & woke up at 4am this morning. She refuses to sleep... I waited till 6am then woke my maid up... thereafter slept for another 45mins then hv to prepare for work liao.

Finding a maid is a chore. I had a hard time looking for a maid when I had #1. I heard nowadays even harder to get Pinoy maids. That's y I just renew my existing maid's contract even though she has her flaws... but definitely cheaper than a new maid lor.
BB - think can post here ba.. 'cozy home' she says they chosen opening date on 10Oct.. not sure if she will open early. she dun have transfer maids on hand now in case u wan to know. hehe..

ok, tks. Will go take a look then. If I'm looking out in Nov/Dec then won't get transfer ones bah.
