(2012/03) Mar 2012

ladies, talking about the gender, any shape of the tummy gives a hint to a girl or boy??

michelle>> i took urgent leave at home today... i am tossing in the bed till 3 am plus... and this morning totally knocked out... luckily i dont have urgent tasks on hand... so today is a rest day for me.... slept till 11 plus then wake up... feel good nw... LOL... going to look for lunch...
btw how many donuts left...

Junior : all gone liao... hee hee... not sure how many fats are there.....

they say round is girls sharp is boy... not sure true or not.....
anyone planning to go for post natal massage?
i heard its v good, expel wind, push uterus back into shape, stomach back into not so big state etc..

any good recommendation?
i never go that when i give birth #1.... but i got one malay to intro but she is stay at west de.... cause i only go to her when i not well pain when i pregnant de.....
so qiao ... I just called to book for my massage lady and you are asking.

I'm using back the same lady that did my postnatal massage for my last delivery.

I also came across good reviews for this:


Thinking of getting her to do prenatal massage cos the lady doing postnatal don't do prenatal.
mary i get her personal permission first then i pass to u...
starr: she working shop part time.... as herself work freelence also.....

at shop first time i go n i intro my friend go i think she go is $38...... if u want she go to ur place i not sure the price.....
michelle: your donuts looks so yummy, aiyah make me crave for sugar.... hmmm I'm also fast food crazy, hubby v happy, cos b4 preg forbid him to eat fast food
Jo : very bad lei.... why u so fast.... hmm.... think tomorrow i must have mos....

chrmei think sat ba..... or which day u prefer....
i think am being carrot by a neighbouring chinese medicine hall!! brought "ban liang" of cordyceps just now and costed me 180 bucks... got this expensive?? wanna double boil cordyceps with black chicken this weekends...

hmm... any idea where to get birdnest?? just wanna made a few time for myself this pregnancy... just afraid get conned... any reliable one??
cordyceps are v expensive. Not sure how much is "ban liang" but my mum buys 6-8 small pcs in a bundle and it's already $300-$400. But it's $ well-spent cos good for us and bb.

Can just double boil with lean meat, wolfberries and red dates. I love it. :D

Birdnest can get from Fuhua, EYS, or ZTP, the more reputable ones if afraid kena conned.
JuniorMe: usually get from ZTP, Guan Yan, ask for discounts (up to 20% and give Boa Sheng). but too busy to boil it now, so getting bottled ones from EYS

EYS ones quality better more ex though only 5% discount
Junior - Being preg we are like carrot, last wk went for facial cannot use existing package bec all machine then ask me to buy package for manual facial + Oxgen Mask another few hundred gone.
Bird nest I buy from ZTP $340 ard 12pcs free 1 box of ginseng heard FuHua got 20% discount u can check it out.
turquoise, i agree.. i noe i was preggy when i still have 2 more sessions to go.. so i dun wan to keep the 2 session n buy new ones so i ask them to change to 1 extra treatment for me i will lose out in terms of money la but bo bian.. so now i sign new package is without machine de.. so much cheaper den machine package.
Michelle: prefer weekday la...less crowded. i'm not working so any time is fine.

Turquoise: i still go facials except i request dun use machine. normally its not a problem for them to convert existing package to manual facial since machine package supposed to be more expensive.

Recently groupon just have promotion buy $30 EYS voucher for $18. bought that coupon to use to buy bottled chicken essence. btw the consultant from EYS says 'pao sen' is not suitable for all pregnant ladies leh...she say they recommend only to those whose TCM practitioner have verified its suitable for their body then can take. Anyone heard about that?
thanks ladies for sharing... quite new to those chinese medicine thing... so... if its good for the BB and me, i think its worth the value...

now i am going for a dip in the pool, hopefully some exercise will help me sleep better tonight.
chrmei: yes, told by Dr as well not to take anything with "sheng"
just sharing that Bao Sheng can get as freebies from ZTP, take first lah can keep long long time in fridge
I missed the EYS deal, so sad. wasn't sure if worth it, when decided it's gone
We can't take pao sheng meh? My both sisters took when they preg leh. My dad bought those good quality pao sheng n they will grain into powder so my sisters took every morning a small spoonful. I Tot I'm gg to start on my 5mth. I'm lucky to have a super nice father..usually he will sponsor all the pao sheng n birdnest and even boil for us every of my sisters pregnancies .. I aso got the chance to take birdnest even when I was not Preg but my sisters . Tis time is my turn ! Hehe
I aso went facial last wk and kana asked to keep my existing package since using machine so signed another 10 sets of spa facial with oxyjet. Check with doc I can use oxyjet machine basically just inject oxygen on the surface skin. As long not using any ray lights. Lucky each set only 30.80.so total I paid 300.80 for 10 times .
Sarah: how often u will be taking? Heard so many diff comments abt it. Some say alternate days ok. Some say once a wk. Too early can't. So confused.
My mum says no such things. But myself has sinus so dunno to believe.
EYS got Chinese physician. So if ur not sure how much n how often to eat better to seek profesional advice.
Anyone with consistent craving since you first know u are pregnant? What I used to really crave in initial weeks don't appeal to me now. Haha.

That's why was wondering if anyone has the same cravings throughout?
The craving will change one. My hubby very scared of me nw. I will take a bit of e food & he has to finish e rest!
Dym: on confiscating hp, I agree that some how they will hv 1 so no point confiscating. If u scared e maid use e phone n don't concentrate in her work, can keep e hp n only pass it to her at nite.

Star_nn: I'm gg BKK end of next mth.

Wenwen: I agree wif u on bb sleeping wif maids.

BB: don't worry, my fern wif twins also like that. Her gal v close to e maid as she sleeps wif her since birth. When u hv 2 bbs I guess u don't hv mich of a choice.
La_piax: tks for sharing e chicken essence recipe. My frens hv told me abt this. They say v bu. Will try it 1 of these days.

Kelly_G: if I hv e energy taking care of 2, I will try sleep training. Hope to achieve 7pm - 7am schedule. But think I'll start aft 3mths when bb can sleep thru'.
Michelle: np, i put blank coz i not working mah...then i having my 1st pregnancy how to be SAHM? so blank lor.

bc: ya i will probably see the TCM around the 5th mth then decide what tonic can eat. 1st pregnancy so i more careful with what i am eating. for now i just make do with occasional bottled chicken essence or birds nest.
Jo: my dad ask me take one small spoon every morning le. But I haven't start.

Just came bk frm dnr, reali can eat alot.. Ordered pasta, chicken wings n fries for myslf .. And a slice of pizza too. Too much carbo .. Sure gg b ah fat soon !
