(2012/03) Mar 2012

ladies : those who looking for clarins stretch mark, i spot chinatown swanston sell 53+ . if u happen nearby can go people to take a look.

Mummies, for those thinking of letting kids sleep with maid since young I will suggest not to as I am a nursery caregiver in church and have seen how baby actually stick to the maid and call them mummy and more sticky to them den own mummy which is heartbreaking. I remb that after the maid went back to her country baby keep calling for the maid even when her mum picks her up.
starr_nn>> me planning to do one in Nov or early dec.. or may be even late Oct... a short retreat to recharge....location not decide yet... to have some time with my Hb before junior is out...
though during maternity leave can arrange for one, but its better to go before BB out, less worries... :p
jo>> my mum told me after second trimester can start le... recently got a aunty colleague told me she had birdnest fornightly... some pple dont start too early in case got the MS, dont want to throw the $$ out... (touch wood) but i also heard cannot drink too frequent will cause plegm... dunno how true. probably u should stop eating fried stuffs, those seafood with balacan chilli?? eat more fruits n more water...
Mrs carice
How does the clarins bottle look like? Its on the shelf display in the shop or behind the cashier? I maybe gg down to Chinatown but not sure when...
faith_jo: Shd be able to start in 2nd tri. But yar.. not too much. Definitely self boil ones are better. My TCM doc was telling me, if wanna take those bottled ones, add water.. those are sweet.
My Mum told me that in the 1st trimester, shd take all the tonics coz it will go to us not the baby. From 2nd trimester onwards, whatever we take will go to the baby.

Honestly, i also dunno which one is true or which one is false. But i feel that no harm taking it as long as your body is not allergic to it.

One thing i do agree is not to take cold drinks (trying my best lah though)....

So happy, i just rec'd my clothes from ASOS.com. The pants fit me!!! I m going to order more!!!!
J : there is one big swanston then behind have one small shop which sell shampoo ... u go see the shelf there .... (centre) u can see clarins liao ....
Wenwen: yah saw BB that sleeps only when maid carries & mummy takes over BB cries. So night feeds & all when I'm home will try to do as much as I can.
Juniorme&Behappie: I'm eating lots if fruits though not as much veg as b4. B4 preg 0 pimples now Aiyoh. Like on revenge. Bottle ones from EYS, reduced sugar. Refused to take no sugar. Cos Rock Sugar suppose to be gd, reduce heatiness
GF say Tri3 then start if not BB has phlegm. Tri2 way too early. True meh? Never heard of
Morning mummies raining again.....

K@ye : I got #1 I everyday drink cold water lei.... Cause I easy keep get sweat when I got her.....

Jo : I also alot of pimple somemore big one princess's see also want to poke poke...... Har I eat whatever I want #1 mostly unhealthy food my #1 love fast food.....
Good morning mummies, from wat my mum and sister says, 4months+ to 5months can start bird's nest le.

Hope for a smooth day, weather too good to do work. Haha.

Michelle: it's been a long time since I last went for facial. Is outbreak due to that too, other than hormones?
GG > wah, australia or japan, nice!

Junior > ya ya must go for short retreat, i also want to go, but cant decide on the location..

Kelly > HK is nice, Dec will be cold..
Good morning mummies 
Today I will start my manuka honey.. Hope it's good for me n bb.
My ms seems gone...aft eating a slight more than normal meal.. I'm feeling ok.. No visiting toilet. Only things is I did not feel hungry but when food come, I can keep eating .. Keke..my hub was asking me Tot I wasn't hungry how come I can fin such a big packet of char siew rice with kuah chup! Haha
twins is hormones change de..... different people got different hormones de.....

hmmmm star dont know dec cold i able to go hk or not... haha love cold weather......

Sarah : good keep it up..... but i still ms.... =_=!!!
there were times which she was texting till quite late but she still managed to wake up in the morning so I left her to be. Not too often still ok. No one is perfect. My main concern is for her to take good care of the kids. The rest I can don't care, I don't care. :p

ya, cannot too much restrictions else might make things worse. If you are worried she will bring people home, maybe you can install cameras at home?

Re: sleeping with maid
Try not to ... I see the big difference between my 2 kids. My gal slept with me since young, boy slept with the maid and he was vvv sticky to her for the 2 yrs she was here. He only became close to us after she left. So sad. But we didn't have a choice last time. This time I'll make sure bb sleeps with me.
good morning mummies, today's air no good very hazty... woke up feeling mayb due to haze. when to KKH for Thalessmia blood test... results will be out in 3 weeks.
hello mummies to be !
just came back from my cruise trip ;D
nw back to stress life. haha.

have you all know your baby gender yet? i'm pretty anxious to know. hope that baby inside will open his / her legs and show to us :D

aniwaes anyone knows when is the best time to bring newborn baby out for holiday?
chomp : depand of different mummy de..... my friends full month already bring her son go shanghai.... cause they say earlier bring them travel no need to bring milk powder... haha....
sarah & behappie, wah you all appetite so good ar can eat so many things.. i can only eat 2 slice of bread and drink 1 tea den cannot take somemore le else will feel puky. other meals also same things. so good for you.
Star: I check website n gynae.. No problem with manuka honey so I go ahead. They said eat Liao good for digest n complexion aso leh.. Wat attract me is complexion hahaha

Ya man I can eat alot but I only eat 2 meals n light snack at nite. My 2 meals one in Ard 10+am n one Ard 6+ but these are those heavy meals, won't Juz eat a bowl of rice or noodles , will have side dishes to accompany then at nite will b burger or fries.. Keke.. I'm sure I gg to gain weight. So far I only gain 1kg..
Just to share the experience of birdnest. I started eating birdnest at begining of 2nd trimester. It was twice a week, double boil and stopped at last month because i'm getting sick of it and went into drinking coconut. My son came out fair and cubby. No dry or flaky skin. Now he's over one year, he has rosy cheeks. Not really much phelgm as feared by alot of mothers...
We can be lethargic at this stage of pregnancy. May want to cook chicken essence at home. Pure and nutritious. Remember to use fresh chicken. If you are afraid of getting fat, use black or kampong chicken. It would be great if you can add american ginseng or cordyceps. For greater benefits, eat the herbs as well.

However don't know what to do with the cooked chicken. Anyway to recycle? Or give to colleague who has dogs at home?
Wenwen: ya 1kg duno Isit come frm my breasts or tummy.. Beside they all look the same infact my hub n my mum maid whom haven't see me for 1mth said I lost weight leh.. But I got a little tummy coming out. I Tink if I continue eat like dat I'm sure I gg to put on alot .. So I try control my target ONI wan gain 12-15kg leh.. I got a frd ONI gain 7kg and her bb was only 2.8kg but aft a month grow fat lo. I wan the same like her leh.. At least nautural birth can easily come out. Hehehe
la : i dont think so.... is depand baby de... i also got eat.... but end up my princess skin sentitve... my another friend say she never eat bird nest at all.... but her princess very good skin n hair..... she say depand de... some baby ok with it some not de.....
Michelle, cold drinks & stuff no good coz it might cause respiratory prob for e baby. I kena nagged by my mum everytime I eat ice cream, iced drinks etc... So I try to min it & I craved for milkshake. I will drink 1/3 & e rest pass to hubby.

I travelled w my daughter when she is 6 mths old. It was okie but need to be mindful of e air pressure. So during take off & landing, need to feed them something to relieve e pressure.
Sarah, my tummy also showing liao even can feel it abit hard le.. so its baby not fats thou will have some fats de.. haha...
K@ye : haha but when i want to eat ice cream i tot cannot eat.... then i ask my mum.... my mum buy one box for me.... hahahhaha.... my mum say my grandmother say what u want to eat... eat dont eat wait baby come out mouth keep moving keep want to eat... hee hee..... so different old people different patterns thinking....
Michelle, La Paix,
ya, I think really depends on bb. I took birdnest from 2nd tri all the way to 3rd tri. End up my gal has got eczema, not v fair but my boy has got fair & smooth skin.

Then people said drink boiled apple soup will have dark and thick hair, I drank too. My gal has got dark and thick hair but my boy's hair brown and thin. He was botak till almost 8mths. So funny, both of them took the same things but outcome so different.
So what works for one bb might not work for another. :D
my CL say drink soya bean helps with complexion of bb.. not sure true or not..

my tummy is showing big already.. not hard.. think i gain a lot of weight liao. Every morning scared to look at the mirror.. the face so round!
cause i thinking that time mum buy n hubby buy for me cause of baby spend alot.... but end up princess got sentitive skin.... so must well save this up eat more others food lor.... hee hee... then see this baby out how...
not too much soya bean if you are carrying a boy. I read that it'll affect the male hormones.
actually I heard before that Hashima (雪蛤) can be a cheaper option to birdnest. Can try that if you want.
bb : i think true cause my friend her son 1yr old do the operation..... but also depand de ba....

my another friends she listen to her mil no cold drink... but her son also keep get sick lor... also having asthma lor.... then she tell me so sad she very take a cold water from she pregnant till give birth why like that.....
ask u all, the oct baby fair compared to the nov parenthood fair, whats the difference?

i want to check out baby accessories, cots etc.. which one should we go?
michelle, i want to check out baby cots, milk bottles, NUK, pigeon steriliser etc...and maybe bb clothes..

maybe should go both hor?

nuk sometime baby fair have sometime dont have but it great to have cause 20%-30% discount n sometime got free gift....... these two yrs i go see baby fair take in less brand lor.... but pigeon sure both have....
