(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi all,

I'm a PaPa too..
Wife EDD 04-02-12
Will be my 2nd bb..
Will like to check has anyone done the DS scan with low risk but still want to go for CVS or Amnio?
Babyturn: my experience was a lot like yours for both my kids. I never wanted a CL and survived as well. I don't eat special food, just simple homecooked food and I went out often as well since I still had to bring my #1 for classes.
K3, now you still young your body ok. if during confinement never take care, when you older age alot problem will come out. Some time older ppl say we don't believe, but if that is true then we take our body in risk. better don't
babytum> when you find CL, you must interview her 1st. check what she know during confinement her rules is what (she know how to bath with baby, night time feeding, what food she know how to cook...how much her knowleage about cinfinement) don't blindly get a CL with ppl recommen...have to check more detail 1st then you decide choose which CL.
Al >> Hahaha.. thats what some pp say "You don't take good care of your body during confinement, when you grow old then you know..." But then again 1) I believe taking care of body is a life long project.. Doesn't mean you do magic in that 1 month you will get magic for life. I just believe in taking care healthily for life 2)Out parents and all the old folks all still complain here ache there ache despite following the rules so strictly, so I don't really believe it's anything to do with the confinement practice we follow/don't follow.

I personally believe a well balanced diet is impt... A subway roast chicken breast sandwich with loads of veg is still healthier than a plate of fried liver/kidney with loads of ginger... That's my belief (no offence to anyone pls...)

Of course, everyone has their own beliefs so end of day as long as you feel comfy. But my take is - if following those strict rules make you so stress out during the period, then it defeats the purpose...
I agree with both Al & Babytum's points, but sometimes we have to think of our parents' feelings as well. I have a fren whose mother blame herself for not doing my fren's confinement well when my fren complains of backaches, etc. So, will yr mum (most likely) blame herself for not imparting all these 'to-dos' & 'not-to-dos' abt confinement? For me, I followed strictly to what my mum said when she did my confinement for me. To me, its out of respect for her & I believe she only wants the best for me. So though, it was tough to ensure 1 mth of non-washing of hair, I still find it worthwhile. Just my 2 cents worth...
babytum> yes, taking care of body is life time. during confinement our body is weak (that why call confinement) as long as don't get cold, sick, eat more nutrition food, don't carry heavy things and rest more during confinement.
wah, another papa here. welcome.

ayanna>wah, u tahan 1 month of non-hair washing? peifu you. I'm lucky cos my mom would actually nag me if I don't go shower by a certain time everyday. :p Both my MIL and my mom believes in hair washing and bathing during confinement. :p

at least feb when bb is born is a cool month. should b more comfortable if have to tahan no showers/hair wash
why need to go for amniocentesis or CVS when OSCAR result is low risk? both amnio and CVS carries risk of miscarriage.

if really worried about DS despite low risk results, another suggestion is to go for another scan called a genetic scan at week 14
for more info, check out www.ssr.com.sg under genetic scan.

basically This involves in addition to looking at internal organs of the fetus, it also involves looking at the surface structures, looking for markers of chromosomal abnormalities (Downs syndrome). Majority of chromosomal abnormalities are reflected on the Eyes, Ears,Nasal Bone, Tongue and the Fingers. The Genetic Scan should be done is between 13-14weeks and repeated at 22- 23weeks.If both scans are normal, then Genetic Amniocentesis is not warranted except in women over the age of 45,as only then the risk of having a Downs syndrome baby inspite of a normal Genetic scan is equal to the risk of Fetal Loss following Amniocenetsis. (Vintzileos etal 1995).

as such can avoid amnio and CVS and the risk of miscarriage.
Ayanna> nowsday cannot "no washing hair no bath" liao. S'PORE ARE SUPER HOT. I think if in China (spring/autum/winter time) don't need shower for whole month should be ok, but not apply in SG. Lucky we have herb for shower. if not our hair n body very itchi n full of sweat...
Thanks for the advice..will check it out. My friend's wife has just given birth to a bb gal and is confirm DS, the DS scan and 20th week scan doesn't show any sign of that, any reason for that? this really make me puzzle.
hi all papa> can get some advise ....why most father don't really concern about pregnancy period? they just want baby but don't know how suffer as a women during pregnancy? I hear a lot women commen this...that's why husband must be more supportive when wife pregnance but not all man will do that... but i know u r here concern for yr wife pregnance
papaFC>the tests are just indicative of the risks. Its not a 100% guarantee. I had a friend where the tests said v high risk of DS but the parents decided to have the bb no matter what. End up bb no DS when born.

Even the scans for bb's genders are not 100% accurate. Someone I know was told during the scans that her bb is a girl. End up become boy when born. :p

Confinement practices>I think its a case of believe and practice what you want and most comfortable with. FYI, in case useful for some, I used the shampoo and shower gel from littledreamers for my last confinement. http://www.littledreamers.com.sg/confinement.html Found them not bad. But the shampoo too drying for my hair so won't b getting it again this round.
Al> I only endured the 'no washing hair' part cos I've short hair, so I just tied them up into a small stump. I did bathe with the herb water & wipe down with warm water every other day. To me, bathe or just wipe seems the same, still feel warm & not very clean!
alicia80: Actually not sure lei. I guess maybe some men dont know how to show concern to their wife? I used to think that earn more money is good for the family and wife. Until my wife talk to me that she need me to spend more time with her than earning more money, then i start to spend more time with her. Even gynae also ask us to spend more time n more understanding to the wife.
ayanna>did you try the dry confinement powder? My friend used that for both her confinements as she also didn't want to wash her hair. She said it really helped to absorb the oil and dirt so it's less uncomfortable. Think can get the powder from medical shops. I think little dreamers sells it too.

Personally, I cannot tahan not bathing. Feel v yucky esp down there with the locum n all. I just shower with hot water or the water boiled with dried pomelo skin that my mom prepared for me
I still bathed everyday with hot water. Cannot ta han not bathing, esp when breastfeeding the whole body smelt like stale milk, v yucky! But I only wash hair twice a week, cuz body really feel colder and pores all opened up.
I think just play by ear and listen to your body bah. Diff bodies diff needs.
Thinking of ordering tingkat from natal essentials this time round. Any mummies tried b4?
Al>I think some fathers to be are still getting used to the idea of becoming a daddy. bb is in our tummies so we can feel the changes. for them, might b harder to visualise and feel close to bb. maybe tat's why seem less excited? oso maybe he has the thinking that must work harder now cos got additional mouth to feed and support and want the best for bb n mama? so work harder, end up more tired so show less concern?
be careful with the not showering part. A friend's baby caught an eye infection. The PD said it is most likely as the mother didn't shower and baby's eye got in contact with mother's skin or clothes. Must try to at least have some form of wipe down and ensure clothes are changed and clean
NC>there are quite a few catering companies doing confinement food. Donno why none of the moms in my other thread ordered from natal essentials but if I recall, quite a few of them got sample orders where you can order 1 meal to try out first before you commit. Turned out to be a good thing cos some cateres had v oily food
AL: on top of that, ask hubby to accompany you for your scan, that may make your hubby excited. My wife and I were very happy to see BB bouncing during scan in 10 weeks.
LSnTYL> I didn't try the confinement powder as I've read some reviews that it actually clumped up the hair, making it even more unbearable. Even if not bathing, daily washing of private area with soap is a must as instructed by gynae.
i curious went to look. other caterers with confinement food include:

natal essentials (http://www.natalessentials.com/package.html)>got 1 of trial at $30

confinement food (http://www.confinementfood.com/?_kk=confinement%20food&_kt=ebe25d11-4e8b-4fc8-a373-094778863555&gclid=COjzt8C0lKoCFYYcHAodxCYNzA)>got1 off trial at $10

newbaby.com (http://www.newbaby.com.sg/)>got 1 off trial at $10

chilli padi (http://www.chillipadi.com.sg/Confinement/?gclid=CLzS3L-0lKoCFYImpAodcDWtxA)>didn't see any trials.

hope its useful to some of you.
I didn't try the powder so not sure but my friend was quite happy with it lah.

Private area definitely must wash bah. But if wash there, I'll rather shunbian wash my whole body. :p
Al - Most of my friends are very excited and really care about their wives during their pregancy. Probably it's the way the husbands express themselves..or maybe expectation is different between Husband and wife
Thank fathers!
My husband always ask me to be independent be a strong women (##~*) the truth is women should be weak than husband can show their ability ma.

my husband want to save his leave, so everytime my check-up is alone (angry man). remember my 1st confinement, he promised take 1 or 2 week leave company me, end up no action no sorry at all...reason is I have to work. I will get depression cos everthing independent.

Now, i don't bother my maid (last time everything I have to take care the maid/child/groceris/even internet or SCV) everthing i leave it to him. he have to take care the household.
Al: Sorry to hear that.

Normally we arrange the check up to be on the weekends or weekday evening, so that I can accompany my wife.
ayanna>I did used dry shampoo powder type. But i don't comfortable with it, cos my hair have powder as well, felt like very dusty. last time i truasure my hair so keep long hair lor...very troublesome. now 2nd confinement must cut it short.

PaPaFC> 1st baby are excited, but #2 no more ready le.
Al, my case is I gotta find out info on bb stuff coz I'm the one wanted bb... So can't complaint... 1st gynae visit hubby did take leave to go wif me coz he got lotsa leave left then 2nd visit he not in town... Im ok going alone but will ask him acc me for the 'major' one like Oscar, detailed scan etc....
papafc, no medical test is 100% accurate but can minimise the odds by going for the genetic scan instead of amnio and CVS cos of the risk of miscarriage.

the degree of accuracy of the OSCAR scan also depends on the skill of the sonographer, and the position of the baby, that why if got poor results, dun straight go for amnio/CVS, go for another scan by another sonographer.

i had that experience with #1, the bloodtest risks was something like 1:150, and after scan reduced to 1:250, but we were not very secure as it's higher than usual for my age group, so we went to ssr for genetic scan and after that the odds became 1:2000 plus.

a few other mummies in the thread then also went to ssr for another scan after poor results from the OSCAR and came back with better odds. of course it also could be the other way but we were lucky that the scan reduces the odds.

re: dry shampoo
after use, need to brush out, if not the residue will combine with sweat and oil to clump hair.
Al>sorry, I'm not sure. Can check with them bah. If you plan to do this, maybe good to get a trial meal. make sure you like the cooking.

babymaking>ya, I read the names, mouth oso water. :p but noticed several of them got liver. My mom said cannot take liver when breastfeeding cos will dry up milk... But think can ask them to omit those if don't take innards too.

I like the chilli padi photos best. all look v appetising. :p
babymaking - Thanks for the advice..will see how it goes after the scan.
Al - For second bb, I believe most of them still excited, is just that probably they are more prepared and know what to do and not to do. don't think too much and stay positive with every matter..
Copied & pasted from the Chilli Padi website:

1.Delivery is not available to the following areas: Jurong, Boon Lay, Woodlands, Pioneer, Joo Koon, Choa Chu Kang, Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok, Toh Tuck, Yew Tee, Sembawang, Yishun, Upper Bukit Timah, Mandai, Dairy Farm Road etc.

4.Meals will not be served on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, 1st Day & 2nd Day of Chinese New Year (Meal will be replaced.)

So many places they don't send to, but good thing is only 2 days affected for CNY which is still reasonable bah.
ayanna>think could be because the food is prepared at their main restaurant in joo chiat? actually, I'm not sure. :p

can check out the other companies too. at least they have trial meals so you can sample the food before you commit for a longer period
yeah the pictures look so good, but one thing to note, confinement catering food tend to be more oily, and for those breastfeeding and bb having jaundice, have to avoid ginger also, so must find caterer who is willing to substitute foods.

btw just a random thought, for those who are planning to breastfeed may want to consider switching to non wired bras soon. wired bras can cause blockage of milk ducts.

papafc, no worries, take one step at a time.
TGIF! waiting another 1hour 20min to clock off...

papafc> ya, should be positive. actually my husband "Niang hong jiu" do the red rice wine foe me...hehe no man do that.
re: dry shampoo - i bought fm guardian pharmacy when i'd my #1 & din wash hair for 1 mth.. plus cut short hair but still can tie up abit.. surprisingly i dun have itchy scalp! and as per babymaking, need to brush after sprnling e powder on ur head..
Al>wah, that's sweet of him. I think guys show they care in different ways lah. cannot compare.

babymaking>that's v true. I had to avoid ginger and red dates cos my boy had bad jaundice. end up didn't get to eat much confinement food. I didn't even get to have the pig trotter vinegar cos by time his jaundice cleared, it was all gone. so sad lor.

for non-wired bras, I like uniqlo's. v comfy. reminds me I should go stock up on some.
Can i ask - how much alcohol is ok to drink. Of course best is zero.. but let's say we have a tiramisu cake or a rum and raisin ice cream.. can??
Busy with work. Honestly I just want to say that I accompany my missus to every checkup till now. Hopefully I can do that for every check up thereafter. Money isn't the most
Important thing anymore.. I rather a little paycut in exchange for more time with my DW.

Pinkz, lol yeah I'm a very excited dad to be. Dr Tham
Is very nice huh? My missus thinks he is abit rushed the first time we saw him though.
