(2012/02) Feb 2012

Oh dear, claramimi, its best for you to work from home and try to stay away from the affected colleagues. I was told I had lowered immune system due to pregnancy and so even a simple cough caught from my colleague got me into real bad shape for a week and now I'm still coughing. No joke especially for TB, since the TB drugs used in treatment are harmful to fetal as well, best not to get infected.

yah lor.. very scary.. talked to boss just now when he came back.. he say not spreadable but he forwarded me a letter fm TB Control Unit.. Ask me to call them up for further info.. but they closed at 4pm.. so will be calling them tmr morning.. zzz...
Hello mummy!

I'm new to this thread. Been following but suffering from MS, too sian to post anything. My EDD is 13 Feb, seeing Dr. Tan Kim Teng from KKH TPS. This is my #2.
Thanks planet. Haha dunno leh, for my #1 MS lasted till 4 months. Was hoping this time would be diff but big disappointment!
Dunno whether something is wrong with me, I keep craving for confinement food! Weird....
Experienced mummies, again I thinking of ordering confinement food and not to get CL... hubby prefer this way too.. He say he can take leave help me... We got perm part time aunty to clean house... So if order food, only need to care for bb... So do u all think for first timer, we can manage??
Pinkz, that's one of my options also. I'm almost sure I'm not going to get a CL. But haven't really researched into the cost of confinement tingkak. Still wondering if I can survive if mum cooks for me once a day.
Actually CL not only cooks for us, but will do other things like taking care of bb, washing n house work. Depending on how particular mommies r. Some do not touch uncooked water. Just boiling water every day is lots of work. Many buckets for bathing, washing Hands, etc. I try not to touch unboiled water as it makes my joints ache. With a CL, mommies can hv more rest time n really recuperate, ESP at night. Good CLs will also guide first time mommies on breast feeding. As for confinement food, it all depends on wat mommies want to eat & how particular. It need not be expensive.

Eg, steam chicken thigh with some dome. Pork stir fry with ginger. Fish with papaya soup. How ex can these be & all nutritious.
Actually still can manage but will be easier on you to have someone to help out at least for the first few days. Cuz the first few days can be pretty stressful for new mummies. We were a big mess the first day back home from hospital. My MIL would go back at night so night time we were on our own! It got better after a few days though.
Does that include confinement food .. Like all
In? I heard first baby tend to deliver early 1-2 weeks? Must normally book how soon in advance?
Hazel, ya depends wat u eat... My mil did for my sil and the food cost 1k+ lor... We tried some on their baby shower day... Not nice one :p...

I will have a chat with some mummies fren see wat they say... Haven tell them abt my preg yet....
Popular CL r reserved very early. The one I called last wk already not available. now I plan to go to an agent. Plan to use gpls, my friend has gd comment. They have some tie up with KKH also on teaching CL. Its website shows. Charges are $1950 outside 15 days of cny. Mom levy abt 180 not included. Also need to give CL 2 angbows, one at start and the other before she leaves. Amt depends on how satisfied we are with the services. Standard practice. Glps allows booking when we are 5-6 mths preg when we hv done the full scan.

Tmc also has CL. Can check out its website.
Confinement food no need 1k. Unless take expensive herbs like cordycepts. Some CL are lazy, eat wat she cooks mommies ex! So if mommies eat ex food, CL will follow. Just make sure dun let CL indulge in that. Buy separate food for her to cook for herself. If not buy packet rice for CL.

Herbs or rice wine used for bathing is not cheap. One pack/bottle bat $20. Rice wine is more ex. But cleaner n less messy when mix with boiled water to shower. I prefer that to herbs.
Pinkz, I'm in the same dilemma as you. Mum is leaving too far from us and I definitely do not wish to have mil probing into my confinement so hubby was suggesting we look for part time maid n using the tongkat service too. Otherwise, day time CL may be cheaper for us
Pinkz and Jen> remember I tell u all before first kid and second kid since I bring home I ownself handle till now, not even have husband help so lucky..even for this third kid will ownself handle also.. Somemore my kids age gap are close and if I can handle all three by myself I'm sure for a first time mum no problem and even easier cause last time I also ownself handle

Confinement tingkat too ex if your husband willing to cook give them receipe to cook healthier!

For people who are considering Doppler let me know if u keen I'm having Bp. And same as Babymaking I recommend not cause I'm selling I'm recommending as I lost a baby before so I tend to get paranoid if I don't feel movements or too early to feel movements.

But to me budget also a problem so I look around for the cheapest and most affordable and best one. So I found my current Bp brand to be the best as they can detect hb as early as 9weeks and midwives in us recommend and use it.

With only $56 is very affordable for low budget and cheapo me who don't want to spend so much. And to me surprise last me thru 3 pregnancies leh (this pregnancy 3rd still using). So far this gave me the assurance I needed badly no need run to gynae everytime 100+ just to play safe. Now at home also can know if baby safe anot..

Keen drop me a email lor.. Cause Bp closing soon and I do have it for rent too if u dun wanna buy or try it
[email protected]
claramimi>oh dear. Can ask your boss let you work from home till the TB cases have settled? wait more kena...

pinkz>I know at least 1 first time mommy who coped with just catering confinement food. should b ok. but more xinku for you cos need to care for bb while u r oso recuperating. can ask your mom/MIL to come help a bit? at least with taking care of bb like bathing, washing bb clothes, etc. cos 1st few weeks you might b still weak n recovering from the wounds.

I bathed everyday during my confinement.

soul108>welcome. you're our 2nd dad! I used to see Dr Tham too. He's v nice.
Well, actually how much help you need during confinement depends on how complicated you want your confinement to be. For me, i followed the cattle blindly and booked a CL once preg #1 confirmed. Then after a month I sat down and think about what I really need from the CL and decided I rather not have one. If good, yes help but if not, I think will end up giving me more stress than help ( I have heard many of such stories where the CL created more chaos than help). So end up i cancelled the booking and forfeited my deposit.

In the end, my hubby took leave and I cooked for us, I even went out to buy my own groceries (since I was a picky eater, I preferred it that way as I choose what I want to cook and eat). I did not believe in any confinement food so to me, cooking was not tedious as I cooked simple meals. The trips to NTUC were like short exercise regimes to me and I think it helped in recovery. Hubby bathed baby and washed the dishes. I did not believe in herbs bathing so I just bathed in normal water and drank normal unboiled filtered water so I did not need to invest time in boiling water or such...

So to me, cos my "confinement" (since I did not really confine myself as I went out grocery shopping daily) rules were simple, I managed to survive myself.

So end of day, can you survive depends on yourself.. the more rules you set, of course the more time and help you will need...
morning mummies, i'm new to the thread. can you add me to your chart? EDD Feb 25 2012, #2, Dr. LC Cheng, TMC. i didn't have a confinement lady for #1, and not sure whether to get confinement lady for #2...but after reading babytum's post i think i'll probably pass on CL for #2 as well. probably won't be of much help since i plan to breastfeed and co-sleep with the baby. thanks for your post!
Lsntyl, will check again wif my mummies fren... My mom passed away le, mil taking care of sil 1yo son and stay in west... Me stay east so diff... Hubby volunteer to take leave (2wks) to help.. If really not getting CL maybe ask mil come first few days to teach us... Actually thinking if hubby help oso good then next time he will continue help... Hehe... If not ah... Knowing his pattern... If got CL take care bb after CL left i take care then he will continue shake leg surf net relax one corner....

Soul, didn't notice u daddy too... Me oso seeing dr tham...
babytum>agree. I didn't have a CL too. My mom helped me to look after bb and boil some water with dried pomelo skin for me to bathe with. I actually ate v little confinement food as my boy had v bad jaundice and I was adviced to stay away from ginger and red dates. Also went out about every 2 days cos had to bring bb to poly to check his jaundice level. So it wasn't a real confinement per se.

I know some moms who had horrible CLs and some who had really good ones who were a great help. End of the day, depends on how pantang you are and how much help you feel you need.

pinkz>Dr Tham is v nice, ya? But I too lazy to trek to TMC so switched gynaes. :p

If hubby can help, that's good too. Maybe can sign up for a prenatal course. At least teach you basics like how to bathe bb. I find it helps.
morning mummies
these couple of days have been bad for me, been puking since wed night and having odd cravings, but after cooking them, lost the appetite. now my fridge is full of leftovers - fish assam, beef stew, and a new addition braised pork. oh this little one is a terror.

re: CL
babytum sums it up very well, if you intend to follow all the chinese traditions, then you would need CL help. but if you are modern mum and don't want to blindly follow, then do some research on the basis of those 'rules' and then judge for yourself if you want to follow them.

for eg, not bathing or bathing with herbs/lemongrass as it's really sticky and does not leave one feeling clean. so bathing is a must esp if breastfeeding but must bathe with hot water and dry totally to avoid catching a chill/exposing to 'wind'

confinement foods that includes ginger, black vinegar and sesame oil is a must as they serve to get rid of wind, warm body, improve circulation and get rid of toxins in the blood.

perhaps we can all share our experience/knowledge of the reasoning behind the 'rules' so that can make an informed choice?
i will not be hiring any CLS as my mom will helps me on my confinement. I prefer that way too..i dun like another stranger in my house. At least, i can tell my mom what i want to eat. I can't imagine myself eating confinement food for a month. Maybe monday to friday...can le.

We must also be glad that nowadays hubby are willing to help and share the responsibilities of taking care of the bb. At least not so tiring
Linda> if husband have 1 month Paternity Leave (PL)to help wife during confinement that will be most perfect! I heard govt. still consider for PL right..

All> i found a confinement ladies she only charges S$2.3K on the 4th CNY, after this date S$2.2K (must negotiate the price with CL, initially she want 3k) and she have more than 10yrs experience and have talk to her what I want her to do = cleaning/ cooking for whole family& my confinement food/ day+night taking care baby/laudry/buy groceries... (actually I have maid help me buy...but don't let her know hehe)
Babytum, reading yr post... Me more tempted to go without CL.... U somemore go buy grocery and cook... Pei Fu... Ya, cl oso depend much on luck... If kana bad one will be nightmare... I actually dun intend to follow those grandma rules... Asked mil b4, those angmo oso never do this tat seems like when they old age healthier than Chinese, can still go travel everywherem, mil just say "aiya, angmo different la"... we got regular pt aunty do cleaning, if order food then I really think nothing much to do... 2 of us care for bb shud be sufficient (imo)... Main concern is we no experience... Will definitely go for antenatal class... Hope it helps....

I do agree if u have to do u will just have to do it... Too much help will be helpless later when everyone gone... My mil take care my sil bb, every morning she gotta bathe the bb till my sil and the hubby dunno wat to do when my mil sick.... Some more ask if my mil can just go over to help bathe the bb then go back rest....
I went into the GPLS website to have a look-was surprised that a Day Cl cost more than a live-in CL? Choice 1-Live In Confinement Nanny : $1980
Choice 2–Day Confinement Nanny(9am to 6pm): $2200! Why, thought it will be cheaper with shorter working hours?...
Pinkz, I saw the natalessential menus-very tasty! Think will just get good food and part-time maid service.
lsntyl: called up TB unit this morning.. nurse says no prob to go work just monitor myself for cough/fever.. think if really kenna already too late liao.. siao advice.. hahah.. anyway called up gynae for 2nd opinion, left message w nurse, gynae will call back this evening.. see if he can gimme 2 wks MC stay at home! hahha..
Pray hard will announce ASAP...don't wait untill baby pop out le...
my 1st baby pop out at Jun 2008, then Aug 2008 annouce can get 4 months maternity leave + add $1k baby bonus...sian liao lor.
actually, I hope they will announce soon but I think quite difficult. Normally they will announce to increase birthrates but next year is dragon, so govt may think no need to promote at all.
They say been saying since 1998... Survey done 2010-jan2011... So I think shud be serious this time... Cannot be NATO (no action talk only) for so long right...

i doubt they will introduce paternity leave. They were looking into this issue earlier this year during budget and nothing was done. Think it'll stay status quo
