(2012/02) Feb 2012

KWXY>hee, I restrict myself lah. Haven't touched caffeine for the last few days but tempted by Share Tea's 10% discount. Never tried them before so get 1 to sample lor. Not too bad. I can't remember. Is this your first bb? For my boy, I also tried v hard to stay away from bubble tea, etc but end up drink it quite often in 3rd trimester cos the other mommies in my thread kept talking about it. :p

planet>oh dear. hope you get your appetite back soon

Thanks a lot for the welcomes! No choice, wife from China, cant understand English well. So I need to do the read up.

She was hospitalized recently due to dehydration, recommend all mummies to be to drink up.
maxiblur>think you can try the shops in bras basah. since this is your first child, you might want to sign up for one of the prenatal courses. quite useful cos gives lots of tips for what to expect and how to look after bb. which hospital are you going to? If TMC, the course by Wong Boiboi v popular
Lsntyl: I got a mini-mart on my desk ... I also scare I get hungry easily.. So already standby biscuit etc. Worst case, got petrol kiosk next door... Cheers and 7Eleven r my best friends.

I'm so sleepy... No mood to work
nana>that's nice.
I seldom stock up cos office pantry has biscuits. :p
Saw bb... Growing well.. 9wks 3days.. 2.7cm... Good hb... Yeah

Still got the fluid thingy in my uterus, but doc say it's ok coz bb growing well and it's not affecting bb/placenta.....

Edd 20feb 1 day earlier.. I just stick to 21feb... 1day no diff...

My Oscar ll be on 10aug... Those going to do Oscar in tmc maybe can start call to book.. Coz is super fully booked.. Luckily for me, the clinic stuff manage to squeeze in for me... She kept calling here and there to ask for app for me.. Thank god in the end manage to get...

Got some vits... More pills to pop
Hey ... Avoid sotongs... Pantang reasons :p scare BB entangle...

Lucky I am not a fan of sotongs, squids and octopus all along, as I hear that these food causes bad odour in our discharges. So from young already avoid if possible

Aiyo.. So difficult to have "girls talk" with man around *shy*
My next appt is 19 Aug, everyday need to pop 5 pills.. i see liao scared... keep counting down to see baby today just 3rd day only.. another 27 days more.. jialat.
gals, i think we should give maxiblur a pat on his shoulder. At least, he is willing to join in forum to read up ...not everyman will do that.haha...at least for my hubby.

maxiblur, maybe you can get some chinese books for your wife to read up. i sure she will enjoyed reading it.
Pearl: Thanks, borrow a few Chinese books from the National library last week for my wife. That why she is asking for the posters, :p.
maxiblur>gambatte. got questions can ask us bah. tink quite several of us are already mommies so can share share. of cos we'll be also learning new stuff eg: sibling rivalry. :p

nana>its ok lah. just talk wad u want lor. I'm sure maxiblur won't mind. :p

I've never heard this pantang about sotong though
maxiblur>u mean those doppler thingy? I can't comment as I never used one. I personally can tahan till go gynae every month.
If buy le, after bb is born, oso donno what to do with it. But can understand the attraction of the device.
Hi maxiblur-welcome! I'm first time mum, new and blur too.

I bought a ultrasound baby heartbeat doppler recently. Kind of kiasu, need to be reassured that BB is active. I'm finding it hard to find BB's heartbeat most of the times because tummy is still not showing, caught it once and its fasinating to hear the galloping beat. Mine came with 2 headsets so hubby and me were listening together-he kind of enjoyed it being able to feel near to BB. Instrution manual says its got no direct effect on baby but encouraged to use not more than 15mins per day.
pinkz: agree w u.. cuz my colleague kenna TMC fully book, in e end have to walk in & wait for 3 hrs b4 scanning.. tat's why i kiasu book 1 mth in advance though gynae says 2 wks s/b ok.. but also need to re-confirm e no. of wks next wk.. hope my plan to go on 8 aug is smooth!

nana: cannot eat sotong arh.. but i got eat OCK sotong ball & sotong meat.. hee.. yummy mah.. :p
Pinkz, You are really lucky to get a 10th Aug OSCAR appt at TMC! I called clinic several times, but they kept telling me 8th Aug and 10th Aug OSCAR appt at TMC fully booked. I was given 1st Aug instead.
Max: I'm kidding nia .. Just ignore us if we are too bitchy too

What I heard is sotong, crabs and mango don't eat
Well still up to individual if they belief such myths.

I'm quite pantang la
can avoid I try to avoid.

Till now, I still no courage to buy ICE LYCHEE to drink leh...
maxiblur>aiyoh, so cute. maybe accumulate questions/queries you have n write them down so you can remind your gynae. A lot of them v chop chop de cos got long q and many patients waiting for them. So they might forget to talk about important things to us like HB. Think they just check n as long as BB is normal, they are ok. Maybe point out where certain parts are if they have more time. If got time hor, can ask gynae to let u hear bb's heartbeat too. He should have the machines for that.
nana>har? cannot eat mango n lychee too? I've been eating loads of them. I'm quite bad actually. Dont really knw wad food are pantang.
maxiblur and mummies,
i used the digital one for my first pregnancy and to me, it saved my baby's life as his heartbeat was found to be decelerating at times. we monitor only random times within a few days and noticed that hb differs very greatly, out of 10 times, 4 times will be low although it bounced back within a few seconds. we brought it up to our gynae and he immediately ward me in delivery suite to be monitored 24hrs under ctg, then we found out that 1) i was having premature contractions at week 24 - i thought the tightenings were brackton hicks ; everyone told me it's false contractions and it's normal but with each contraction, bb heartbeat drop and rebounded. 2) bb was playing with the cord, squeezing it with his hand, constricting the blood flow.

it got so bad that i was on bedrest in hospital for the remaining pregnancy, and regular scans to ensure the cord is not entangled and on drip to prevent further contractions. at any point, if cord entanglement is noticed, will have to do emergency c sec.

but the decelerations continued and bb hb was affected, in he end, we chose to bring bb out at week 34+, which was a good decision as bb already was facing breathing difficulties. all things end well, the neonatal specialist was able to revive my boy and he stayed in NICU for only 1 day, and SCN for 3 more days before being discharged to the general ward.

now he's an active 24 mth toddler with no long term issues.

so to me, the heartbeat doppler is a life saver and that's why i am strongly recommending it esp after hearing all the horror experiences of still birth due to cord entanglement and strangulation because mummy didn't notice the slowing down of fetal movements.

having had 2 losses before, every baby is precious, and if even one baby can be saved with this device, it's worth the expense and peace of mind.

eh, sotong is old wive's tale but hor one thing is true, the more active the baby, the higher chance of cord entanglement.
Jen, ya lor.. Saw the lady call so many times.. Think in the end she manage to get the big shot to squeeze in app for me.... Which week will u be on 1aug? If within the period ok oso ma... They tried to do it on 12weeks for me so after tat go see gynae can start the package...

I had fresh lychees and mango..... dun dare take pineapple, papaya, watermelon.......
babymaking: Thanks for the advice. Will talk to wife and gynae on it.

Mango n lychees cannot? My wife drink mango juice a few times per week, eat a few lychee everday.
Lychees ok la.. I'm talking those deserts shop selling Lychees with crush ices... Too cold, I don't dare to eat

Mango: heard that it will cause skin allergies and the skin not "nice" like will be rough rough kind

Papaya: I eat leh... Cannot eat papaya aR? Shit liao
Pinkz, I will just turn 12 weeks on 1st Aug,wanted the national day week cause its easier to take annual leave. Boss already hinting she's not very happy wif me taking so many MCs (I was really sick last week)

How much is your package? We ar still wondering if its a neccesity to take up package? The package from my gynae was $600++ excluding blood test, vitamins etc, is this the norm for everyone?
can someone give me advice on this? as u all may know last week i was given 2.5 days off due to a TB case in my office.. actually an in-house clients.. just now i overheard e boss telling my boss tat there're total 3 cases.. 1 spreadable case whereby he's been released fm CDC and came back to work as he's "unspreadable" liao which is e 1st case last wk.. then 2 more kenna fm him but classified unspreadable..
1 other preggie colleague very worried as her bro kenna b4 & she knows how bad it is.. but lucky for her, she is going for her maternity end of july.. so what should i do??!!
Jen, oic... 12 weeks just nice.. Dunno leh, the lady kept telling the scan dep say I cant do the following week (13th), say too advance... So maybe scan on 12 weeks better... No choice... Maybe u take half day leave instead of one day lor...

Package same.. $600 ecl blood test, vit...
Jen, package is usually more worth it. Mine is 700+ i think. Excluding tests and medication. Check with the nurses for the breakdown. You are entitled to that information. =)

Maxiblur: Mango and lychee are heaty fruits. Take in moderation shld be fine but best not to take everyday.

Clara: talk to your boss.. can you work from home or in another office or room? OR perhaps they should quarantine all the "suspects" to prevent further outbreak?
