(2012/02) Feb 2012

KWXY> me too. especially in the afternoon and at night, my nausea getting worst. so only sweet drink can cure...sour plum also does not help...

i am a bit worried too..i scare my sugar level too high

Taka got dec fair? Dun think so right?

Yeah, worried abt Gd if continue to take too much sweet drinks, that's why look for other solutions - the organic sweets I got from the states work wonders, just need to pop one in the morning and whenever yr nausea usually strikes. Email for more details.
Hi, I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant.. But I didnt know I cant dye my hair during the first trimester and I dyed my hair when i was around 6 weeks. Do you think anything will happen. I'm so worried now.. Haiz.. Anyone dyed before their hair during pregnancy? Is it ok?? Worried..
Hi all,

Re: sweet drinks
Same same... I now love 7th/sprite and ginger ale so much and must be cold.. Can't take plain water.. Even ribena makes me sick.. Did mention this to dr Tham.. He say go ahead and drink.. First 12 weeks is ok to do anything but after tat he will start control... Hehe :p
Not too sure dec have taka fair...Then when is the next fair? Not necessary to be taka fair....

Any expert can guide us??
soul108 > Do u mean the nipple cream for breastfeeding? I recommend Medela Purelan 100. Its supposed to be edible for baby but I still try to wipe off before feeding my baby.
Pinkz, dr Tham also gave me the green light on cold drinks. Hehe. But ppl ard me to cut down sweet drinks. If not sugar level goes up.
Karyn> I perm my hair on my 1st pregnancy (around 12wk)...now my girl she already 3 year old...growing healhty

En xuan> which gynae u visit? my next appt also 3 Aug at KKH

soul108> I use pigeon brand, not bad, safe for breastfeeding.
Al: thank god! I was so worried. Still am a bit worried as I did it whn it's only 6 weeks whn they are developing their impt organs. Haiz. Cried n cried whn I realize I shdnt. I hope baby will be ok. Haiz. Doing my Oscar on 10 aug. Worried!!
Babyfaery >> Don't worry.. my gynae says actually a super duper small amount (if any) goes into your blood stream... and it takes a super duper large amount to harm the baby... So it's ok to dye... not like u drinking the whole cup of dye then cannot la.. but dyeing it not an issue... If its risky.. no gynae will dare to give the go ahead under any circumstances...
wah, this thread move so fast over the weekend.

taka fair>taka normally only has 2 fairs - one in mar and one in aug. don't think they have bb fair in dec. there are quite a lot of bb fairs at expo though.

for bigger items like cot n stroller, can check out the 2 babyhypermarts in kaki bukit. heard selection quite wide.

soul108>I just squeezed a bit of breast milk and smear all over the nipple and let it dry. Find it works v well. But if u really want to get one for your wife, maybe can try medela or avent. heard their's not bad.

taka fair can use the taka vouchers

karyn>think should b ok lah. your bb might not hve developed then. It was worst for me. I took an x-ray when I was 4 weeks pregnant cos the pregnancy test they conducted just before the x-ray was negative. But 2 weeks later, my menses still didn't arrive so I tested again and found I was preggers. But gynae said exposure v small so no need to worry

KWXY>taka having fair this week or next week, I think. recall seeing in some magazine or paper. Isetan is having bb sale now. I think now still early but can llss first lah.
Ayanna and al : not for breast feeding. DW nipples peeling and dry.. Think cause first trimester then breasts are enlarging..
soul>wah, so fast? maybe you can pop down to the taka bb fair and check out both the medela and avent nipple cream. I think pigeon oso will have. All should do the job equally well just whether she likes the smell/texture.
Wah! you all so kiasu ah. now only about 3 months pregnancy already plan to buy bb stuff. Don't know what gender how to buy? want to buy for girl or boy also very hard le.
wait Dec stil got time to shop...

Dye hair: not very sure, that time i perm because my face also getting fat... but X-ray more dangerous.

Nipples cream: yes, is for nipple peeling n dry and also safe during breastfeed. but this only can apply when 20week.
soul>taka fair should have. or the major department stores like robinson should also stock. but note that tangs no longer has a bb department!

Al>I'm not buying anything yet cos nothing much to buy as most stuff should b reusing from my boy's time. But no harm go look look see see, esp for 1st time mommies. sure v excited.
Hi Dec Mummies

I'm from the April mummies 2011 thread, given birth to boy-girl twins (their 3mths+ now!!)

Want to start selling my maternity clothings since ulikely I will be giving birth again.

PM me if you are interested in getting almost brand new maternity clothes (bought mostly from Spring) Sizes are L/ XL, blouse, t-shirts, bottoms, 1pc swimming costume.

Ps: Ive also some bb items to sell i.e. BN Bottles, Medela breastmilk bags, breast pads etc
Last Sat company my hubby go Expo shopping, I only walk 1 hour, very tired ready & my back & leg pain liao. best time is 20week to walk around. now if I got time can rest & sleep ....
LSntyl ya lor.. Been like that for quite a while already. So I was thinking get some cream for her. So she will feel better. Lucky can use voucher. Have a few hundred dollars.. 
Soul: I just use normal body lotion to ease the itchiness. I think our skin ard that area is dry. Hmm.. I use Johnson baby oil on my tummy too...
soul>I think can apply now. just tat most mommies' nipples won't crack so fast. mine didn't at all until I started breastfeeding but once used to it le was ok.

the nipple cream shouldn't cost too much lah. think $10-$20 max? I'm not sure as I never bought it. alternatively, can check with your gynae?

Al>maybe I'm used to walking. Anyway, cannot rest/sleep at home cos got #1. sometimes can rest more when I'm outside walking around. :p
soul108>robinson voucher can use at robinson. wait till sale. I stocked up on a pregnancy cream by galenic elancyl at robinson during the last sale. v moisturing. good to use as out belly grows bigger. I think can also use on breast area but not sure about nipple. I used this during my first preg n got no stretch marks at all. can consider for your wife.
re: bb fairs
yeah, usually in nov/dec, there's baby fairs at expo, but it's rather haphazard type. so far taka baby fair is the most comprehensive one with most of the brands at one place and of course at lower prices also and free delivery service.

if not planning to buy now, can go do some market research and compare prices as most brands will be there. save yrself the hunt to various baby shops.

the 2 hypermarts at kaki bukit, unless they are having sale, items are usually very expensive. from what i know based on previous research, the taka fair prices to be at least 20-50% cheaper esp for previous season strollers & carseats as the suppliers take this chance to clear excess stock.
soul108> i read from the instruction only can apply around 20week, because when u apply need massage it and it will effect the contraction in womb.

LSnTYL> you strong women ya! maybe #2 more tired and still in 1st tri..

all> Do you face diffliculty to post a msg??
@Al (alicia80): My gynae is Dr John Tee. You ??? =)

I chosed the same gynae fm my #1. Very experience =D cos i had difficult delivery abt (24 hrs)in labour pain & abt 16 hrs in delivery suite... =( took 3 dose of epi and was bleeding profusely n bb still dun wan to come out... Doc had to pump my stomach w his hand hard n push bb several times...

he gives me the peace of mind wif his experience.
En Xuan> I know your Dr. see him before

my gynae is TC Tan, my 1st baby he delivered by forcep...everything very smooth
that's why I choose him back.
Babytum: Thanks babytum.. make me feel better.. Pray hard baby is ok.. My EDD keeps pushing fwd.. From 23/2 to 20/2 to 14/2.. Hope don push fwd anymore..

Feeling so nauseous now.. With terrible bach ache that stretch all the way to the thigh.. Haiz..
Hi all, I'm new here. My baby edd is 23/02. Seeing Dr Sim Lee Ngor. Only seen her 1st time last week, anyone knows how is she?

I also need some other advise as i'm quite blur,... My bra have been getting quite tight already. Is it time to buy new ones or will it expand more? When is a good time to start buying clothes n bra? I dont want to spend too much $ by spending so early then need to buy again. Thanks so much.
Al I think I know what you mean. I thought I read somewhere nipples cannot be stimulated or something.. Maybe that's why they supposedly say 20 weeks?

Lsntyl. My sis recommended one brand call mustella for the stretch marks prevention.. So we are using that.. But abit oily.. DW don't really like it.. But heard alot of ppl say stretch marks also depend on genes ya? I got alot of points on my credit cArd so can go exchange for vouchers previously still dunno what to do with like 20k 30k points..
Hi Noel! Welcome! I think there are those clips that you can buy to extend the brap clip behind. Some mummies use that rather than buying new bra.

Nana , normal body lotion also ok to apply on nips?
Mummies, I just finished my dinner...and feeling the waves of nauseous attacking me! When will this end??

Later gg to eat some cold cold fruits to ease it.

And I'm having some mild cramps today...anyone having it??
soul, is it true that its not advisable to wear wired bra? Will our cup size change more at a later stage?

For stretch mark cream, should we start applying now even if there is no itch yet? Does applying early prevent the mark more?
For stretch mark cream, I bout it from mothercare.. Not oily, not bad coz I start to feel itchy.. After apply, next day skin not so dry liao..

Bra, yes it is advisable not to wear too tight as later on it will affect ur milk flow.. So now I m using bra extension..
For strechmark cream should apply after 3 months. And I also buy bra extension n some without wire( cheaper) save money, after bb pop out slowly will get back size.
Hi mummies, there will be 2 taka fair each year. march and aug. So if you miss this one, next one will be march.
Noel.. Should start the stretch mark cream le.. If wait till stretchMark come out then not so good le.. Cup size change depends on ppl de wor.. So best is use bra extension first..
Soul: I think ok ba. My Johnson oil are leftover so I just apply. My sister bought for me the sher butter from mothercare. I'll use that after my oil is finish. Just go buy the Johnson oil and apply first. Until u see your gyne than u ask him/her on other lotions. I also #1, so many things unsure.

Noel: Hi, I'm seeing Dr Sim too. My gf introduce me to her. I find her approachable. I've seen her 3 times le and is going to sign her package next visit. She quite good leh, coz she say can take cold drinks haha .. But I don't dare la.

I seldom feel nauses lately but Today my ms suddenly turn bad when I reach home after work. Totally no appetite for dinner and vomited too. Duno why suddenly like that. Hopefully tomorrow will be fine - back to normal please
Morning mummies!!

Yes, this taka fair in July/Aug got to grab some items. Now in fact also having isetan bb fair until mid Aug. You can go and see too!
Then for the March taka fair, you can go and buy after your bb shower! Just nice! Hehe

I agree with some mummies that we do not have to buy a lot Of things now, who knows your friends and relatives will be sharing to buy cot, stroller or even bb clothes. Some even can be pass down to you when your friends are not using them now.

Just take note bb grow v fast, some items only last for a few months then need to upgrade. So choose and buy wisely

morning mummies, can't wait for the taka fair - 1 more day *shopaholic*

one bit of advice, just buy a couple sets of nice going home clothes + full month clothes for baby, baby will outgrow clothes super fast and you will prob gets lots of hand me down as well as baby sets during full month celebration.

here's a list of stuff that baby will need:
• Receiving Blanket
• Baby pajamas (those that cover the foot esp for night if baby is sleeping in air-con)
• 1 baby cap
• Booties and Mittens
• Nappies (even if don’t use as it as cloth diapers, can use as thin blanket)
• Nappy Cream
• Diapers - New Born size
• Pigeon safety nail scissors
• Baby Detergent and/or washing powder
• Baby Bath & wash cloth
• Baby bath Tub & Anti Slip Mat
• Pigeon Bottle Nipple & Vegetable cleanser
• baby thermometer
• Changing Mat
• 'Ru Yi' Oil
• Baby Hair brush and comb
• Baby oil
• Sterilize Cotton balls for cleaning baby's eyes & face
• Steam Sterilizer
• Remember to ask for glass milk bottles from the hospital
• Breast Pump
• For milk bottles, don't buy too many at one go. They will use the small bottle (4oz = 120ml) for a few months at least. - for drinking water if you are fully breastfeeding.
• If baby not sleeping with you, need to buy baby monitor
• Tissues/face towels
• Baby bath towels
• Baby mattress protector

big ticket items:
carseat *must
changing table
bathtub with stand
drawers to keep baby stuff
baby crib, adjustable positions, with wheels
bouncer or swing - very useful when bb is awake and lookin around as it elevates baby's position so that he/she can explore more.
