(2012/02) Feb 2012

anyone still not over with ms?

my is esp bad. my saliva so thick and bubbly till i cannot swallow. gastric is also so bad that i have to couch my body till backache. feel so depress and want to give up the pregnancy.

Soul, my first visit ok.. Waiting time less than 30min... Not rush... Then second visit maybe more ppl, waiting time ard 45min, go in scan see bb ok asked few ques then go already... Ok lor... Coz nothing much oso... Did u bring yr thumdrive to save those pics? I didnt on first visit coz dunno but the nurse load all during my second visit

Al, Yr hubby sweet la... Cook for u... Mine... Wait long long...

Yeah... Hubby coming back from work trip... Going airport pick him soon... Have a great weekend everyone
Serene, hang on.. Shud be better/over soon.. I'm counting down to 12wks.. Hope by then will be better.... I still bloat, nausea...
I'm happy & upset ..

Happy: saw my BB today. It's so amazing to see the head, hands and legs.. Hand keep waving ard .. My BB is quite active! HB strong like a horse galloping ... Wow.. BB is about 5cm now.

Upset: my CL booked by other le la! Where got pple so ks? 4weeks book a CL le.. Must be like us, #1 mummy. Heehee... Just hope that mine can pop out earlier so that my CL can come over to help me for a few days first. I scare leh.. Duno what to do. I don't want to find others except her la~~ chiam liao la
Hang in there, many here still puking and bloating also. If gastric is bothering you, see doc to get meds to settle stomach first.

Cos gastric will make ms worse, also make sure u are hydrated, if not, lack of fluids will make ms n gastric worse. Get jab to stop cycle of vomitting if u are actively puking and can't take gastric mess.

Start vit b will help reduce nausea.

I did all the above and now the ms is manageable although still hugging toilet bowl but at least no more gastric.
Congrats Nana!!

I'm missing bb so much...I got to wait until 4th Aug to see bb...the last time we met was 7th July....wait and wait
Pink first time we waited almost 1.5 hours but nevermind coz was so called emergency. Spotting then dr Tham nurse say come in earlier.. We also didn't bring thumb drive.. Have to wait next 2 weeks already for next appointment
hello everyone. regarding confinement, my MIL will be doing for me, she is a retiree now, and 1.5 years ago, she helped my SIL with her confinement too. However her dishes are pretty limited, i bought a book of confinement dishes from popular and give her to pick up more dishes! 30 days is a long period, so i hope to get more variety in my food! hee hee
Hi, Mommies! Im from the Feb 2011 but am also expecting my #2 now...

Also due in Feb 2012 !!!

Nice to meet all of you... =)

BTW, jus to ask... is it safe for preggy moms to drink DOM ???

Hi n good morning to all mummies n daddies!!

I BACK!! Finally back home sweet home after leaving Singapore for more than a yr! Finally settled down after days of unpacking n packing... But hubby out station again until end of the year...
Geyser welcome back!
I'm starting to get pretty bad gastric these days. No energy to play with my boy, feel so guilty esp will spend even less time with him once this one comes out
Welcome en xuan.
Nana> happy to see baby growing well! If yr CL only can help few day then u need 28days confinement le... Find another one CL la...
Pinkz> hehe... My MIL pass down "kong Fu" to him that's why he know how to do. Cannot compare, there is no perfect man
Rocco: usu it's advised not to consume to much ginger and rice wine. During confinement I still ate the food, but left out the ginger bits. Din drink confinement wine also. My son still had a bit of jaundice but it went away on its own. It's pretty common for Asian babies to have jaundice, as long as level not too high it's ok.
geyser, welcome back....

me went gynae yty and I am 10week4D...saw the head, hands, legs & limps....too bad hubby o/s...lucky my cousin accompanied me....

Claramini, my oscar also 9am...see u on 8th aug

me flying off to taipei tomolo...See u girls when i am back...
Hi all MTB, finally I can join this forum after silently reading for 3 months.. Finally, today is the start of my 12th weeks.. Anyone has droppler for sale? I am thinking of buying 1!
wah just now at the mrt station, i had this dizziness in my head after talking while going up the stairs...was breathless...then next thing i vomitted but nothing came out...awful feeling..first time i experienced this. usually nausea with no appetite...

i hope it gets better end of this week, which is end of 1st trimester!!!! :-D
GOod Morning everyone,
a nice cool morning to start the week...

I went to see gynea on Friday. My little beanie is 10w5d. bout 3.5cm. mY 12 week scan is on 10 Aug. cant wait for that to come...
Morning mummies!! Finally into my 12th wks!! My bump is showing and more colleagues starting to ask if I'm preggie... Guess can't really "hide" le.... Only seeing my bb next fri... It's a long wait...
not really, the next taka fair will be in mar (usually) too late for us popping in jan/feb.

big ticket items like cots,strollers/car seats, breast pumps also is quite non gender specific, and usually at taka fair can get better deals compared to other fairs.

if not planning to buy now, can go do some market research and compare prices as most brands will be there. save yrself the hunt to various baby shops.

i usually stock up pigeon's stuff (wipes, detergent) and huggies diapers as well - as they usually have promos then.

make use of their free delivery so that no need to lug everything back on own, esp since can't carry heavy stuff.

try to go on weekdays as it's especially crowded on weekends, must be careful of the jostle of mummies esp shoppers with strollers and older children who run around without parental control.
gd morning mummies,

it has been quiet sometimes i never log in, i tink my MS is on the PEAK liao....yst evening out of sudden my head so pain n whole day no appetite to eat at all n i vomitted not only water but food! duno from where! n out of sudden i cant c my tummy! it is so flat! is it ok? my next appt is only this sat!

it has been a very tiring day for me everyday, sometimes OK sometimes not....yst again I cant sleep whole nite turning around!
Bbmaking, one of the lessons I learnt from past experience is not to buy anything so early. Thus, I think I will start buying only in dec during Xmas sale or post xmas sale. I do hv a general idea of wat I need from previous window shopping. Anyway, stuff like car seat wun really need until after bb is full mth. Before that, can just carry bb on the arm if need to go check up. Bb cot I dun intend to install also until bb is born. So, no hurry.
Good morning everyone...

Congrats to all who are seeing their gyne this week too. Must be very anxious and excited ... My next appt is 4weeks later. Sign.... Such a long wait

Received a call from my clinic that my Oscar and blood tests results are normal... Phew... 安心le
Morning mummies,

I am looking forward to my 12 weeks in a few days time... Is 12 weeks considered end of 1st trimester? or 13 weeks onwards?
Morning mummies,

My Appt tonite, finally ... Think after that will be every 4 weeks lol.. Anyone gg NUH for OSCAR test?

Me weekends start to feel headache n giddy .. Read the " wat to expect pregnancy", during 2nd tri we will start to feel dizziness.. Any mummies hv the same problem?
Morning everyone!

NC & Rocco> I heard during pregnancy, comsume a bit home made rice wine should be ok and its very healthy.

My appt next week, thinking bring my girl to see baby also (hubby cannot company).. she must be very excited
can understand your feelings on this matter - however, car seat is a must as you will need to bring baby back from hospital-not advisable to carry baby in arms in car.

if traveling by taxi, better to get a baby sling.
Hazel: I totally agree with babymaking, car seat is a MUST especially with a very young infant. You or your hubby can be the most careful driver but there all it takes is someone else to be careless. It's best to get them used to being in a car seat from day 1 as well.
Hazel> if u have personal car, don't risk ur bb life and maybe get a maxi cosi cabrio as easier with removable base..

If taxi then of course no point buy a car sear
@ Ah Ching: Thanks for the info !!!

Hmmm, am visiting my gynae on 3 Aug . Another 9 more days!

Currently, no appretite to eat too... am feeling so lazy & tired ! plus i still need to take care of my #1 who is barely even 5 mth.... *faints*
Linda, yes that's the one I like. Can remove fr car n fit on a stroller. I will definitely get a car seat. But wun get so early. Last resort is the KKH shop. The stuff there are similar to shopping centre which has sale.
btw mummies, i have been trying out a natural anti nausea sweet upon recommendation from a friend based in the US for the past 2 weeks and it works - for those who are experiencing nausea and severe MS, email me for more info.

[email protected]

if i get enough response, will start a BP.
Hi mummies!!

Hope all of you feeling better...as for me...trying to cope nausea by sleeping non stop and drink some cold drinks. I had been drinking sweet drinks like ribena and packet drinks. Getting worried....but I simply cannot take plain water.

Talking about the taka fair, my friends did advise me to buy some wipes and some small items. As for bigger items like cot and stroller, can buy during dec fair
