(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi all, yes indeed, TGIF! It has been a rather slow week for me cos I'm feelig tired all the time. And, my work currently is not that challenging to keep me interested, thus time really seem to pass by very, very slowly, haiz...

Regarding itchy nipples, I've read that it is best not to wash that area with soap. Just rinse with water will do as they are likely to get drier when we start to breastfeed. I remembered I avoided soaping that area during my 1st pregnancy too.

Btw, anybody considering catering confinement meals during the confinement month? Any reviews to share?

Ayanna> i am also considering to cater confinement meals as it more convenient. I do not plan to hired a CL but will ask my mom to help me with the baby. I think will have to check out what kind of menu do they offer
linda> i done a quick check, i din know is so expensive. standard of living is really increasing.
anyway, still have lot of time whether do hired a cl anot...have to really give some thought to it.

i also read through reviews and most of them commented that the food for tingkat not nice and is oily
Just to share, from the research I've done, most confinement meal package for the 28 days is ard $1.6k.

Think CL's rate is abt $2k now (pls correct me if I'm wrong as I've never had 1 b4) + additional $500 to $1k (pls also correct me if i'm wrong) if during CNY + groceries money of abt $1k, total would be ard $4k (on the high side).

That's why I think i might consider catering which is still cheaper. But that is provided you have another helper, mum or MIL to help with taking care of baby & washing, etc.
Pearl> super ex till it's so ridiculous lor..I would recommend hire a cl if u can afford it.. Usually new mum will suffer cause suddenly baby dump to u from hospital then a cl can help a bit.. But after she leave back to square one cause u are solely responsible for the baby
Icecherry>thanks I never liked that place cause the inconsiderate smokers very dua bai they like to smoke at non smoking corner and each time I eat there very stress so I stopped going there
linda, u still small little girl but full of world experience n life experience n family experience than me! so i dare not bully u....hehe!

hmmmmm Cl n food during confinement...reali ma fan! jus like linda laa, anyting! saving n no headache.... simple is the best! b
Happymomtobe> Wa piang u say until like this where to hide myself in which hole arh!!

Can afford get cl, cannot afford then like me suck thumb ownself do GAO dim ownself
Linda, but do you find it effective in washing? I have one now but i using it to wash my lingerie only... so thinking of getting another one for bb cos i know bb skin quite sensitive so have to wash separately...
IceCherry - I heard that to get another washing machine, we must have another water outlet or something. Is it troublesome to do that? Cos I'm considering a washing machine for bb's clothes too.
Morning mummies. TGIF..

I had abit of a scare last night. My lower backache was really aching badly so I used the uPapa for back massage. After using for about 5 mins I suddenly felt crampy. Only then did I realise that all these vibrations might not be good for the baby. Panic!! After that I laid super still and rested until fell asleep. Hope I didn't do any harm..

Any mummies started getting backaches already? It's abit early isn't it? And are we not supposed to use these massage gadgets or massage chairs?
Talking about CL, than I think I may encounter some problems....

My mom wants to hire a CL (at her cost) and I'm staying with my MIL.
Hi mummies,

Just share my experienace on my 1st confinement, i hire a very good CL, i don't have mum & mother in law in M'sia working also cannot help me. so that time I only have CL help me do all the house task - cooking for my hb, cleaning, laundry, buy daily grocery, sometime house item like she need something to cook better...she will buy herself. and taking care baby day+night (can shee she don't have enough sleep)This is real confinement lady who really do their part to help me. But too bad that for my #2 during CNY she cannot help me, only after 7th day of CNY. she really expert as CL and very joyful person...

I Guess I might deliver early 2 week (my 1st baby pop out early 2 week). Now have maid to take care #1, but the maid also don't know how to cook confinement food & take care new born bb. i heard order Tingkat cheaper but food that so fresh as cook at home, sometime during the delivery the food already cool. I really need to take care myself as this is my last Confinement, must have a good health then never regret to spend the $$ get a good CL.
I have make some survey, now CL price at normal day S$2K-2.2K, durig CNY S$3K after 7th day CNY ~ S$2.5K

my 1st confinement only S$1.7K yet work so much job for me...really cheap, now cannot find ready.
Halo mummies

This morning craved for chee kwee, coz I kpo at jan thread, mummies thr talking abt it... Asked hubby wake up earlier to go eat at hawker but kana reject... Then I go tabao myself.. Eat already so shiok... Hubby somemore got cheek to say very nice.. Haizzz.. Think I'm the only preggy buy food myself lor...

Re: cl
I was thinking of ordering confinement food instead of getting cl too but seems like review online on the food not so good... If it's ex and good then ok but ex and food no good... Errrrr... No thanks...

Most likely gotta get cl... Especially 1st time.. Totally clueless on handling Bb....

Nana, yr mum so nice...

Planet, personally think better not use those massager for now...

Yup, no need waste money on washing machine.. Just hand wash n put in laundry bag then put in washing mAchine to spin dry..

Regarding hiring CL, during CNY food very ex also lol.. My no 1 born during CNY. that time I still don hv maid, cost me a bomb lol..
What did everyone have for lunch? I'm having a hard time finding the right food for picky bb today. Everything seems so unappetizing. Been pondering over an hour liao. :S I need inspiration..
planet, i had vegetarian bee tai mak and soya bean ice....but cant b drinking too much! after drink feel mouth irritating wif the taste n wanna vomit.......
aiyah linda, don say until like tat! wat born to suffer...u have a happy family which so many ppl wil envy lor...loving husband n 2 adorable kids (3 soon to be)......u only have breakfast??? no lunch???
Hi mummies!!

How's everyone?

Re : CL
I'm getting my mum to help from mon to fri and MIL on weekends. Don't like strangers to take care of bb. Will bring my mum and hubby along for the new mummies courses. Our mummies may use the old method to take care of bb and it's good to let them know what are the good habit and tactic to handle bb, though they have enough experience, good to let them know more.

Re : Dreams
Any mummies keep having dreams while sleeping. Simply cannot tahan. Even nap also dream. All funny and weird dreams.
Happymomtobe> my family not as happy as perceived la alot of problems cause of husband inlaws and since young no happy childhood.not hungry yet to have lunch leh
kwxy, yeah i dreamt too but not alwis laa....
tell u all, las week i dreamt of baby! i dreamt that i went for scan in 3d n saw bb face so cute smiling to us n waving at me...lol...hubby said tat i tinking too much!!!lol....

linda, cheer up! u choose this life, so no matter how mus b happy n appreaciate ppl surround u n b contempted wif what v have!
lol, i knw say is easy than do, but never try never know!
Happymomtobe> arugh I didnt choose it I was tricked into marriage aka forced into it.if I would have knownhe would broke the promise after marriage I won't have gotten married and worst is née two years to divorce.

And no ppl surfing me except my kids how to be contented. Tink if u are me u already in heaven liao
KWXY > me too. I also planning to sign up my mom for course , to educate her the new way of take care of baby. haha...at least, me, hubby and her all share the same understanding.

Btw, have you all give a thought of storing of cord blood or donating it away?
linda, aiyo! guy r like tat....b4 marriage n after marriage! b4 marriage everything is OK, after marriage was everything different! who cares......relax...tats life! siao po! now u have 3rd bb stil tinking of divorcing...relax! yeah i am not u, but if u nit some1 to share, i can alwis lend u my ears...
overall now u r having bb, mus alwis feel HAPPY! bb can feel it if u r not happy n sad.....
ME!!! i dreamt of the weirdest things.. and 2-3 different dreams everynight.. surrounded by purple smoke.. float in the air.. all kinds of nonsense also have..
The dreams have been making me real tired..

I rarely dream before pregnancy.. like only 3 times a year kind?

And after wake up to pee in the middle of the night, cannot fall asleep liao..
I'm gg to tmc free tour on my 12 weeks visit. Will join the tour after the Oscar test. Should be fun to walk around and understand better which ward you like to book. Eg single bedded.

Re : cord blood
Im thinking to donate away
Pearl, kwxy>> can share with me the course? Organise by who ah?? Me also keen for my mum to learn more.. Although she is babysitting 4 kids now...

Me going for my checkup tomolo... Hope can hear my bb hb and be excited.. Think i am at my 8th week... So scare n excited... Now only symptoms is increase in toilet frequency and nipple pain... Breast is still quite soft... Informed by my mum that it should be hard hard one so now worr lo...

Me dint think of storing cord blood.. Kinda Luke waste $$ imo.. Dunno what us the purpose to keep it.
hi all, am back after roaming on the streets for an hour. still no appetite. resorting to plain biscuits for lunch. sighz.

kwxy: me have been dreaming lots too. super tiring. and worse is when i hit the snooze button to sleep for another 5 minutes, also can have a fresh dream. very irritating!

pearl: i didn't know we can donate cord blood. can we do both? donate some and keep some?
For me, we did store with Cordlife for #1, so only fair to do so for #2 bah.

Ya, I've been having more dreams than usual too & they get more dramatic as well, sometimes I end up crying in real life. Thus, it made me feel unrested even though I slept early. This happened in my 1st pregnancy too but I can't remember whether it got better as the pregnancy progressed.
My mother working so confirm no time take care.. And I don't wish to let my mil to stay at home full time with me leh... I rather she go work.

I no dreams.. Every night sleep through all the way. But my hubby dreamt that he was carrying a baby.. My first question was.. "got kuku bird a not"... Haha so funny
i think the amount that can be harvested is quite little, so not likely to be able to donate and store at the same time.

Sharing between siblings us possible, but there is only a 60% likelyhood of a match.

I donated the cordblood to singapore cord blood bank. If u intend to do so, need to inform them early since need to do interview, pass them some blood test results etc. They need to prove ur cordblood is ok, no history of genetic dieases etc. And they will follow up after baby is born. Call up to check if baby is fine or not. In case your baby's cord blood has probs and some other people use it
planet> i think i read an article before cord blood can be shared btw siblings but the percent i think only 5% if i am not wrong. so it is best to store for each of every child to play safe.

Those who are interested might want to go for cord blood banking talk if there are some coming up. might be useful.

KT> Most prob will sign up my mom for Antenatal classes from TMC by Wang Boi Boi. She is quite famous for this field. haha
Planet - Birdbrain has explained for me already. The likelihood of a match between parent and child is even lower if I remembered correctly.
arghh...m so sleepy! its jus 4pm! i got no mood to work at all....jus feel like going home to have noon nap which is a precious thing to do!
n someone jus ask m i pregnant since i like getting fatter! gosh....i jus smile...n then he ask me to take good care as my hubby is heavy smoker! duno y after hearing tis i so ngry wif hubby, i have been telling him so many times n warning him n he even promise not to smoke however...haiz....angry!!!!
Happymom: yeah I gave up hope asking hubby to quit. But at least he automatic, smoke in the lobby or without my presence. Think next time will ask my baby not to let his dad to carry coz his smelly .. Maybe this will make him quit

Immediately after my offsite meeting, I marched into Burger King for chicken tenders... Shiok.

Hello Mummies...

Linda: Feeling better? Try to take some soup food to gain back the lost water... Can I order the dopler from here? Sorry, too many posts, forget it you mention if there might be instruction kit, as I don't wish to scare myself unduly for using it incorrectly and can't hear anything... I think I will freak out...

And yes, Linda, you are still very young, a successful marriage needs max efforts from both parties... try talking to your HB... perhaps, being guy, he might not understand your point at times... 3rd baby le, do not give up so easily...

wow... so fast discussing on confinement ladies... I think I wun be hiring one... my mum probably will be doing for me, jus that perhaps I might also be doing some housework... I think min housework shld be okay? Reviewing the options of engaging a PT helper too... Anyone has any recommendations on this?
