(2012/02) Feb 2012

Linda: thanks for the offer but we've already shortlisted two ladies, plus you will be busy looking after your 3 kids as well. I need someone experienced with homebirths cos that's what we plan to do.

k3> no problem.. The doula from parentlink? Or else where? Oh i thought if hospital setting i would be able to.. if homebirth i cant thanks
Happymomtobe: Homebirth with doctor and doula, not alone
but then doc will go to give birth at home?? i only heard in overseas, the mummies wil choose to giv birth at home in pool....
ally, y u choose to homebirth?
Homebirth? It's so cool siah! But sure very bloody everywhere... Heehee.

I didn't eat cockles but prawn yes. Already no crabby to eat, no prawns can die~

Yeah, I'm going for my Oscar this Friday following with gyne checkup. Am anxious too... I try not to think so much of gender yet.. Coz scare of disappointment leh.. Give me a healthy baby can le...
yeah, prawn still can laaa try not to frequent it.....true, edi crab, sashimi, oyster n so many tings cant eat....so mus eat prawn once a while.....

nana, any gender will do, i only wish healthy, cute bb can liao.....
lets all pray!
Laksa sounds good... yummy.. I love that...
but the output of laksa during puking is bad... ha..
now watever food i eat, must think of the 'outcome' easy or difficult.. sorry for sounding so disgusting...

I so so wanna go eat aglio olio pasta... arghh.... must wait for work to end...
pasta pasta wait for me....

So long don eat too spicy food, when puke out not so bad.. I every morning after bf sure puke..
Now my bf just as simple as possible.. anyway after that will be contribute to toilet bowl

I puke nothing out at all. I feel extremely nausea especially at night, when I'm about to sleep or rather after dinner.

But I do burp a lot...so bloated. Any mummies still experience cramp....is it becoz uterus growing??
helloooo mummies!
i'm back after e loooong break! now almost everyone in office know tat i'm preggy!!
anyway talking abt OSCAR, mine is 3 wks away.. still a very loooong wait!
Happymom: yes the doctor will come over, I had a quick and easy birth with no.2 and hoping it will be the same this time around. Not a fan of hospitals. We are 99% sure we will do a homebirth but things might change still lah.

Nana: The doula will bring sheets and stuff to cover the floor...etc.
Mummies....my MS is very bad. I really feel like giving up. Am 10 weeks 2 days today, my second pregnancy. Difficult to cope with ms and my near 18 month old toddler. I had MS until i was 4 month preg for my boy, i duno y im so suay. I've lost 4kg already, i duno how much longer i can take this.

re: oscars
Im going for oscars on 2 August. I confirm will do. My gynae didnt give me any option either, straightaway book for me.
Hang in there. Don't give up, this will all pass. Maybe is possible, try to get your husband to pitch in to help around te house a bit more?

I lost 3kg so far, had MS till 6.5months for my #1. Now at 11 weeks. My #1 is thankfully 6 months older than yours, so at least can listen to some things I say. Having a dead baby is way way more painful and difficult to cope than MS, trust me.
I experience puking all day through but i tell myself, it's okay.
ANyway, the easiest way to puke 'smoothly' is drink drink lots of fluid. not so 'xinku'.
birdbrain, my husband tries to help but he works very long hours...leaves home very early comes home very late. He's beat too. My boy is very clingy. Feels so guilty towards him..

serene, i do drink up...had experience from the first preg MS so this time i drink. Still had to go on drip 2 weeks ago. Will try to stay positive....
Half a day more... shooo Monday Blue...

Linda: U aren't alone.. I am also not intending to go for Oscar Test... HB doesn't want to make a wrong decision based on the % of the test, esp when the doc will only reveals if we are of the high/low side.. But why aren't you going for gynae's visit this month? I am visiting my gynae next week... Hopefully can see my baby's hands/legs and not jus beannie...

KWXY: what kinda of cramp u refering? My left leg's muscle is more tense... feel better after massgae but my MIL asks me to beware of water retention... Keeping fingers crossed...
im in my week 10.. nausea not getting better..
instead of evening sickness, now it has extended to noon sickness too.. =(
hopefully this terrible feeling will go away soon..

Oscar to be scheduled on 5th august..3 more weeks to go.....
Hugs. Sounds quite bad to have to go to hospital for drip. Hope your MS will start to subside soon. Or at least give you "off days" from time to time for you to at least recharge a bit.
Princess> not enough this month..And the worst was mod delted my thread of Bp cause I made "6spams" I want to cry already.. I left very limited this mth and the $25 mean alot to my survival.. So ironically others posted so much spam their thread Nv kana remove then I counted my posting only 4posts then got removed.. So unfair and my thread was upfor less than few hours..
Hi everyone,

my sickness getting lesser, still very tired...wait for another 1 month should be ok ready.
but from my pregnancy till now I totaly cannot eat rice, only eat noodles/mi sua/ beehoon... seem like not healthy le... but really no appetite for rice.
Princess> still can just that BP thread at smh removed..And NON REFUNDED.. why others do it never kanan penalise or penalise after multiple times, this is my first offencet hen they remove likethis
Al>> how come rice is healthier than bee hoon etc? It's all the same ma... I don't take rice at all also... Prev preg and now... Be it bee hoon or mee or rice its all simple carbo so end of day its all the same .. unless u comparing to brown rice then ya healthier.. but if its white rice.. its no diff la..
babytum> before preg. i everyday must eat rice. but now so long never eat rice, feel like something missing. but when i see the rice already no mood to eat…no appetite.

sometime really don't know what food to eat...
Al >> it's ok.. as long as u take some carbo.. no matter its bee hoon, mee, kway teow, potato, oats , rice.. its all the same! unless u believe those traditional old folks where they say u dun eat rice, no energy. hahaha.. but if its health reason, i guarantee its the same la!
ging3r> ya, sometime my b/f eat oats. but cannot everyday.

before preg. everyday eat rice no problem. but during preg. everyday eat noodles very bored.

what your daily food?
hi mummies!

Long time no long in. Had a 1 wk break from work last wk. today feel so lethargic and sleepy at work... =(

counting to off work... 30mins more... zzz

you tried to email the mods?
kwxy, my tummy still flat...Dr Tham was joking and telling his nurse maybe HE should get preg n lose a few pounds to get a flat tummy. Thou this is my second preg, doubt i will show early...but u should shop for clothes now. Becos when u really need new n comfy clothes, u wont b able to find....

birdbrain, thanks for encouraging me....for my first preg, fellow mummies all encourage me, it really helps...just find it so hard to bear at times and abit ashamed for being so weak n negative.

Al, i hardly able to eat much...cant rem the last time i touch rice. I can stomach plain bee hoon and crackers with kopi. For drinks, its ice milo and ice water. Cannot even stomach my favourite coke. For now, i miss my mum's cabbage rice so much but when she does cook it for me, just the smell alone sends me puking. Miserable..
Jia you. Haha, cos i got very bad ms for #1 & 2 (while it lasted) so can understand. Feeling faint, pukey, bloated and miserable all the time. Black out a few times. Hope you MS phase pass soon. Look on bright side. Some study a few years back pointed out babies born to mothers with severe ms gets a few iq points higher than other babies.
Today is a record for puking for me. 3 times. Sigh...
Lucky I din merlion my aglio olio spaghetti. Specially went alone To eat just to satisfy my craving...
Next craving is lasagna....
My hubby is saying I'm disgusting. Can output n yet think of wat to eat next..... Ha.... Pretty woman's privilege.
Hi babes,

do you all feel emo at times? yesterday i was feeling abit moody and kept quiet while watching tv, but my family kept bugging me if something is bothering me, and i insist that there isnt, i just dun feel like talking. and they had to keep bugging me until i became quite emotional and burst out crying.

i was quite frustrated cos i tot they would be more understanding, and i already told them straight there is really nothing wrong with me, i just wanna be alone doing my own stuff.

feeling quite bad about my emotional outburst yesterday, i hope it doesnt affect my bb...
Dear Mommies,

I have been following this thread cos I'm also going to be due in Feb 2012 !! ^_^

Just went for gynae's scan a while ago and doc says bb is growing well and heartbeat normal !!! my bb is now abt 3.2cm now!! wow!!

i didn't go this far for my last pregnancy (d&c at week 8) but I'm glad this pregnancy is going smoothly and it's so encouraging to see the progress through the scan!

my next gynae visit is in 4 weeks time. I asked doc, "..but now only week 10 and isn't next round scan should be in week 12 (which marks end of 1st trimester)?"

she answered, "after 10 weeks, your pregnancy is more or less stable now, so you need not come back scan 2 weeks later. you can if you want to, but not necessary."

Me and my hubby were so happy to hear this! :-D
KWXY, hey how are you? i think i saw you in Oct10 thread, isn't it? glad to hear your preg now is going smoothly as well! when is your edd ?
Hi sweetcorn!

Yes, used to belong oct2011 thread, unfortunately bb heartbeat gone at week 7.

I'm blessed to be pregnant again and hope it will be s sticky one.

My edd is 15th feb 2012, you?

I was in the Oct 2011 thread in the beginning too..for my last preg, bb stopped growing at week 6 and only found out at week 8...so had a d&c...

am also blessed to be pregnant again right after that!

Hope our babies stay strong and stick with us all the way till Feb 2012 next year! Dragons are stronger!!

my edd is 12 feb 2012, 3 days earlier than you!
For Oscar test, doc says week 10 is the best time to do the test...but both me and hubby think that now we can see bb 's heartbeat already and its developing hands and feet... means it's alive inside me! we don't want to end it even though if the test result comes out as having high risk of DS, we decided to keep the bb no matter what happens.
Just wondering :

Any FTW mummies here put make up to work?
Any precautions to take if wear make up?

I myself put very light make up , some say the chemicals will affect bb etc...how true is it ?
hi lynn, congrats !!! I am gong to see my gynea next week...so excited.

Hmm, me too...my husband and i have discuss and we decided not to go to the oscar test as we do not want to make the wrong decision.
sweetcorn: i still wear makeup as before pregnancy, daily office makeup. if you feel uncomfortable wearing makeup, i would suggest you still put on sunblock, as our skin tends to darken easily during pregnancy.

but you do have a point there on your concerns, maybe we can consider minerals makeup?
gd morning mummies,

rocco, yes nowadays at wrk i feel nomood to talk much wif my coleauge, jus cut short n sometimes like never reply, a few was so ngry wif me...i cant explain much, tis jus i m too tired to talk n just wanna b alone...

guava, yes dragon wil b strong bb! n will hav a sticky n smooth pregnancy! i kiasu, i dare not put makeup o anyting! high 5....wil not do OSCAR test too! no matter what happen!

Sweetcorn, the nurse at my gynea's clinic told me that they arrange oscar between 11 and 13 wks. More than 13 wks, cannot do.

I only wear lipstick & my sunscreen. Just know that you dont use products with retinol A.
