(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi, ladies seeing Dr Benjamin Tham, I need some help. Am at 11 wks now n is baby #2 for me.

Am looking for a gynae n considering seeing Dr Benjamin Tham. May I know the package start fm which week n is he do delivery at Mt.Alvernia beside TMC? TIA.

Have a great day.

No prob everyone! Fun to see the chart get updated so quickly. =)

Tay: The Vitamin C water i'm talking about is those effervescent tablets u buy from Watsons or any pharmacy. You know, drop a tablet into plain water and it will fizzle into a orange drink. It's a great alternative to drinking water cos plain water causes me to throw up. AND vit c is good for building immunity, good for baby and last but not least, good for my complexion! Heh.

Mummies who cannot take plain water can try! =)
Aiyo.. today feel quite bad leh.. chest feels very stuffy..

I love the Vit C water too! but must out into cold cold water then nice leh..
now cannot drink cold drinks yet.. so i very long never take le..
joy> I've always used normal temp water to make the vit c drink.. so xi guan liao. lucky. =) it's better than ribena in room temp!

am still trying to find alternatives for healthy non-cold non-plain water. anyone has any more ideas?
wah....the more u all say bout healthy normal temp water, i feeling so guilty of myself!!!
i have been drinking cold drink everyday n munching ice cubes!!!without that i will vomit badly n very xin ku!

ginger, ok ler for all of us!
Babymaking> no this is just a simple device to hear baby heartbeat and for those tink at least 200bucks.. And I never heard of abnormal hb unless in labour
Planet, I see. Nv take tat before. I take ribena mixed wif normal temp water. Some say take coke/spirt won't puke.. to me it won't puke but I feel vey bloated tink becos of the gas...and make me very xin Ku

Some of u into week 10 Liao... So envy

Now I'm only week 8... When will my week 12 arrives... Ms pls pls pls go away quickly!!!! It's killing me. Been mc for abt a week liao.
Hi mummies!

I do have cravings for jap food...now at shopping mall hunting for one. I will be good and not to take any raw food.

Just now I had ice cream waffle and now feeling nausea. Super sianz.....

Any mummies feeling tired ALL the time? I slp or dozed off almost every meal!
Thanks planet. Updated mine. But I changed my EDD to 13 Feb. Please help me move up the list. Thanks.

KWXY, I also feel tired the whole day... I slept like 10 plus everyday... Used to sleep at 12 midnight usually...

Hmm... Into my 10th wk le...Bb so far very guai... Not much ms expect usually bloated after dinner... But got sore breasts.. Itchy nipples also... Anyone experience the same?? What can we apply to feel less itchy? I don't dare anyhow apply cos I intend to breastfeed next time.. Scare not good for bb...
Windy: Updated! Re: Itchy nipples, i just came across something about it.. apparently it's like how our stomach will start to itch as it starts stretching later. I think normal moisturisor will help. Just use something that's as natural or as non-fancy as possible?

KWXY: I don't really feel tired that much ley. My worse period was in 4th-5th week? Dozing off and yawning the whole day. Now my tired is more like breathless "chuan" kind of tired and not sleepy tired. Today i just walk a few steps faster to catch up with someone and i was taking deep breaths. I feel like so unfit!!

Tay: If carbonated water makes u gassy then the vitamin c drink will too. It becomes a fizzy drink after dropping the tablet in. But it's really good for us. Better than popping vit c pills.

Oki dinner time! =)
abnormal hb can be due to bb pressing on cord or premature labour, i had that previous pregnancy, and bb was saved because we had a doppler that can indicate abnormal hb.

we monitored random times at home and highlighted to gynae, he then put me on 24hr monitoring under ctg in delivery ward and then found out bb decel 2-3 times every hr. ended up i was on monitoring for almost 12weeks in hospital, any moment can emerg c section if bb hb did not bounce back. in the end we had bb out by 34 weeks, and bb was not breathing, luckily can revived with no issues.

the problem is that i can't find the doppler, dun know put where, so need to get a new set. pregnancy brain, can't remember where i packed it.
can't wait for the next gynae appt to see the lil one!!! another 2 weeks to go...

nowadays i also feel very very tired. always fall asleep in mrt.
Babymaking> hmm thats interesting and i can imagine the price tag, i can get it but its not so affordable and so many weeks so by the time u go gynae it shud be detected bah.i think most of the mum worries is have hb or not and if u listen long enough im sure u are able to detect abnormal hb as u know the rhyme
hi mummies.. went MIA for 1.5 days.. cuz someone in my office got TB then boss send me & 2 other preggie women home on wed late morning, returning to office on mon after they sanitise e whole office.. got mixed feelings -> scary & happy.. scared abt contracting TB during preggie & happy to have free 2.5days leave!
I am interested in getting the Doppler that u used. What's the name? If u manage to find ways of getting it, can help me get one too? Thanks!
wahhh.. u all r so disciplined.. i ate kfc 2 pc chkn meal for lunch.. managed to ctrl myself & drank half cup of peisi! and after reading ur comments tat cannot drink honey, i better stop liao cuz been drinking it at home for abt a wk liao.. hee..
Hi dear i just read up more on the abnormal heartbeat detecter, pls take note that it can cause unnecessary scare as sometimes baby is more excited than usual and it can detect as abnormal hb! And usually use normal doppler if u always listen u will know if rhyme not correct

Btw i will be ordering soon, if keen can take a look at my blog for more info of the doppler

Listen to your beloved baby from as early as 12weeks*(Please note that it differs from people).

Angelsounds is a wonderful gift for all expectant mothers in the world! With this device, you can hear the prenatal baby's activity as of the first movements of your baby in your belly. From the twelfth week of pregnancy, the sounds of hiccups, kicks, blows and even heartbeats can be heard. These marvelous sounds will bring you closer your coming baby!

Angelsounds is a safe apparatus to humans (including the unborn baby), which allow you, your honey or your friends to be pleased to listen to the baby's sounds in comfort.
Thanks to the recording cable, you will be able to record the baby's sounds to a cassette, a CD, or directly store to your PC, your cell phone, your Ipod/ MP3. You can even send these sound files to your friends via email to share your happiness with them! These wonderful sound files will also be an invaluable remembrance to your unborn baby one day when he grows up!

Angelsounds can be used singly and also transmit the fetal heart signal to the Remote Central Monitoring System in hospital through ordinary monitoring telephone to provide diagnosis for doctors, enjoying the hospital experts' diagnostic services at home!
Morning everyone, been MIA for awhile, dealing with bad MS. I'm off to see my doc later this morning, hopefully baby is growing well.

Planet: Updated my details, thanks for uploading the link
i am digging my emails for the contact - will update in thread WHEN i find it :p i am eager to get my set too!

i feel that 1st time mummies or even experienced mummies will not be able to identify the rhythm of their fetus hb as fetus hb beat too fast to count. that's why in hospital they always use a ctg machine to monitor.
Tan siok Mei,

I understand your deisre for extra income but posting once to inform others about your website is enough. Posting same msg multiple times is called spamming and can get annoying and can get your account suspended if people complain to the moderator.
Gd morning
Since so many Feb Babies.... and near CNY. I wonder you all how to get a confinement lady during CNY? (Cinese New Year at 23Jan very near Feb).
I'm worry if my baby deliver 1st day of CNY
1st week no CL can help me....
windy: i got itchy nipples too.. i tot its jus me -.-"
it affected my slp yest night.. cudnt slp well..

claramimi: envious how u got such a good appetite! my appetite for dinner is very very bad.. i walked pass kfc only i feel nausea..
lost afew kg..

will be seeing doc later! so excited! after 3 weeks of not seeing my beanie i hope everything goes well =)
oh for those planning to hire CL, got to be prepared to pay more and book earlier too! have a back up CL as well.

also food prices will be more expensive during CNY period (10 pre cny +5 cny days), so got to stock up on dry goods, fish etc.

hehe **auntie** here
gd morning mummies, yeah yeah TGIF!
i am eating all unhealthy food! my breakfast for today is KFC wrapper! my beanie only like fast food n cold drinks! jia lat...........

n bravo for birdbrain....lol...make my day!

i hope today time flies n there it is, end of the day n here comes the weekend! i am so sleepy now...
Babymaking> not true cause the hb is galloping like sound if they listen often they can identify and if touch wood if so till gynae visit not late. But like I said I could bring in the equip u want but it's 200+ not worth it imo
Hi morning mummies,

What does a CL do besides preparing confinement food? Washing baby clothes?

Does anyone know the market rate for a nanny?
wow everyone is talking bout the doppler.....
now i am blur! definitely wan the best to detect bb hb for our comfort!

babymaking, cham ler i tink end up i wil deliver n go back mom hse in Msia immediatelt for cofinement.......
eh, even when bb hb is low or erratic, it still sounds like galloping horse, cos it's faster than adult hb. let me know which model it is?
Happymomtobe> If u have the $$ to spend on a more expensive Doppler go ahead but I have to warn u that the abnormal hb alarm can tend to give false alarm and set u on a panic attack.. If u always hear baby u will know that u dun need that alarm. Its like 200vs58 ur choice lol

Feeling miserable leh ate contaminated food LS 2nd day Liao..
Babymaking> u got a Doppler before I'm sure u will know the difference one no kidding..Angelsounds jpd100s
Midwives in us or uk recommend it and used commonly
i didn't have a CL as MIL volunteered the last time, and she bailed out after 20days - this time round, also not planning to hire CL. basically CL do the cooking, take care of bb; bathe bb etc, provide bb care tips, provide BF tips to new mummy to help her cope with motherhood.

some CL will also go extra mile to do the grocery shopping, cook for hubby, do laundry esp if it's just mummy + daddy + baby.

one thing for sure, don't have a CL and mIL or mum together - unless they get along or hired by MIL/mum otherwise sure will have dispute over bb care. imagine 3 women - you, CL and MIL/mum - all with 3 different views on how to take care of bb, sure havoc.
linda, i tink u got the wrong idea...o mayb the way i write in ehar is misunderstood...coz out of sudden mummies here talking bout different type of doppler, n for us newbies mummies, v hav no ideas on the doppler o no experience at all, tats y asking more to know more...n wel, definitely who dont want to save if it is cheap n benefit to us mummies to be rite??
cheers chill up! its Friday!

babaymaking, yes true, dont get your mom, MIL and CL together! i saw tat b4...3 different opinion n like rguing! haha........
wah then i think i not hiring CL liao... $2k plus just to cook and bath bb... i think i rather save the money and get a domestic helper to do the housework... can ask my mum to cook confinement food for me...
yeah icecherry, save up the $$ for nutrition food n get mom to cook.....

linda, yeah u seem fierce n ngry, i so scare lor...but is ok! i knw when typing sure got misunderstood de....
i totally understand! dont worry! **shake hand**
