(2012/02) Feb 2012

Oh ya, I think I have more or less decided not to do the Oscar Test... My hubby told me since it is not 100% accurate and it doesn't mean high risk equates to definate ans, it won't be worth it if we make wrong decisions due to inaccurate results...

Although tummy still bloated from lunch... Already thinking of dinner...

Shud i go for Penang laksa or nyonya foods??
Hi mummies,

Really envy those who have good appetite. I'm still merlion everyday and dun have much appetite. Preserved plums r my best friend now.

Ya, better book CL early if u planned too.. Especially ours is dragon baby.. More babies supposedly.. I booked mine at 2.3k already..
Hi Nana, yah my hubby don smoke in front of me n i never c him smoke but i know he smoke outside wif fren laa.....
don k edi laaaaa angry!

yeah wats for dinner, haiz i hav nth to eat in mind now! feeling bloated n merlion symptom seem coming!

jojo, u book yrs at 2.3k is it staying in house n taking care 24hrs???
Happymomtobe and princess> the promise is a extreme promise as I only promise to marry him if he agree and it's complicated it's not just cause I'm young I'm rebellious etc.. Who don't want a happy family lifez.. I been so miss nice that till in laws take advantage shame me and my mum in front of their five family member there.. Long story don't wish to say but it's so complicated that it's not just any normal family issue

Princess> sure email me if possible
[email protected]
Linda: Don't be too unhappi... our baby and us are linked by heart, we want happy babies right...
U aren't living with your in-laws right? So don't bother too much... just focus on giving the best to your children...

Sure Linda, will drop u a msg over the weekend... BY the way, will you demo if there is no instructions manual? My hubby asks me to check hw to use carefully, in case, wrong usage cause wild imagination...
Princess> actually marriage breakdown is just not cause I was young cause I was dumb to trust him to keep the promise thus I married him.. He not only broke my trust once but twice when I have difficulty trusting people from young again Long story..

And I thought 4years is enough to see thru someone but obviously not.. We been together now going 7yrs in jan
Happymomtobe and nana> best to get ur husband stop smoking asap. Show him articles.. When they smoke the smoke particles will stick everywhere and even on their shirt and affect baby.. Even when u are preg will affect you and foetus.. Tell him be a dad must be more responsible

I used to be a hard core smoker when I was ttc I quit but still smoke every now and then. Then when I strike I stop for good. But till now everytime I'm pregnant I don't know why I suffer withdrawal symptoms want to smoke constantly and have runny nose, crave very badly and shiver at times but sometimes really no choice then whole pregnancy only smoke once or twice as it affect me being a mum.

For now I stillnv touch yet and hope touch wood will never get so serous need to touch but strangely after I give birth will never crave for it at all no symptom no crave etc. Weird hor.. Anyway tell them to imagine the particles stick on the sofa etc then on their child when they in contact wig them and they are risking the child to tio nose cancer etc

And if he wan smoke tell him go corridor smoke and after every smoking session MUST go brush teeth and bath and wash hair clean clean etc..When the last two pregnancy I Bo bian touch I do that at least get rid most of the particles else I feeldisgusting touching them..
Hi all, talk abt CL. I'm very kiasu, the moment I know I'm preg, I called my last CL. But she was booked already, so hv to book another one. I hv CL for my last 2. Most CL charges $2.3 - 2.6 now. Very good money & I thought of just catering confinement food since I don't think my maid knows how to cook them. But, hubby said just hire one....

Cord blood banking - I was told that the cord blood may or may not be suitable for one another though we might be related like bone marrow. I din store my first born cos it was still pretty ex in 2004. But I stored my 2nd &3rd. Will also store this 4th one.

Will be going gynea later...some of us might know the gender soon. I hope for a gal.
For those going for antenatal class at TMC, go for Wong Boi Boi class. I attended when I was expecting my first one & those that she taught was really useful. Though I delivered at Mt A, when I needed help on breastfeeding, I went back to her. With my own newborn, she helped me to latch the bb properly, how to massage the engorged breast etc. She also recommended me the medela pump in style (PIS) if I were serious abt total bfg my bb. so I ended buying a PIS from TMC.
Suet> Lucky u!! When ur edd ar? My edd 2feb shud be very early but i only 11weeks 1 day still diffcult to see leh.. so must tahan at least 12weeks zhun zhun.. yes yes i want a baby girl too!! hee

If anyone keen in a BRAND NEW PISA us set cheap cheap pm me think about 300+ to 400+sgd now only
Tan siok Mei,

I've reported your spamming to the moderator. I believe replies on other thread did also mention for you to stop spamming.

As I said before, I understand your desire to have additional income, but spamming makes people annoyed and all the more won't go to visit your online store
Suet, wah, CL now so ex... I haven check yet, plan to check after my next gynae visit...

Excited to see yr lil beanie right!! Enjoy!!

So u deliver all yr 3 kids in mtA? Tot mtA sister kang oso quite nice....
CL and confinement food catering is too expensive. Think I would rather save the money for other use. My mum will be doing confinement from me.. ha..not sure if she know how to do.. anyway, she say she will ask experienced relatives.. keeping my fingers crossed..

By the way, do you gals know if it's true that we can't use water when cooking confinement food? that' what my MIL said..
how not to use water when cooking? My mum cooked yellow wine rice soup. If just use wine only, will be super duper sweet. Red date water and papaya fish soup also need water to cook. Breakfast drink milo etc. Perhaps your mil refering to stuff like whiskey chicken and black vinegar pig trotter. Those 'slow cook' ones don't use water
Happytomom, ya, she will stay my house 24 hrs, will cook n do house chores. I booked her for my first child so very happy with her and she really relieves my burden..

Linda, take it easy.. U r after all now preggy.. Must take care

Windy, you may want to consider confinement food packages that are 2 weeks only or only for one meal. From my first experience, confinement food is very important. N sometimes the older folks will have differed opinions depending on dialect group. My mom n MIL argued over food almost everyday until my CL stepped in...
Went for my checkup today..
Bb is sooo much bigger and can see his chubby hands... Haha my imagination

now at 8 week 1 day... 16.8mm
have to wait another 4 weeks.

to all mummies, Jiayou and countdown to our 2nd trimester!!
Ya... That's what I thought also... How not to use water for cooking... Anyway, my MIL is working.. So I think she wouldnt bother so much if my mum cooking for me...
Why so many advertisements siah...

I had katong laska for brunch ... Bought a packet of Nasi Lemak for my tea break later... 真爽!

u order the laska got put prawn or cockles?

As i know some mention cant eat prawn or cockles during preggie?
Hi mummies, went to see my gynea yest, thank God that my weight is still the same. Saw little beanie & now look like a peanut. It was kicking so actively. Will b going for Oscar 2 wks later. Decided to just do it for peace of mind.

Hi Pinkz, yes, sister Kangaroo from Mt A is nice too. I went back to TMC for Mrs Wong because I attended her antenatal class & was more comfortable with her.

Hi Linda, u got lobbing for PISA? I intend to order direct from US. Heard the price is going to increase.
I'm going for OSCAR in 2 days time.. Hopefully can also see bb gender.. Saw my first child then..

Actually I've been seeing my beanie every week n yes, their growth is amazing.. Like 2-3 cm growth every few days
Jojo, so fast Oscar already... I m still counting down to my next gynae visit... How come u every week see yr beanie?
Good morning!!

so many ppl going for OSCAR.. I am going for mine this thurs..
cant wait to tell the gender too.. cos i cant wait to buy those little blue/pink stuff on the shelves!
Hi mummies for my # 1 I can't see the gender during oscar cos he dun co-operate only able to see during the detail scan during the 5mths
Hi mummies for my # 1 I can't see the gender during oscar cos he dun co-operate only able to see during the detail scan during the 5mths
good morning mummies,

linda, don worry u r not alone, i am tinking not taking OSCAR too, but the gynae haven decide yet! n moreover stil have 3 weeks to go b4 my visit! nowadays weekend fee better, yst have whole day sleep, reali whole day, morning wake up 10am then after breakfast 12pm sleep, the wake up 2pm sleep, 4pm sleep n 6pm sleep then 10pm on bed liao! haha...like pig....appetite not so good! today monday blues, feeling the headahe n vomitting! n mouth bittering! hopefully all tis mean beanie is growing up healthly!
Don't count on the OSCAR scan to know the gender. For my #1, I went to TMC fetal assessment clinic for OSCAR. The person doing the ultrasound refuses to comment on the baby gender, saying too early, cannot tell and it's for the gynae to check and inform. Their job is only to measure the neck fluid thickness.
The most accurate would be during the 5th month detail scan. My gynae would only confirm the gender then. She did give an indication of the gender during the 4th month scan, but didn't want to commit before the detailed scan
happymomtobe> lol.. Gynae havent decide yet.. I havent been sleeping well these few days too.. very sway.Never sleep well, and last night had a ahem night so woke up at about 4am to do the deed then after doing cant sleep back!!

Now im like a zombie!

Morning mummies!!!

I cannot sleep well too. Due to many dreams and pee 2-3 times a night....so disturbing. I miss my 8-10 hours beauty sleep!

I hope to see bb gender soon so I can start shopping! Can't wait!

Anyway, im gg to taka bb fair in Aug....hope to grab some good deal!
