(2012/02) Feb 2012

So morale of the story, tummy size and your weight gain is not impt. Small tummy is good cos risk of getting stretchmarks super low! Gain a total of 8 to 10kg only? Good! Can go back to pre-pregnancy weight or even slimmer than before in 1 or 2 mths after delivery.

Most impt is, Bb putting on good weight and healthy.

So don worry abt small tummy or gain very little weight ok!

Last time i heard from Radio, if you delivered about 1-2 months later, everytime shower use warm + cool water (take turn warm cool then warm cool) can reduce stretch mark le. sound abit funny...but no harm can try.
Al> Alternate warm and cool water I've heard before! It helps improve blood circulation. Especially effective in face cleansing. I think recommended on nuu ren wo zui da.

I suppose the improved circulation of blood flow will help skin recovery, hence reducing stretch marks?
KWXY: u r not alone. I'm having backache almost everyday, sometimes cant even walk. I'm stressed over the OSCAR results still.... can't get this off my mind.
Don't worry bat tummy size, as long as baby is healthy. For my #1, my colleagues only found out I was pregnant at 20weeks. Small tummy good, no stretch marks, less likelihood of back pain, and stomach go back to original shape faster. I'm hoping my tummy remain small this time round too. 16 weeks Liao, colleagues haven't discovered I'm pregnant =)
For my no#1, when I was 7mths plus. Pple thot just 4-5 mth leh. Now no#2, 3 mths plus but look like 4-5 mths liao. So usually 1st time mummy, tummy tends to be smaller :)
KWXY> i experiencing backache too. hopefully it will go off soon.

Btw, any mummies intending to buy babyplus? I just bought from ebay US website. Total shipping cost + babyplus only about SGD200. You all might want to consider...as it is more than SGD100 savings compare to singapore.
LSNTYL & babymaking thanks !! We see if can go down look see .. Otherwise might just wait till closer to edd then buy..

RE stretch mark cream we using mustella one.. Sister recommend.
Me too. Maybe cos I aldy hav a big tummy after delivering my no.1. So a little growth will seems a lot. Aldy hav ppl give up seat for me when I'm 9wks pregnant leh. So angry!!! Hahaa...
i noticed after i stop taking duphaston my MS improved alot.. more energetic and better appetite..
manage to eat 1 plate of rice yest =)
usually i can only stomach 1/3 of it..

pearl: im thinking of getting babyplus too.. btw would it be even cheaper if we buy a preowned set?
Since we would be using for a fewmonths only..

Now u how many weeks? Me sometimes ok, sometimes no... me now 15 weeks plus, till now i dare not take the vitamin, which suppose to start taking..

my tummy has been showing for weeks but until now, no one guess leh. all so surprised when I told them. maybe I really look fat. :p
Hi mummies,

My tummy shows too... But it's my first, so early show not good right
not sure if it's fat or bb.. Ask hubby and he said it's fat
but weight ard the same

Ginger, u thinks duphaston affect?? I oso think so, I still got 10 pills left, feel like stopping. Or shud I just finish it......

Re: baby plus
I bought it from amazon le, less than $200... Much much cheaper....

My belly band arrived too
can wear my jeans in comfort.. feel belly band more comfy than belly belt..
HuggiesBaby, I'm abt 13wks now. Still puking most of the days. I jus can't wait till the day this gets over! I read tht by 16wks most ms would hve subsided! U're getting near it. Jia you!
small small tummy better har...my tummy looks like preg. 5months liao so big
. last time when i'm 5 months, my MIL tot already 7 months...cry ah big tummy give me more burden.

Ite depends on individual ba, not all will subsided by 16wks. My boss puke for 8mths lol... horrible rite .... cross fingers....
Yup, I have a friend who puke till after Bb is out. Meaning she continue to puke on the delivery bed itself. Until Bb out then all her MS stop completely. Scary hor.
Hi pinkz n ginger,
I think its the duphaston! I was on that too and my MS was VERY BAD! Then I took a pill a day instead of 3 n saw improvements.. then slowly i stopped it without consulting my gynae. MS eased up alot after that.

Hi mummies!!
My edd is 30 Jan, but love to hear more from feb mummies too!
pinkz, gingerleaf: i was told by my gynea to stop duphaston after 13 weeks.. previously i ate 2 perday
then on week 12 i took 1 in the morning.. now i totally stop.. only take multi vit and fish oil..
Afternoon everyone!
Teoong and Huggies, have you gals started on red tea with ginger yet? My mother asked me to start last week when my MS was at its peak. After drinking, it does bring down the dizziness and nausea puky feeling significantly, you may want to try.
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt. I am selling my Medela pump in style (backpack) for $300. Reason for selling is that I m returning to work soon n not pumping as regularly.

Comes with local Warranty until march 2012. Selling at $300 (slightly negotiable). Self collection at Bt panjang. Thanks. Pls PM me if interested. Tks
Huggies, eeewww. Choy Choy choy! Let's hope our ms will ease off in 2nd tri! My first one was till 18wks or so.. Hope this will b faster.

Jen, u mean put ginger slices into any red tea will do?
I read tht ginger does help wth ms, tried drinking ginger ale, it does helps a bit. I like to try ur Mum's suggestion.
pearl>the bbplus importer oso want to earn so mark up price in SG lor.

Jen>I thought we shouldn't drink too much red tea? cos tea has caffeine
Teoong, yah-my mum taught me to put in 2 slices of ginger with 10 big red dates, cook with 3/4 full small pot of water.put on low boil till the water turn brown and thicken to half a pot, don't put sugar, just drink like that, a small cup a day for me seem to help a lot.
LSnTYL, I read red date drink is good for pregnancy. It doesn't contain caffeine, cause its boil from red date and ginger only, not from the usual tea leaves. Was told i have to take this through confinement also, helps regulate the "qi".
Jen>ohhhhh, red date tea is ok lah. Your earlier post said red tea mah. so I thought u might those made from tea leaves
LSnTYL, isit? Heehee, paiseh! type too fast

ging3r, best to drink it hot/warm, what I did was, i will transfer to a thermal flash-then slowly drink a bit, my pot very small usually only about 3 cups, taste better than plain water.
Mummies, sorry to intrude. I recall reading from feb thread about a dr ananda who is v good in scans? Had my Oscar and my result was not good. Wondering if shd get second opinion before going ahead with amnio. If any mummies have experienced dr ananda, can let me know if good? Thank you.
GG, yes a few mummies went to Dr. Ananda for detailed scan. i think they were Huggies_baby and claramimi, can pm them to ask.
GG, hope Dr. Ananada at camden medical can deliver some good news to you, heard he's ex but his scan very detailed-90mins with report and photos. try not to opt for amnio yet, its very traumatising to fetal.
Jen, tks for your advice. Guess will need to find out exactly what can his scan deliver. My gynae says amnio is not that bad actually and the result is 100% accurate. Am trying to weigh the pros and cons. I need to ask myself if his scan results is better than does it mean I no longer worry or get "haunted" by the Oscar result.

Thanks for sharing. Really appreciate it

I went for the detailed scan at Dr. Ananada.

Ur OSCAR result no good is due to BT or ur NT?
Mine is due to BT due got to do with my age which is above 35. Most of women above 35, go for OSCAR, the result will sure not very gd.

The passing rate is 1:300
Mine is 1:220, after scan at Dr Ananada, my result shift to 1:300+

His scanning is very detailed, he checked thru every single area.
Hi mommies! I went for my wk 15 scan today!

Because of my weight loss (i lost abt 1 kg), i was quite worried, and also i didnt feel pregnant (no nausea or MS), n i was very relieved seeing baby's heartbeart, at 171bpm.
Dr asked me not to worry about my weight loss, baby has enough nutrients, and is probably eating all my food thats why I am losing weight. Dr says from the ultrasound scan, seems to be a boy, but then he says cannot guarantee. All have to wait till wk20 to be more definite
Boy or girl, i dun mind, i m veri thankful that baby is still alive and kicking, n healthy!

It's exciting to read that some people can already see their baby's gender. We have decided that for no.3 we're going to keep it a surprise. So have to wait till delivery before we find out.
