(2012/02) Feb 2012

hey neighbor, i am also in sembawang, when is yr edd? you can drop your kid with me. how old is yr kid? my boy is already 2 yrs old now, if ok with you, let's organise a playdate for the kids to get to know each other.

it's a young sonographer by the name of doreen i think. she mentioned during the scan that the NT was normal, then when we saw the report and it was thicker than normal, she was occupied with another patient, so we didn't confront her abt it. we did ask sf loh if worth it to rescan, he said no, so we went to prof anan.

re: headaches
any mummies having very bad headaches? been taking paracetamol but doesn't go away and it's getting worse. any suggestions? gynae didn't suggest anything either.

re: mooncakes
taka mooncake fair is open today - yummy yummy!

soul>yes, advertised in the papers today. private sale was yesterday. :p should b at all robinson's.

babymaking>I had headaches quite often for #1. Only cure for me was rest and more sleep although normal panadol does help. cannot take the stronger ones cos got added caffeine in then.

yes, looking forward to the mooncakes. can't buy durian mooncakes le cos I puked badly after taking just 2 seeds. think bb doesn't like it. tempted by the champagne ganache. but feel guilty to eat it cos got some alcohl...
re: mooncakes
we went crazy over the champagne ganache and rum flavoured ones last year after hubby got a couple of boxes from his partners. so much so that we went out and bought another 2 boxes :p

this yr won't indulge so much, but yes it's very tempting. i guess a couple of pieces is ok, as i am allergic to alcohol but didn't have any effect on me, so unlikely to have any effect on bb too.

re: headache
yeah, am aware cannot take the extra panadol, so quite helpless. i read dehydration can cause headaches but been drinking lots of fluids - but no difference, in fact headache is worse cos not enuff sleep as wake up often to pee.
LSnTYL: thanks I will ask soul mummy to check. Sale was yesterday? Hmm I thought ytd email received a private sale leh.. Maybe another private sale again ba. Lol...

Hmm which Robinsons best for baby stuff? Centrepoint?
babymaking, my boy will be 1 yr old next week. Ok, lets arrange for a play date. My boy can run around now. So the 2 boys can play balls now. My EDD is 29 Feb wor. So my Bb will be the youngest here.
babymaking>hee, think I'll get a box lah. must indulge myself a bit. :p

for me, the only thing that helped with the headaches was really sleep. but can be hard to get that at home with #1

soul>private sale was on 17 aug. today 18 aug so over le mah. I just checked the Today ad on my paper. confirmed lor. I think the Centerpoint bb section is slightly bigger than the one at Raffles city
babymaking > try to rest more and drink lots of water, could be due to dehydration that you are getting the headaches.

those cooked alcohol should be ok for babies de, usually after baking, d heat would have evaporated the alcohol ba. Its more for the taste.
Nothing much you can do about the headaches, just another pregnancy symptom that shows up for some pregnant ladies, like morning sickness, water retention. i get headaches too =( For my #1, progressed to migraine. Only thing that worked was to rest in a cool quiet dark room (and that's the company computer server room....) till the worst of the migraine is over. For temp relief, can try rub medicated oil on your temples and dab a little on your nostrils.
yeah, let's have a playdate for the boys so that they can get to know each other, email me at [email protected] to arrange. any other mummies in sembawang or willing to travel to sembawang also welcome to join

hmm i didn't get any email or mail abt the robinsons pte sale, centrepoint has a bigger bb section and it has more brands than raffles city.

thks, am still drinking more fluids - not exactly water, as water still makes me puke.
how long did the headaches last for you? i think being in a aircon room helps also, as i realise the headaches get worse when i am outside in the sun.
morning All! I see that many mommies been thru the oscar test and some knows that gender of the baby. Congrats!

Just went for my oscar test yday. Results was good
. Wana ask if any mommies still MS-ing? I have been merlion-ing almost everyday.. feeling sucks big time!
babymaking>the headaches can last half a day or more for me.

for the private sale, I saw a big ad in Today. Oso got an email from them.

Teoong>congrats on your results
jascmy> lucky har...babymaking can help you. if you stay around me my maid also can help up as I also during confinement period
Hi Babymaking,

Ya, drink more fluids. if really not helping then, you might want to check wth your gynae to issue you medications to eat for the headaches? my gynea did issue me medications to eat which is very safe for pregnancy. I have bad MS and headaches almost everyday.. Gynae keep asking me to rest , at least 8hrs slp. I tell got rest, but still bad headache that it's affecting my work and mood. No choice then he gives me.hee

Thanks Lsntyl.
So far mild headaches can last the whole day, but thankfully they come and go, don't have to deal with it constantly. Migraine can last for half a day. That the one i fear most. Totally unable to work and the pain just saps your energy for the nextday or so.
Teoong- i am the other mommies still having bad ms. may i ask do you merlion till you throw out the gastric acid? (which is yellowish and bitter/sour liquid) I am wondering is it ms or gastric.
Have any of you started on any Prenatal yoga or pilates already? Any good ones to recommend? I went for the GTT test the other day, and the results showing that blood sugar is shooting up. My Dr is asking me to start some exercises which can help easing backaches and prevent gestational diabetes later on.
Hi planet, is this the Bio Oil u r talking about? Is this website selling it cheaper?

Hmmm, but I've already gotten 2 bottles of Clarins oil which is much more expensive.
I've used Clarins for my 1st pregnancy and no stretchmarks as well. Maybe can recommend this to my friend who just got to know that she's pregnant. Thanks for the recommendation!
Hi All,
Enjoying lunch break now.
Is there 2 types of stretchmark cream for clarins-oil and cream, or there's only 1 kind? Ask my friends, some said cream, some said oil-a bit confused.
Birdbrain, my headache occurs when I skip breakfast in the morning, realised now I can't do that often, cause if I don't take any food by late morning, the headache will developed into migraine which will affect me the whole day and increased nausea.
I'm falling asleep. So sleepy. Zzzzzzzzzzzz......in office now. Had Brand's essence of chicken but still sleepy.
Babymaking, hope u r staying near me then will be easlier. Will email u later.
Yes AL. I was told by my friends who went KKH for chkup. I think they still have twin pack. Mount A also have. Not sure about TMC. I think 2-3 tubes can last you for the whole pregnancy.

I started applying from week 6 onwards and only after shower before sleep. I haven't finish my 1st tube.
Hi Serene, yes, I merlion till gastric acid also comes out. Same as you! Sometimes jus a bit merlion-ing, sometimes it till gastric acid comes out. I ask gynae to give me Anti-vomiting medications cos buay tahan all the merlion-ing. Can merlion from morning till nite after each meals.

Hi Al, yday I also buy elancyl from TMC pharamcy, they also having promos. I think they having promos at most hospitals pharamcy bah. Buy one free one.

Jen, clarins has one for pregnancy sretch marks cream, the other is firming & toning oil that can be used for pregnancy. U can go to the Clarins counter and ask. They will show you.
Hi Jen, yes, there are 2 kinds, (1) Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil (Huile) (oil in short, fat glass bottle) & (2) Clarins Stretch Mark Control (cream in tube form). I've only tried the oil so not sure of the price & effectiveness of the cream.
Ayanna> Yup, that's the bio-oil. I think Watsons is cheaper.. But it may be a smaller bottle. Can ask your friend to get that first and try.
I buy on June...kiasu buy so early and is big bottle can last untill bb pop out. forgot it la.

KWXY> The instruction mention only can apply start 4th month le...6 wk start apply ready..
hi mommies,

pls remember do not apply any oil or cream 1 or 2 days prior to your checkup or ultrasound. the ultrasound scanning will not be so clear if you apply the cream or oil.

it happen once in my 1st pregnancy. Gynae suddenly asked me whether i applied any cream prior to the checkup and i did apply clarin's oil the night before. she told me not to apply anything 1 day prior to the checkup. If i remember clearly it was my 16weeks & dr was trying to find out the gender for me but can't due to the blur blur scanning.

cecilia> really? then i better stop apply this month end got scan, want to see bb gender more accurate.
Cecilia, really ah?! I applied everyday for my 1st pregnancy leh. Can see the scan clearly wor.
Heehee.. then this time round better not. want to see bb gender earlier.

Al, i'm very KS la. The thought of having stretch marks.. eee.. ugly lor.
actually depend on individual skin type. some dont need apply anything also no stretch mark..skin also sui sui... so envy.
My friend's mother, she gave birth 4 Children, she worked as rubber tapping割胶...her tummy sui sui no stretch mark, skin no 下垂. stil very firm. the old ladies skin stil very good
Al> My mum also no stretch marks! U think it runs in the family? *hopeful*

I was just wondering, for second or third time mummies, if your skin has already been stretched before, why still need to apply?
Hi Planet, good for you! No stretch marks.
I think cos due to pregnacy, our skin will be dry so might have stretch marks easily, tht's why gotta keep hydrated for one reason another to prevent water retentions also.

Stretch mark creams help to prevent the skin from further stretching and sort of maintaining skin elasticity bah.
Planet> my #1 already gave me a very light stretch mark...forever liao
so my #2 must take care prevent the line become darkness. Good if your skin don't have then no more worries lo.
Don think it runs in the family wor. It depends on how big your tummy stretches and your skin.

For me, my stretch marks came out only at my late 3rd trimester and worst at the final month. Both my sis and Mum do not have stretchmarks for all their pregnancies. Their tummy is really small and ppl only knw they are pregnant when they are at their 3rd trimester. Both are already small in size. I tot I will be like them cos my tummy was still very silky and nice at the end of my 2nd tri where my friends aldy complained abt ugly stretchmarks. Only till the end then it all appears. Cos I eat a lot, put on lots of weight (30kg) and my tummy is really big. Thats y my skin can't take it anymore and the stretchmarks in the end.
Thanks KWXY. Will check out the hospital pharmacy next week.

Al: heard that with exercises, will prevent stretch marks too. Maybe yr friend's mom had enough exercises during pregnancy, tt's why no stretchmarks...
are u all showing tummy already ?
im in my 14th weeks.. jus a tiny little bump..
looking like when menses is coming.. its my #1..
if i wear loose top, cant even tell im preg..

it this the normal size?
My gynae also told me hereditary. I bought both Clarins oil and cream a mth ago and haven't started using! Clarins was having 20%+10% off yest... It costs $82 each

I'll start using after my next visit! Excited to find out gender!!
I will be meeting babymaking on 2 Sep, 12pm at sembawang sunplaza. Want to join us. I think most childcare ctr close on that day rite. If u took leave to look after your #1 and/or #2 then come join us...
Teoong and Al> Dont be so happy for me! It's my #1 and I dunno if I'll get stretch marks or not! Haha.. Just hoping I won't cos my mum didnt. :p But I am moisturising and oilifying myself just in case!

Jascmy> So must put keep applying till like the very last week? T_T.. I scat I'll be lazy and drop out at some point...

planet, I apply everyday without fail since week 11. Still have leh. I think most impt is to maintain a good weight. Don go overweight. The rest is 天注定. If will have sure will come. Try your best to apply everyday and hope can prevent loh.
