(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hope all mummies are feeling better! I miss having lots of nice food without feeling nausea. Looking forward to 16 weeks scan on 1st sep!
Morning everyone!
Rocco, u can put your heart at ease now!
KWXY, u r not eating well?

Oh, mrs Wong from TMC is on tv program in channel U now! Talking about baby problems.
Hi all... may I join this group? This is my 2nd bb .. so far, I've only gone for one check-up in late Jul. I should be in my 13th week & EDD late Feb-early Mar.

Had scheduled an OSCARS test at TMC on 25 Aug... skimmed through some of the group's past postings and Prof Ananda was mentioned a number of times..

Is it preferable to just go directly to Prof Ananda? How much is the rate? I understand his scan is much more detailed?

Thanks in advance
Hi Ann, I think the general process is to go for Oscar first. If results unsatisfactory then consider dr ananda instead of doing amnio

How old are u? The mummies are saying over 35, the blood test results may be unsatisfactory
Hi Ann, i think going for Oscar shd be fine. I'm not sure if Oscar includes all the other blood tests. Maybe other mummies can cfm. Cos dr ananda is a detailed scan. U will still need to do blood test

Wait for advice from the others too. It's usually quieter on weekends
Hi Ann,

For yr age, just go for Oscar first, Oscar include blood test. As what chewie said, mummies above 35 are on the higher risk side.
gg_lee, im 28 and my oscars result is 1:113. NT very good, BT very bad. I guess im one of those few who decide to go straight for amnio instead of the generic scan at camden. It depends on what you are looking for. For me, even if the generic scan result is good, its not enough. I will keep wondering about the oscars result. One result is ok and another result is not, which one am i going to believe in since both offer risk ratios? According to my gynae, amnio can give me a confirmed answer so i will go ahead. I trust him when he tells me it is a relatively simple procedure. If u read up more on amnio, you will know what i mean. However, there are cases where i think generic scans are very helpful. When oscars results are very bad. Amnio can only be done between 16 and 18 weeks so the period in between receiving the poor oscars results and actually doing the amnio is very hard to bear. Parents who wish to know more, prepare themselves or looking for assurances should try the generic scans. I am doing my amnio in 9 days' time.

re: morning sickness
Mine is very bad, classified as hyperemesis. My weight dropped from 43kg to 36kg. I was on drip 4 times and hospitalised twice. I have just began to b able to take in water n food without vomitting since Monday. Im now on very effective drugs: zofran & promethazine. It was through weeks of trial n error did we finally find a combination of drugs that work on me. I know mummies who are suffering from hyperemesis will not be able to post in the forum until they can eat and drink again but i hope my post brings hope to all hyperemesis sufferers out there. I am reaching 16 weeks soon but i cannot function without my medication still. If not for my gynae's support, i would have terminated this pregnancy long ago. With the right and adequate medical care, you can pull through this. Hyperemesis is beyond morning sickness. It is no longer just morning sickness esp if you have lost 5-10% of your pre-preg weight and whatever you take in comes out almost immediately. Dont suffer in silence. http://www.hyperemesis.org/family/about-hyperemesis/index.php
Butterwaffles, tks for sharing. Yes me and hubby discussed and has decided on same decision as u. I am 36, quite a lot older than u le. My test was 1:90. We decided we need a more affirmative answer which only amnio can give. Becos of the earlier bad Oscar reading, I am not sure even if say I cam get better score with genetic scan I will stop worrying. So decided to go for the ultimate test. All the best to your amnio!!
gg_lee, this goes to show that age is not the only major factor
for my #1, i delivered at KKH and i was given the option to scan only or do both the scan and bloodtest. I opted for the scan only as i thought i was only 26, should be fine. This time at TMC, i was not given the option to do the scan only, bloodtest is also a must, most probably because they use the same bloodtest for the 20th week scan as well. Scan result was excellent for me but the biochemistry risk so high! Its strange how the oscars work. All the best for your amnio as well!
All the best for your amnio tests! My fren did it recently. Results good n baby & mummy is fine

Butterwaffles, wow sounds v cham. Have you been on MC? Hope you get better soon!
Butterwaffles, thanks! In my case I heard from gynae was the nt scan slightly high at 2.7. My blood test was ok. My Oscar passed with flying colour for my no 1 2 years ago, result was 1:5000 even though I was not dat young either. Some frens had the same experience of bad Oscar but good amnio. I sure hope everything will b fine. Will just have to wait for my amnio next mth and meanwhile not worry too much about it.
Good morning mummies... Finally back from my holidays and going back to work today after 3 weeks. Lazy to read through the past posting.. Heehee, and shall continue contributing whatever I can here ...

Saw my gyne last weekend, everything was good. Bb is 10cm and weigh 120+g now. Hmm.. I only gained 1kg and doc keep asking me to eat more. She also mentioned most prob is a boy, but shall wait till detailed scan in Sept than further confirm. So anxious ....

How's everyone doing? I'm week 16 now. All along my ms is not serious, but on and off.. I'll still vomit if I eat too full. And when I'm hungry, I get nasea too. Still now the symptom still the same. Appetite is good in the morning but can't eat at night.

Re: itchy nipple
Anyone still have this problem?
Welcome back Nana!!

I'm same as u, can eat in the day but not night. Eat too full vomit too.

Itchy nipple, I dun. Just a little sore some times. But hubby say now looks 'ugly', bigger and black black one
u gals same?
morning mummies

thanks all for sharing your experiences with headache in pregnancy and how to cope, been putting some of the tips in practice.

got a bad sunburn over the weekend after 30min in the sun at the beach with my boy, previously not so sensitive to the sun...anyone has quick sunburn cure? whole shoulder and neck now burning red.

hang in there, hyperemesis is indeed no joke. good luck on your amnio, i still cannot decide whether to go ahead or not. my oscar score is 1:42, and after genetic scan is 1:222. remember to have lots of bedrest after amnio.
chewie, i have been on hospitalisation leave for the longest time. I do feel better now except that i cannot function without my meds. Am hoping to wean myself off the meds but have to do it slowly in case of a relapse. The meds are very expensive, i sure hope i don't have to take them for too long.

gg_lee, when are you doing the amnio? My NT is 1.6. So imagine how bad my BT is. So same as you, i think a generic scan on me won't tell me much. My aunt works as a nurse at TMC. She told me there are instances where the mummies' oscars look pretty fine. BT & NT combined, can be like 1:2000. But the babies are born with DS. Nothing was picked up during the detailed scans as well. The hateful thing about oscars is that it's all about risk ratios, it's not definite. 1:2000 is very good but there ARE babies who fall into that category. But if you were given the risk ratio of 1:2000, would you go for amnio? No right? At the end of the day, it's fated. Cross fingers & toes for us. Will update here after my amnio next monday. I cant wait to do it so that further planning can be done....
Butterwaffles, yes agree w u. Oscar is all about probability. It measures likely risk but cannot fully eliminate the risk. When Oscar result is v good we choose to undertake the small risk and keep fingers crossed we dun fall on the other side. Ultimately depends on whether can accept the risk of a DS bb. I know I can't. My amnio still almost a month to go, will just wait.
babymaking, am on very effective medication right now, on my way to recovery...thou i still get flashbacks on those really bad days. I think it will take me some time to recover emotionally. This is why i've decided not to go for generic scans because they offer the same thing ie. risk ratios but then, its also because i know i will not continue the pregnancy if the baby is not normal. So for me, its very clearcut. Will you continue the pregnancy no matter what? If so, then you might wish to consider if you wish to know more about the condition of the baby ie. prepare ahead should the bb is found to have certain defects. Some mummies feel ignorance is bliss. Some need answers. Some go ahead with amnio even thou they will continue with the pregnancy because they hope the answers can help them prepare for the baby better, whether bb requires operations after birth, where can they seek help & support etc. 1:222 is actually not so bad. The problem is, you've already gotten a 1:42 the previous round. Dilema i know. I hope you'll be able to decide on whatever is right for yourself
my sil and ex colleague had hyperemis and both suffered from severe pre and post natal depression, and both only have one kid. so yes, it can have long lasting effects.

re: amnio
still waiting for my gynae's advice. i would like a clear cut answer as well as we are sure not to continue on if the bb is abnormal, but prof anan advice is not to proceed with amnio if risk of miscarriage of amnio is higher than risk of abnormal baby.
right now after the genetic scan, the risk ratio is 1:222 which is slightly lower than the risk of mc via amnio which is 1:300, so the answer we got after the genetic scan is not as clear cut as we hope to have, hence the dilemma.

another alternative we are given is to wait for the detailed scan at week 20 which can indicate the severity of the defect based on the presence of the physical markers (be DS or some other genetic defect), amnio can only confirm DS but not the severity of it and then decide what to do next.
Hi mummies, oldnavy is having a 30% online sale, including sale items. It's a good time to place those orders now if you wanna get something.
Hi mummies.. more findings to share. For those who are thinking of buying babyplus from ebay, please note that not all top-rated sellers are authorised to sell babyplus. Meaning to say their sets may be from unknown sources or worse still - defective. So do be careful.

From babyplus customer service:

"Consumer Alert - Unauthorized Resellers

Service-and-Sales and mmmoz51 on eBay are not authorized to sell the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System.

Purchase of BabyPlus products from an unauthorized reseller, including eBay, may exclude you from BabyPlus Warranty, service, or support.

Please protect yourself and purchase from authorized resellers only."
HI there. For those mummies who have used Elancyl Stretch Mark Cream before or using now, have you ever checked with your gynae whether the ingredients are safe to use during pregnancy? Thanks much!
jinglebell10> any problem with elancyl? sale person said suitable for pregnancy start fm 4th month wo.... should be ok ba.
jinglebell>got probs meh? its supposed to b safe for pregnancy so I didn't check with gynae for ingredients. oso used it for my #1 n no probs leh
Al, LSnTYL: was looking at the instruction sheet in the elancyl's box, it didn't mention specifically that it has been tested or proven safe for use during pregnancy leh. Bought already, but dun dare to apply now...
jinglebell> I used that bottle is big one, they also put a pregnancy photo there....and this brand quite long so far no complain...
gingEr>> No I haven't bought. Am about to buy mine. Just deciding between Amazon and ebay now. The difference is not much, ebay is cheaper by $10-$20. And they have a free gift (baby einstein cd). The authorised reseller's name is digizon. But after some consideration I think I'll probably go with Amazon. It's buying direct from babyplus, and I feel that safety is more important. Especially if the babyplus from resellers are problematic, wrong frequency etc, it's something we wouldnt know and might harm baby. FYI, if buying from Amazon, (with combined shipping with other spree-ers), total is about $220sgd.

LSnTYL>> No lar! I think I bought enuff oredi. Also waiting for a shipment from ASOS. :p So no more maternity clothes! Just thought soul and some others might be interested to get something from ON. =) I'm waiting for baby to reveal gender before next shopping spree.

Btw, I have appt with gynae this week. I'll be 15 wks then.. do u all tink can see gender yet? *hopeful*
planet>hee, think its luck. wait bb cross legs oso cannot see properly lor. must ask bb to coop so u can buy lots of clothes for him/her. :p

I haven't bought any new clothes yet but will prob need to buy soon. waiting till I go US to try the size then I buy during sales. scared wait get wrong size. :p
Hmm.. if baby crossing leg then can shake shake him to the proper position? Or I roll left and right abit will it help? :D

I know lots of pple said it helps to talk to the baby before going for the scan. I'm not sure how bb can understand but shall try anyway. Heh.
I saw on YouTube that to drink apple juice before the scan so bb will wake up. Chances of crossing legs will be slimmer!! And the mummy in YouTube really got to see bb gender on that day.

No harm trying, just apple juice. Hehe
some bbs v stubborn leh. oso hor, my aunt was told she giving birth to a gal but when come out, turns out to b a boy. donno how the boy hide his penis lor. :p
anyone here still getting tummy cramps?

these few days im feeling the cramps =(

hopefully everything is ok...

gng to visit gynea this fri! excited to know the gender too..

I shall try the "apple juice" method!
Planet, mines's 5th. Will be drinking apple juice as suggested! Haha... Think if cannot see, I will wait outside then go in again! Haha...

Btw, news reported there is a test that can tell gender from 7th week. Guess it will become more common in the future to know even earlier!

Lsntyl, I thought for gynae to say it is girl, will check for 3 lines, rather than the absence of a p. Even with detailed scanning still can get wrong ah!
wah, so many trying the apple juice method. please feedback on whether it works.

chewie>ya. they were so disappointed when a boy popped out cos their #1 was a boy so she really wanted a gal.
Planet: any idea how much is sin selling the babyplus???
I tok to bb and told bb to b good and let me see whether boy or girl...

Btw, any mummies using avent bb bottles? r they microwave safe??
Lynn> babyplus cost SGD318 in singapore.

planet > thanks for the babyplus info. I just bought babyplus from ebay from digizon. phew ~ luckily, is the authorized seller.I have not received my item yet, is in transit.

just to share my experience, went for Oscar in TCM and BT was ok, except for the NT scan that was 3.2 and the adjusted risk is 1:31 was so stress upon hearing this. read a lot on Oscar and contacted gynae to have a 2nd test again as i felt that the young sonographer was so unprofessional..went NUH for another Oscar test 2days later and results was 1:9000
