(2012/02) Feb 2012

Wow babymaking!! That's a good news for you! Another mummy knows bb gender. How envy!

Yes soul daddy, hubby bought a lot things for darling bb without knowing the gender!

Shall wait for the next fair...we indeed save a lot in this fair and with lots of freebies. Hehe
risk of MC from amnio is 1:300-500 in kkh according to sf loh, and according to prof anan it's 1:250, DS risk is lowered to 1:222, so am relieved considering background risk based on age is already 1:59.

actually prof anan's risk analysis based on kkh report is even worse, the risks are 1:19 instead of kkh's 1:42 before the genetic scan
U r younger than me leh, how cld back ground risk be higher than me? My Is 1:117 for my age for KKH. Urs shld be lower. Wats dr anada's passing mark? KKH is 1:300. My last pregnancy, after his scan, risk is 1:thousands while KKH was 1:200plus. Anyhow, dr Loh always says these r just numbers.
LSnTYL: thanks :)

NC: thanks :) my no1 is gal, gal r sweetie pie

Soul108: thanks :) no need to buy lah, can wear jiajia clothings. Can save on toys too.. Haha
One fun part to share during the scanning was, when prof was checking my baby nose area. Baby used her hand to cover her eyes. when checking on the lips, she keeping open n close her mouth. Prof told my baby: hey don be naughty to me, u shld be naughty to ur mummy but not me... Haha
Hi mummies,

Went for my 16wk scan today, bb was super cooperative, so dont haf much scan time with bb, and oso my gyne super chop, chop one...

And coz bb cooperative, we get to c the gender!! My little munchkin is a boy!!! XD

Btw, i oso signed up for wong boh boi class starting in 15oct, anyone same as me???
Pepperoni: welcome!

Babymaking: congrats on the good news on the NT!!

KWXY: i think the cramps are normal due to the contraction of the womb, as i haf read in the books...coz u enjoy too much la during the session!!! Hehehe :p
Thats why gyne will ask u to abstain in the late weeks as scared the cramps will bring on contractions and go into labour..

Jen: dont be too sad, take it as a lesson learn, and dont eat oyster if u dont noe if its fresh or not
babymaking>glad your results are better. r you going for amnio then?

huggies_baby>hee, your bb so cute.

lynn>congrats on your boy.
Wah... So nice u gals know bb gender Liao... We still gonna wait 2 weeks for the 16 week checkup... Hopefully can see our bb too...

NC>> my MS very mild in first trimester... Hubby said my symptoms like come later... Starting to feel tried and sleepy again... Knock off on the sofa ard 10pm every night while watching tv... Haha..

Lynn>> we signed up for the course too but on 16 oct.,. Hubby got to work on sat.. I haven't make payment yet...
Haiz.. I miss seeing baby.. must wait till sept to see bb.. keep wondering is it all right inside.. haha.. I oso wanna noe gender!! Haha...
Yeah, starting of my 2nd trimester. Hope my hungry sickness will go off. Going for OSCAR next monday. Hope to meet up a blur blur sonographer so that she can tell me the gender. Cos KKH have a stupid rule that only tell gender at details scan.
re: facebook
how to get on Fb group?

re: gender
yes, so happy to know it's likely a gal, and more importantly that's she's likely going to be healthy- can start shopping for pink stuff already - aiming for those lacey bloomers!

re: genetic scan
yes, it's really amazing to see bb go round and do funny stuff on the screen, prof anan took 90min to scan, so we really had our fill looking at what's bb is doing real time. this little gal of mine is not modest at all, happily open her legs and show. :p

yes, re reading the report, based on prof anan, the personalized background risk is 1:59 after taking into account size & structure of fetal organs, including heart, kidney, bladder, blood flow to fetus etc etc, where else kkh is a general background risk analysis.

now waiting for sf loh advice whether can delay amnio till after detailed scan.

we are still leaving the option open as just found out yesterday that amnio can be done as late as week 20-22, so will depend on 20 week detailed scan results before we decide. still waiting for our gynae advice.

re: oysters
think better to avoid as it's not fully cooked, got cravings for oysters as well but fully cooked oysters taste awful.

jen: lucky everything is ok, dun worry about it.

oh yes, there's a online site that has very cheap rompers and baby clothes: www.babymallonline.com, esp their multiple packs - works out to be about sgd 2-3 per pc. the material is not so thick and suitable for our hot weather.
babymaking>hope the scans are all good. dr ananda sounds really nice.

I got stuff from babymallonline for #1 too. quite good although some of the material a bit thin
Hi LSnTYL, Lynn, babymaking, thanx, thanx for the concerns. Got probia of oysters now. tummache along with vomiting just worsen tripple times with morning sickness. think my emotions are really cranky during pregancy, I just tear easily.
Good day to all!

Jen: Dun worry, i have diarrhoea during my 2nd preg, dr oso say it will not affected bb...so dun worry ya!

My previous gynae always tell me 'eat with common senses' and in moderation for all food.

Anyway, congrats to all who oledi know the bb sex...hee...i am looking forward to feel bb movements now...though is my #3 bb, I will still feel paranoid as keep wondering if bb ok inside...jus dun feels preggie at times...
Huggies, I so enjoy reading your post abt your baby! So cute, my baby was super obedient during scan, didn't see all this interesting sights. Should have gone to Prof. Ananda instead, his scan is more accurate and holistic compared to TMC one. Can see gender already! So excited, wonder when it will be my turn.

Prof Ananda mentioned his charges is abit ex but afterall it's worth it.. Don think gynae can entertain u so long lol..
Babymaking, do u recall the name of the dr who did NT scan for u? I just went to the website n realized that the dr who did for me is one of the senior consultants (professors) in maternal fetal medicine. Guess I m lucky.
Hi, I'm really headache leh. Don knw how and where to settle my boy on my delivery day. No one can help me at all. The two healthy and free ppl don't wan to help. My mum very old and sick, no able to help. Who else ah. If I can bring him into the delivery ward will be good leh.
jascmy> do you have any closed friend or your nbr can help you take care yr boy?

my friend she have 2 boy, next month going delivery 3rd, she also get nbr take care.

Ask you shall give...
Not sure whether u mommies have already talked about this.... anyone know which brand has a good and effective stretchmark cream to use? heard something about Clarins... anyone used before?
jinglebell>I use elancyl galenic. worked v well for me for #1. no stretchmarks at all. I've heard good reviews about the clarins stretchmakr oil too
wah,so many others using elancyl. I quite like its smell actually.

planet>thanks for the intro. have not come across bio-oil before. have you had a chance to try it? how is the texture and smell? cos these days i cannot tahan too strong smells
jinglebell > i use Lierac, i got it from HK. My cousin says everytime she goes HK, people ask her to buy it (supposedly only avail in HK). but recently i saw it at vivo too
LSnTYL>> yup I am using it. I like that I can apply on my other old scars too. Heh. It's a very light oil, almost watery.. quite easily absorbed and has a light pleasant smell. No particular fragrance. For best results it is recommended that we apply twice a day but I only apply once at night. Cos it is afterall still an oil and I didnt leave the house sticky.
I'm using decleor stretch mark cream. Expensive though. Reccomended by my beautician. No stretch marks for my #1. I tried cocoa butter, elancy, even baby johnson baby oil. Found the smell for decleor to be lightest and absorbs the best
Chewie: thats great!!! C u there!!! xxx

Jen & pearl: hubby say 2 pm class a bit rush for him, so will stick to the 430pm class...
FYI, robinson's is having a nursery fair now. good for mommies/daddies with robinson's vouchers who need to get other stuff.
AI, don knw whether my neighbor wiling to help leh cos she herself have 2 kids to look after alone. Maybe I discuss with my hubby whether want to ask other neighbors. Thanks for the idea.

Linda, Thank you. U stay in redhill rite. I stayed in sembawang. And u will be doing your confinement at that time leh. U ok?
