(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hee hee my mother in law ask me not to eat so much tian ji, although i super love the tianji porridge!
esp when my workplace is near a famous one. She says later baby like to run here run there. Not sure how true, but older people tend to be more pantang.

Anyway i m very worried, i did not gain any weight! tmr is my wk 15 le. Seeing doc on friday, hope baby is ok.
Hi mummies, good day! I am new to this thread and would like to join the group. Currently am 15 weeks and is my 3rd pregnancy.
jan>just read about your bb. Hope he/she is ok

rocco>some moms don't gain much weight de. all the nutrients go straight to bb

Pepperoni: hi! Welcome!

Rocco: now is still early to worry abt weight gain. Anw weight gain is not a true reflection of baby's growth. If everything is fine, there's no need to worry.

KWXY: haha yup I do. When I have the energy that is. Not risky if ur pregnancy is stable with no complication. But into 2nd tri if gynae decides that ur placenta is low, u might be banned from sex. Actually if can try to do it as per normal.
Kwxy: I've been wondering if anyone would ask this question! Lol! I'm curious to know too. Heh. My gynae said once a week is ok. And of cos not too urm, vigorous? Haha. But my hubby still very worried leh. Keke.
KWXY : my gynea told us after 12 weeks is fine..
we attempted once last week.. but duno y its too pain for me.. like as thou alot of needles poke me.. it was alot of discomfort..
any1 facing this issue too?
Planet: My Edd changed to 20 Feb after doing my oscar.. need to update? When will the EDD be more or less the same? Mine keep changing every visit.. haha..

I oso never gain much weight.. but baby initially growing quite fast. Doc say tt's good, nutrients all go to baby.. so no worries about the weight I think.
my gynae told me after factoring in MS, her target is at least got back to pre-pregger weight by 16 weeks, weight gain afterwards. SO I guess as long as your baby's growth is on track, you should be fine. I'm at 16weeks liao, still a little bit below pre-pregger weight. I take it as a positive sign that hopefully I won't gain too much weight overall
Hubby n i did not BD
, he is afraid of affecting bb.

birdbrain > yup, but problem is i dun have MS. Very mild one, only like once in 2 weeks i will vomit (probably due to certain food i eat), n its mostly acid. so not sure why.
KWXY>still can have sex ar. in fact, some mommies I know try to do more during 3rd trimester when bb is almost due cos of a belief that this will help trigger earlier birth :eek:
birdbrain: me also! But slowly gaining back a little bit. Actually happy haha cuz can sti wear my normal clothes, hate this in- between stage, can't wear anything properly.

KWKX: I also had cramp the last time, gynae said could be the contraction of uterus. This time dun have, think already used to being stretched liao. If no spotting follows, should be ok. Check with ur gynae to be sure ya.

Rocco: normally won't affect baby unless low placenta or placenta previa. Babies actually like the rocking motion from sex, it makes them sleepy haha. On another note, it's gonna be a while before both of you can have enjoyable sex again... So poor hubby will have to be monk for a long time :p
Yup NC, the cramp is gone...just hope everything is fine

Any mummy still feeling nausea after meal? I'm 14 weeks today! But somehow still feel nausea, giddy and headache...was thinking to cook 雪蛤.....as dessert! Can eat??
Hi mommies, I'm back! sorry to have gone missing for the past few weeks since I was back in sgp. Many things happened but all are fine now. Have decided not to go back China until next yr.

Have done my OSCAR test in wk12. My HCG is super high at 208IU/L (equivalent to 4.4mom!!). All other readings and NT scan is normal. But this HCG reading increased my risk to 1:345. My background age risk is 1:212. But my assessed risk just passed the 1:300 benchmark. Sigh.

Am already in week 14. Still considering whether to proceed with further pervasive test. Am in dilemma... Any mommies got such high HCG readings during OSCAR test?
Hi All, Have not logged in for a while, hope everyone is well. Had severe food poisoning over the weekend after eating oyster omelette. I was vomitting and diarrhea, GP said baby should be fine, but I'm really worried although doppler can hear precious's heartbeat, even cried last night
KWXY, Rocco> I asked a tcm physician about 雪蛤 before.

雪蛤 (hashima) is actually dried frog's fallopian tube. It contains a high level of hormones so it's not advisable to over-indulge when pregnant and not advisable to feed young children. Between the two, Bird's nest is a better option.
KWXY- i am one of those still suffering from bad ms. no signs it will go away.
even through i am in my 15 weeks. went to see gynea yesterday he say is fine.

fyi- my gynea package (ex-medication and emergancy) after week 20. Package $1200 (abt 15 visit) and $1200 for delivery. Wonder is he the most expensive here. He is Dr Kee at TMC.
Babyfaery>> Updated your EDD. Wah your date fluctuate by one week! Mine usually +/- 1 day with each gynae visit. But at my Oscar scan, the nurse told me to stick with the date deduced from Oscar.

Freedom_renren>> When is your EDD? I dunno where to slot u. =)

Pepperoni>> Added you to the chart. =)

NC>> I like your comment! I shall quote you to my husband tonight.. "Baby likes the rocking motion from sex" Hahaha..
eh, I was told to avoid 雪蛤 during pregnancy. was told too cooling. advice given to me is to take white fungus as replacement for bird's nest cos got equal amounts of collagen and nutrients.

jinglebell>maybe you can try the genetic test some mommies were advicing?

jen>food poisoning shouldn't affect your bb bah
How about adding red dates and longan...so not so cooling. I soaked the snow jelly le

And I'm making my first Lipton tea after 6 months!! Haha
yanyan>> ya i think starfruit is very liang. last time when i was heaty my mum always buy starfruit juice for me.

kwxy>> how's the tea?
Planet, it's heaven! Sipping down the hot tea makes me feel so good. Hehe

Now waiting for the snow jelly to be soaked for 4-6 hours and can start to cook. Can wait!
LSnTYL: My gynae is going to do another detailed scan for me next wk, i.e wk 15. Am thinking, if really result is doubtful, then i will seek second opinion from Dr Anand for Genetic scanning. Just wondering - Ultrasound scan vs Blood test results - which one is more reliable?
Hubby 'refused' to bd with me cos scare will affect bb.. My mum also tell me cannot cos previously I was bleeding... Anyway, ok to ren for 9 mths lah.. Hehe..

My friends told me 2nd trimester supposed to be the best... But seems to be getting worst for me... Feel giddy, nausea.. Like worst than 1st trimester..
jinglebell>sorry, donno which is more reliable.


windy>if you're bleeding, better don't have sex. But if not and pregnancy is stable, tink can bah.
Huggies: wah congrats on knowing bb's fine and gender also. I also hope for a girl! Can't imagine handling 2 boys

planet: I only quoted from book, don't quote me haha.

windy: haha same, my DH refused to bd after my 20th week scan when gynae commented my placenta was a bit low. Then he regretted haha cuz after bb was born I refused to let him touch me. Poor guy, now going to be on monk mode
soon muahaha...

Did you have MS during your 1st tri? Mine suddenly got v bad at week 13, then slowly became better. Now still vomit, but much more manageable. Maybe yours will be better soon, jia you!
Hi ladies!

NC: is there any truth that babies like the rocking motion? Lol soul mummy asked me and I was like .. Soul Daddyhere btw.. 
windy soul mummy also same as you, 2nd tri seems a little worse than 1st tri.

KWXY it's going to be so exciting! We also can't wait to know baby's gender. Initially we thought girl so I very excited shortlist some names already, last week after OSCAR test went to see Dr Tham, say maybe boy.. Got to shortlist boy names le.. Lol.. .. Most importantly healthy can already. Oh saw you bought loads of stuff..

huggies Congrats! You must be thinking can buy baby clothes le. Hahaha..

planet didn't know that hashima is frog's Fallopian Tubes! OMG..
hi mummies
did the genetic scan today and the nt result is better by 6mm, which means NT is not thick! bb is most likely a mei mei and healthy, no fetal heart defects also.

however prof anan cld not explain why papp-a blood test is abnormal high, but he did explain that risk of ds bb with new results of scan is equal to risk of mc via amnio test.

high ppap can indicate other issues and there's no way to repeat the blood test as it won;t be accurate after week 14. so the choice is amnio is still open, or another choice is to test fetal blood at week 21 onwards.

another interesting thing, he found that there's another sac but the sac didn't grow, so mei mei is actually a twin. it's amazing how detail his scans are!

so yes, am relieved that ds odds are lowered but then worry that it masks other issues.

Soul daddy: haha that's what I read from What to expect when you're expecting. Seems logical leh cuz babies indeed loved rocking motion, that's why they easily fall asleep in the wombs when mummies are walking around.
