(2012/02) Feb 2012

Morning all, clinic called at 9am and told me everything is good for oscar test.
Can finally start serious thinking & planning wat to buy for bb.

Lynn, I'm keen on taking prenatal yoga class. Do you know of any good ones to intro?

My hubby fall in love with quinny buzz too! Especially after the sales person promo it as sleek & stylish like a sports car! hahahha... But I think its too much to spend on a pram. So we are still looking.

gd morning....it has been long time i din on9 but i do read quietly everyday wats happening...still too tired...my appetite is only good in morning for breakfast thereafter will b so sick wif food!
btw, jus to share good news my OSCAR test is out n bb is healthy! yeah yeah...so happy! probability is super low.... btw, the scanning on las wk was superb! i can c bb is so quietly didnt move n let the sonographer do her work n thereafter when i say i wanna c bb move, bb move after d scanning done! so cute...waving and doing exercise....i am so excited! couldnt c bb gender yet!
gd morning..

any mummies here having v bad eczema???
mine is like so bad.. it flares out all over my arm n legs.. =(
sometimes at night cant slp due to the extreme itch..
anyways to control n cope?
ive been applying lotsa moisturiser and it still doesnt help at all..
Congrats HappyMom and momobb! Such happy news to start the day. =)

Al>> Ya I intend to start taking birdsnest once a week. At the advise of MIL, mum, and the medical hall person.
Hope its alright. Btw, I also got back pain that started some weeks back. I was v surprised too cos I thot it only comes later in the pregnancy when baby gets heavier. Is your pain on one side only? Mine's on the right side.. I haven't asked my gynae about it yet. Hopefully its normal?

jascmy>> I heard from friend's mom that starting second trimester onwards shld take an egg everyday. I was quite shocked too but she swore by it. Says it's good for bb's brain development.. and well, my friend and her sister seems to be quite bright. But I haven't verified the cholestrol thing yet so I have yet to start eating. Better to check with gynae first?

suet>> I love the maclaren strollers but I'm concerned that they are very light, hence prone to tipping over from the back. I once saw a mummy struggling with a crying toddler and the whole stroller just fell backwards. Very scary. Did you have such problems with your XT?
ging3r, commercial moisturiser does not help, you may want to see your gynae for advise or a skin doc.

congrats to all mummies in their 2nd tri~! waiting for my turn soon
Planet> I did asked my gynae, because I have old injured about past 10yrs. that's why the pain almost everyday near the buttock right side also. my gynae only can give pain killer, but i don't want pain killer. He adv the pain will getting worst untill 3rd Tri
. If I go out shopping 1 hr only I cannot tahan ready. don't know how to do.... i will check the sales person see huiji pu yao jing can drink or not. I check the ingredients all the herbal should be ok for pregnancy and no alcohol & sugar. play safe ask 1st lor..
effie how many wk r u now....
mummies, yes my TCM say can start taking birdnest now liao wif like once a wk....its sufficient.... i tend to take at wk 20...
Al>> Oh dear. Now that you mentioned, I did have some sports injury years ago, but I went for acupuncture and it was completely cured. I hope it's not related.. For your case.. I'm not sure if "bu yao jing" will help cos it may not be a "yao" problem? If it's old injury it may be old blood clot or something.. how about seeing a tcm physician first instead of buying the bu yao jing off the shelf? Sales person might not know what every single ingredient does in the pill.

Btw, does anyone know if we can do acupuncture now?
effie: yea i asked my gynea to give me medicine, but she said if can try not to eat.. so was wondering if any1 here have other remedies?

planet: yest night im also having v bad backache
and its only on my right side! its around the back of the ribcage.. urs is on which part?

HappyMomToBe: i have already started taking bird nest =p
ate 1 bowl last week..
planet> i did asked my Doctor about acupuncture, he said most of them won't do for pregnance women, they also scare effect bb. But heard some pre-natal massage (malay) can relief back pain.
Thanks for the info
Kwxy, didn't know abt qnny senzz, only saw buzz and zapp which I dun really like cuz diff to keep. But after u mentioned abt senzz, went to see on youtube, looks nice and easy to close/ open, quite keen in tat... How much u pay for it? From where??
ging3r>> mine's more on the right side too. but more lower back just below hip bone. it comes and goes. recently i started carrying my bag on my left side instead of the right as i always do. I don't know if it helps, just trying to see if it makes a difference. i also consciously tried to sit up more. i don't really want this to be a problem when I get bigger in the coming months.
Planet: I start having very bad lower back ache when I was around 7weeks. So bad that I cant really walk, it hurts when I sit or walk or stand. Can only lie flat. Went see gynae, he say it's actually normal. It's the relaxing of the ligaments and muscles at the back for the baby. My gynae say rest more, don walk to much. He gave me 3 days mc.. The ache didnt stop until recently, around 11 weeks. So I think back ache shd be normal.
All having backache liao... Me dun... Errr.. Shud be not yet... Hehe

Any of u During meal time, ordered foods and after one bite then can't eat anymore?? Sometimes I like tat, hubby poor thing gotta finish up the foods for me.. Yesterday dinner, ordered pan fried dumpling, after a bite, I told hubby I can't eat
some more b4 order i ask him to choose between dumpling and fried chic say I can eat both... Then.... Lucky we only ordered one main to share...

Seems like I got lots of food can't eat now... Creamy stuffs, omellette, Indian food, mac.... Got prob drinking oso...

I still having this quesy feeling... Very sianz..

Jocelyn, from neverfull to tofu, lots of diff, can fit yr stuffs ah...
pinkz, not all...umbrella and makeup pouch nv bring along...previously, with neverful already remove the makeup pouch but like nv improve, so i change to the tofu...
HappyMomToBe, i will go for OSCAR this week, so 2nd tri should be mid this week or next week i guess. can't wait, i still MS over the weekend.

ging3r, did your gynae give you cream to apply? oral medicine is the fastest, but cream will also help to relieve your discomfort. usually one day of oral medicine will do the trick, if you really cannot stand it.
mummies, i having backache too cant sit too long....my backbone especially buttock will b pain! i believ it is due to my old injury too during my 1st MC....
effie, goodluck on yr OSCAR! my advise the nite before talk to BB to b guai n jia you give u a good result!
JIAYOU everyone n hope v have a sweet n smooth pregnancy throughout....
Thanks for all your sharing....i tot my lower back pain is worst one then other pregnance women...now i know most of us having same problem in lower right side. some time sit also cannot lie down also cannot...don't know what to do. u know i always playing games make myself forget the pain....hahaa
Ah.. good to know I'm not alone in this backache thingy too. My family (and even myself) were very surprised that I'm experiencing backache so early. No one thot it to be pregnancy-related. We assumed it's because of posture or bad habits.

I have something to share with everyone. It might be useful for some of u. I was having a persistent mild headache all morning. i tried eating breakfast, closing my eyes to rest, warm shower, nothing helped. Then I remembered that I read somewhere before that sometimes lack of water may cause headaches and giddiness during pregnancy. And i'm very very guilty of that. All my liquids come from juice, ribena and soup and other sugary drinks cos I still got phobia of plain water from MS days. Well anyway, i tried drinking two cups of plain warm water about half an hr ago. And now the headache subsided. Not 100% sure if it's really the water that helped but I'm glad I don't need to take any panadols. So mummies do try this if you are experiencing headaches. I hope it helps u.
Pinkz, yes! Senzz can be close with one hand. The rest from quinny need to close with two hands and even need to bend down. I don't really like.

Very sleek too. Hehe.

I bought it at baby hypermart at kaki bukit. They are the distributor for quinny. There are other brands too. Can compare.

They still gave me the taka promo price : maxi cosi car seat + senzz = $799! But without promo, im not too sure about the price. You can call and chk with them
Baby's HyperStore Pte Ltd
69, Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417947
Ph : 6844 1123 ; Fax : 6844 1189
Email : [email protected]

Car Seats, Baby Cots, Bouncers, High Chairs, Walkers, Strollers, Toys, Battery Operated Cars, Baby Mattresses, Playpens, Rocking Chairs, Swing Bed, Computerised Baby Cradle, Potty, Bicycles & Tricycles, etc. etc.
Hi all,
Just received email reply from HuiJi Company.
I think during confinement my back also continue pain...can take during confinement.

"Hi Alicia

Thank you for your interest in our company’s products.

Huiji Waist Tonic is highly recommended to be taken during confinement period. It is because it does not contain alcohol & cane sugar therefore it’s suitable for breast-feeding mummies. It is especially good to be taken to improve immunity system & strengthening of your waist too. However, we will not advise pregnant mummies to drink during pregnancy as we are not sure whether the ingredients will cause any complications or allergy to you or baby.

If you still have any further enquiries, please feel free to call us @ 6748 2911 or visit our website www.huiji.com.sg

Thank you.
Hi Ladies, I am looking for mums with 13 to 36 weeks pregnant for a short 15 mins survey on formula milk brand - Abbott, e.g. Similac or Gain IQ. Criteria : You must not reject this brand and may use this brand in future. Token: 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Kindly SMS me your Name, age, how many weeks pregnant to 97640028 ASAP.
Hi mummies,

Going for my 16wk scan tomorrow!!! Cant wait to c the naughti muchkin!! And hopefully bb will cooperate so can c gender!!!

Momobb: i went to the website of updogs at east coast and all about yoga at paya lebar...updogs got prenatal yoga on wed and sat at 1015am...all about yoga haf beginners pilates cum yoga. Dont noe whether good or not...u wanna google and chk out the website then we can decide which one? Acc to jingles, theres prenatal yoga at kkh, but schedule not out, so waiting for her to get bk to me..
Babyfaery: soul mummy here
i heard my mum saying that ur kid will be v active if u eat crab.. old ppl saying.. but i had a crab claw last week during dinner and vomitted a little of the flesh out. :S not sure abt frog leg porridge.
I googled before. Tian ji is ok. For crabs, old folks say not good because baby will have itchy fingers. Everything like to touch. Errr.... I love it so will still sneak it in few times ba

Regarding backache, not sure if I'm having it. My sis made me laugh real hard when lying on tatami. I felt some pain at lower back... Haha

Lynn, so excited for u! Mine is next week...
Babyfaery, I shared this some time back. Crabs are ok to eat but don't eat too much or too often. Reason is because crabs (and prawns) are bottom-feeders. They feed on plants and wastes at the bottom of the seabed, hence people always say crabs and prawns are "toxic".

As for frog's legs, I heard that it's nutritious for young children but not so much for pregnant mummies. Again, it's one of those "can eat but dont over-indulge" food. Because frogs carry alot of parasites on them. So there are certain risks involved if not handled properly.

Don't mean to scare you, I'm a huge fan of crab bee hoon and frog leg porridge too. Just sharing what I know. =)
Babyfaery: My mum ask me dun eat frog leg wor.. this is the first impt thing she told me whn i let her know im preg LOL
Babyfaery> you mean 田鸡right. should be ok and it strengthen bb legs. but if worry don't eat too much. I heard crab not good for intestines 肠胃. don't eat too much... and old ppl said crab make your bb like to fight. if you don'r mind your kind good in fighting hahaa..
congratz jocelyn, its like so happy n means tat starting of our journey to meet bb to tis world is nearer n nearer...its like so excited! counting down to wk 16 to c bb gender n then wk 20 for details scan...everything seem so excited esp when time to c bb!

yup..i waited for a week for my gynae to response...until i buay tahan, call up the more experience nurse and ask her to help me check. The junior nurse only brush me away...Urgh!
Haha.. Okies.. Thanks all for the advise. I tried to refrain. If really can't, thn will eat a bit.. Haha.. :p

By 16 weeks can see gender le? Looking fwd!! Then can start buying things!
Hi mummies,

I did my oscar scan and dr says bb neck a bit thick. Dr wants me to do another procedure to cfm that bb is normal but it will have some risk. Not sure if i should proceed.
Sorry to hear that, hang in there. How thick is it? Mine came back with 1:42 high risk, I.e. Out of 42 bb born, 1 will be down syndrome.

Made appt for amniocentesis next mth. Meantime also going for genetic scan with prof anan.

Reason why scan cos it's non risk. If result ok, will cancel amniocentesis.

If u can accept ds bb, or termination is not possible then going for amnio is a risk cos amnio can cause miscarriage.

Sorry to hear that...maybe u want try at Dr Dr Ananda... Hazel recommended it to Claramini and another mummy..

Found the address from the archive post.

Antenatal Diagnostic Centre and Women Clinic
Tel: 6333 8621
Dr Chinnaiya Anandakumar
jan, don b sad ok...wat is the probability? u knw last time my OSCAR test was terrible it was 1:25 n doc conclude to do abortion immediately....i was so sad n seek another doc opinion n he did CVS test for me...which can be done at dunno which week but earlier than amnio test...test conclude everything OK! however i did not survive n had MC at mth 6....bb was normal...so my view, trust in yrself n bb! OSCAR test is just merely a mathematical figure...
cheer up! as I have gone thru all tis n i know how depress the feel it n its reali affect the bb....takecare! u can alwis talk to me if u wish someone to listen!
there shd be a risk analysis ratio, taking into account 3 factors 1) maternal age 2) blood test 3) NT thickness

make an appt with prof anan & do a detailed scan. jocelyn posted his contacts above.

if want to do CVS, got to be done before week 14. amnio can only do between week 16 to 20.

full OSCARS (blood test & NT scan) is only 90% accurate.

amnio and cvs is 98% accurate.

full OSCARS + genetic scan + week 20 detailed scan is also 98% accurate.

the worse thing about amnio is the waiting time from now to week 16 to do the test - plus the full results take another 2 weeks to come out.

there's a express amnio test which is out within 24hrs -3 days (depending on clinic)called FISH, it's an early indicator result, with the full result of amnio in 2 weeks time.
baby faery, the norm is 2.4mm and lesser - 90% percentile
2.5mm - 2.9mm - 4% percentile
above 3mm 6% percentile

genetic scan
This involves in addition to looking at internal organs of the fetus, it also involves looking
at the surface structures, looking for markers of chromosomal abnormalities (Downs syndrome). Majority of chromosomal abnormalities are reflected on the Eyes, Ears,Nasal Bone, Tongue and the Fingers. The Genetic Scan should be done is between 13-14weeks and repeated at 22- 23weeks.If both scans are normal, then Genetic Amniocentesis is not warranted except in women over the age of 45,as only then the risk of having a Downs syndrome baby inspite of a normal Genetic scan is equal to the risk of Fetal Loss following Amniocenetsis. (Vintzileos etal 1995).

Jan, no need to worry. If there is no family history and both you and hubby are healthy, then Bb will be healthy.
