(2012/02) Feb 2012

NC, really. Hmm.. them y my mum or very long time ago mums who bf don hav such problems?? Later I will ask my mum again and get more info from her. Don think she will knw cos she nvr pump it out at all. I knw she keep scolding me for pumping exclusively cos lost of nutrients. Ur #1 gd wor, can suck till dry. Hope my bb can also suck till I dry up leh. Cos really worry he will lost weight like #1 if I latch. Super heart pain to see that. Even now think of it still heart pain and will blame myself.

Evon, Jen: my Dr started inducing and put me on antibiotics coz my watebag broke at about 10+. I delivered at 3+. So it's about 5hrs.
So sorry, one more question for mommies who bf. I started off bf but stopped n switch to pumping coz my nipples are sore and painful. So how do you make sure that your bb is full after each feed? Because mine seem to have problem drinking to the fullest as she will fall asleep. My gynae did told me that bf or ebm are both the same except bf has the contact factor.
Mich, KKH told me they won't feed bb with the FM that we bring from home. They will only use our diapers and wipes that we bring. So die die hav to buy FM from them leh. Hubby asked me to feed on my own quietly after I latch on each time. Jus tell nurse, I'm bf, pls don come in to disturb. But I need help to prepare the FM leh. If I c-sect how to prepare myself? I also need to sterilized the bottles after the feed leh. I think will buy loh.

BluCryst, I don hav such problems. But I do heard some mummies prefer manual pumps cos more effective to them. More milk and more gentle. I nvr try manual b4.
Blucryst, my bb falls asleep every time she drinks milk! Be it latch on or EBM on bottle.. For the latter, we will coax her until she finishes.. So will tke up to an hr each feed... Latch on, abit tough as dunno how much bb drinks....
Oops: our mums last time dun work mah... So it's really supply=demand. But we work and our pumping won't be as good/ regular, surely sometimes will miss or delay sessions. Ya I was lucky my boy latched well, cuz body really respond v fast when breasts are dried. But dun worry ah, 2nd time milk come in much more easily. Less pain too, so I think you will
have a better time this round!

BluCryst: most bb will fall asleep while nursing ah... You can try to stimulate her to wake her up. If not try to delay feeding a little to make sure she's really hungry, then higher chance of feeding more. Nipples will be v painful but after 2 weeks will get better ah so maybe u wanna try again. Did u use nipple shield?
Mich, anything that patients consume (adults or bbs), hospitals will not use what we bing over. Reason is simple, there is no quality control if hospitals uses these consumables. So, if anything happens to patients after taking, who is to be blamed? Hospital or family members who brought the consumables? No one will know who contaminate the food right?
Jen & Evon, nothing to worry.. There is no pain if u ask for epidural early,.. It is just abit uncomfortable as need to lie in bed most times... Hubby is the one who is bored.. But he has his iPad.. Me too, I just watch HK tvb drama.. :p. actually, I was more worried for the unborn bb.. Coz all strapped to machine n bb's heartbeats were monitored every second... If bb's heartbeat dropped, means bb is in distress, need emergency c section.. If not, slowly wait... I was looking at the ctg monitor every 5-10mins.. So worried of bb until I can't sleep,! Only after belle is Born then I can sleep at ease...

Btw, Once on epi, cannot get off bed, a urine bag will be attached to drain urine all the time...

So, look forward to the arrival of your precious bb... Is a happy occasion.. It does not matter how long or short the labour / induce process is.. End of the day, when u see your bb, everything is worth it!

Jen, after sterilied, it is good only for 24hrs before you need to re sterilise again... No matter is pump or bottles... Coz There are germs in our air.. That is what I learnt in mrs wong's class
Hazel, natbaby - thanks! Mebbe will try out low dosage den. Heh.

Blucryst - I also have the nipple 1 side bigger issue. Issit cos the breast shield too small? Does ur nipple rub against anything when pumping this making it sore? I resolved the issue by changing to a bigger breast shield. =)

Jen - if u wan can just sterilize for the first time, dry and kip in bag liao. Cos actually after deliver if u wan to pump and feed bb u will nid to sterilize again cos too long after sterilizing the pump is no longer sterilized.
NC, I hope so.
Lets Jia you!

Hazel, now then I know abt abt 24hr rule leh. I used to sterilized and put in the fridge for many days. Opps..
Thanks everyone for the advice! Greatly appreciate them!

When I bf bb, can't monitor how much she drink so afraid she's not getting enough even if she latch off by herself.
And I'm not using any nipple shield. I suspect the flange is not suitable but I dunno if the avent manual pump has changeable ones. If cant change, how can I resolve this?
I was never able to pump with the Avent manual, and had the most luck with the Ameda. Hopefully it works this time as well.

For the sterilization of the pump parts, do we just wipe dry with a paper towel? Doesn't that cause more germs to get on the pump parts? Or do we pack them in a plastic bag wet?
beemummy: For me I just air it on a rack - my boy never had problems with this and i bf him exclusively for 1 yr (latch and bottle feed after going back to work) but I know that many of the sterilizers advise that you keep it inside the sterilizer, can be up to 8 hours. If i need it quickly after sterilizing I will use the normal kitchen paper to wipe dry. But tt's me!!! Definitely not the wong boi boi method!
Thanks Hazel and Xia, think I may have to do twice, clean and sterilised once now and then maybe before I go to hospital, another final sterilisation.

Evon, your baby is of a good weight, but I think final weight could be more. So far, from all the rest of mummies who popped, the baby's weight is usually more than estimated.

My baby's weight at 39weeks is only 2.9kg, HB asked where all the nutrients go to cause I eat so much but baby still so small.
Mummies who popped, how long it takes for milk to come in? Was reading some other posts and seems like I gave up top soon for no 1. They say supply only really comes in after at least 2 weeks??

Am falling sick, hope can get well soon. Can't imagine coughing and sneezing during confinement.
GG: Colustrum turn to white milk at between 2-4 days, then the milk will really come in by day 7 or so... but before tt baby doesn't need tt much too. This is the time most stressful for mommies cos everyone you know will tell you you're not producing enough! But it's not true - they don't need so much too. Pple from the past also no FM but we survived as a human race? there must be a reason - our bodies manage to make enough to feed our younglings.
GG: how long it takes depend on individual also. If urs dun come fast gotta be patient lor. For 1st timer usually wl take longer. For my #1 milk came only after a week, but quantity was only substantial after abt 2w.

2nd birth will be faster. This time mine came on 3rd day. Need to be discipline lah, and of course the biggest hurdles are nipple soreness and engorgement. But once supply is established everything should be ok. Dun worry too much ya, stress will affect supply too.
Any suggestions for when to start taking bf supplements like fenugreek or Motherlove Special Blend? Right after delivery/C-section?
Jus heard my colleague deliver her bb yesterday without epidural. So envy!!!!! Don think I can endure the pain leh. Haiz... stress.... hahaa.... Mus get my mum to nag on me more and my cousin to tell me more on the bad pts of epi liao. My new yr resolutions, fast VBCA without epi. Hope I can make it.
orangeroses, did you take epidural and the drip to speed up process for your #1?

My cousin keep telling me its the epi that cos my dilation to stop. Cos she having tis problem too and her gynea confirmed with her its epi. But that was more than 10yrs ago loh.

Yup, we support each other. YOu will share your successful birth stories with us 1st.
oops: Yes - I didn't even know my prev gynae induced me to try to speed up the process but on the contrary, it made my labour longer cos my body was not ready to birth. Yes I was kiasu, i took epi when i was only 2cm because I didn't know tt it will cause labour to delay because cannot walk around!
This time I will delay as much as possible - if can don't take, i will don't take. No one ever died from pain from not taking epi right? sigh... see if I will be so determined once the pressure comes.
Opps & orangeroses - hahahaha... we are always so positive when it comes to not taking epi... i oso told myself i can do it with #1... but i ended up giving in after 8hrs of tolerance... this time round, i'm telling hubby i wanna try again.. hehe.. hopefully it will be successful!!! let's Jia You!!!
hi mummies,
im gg to induce tml morning at tmc. bb full term at 40wks. Phew finally e day had arrived for mi.
Lets all jia you
orangeroses, I don knw that the speed up process drip is actually to induce. I was on tat immediately when I reach the delivery rm (pain every 10min, mucus plug aldy drop out and 3cm dilated). I endured for 6hrs and give in to epi cos pain comes every sec, very painful, can't take it anymore and only 5cm dilated. Anyway, tis time both of us cannot take tat drip anymore cos we are going for VBCA.

Mich and orangeroses, yes, we try again tis time round. My pain threshold very low. I don think I can take it again. But I will definitely try to endure till I can't take it. Hope this time will be a fast delivery so I can deliver in the 6hrs time.
Opps, do u find your c section scar getting more painful. I can really feel it now dat tummy getting big. Now I can understand the worry of uterine rupture.
Woot! Just went for gynae chk up! Bb 2.8kgs @ 38wks. Gained 200g. I lost 300g!!! Shiok!!! =p

Btw my labor spd up onli after epi. If no epi dilation stuck. Tink depends on individual. =)
Chrisl, can u get cheap liquor there? If yes, u can mix some liqour into the boiled water to shower instead during confinement.. I dun use herbs. I use rice wine. Abt $20 plus per bottle. My mum will pour 2 cups of rice wine Into a pail of boiled water before I shower.
GG: Oh you went for c-sec for #1 too? I had occasional pain on and off my pregnancy - the diff between my #1 and #2 is actually only about 17 months. The risk of uterine rupture is there but only 1%. Studies show natural birth is definitely safer than a second c-sec so I'm still going to try... and pray really hard!
Congrats Zeal!

GG, mine is not that painful. Only sometimes will feel the pain. The scar is very super itchy. Will scratch every now and then. Can't take it liao.

Orangeroses, so VBCA is safer then c-sect again ah. SO I make the right choice. Pray hard too.

I'm finally 37weeks today. Still walking around and attending events hahaa... Mu mum very worried abt me, keep asking me not to go anywhere and rest at home. I told her if I don go now, next time with 2 kids cannot go liao.
GG, jia you!

Haiz, keep thinking that if anything were to go wrong, it will be my fault for choosing VBAC. Wanting to cry now. Getting more and more worried as time gets nearer.

Going to the temple to pray now.
OOps: I know how you feel. Sometimes I worry about tt too but if you think: Uterine rupture only happens 1% of the time, then the chances are quite slim. I asked my gynae, he said it's very rare, but if it happens, it happens. As long as you can do another emergency c-sec fast there sldn't be a problem.
orangeroses, thanks. I feel better after praying in the temple. Hope both of us can hav a smooth, fast and safe VBAC.
Hi Mummy,

How are you?

I'm Yvonne here. Anyone interested hiring a confinement lady can contact me at this no: 9009 4481 or 84814368.

My mum and aunty are working as confinement lady. They are very experience, friendly and not calculative person.

Please don't be hesitate to contact me for any enquiries.

Thank you.
Jus heard that my uncle is in hospital now. Shld be time up very soon for him. I wanted to go visit him leh. Hubby say got lots of germs in hospital, uncle very critical stage plus pandang so ask me not to go. But I very worried I can't see him for the last time. I keep having the feeling he will go on the day my bb arrive. Don knw y hav such strange feeling. I knw I definitely cannot go for the wake if he really go. No chance of seeing him if I don go now.

Feeling so sad now.
Opps, dun worry too much. Since u have decided, must have belief in yourself. For me my first delivery no dilation and bb was big so gynae worry may be same this round. So i just do C lor. Fast and more predictable and i vain scared below tear or dun recover well.

Sigh me having fever and bad cough now, dunno shd go doc or not. Quite xinku.
Opps, oh dear sorry to hear about dat. Can imagine how u feel and the dilemma. Talk to your hubby see if can agree on something? My hubby ah ma died on the day my first bb was born..but the family din tell us anything till our bb born..
GG Lee, Thanks. U better go see a GP now. Make sure its not some kind of infections cos u going for c-sect soon right. U can't be coughing and fever in the operation rm. Take care. Hope u recover asap.

Will tok to my hubby tonite cos he now overseas and busy rushing to finish his work so that he can come back sg asap. Hope he will let me visit my uncle tmr.

Opps, tks. Was wondering shd go GP or will gynae be able prescribe anything. Seeing my gynae tomorrow. Exactly I also fear coughing during op. In fact, think if fever not supposed to do surgery one.
