(2012/02) Feb 2012

Opps, sorry to hear about it. Like what GG mentioned, see if can work something out. If the gynae or doctors give the all clear then maybe you can still see your uncle one last time. If not talk on the phone?

Everyone is concerned about you so they extra pantang..

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 (exp Oct'13), $15 each (free tin of 400g)
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
Opps : if he is hospital I feel u should go. Nowadays hospital v clean , I used to work in hospital . Just go for a few mins don hv to stay long, if pantang after visit shower with some leaves or flowers fr temple if u believe.

Of cos things turn worst, no point visit him cos he is not there anymore.
Opps, in first tri, I was running in & out of hospital coz mil was hospitalized & hub was out of town.. I was sick too then & it was the lunar 7th lunar mth some more.. My mil was spouting nosence some more.. Refused to sleep whole day n talked abt her decreased relatives who came n visited her! I was worried too like u.. But what can I do? I m the dil n hub was not in town.. I just told myself bb will understand.. Do what u deem right.. Look at the other side of the coin where u are "tai Jiao" your unborn child.. Filial & respectful.
GG - I tink go gynae better. I went GP once. Some GP dun dare prescribe me things. She spend so much time reading up tis book while i was there. In the end the med is I ask for it coz I noe it's ok to take. Feel like i waste money. Could just self medicate. LOL! GP dun see preggies everyday. So they cannot b sure unless they v experienced or they recently encountered similar situations. Gynae may or may not have the med but even if dun have they can write u prescriptiOn to get med from pharmacy. =)

Opps - sry to hear ur situation. I tink really depends on u. Like how pangtang u are. I noe it's v heart wrenching. R u close to ur uncle? If really u're barred from going I'm sure ur uncle will understand still. How abt wat ur own family side says?
Hello everyone, I'm in labour suite now, long night to go! Contraction pain since 2pm, mucus plug dropped but only 1cm dilated.
luckily listened to you, Xia- had my lunch and chicken essence n bubble tea before admission.
Xia, tks. Ya I just take panadol tonight first. Remember basic panadol is ok. Tomorrow see gynae then ask her if need other medication. Having a bad throat infection.

Jen, all the best!!!

I am feeling heavier and heavier and really tired. Can't walk as fast le.
Thank you ladies for the congratulations!! so glad baby is healthy and feeding well, been so tired today entertaining relatives, friends and going for breastfeeding classes!

Planet, nice list! Could u help add me? I can't add another line.. Dunno y..

Nick Zeal mummy
Edd 15 feb, but Popped 7 feb
Princess #2
Normal delivery natural Mount Elizebeth hospital
GG Lee: yes. Have been using it since EBM. But when have more, eg 110ml or more sometimes will put in storage bag to store.

Jen: safe delivery!
Congrats to mommies who hv popped!!

Jen, jia you!! So excited one by one gg delivery suite! Im still waiting for mine! Hope lil princess comes out soon!
Congratulations zeal!! Same EDD as me but popped earlier - when is my turn?
Did you take long? Natural? Share your birth story after your mucus plug dropped!
Orangesroses, lucky I went to the hospital... Chewie & Mich was right. Going to hos v important, else I think might have given birth at home! Was already 5 cm dilated when I reached mt E.

9am spotting & water bag leak
Called gyne to ask .. Says wait for more signs
10am Had shower then ate breakfast.. Still worried
11am mild contractions started0
12pm reach mtE
1230pm admitted to delivery ward dilated 5 cm!!
130pm dilated 7 cm --screaming & grabbing hubby hand
230pm ... 9cm -- almost died (asked for laughing gas gassss)
3pm popped

Natural w laughing gas!
so proud of myself cos refused epi, unlike the last pregnancy!
Hi girls. Am gg c sect in the evening tmr... Anxious n worried more than excitement actually.... Hope all goes well. Congrats to zeal n the mommies who just popped these few days!
Jen - LOL bubble tea v impt cos 1 mth sure dun get to drink! Heh. Jia you jia you and all the best!!!

GG - no worries and get well soon ya! Sore throat mebbe too heaty. Drink some barley. Tink it helps! =)

Jinglebell - dun worry! Everything will b fine! Smooth delivery tml ya!

Zeal - omg so fast?!? Ur #1 take how long? The laughing gas useful? It just made me v high and laughing like mad when I tried it the last round. Neva numb pain leh. Anyways proud of u too!!!
Jinglebell, thanks and jia you for tomorrow! All will be fine, all the best!

Xia, I was screaming my head off.. Dunno whether the laughing gas helps.. Maybe psychologically it made me feel better. My #1 took twice as long.. So it's true, #2 really faster by half the time. I wonder #3 how? Better be near hospital all the time!! :p
Orangeroses, very soon for you I hope!
jia you!! Finishing line is in sight!

Baby wheezing a little as I breastfed her just now... Think the aircon here is too cold... Hope they will up the temperature along the corridor mAn, poor babies. Mummies who popped, does your babies sleep in aircon or fan or just open window?
Zeal, congrats on your smooth delivery!! Was sister seah also in your delivery suite? Nurse Sheila was there for mine. Hubby told me I grabbed her too. Haha.. I know when I took the gas I got quite drowsy n thirsty. It did help w pain relief for some time. Who is your gynae?

I found the rooms too hot cos aircon doesn't hit mummy's bed. R u in ward 4b? I was in 4a. Din find it too cold

At night, baby sleeps w fan. Afternoon, aircon n fan alternate cos my room faces aft sun. Super hot

Btw my total bill was ard 7.6k incl gynae n pd fees. I extended 1 night on top of the 2 nights package. R u going to take celebration dinner? We took the mini cocktail. Could feed quite a few hungry visitors who came before dinner

Ok back to sleep. Pump at 7+ again...
I just delivered. Jia you to mummy who is waiting to c their princess. Praise God mine was a fast one by grace. From 2 cm to 10 cm in less than an hour. Too fast for epi. Just took laughing gas. Not too sure if gas works but it does make me drowsy n pain less alittle. To all mum going to pop... Jia you
Morning all, my whole family don allow me to go. My cousin say my uncle in an infection hazardous ward so better not go.

No choice hav to listen to my family. When I'm young, I'm very close to him. But after i grown up, I seldom visit him anymore. Those childhood memories with him keeps coming to my mind now.

Zeal, u r great. Nvr use epi wor. How I wish I can skip that too.
Tks Soul! The manual pump comes with 2 via cups, thot I will try first before buying more in case no supply.

Congrats to all the mummies who popped!! Well done!!I think mine still not engaged at 38 wks.
Any mummies delivered at TMC 1 bedder C section can share the bill size? I have a feeling what they publish as average bill size not very zun.
GG: I think second birth won't engage one leh - usually they will only engage during labour! I asked my gynae and he confirmed - so no worries!
Hi mummies-to-be, sorry to interrupt,

Just sharing with you some of the items I'm letting go,

1. Preloved Tiny Love Take-Along Mobile, letting go at $25. Bought from Taka BB fair at $49.90. Music, soft toys animals are all in tip-top condition with no stain no tear & wear.
Product link: http://www.taime.com/tnv/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=1917

2. BNIB Pigeon Bottle and Baby Food Warmer, letting go at $25. It's brand new, received as gift but already had one.
Product link: http://www.pigeon.com.sg/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&category_id=28&product_id=120&Itemid=52

3. Preloved Baby Love nursing pillow, letting go at $18. Used less than 10 times, still in very good condition & the cover is machine washable.

PM or email to [email protected] for more info / pics if keen ya..
GG: should be ok one. Now one month already have about 130-200 per pump. Must get lotsa naps in between and also don't forget lotsa fluids and fenugreek
Tks soul. My first one bf not much success so guess it makes me not confident. Your wife is good!! Does the fenugreek taste bad?
Jus came back from gynea checkup. I put on 4kg within 2 wks. Bb also put on 500g within 2wks. Scary hor. The effect of CNY feasting and cravings fr fast food.

Hav to cut down on fast food and amount of food intake liao. I don wan bb to be too big for VBAC. Gynea est. bb will be smaller than #1 so let me try for VBAC.
Gynea nvr say whether bb engaged but say bb head very low liao. She say gd that I'm working till birth cos I hav to be more active and walk more for successful VBAC.
GG: capsule not much taste ba? But sweat have abit of smell. Herb.. She drink red date mainly and some soup. Very little water.
Oh ya, bb aldy 2.8kg at 37 wk. Hope he won't put on another 500g for the last 2 wks or he will definitely be bigger than #1 liao.
GG, hav to rinse your mouth with a bit of water after the red date drink cos it will make our teeths turn black. My teeth turn black after 1+wks of pure red date drink and soup.
Hi Mummies,

I have the BN SebaMed diaper rash cream to exchange:

1.Huggies/Pamper size M diaper/pull-up pant(12pcs)

2.Nan Pro 2 or Similac 2 - 400g tin.

3.Pigeon baby antibactic wipe - 2 packs.

Pls PM or email me for picture at [email protected]

Exchange point at Tampines.

Thank you.
Tks mummies, was still wondering is it I never drink plain water during no 1 so not much supply. So looks like is correct no plain water.

Opps, my bb also gain more during last few weeks. Now 3.3kg.
Zeal - LOL!!! Ya man! Scarli give birth at home for #3!?! So scary!

Lynn - OMG u even faster than zeal? #3? =p joking. How u made it to hospital so fast? U go immediately when got signs or still got dilly dally abit? Anyways gd job!!! grats and have a gd recovery!

GG - I did drink plain water during confinement cos the red date drink made me nose bleed. Too heaty for me. I tink it helped in supply by quite abit. But I guess it's just the increase in fluid intake. Must drink and eat more!

Opps - den u better not go ba. U gotta just try not tink abt it. Preggies v easy emo and they prob dun wan ur mood to b affected too much. I noe not easy but with so many pple objecting, they all wan the best for u and bb. Dun worry too much ya! Btw my last gynae visit, me and bb also gained alot of weight. But tis time round slow down le. Tink after 37 wks will slow down? My gynae was predicting 100g a wk from 38wks till edd. So ur bb should b gd size! =)

Orangeroses - oooooo I din noe tat! Cool! Was wondering y my #2 till now haven engaged. Den I kiP trying to walk and do hiP excercise! LoL. Now my hip bone damn Pain Sia...
i miss my bb in my tummy... felt super emo when i went to visit my gynae for check up 1 week later to check on my stitches... seeing all the pregnant mommies, and missing the visits to the gynae...
I popped this morning at 5am!
Bb weighs 3.3kg. Heng my labour only 5hrs.. Considered short for 1st time mummy. Hee.

Now trying to get bb latch on, but not so easy eh. Bb scream when I tried to latch on 1st time..

Btw, TMC is super crowded. I had to stay in a 4bedded room this morning after delivery becos no more single bed n single premium rooms available.
Just shifted to single bed room.. Phew..
Chilli quek, congrats!!! Oh gosh, no single room?? I kena had to stay one night in 2 bedder during no 1 and couldn't take it man. Neighbor keeps having lots of visitors and I find the room so small! Keep fingers crossed will get my single premier.
