(2012/02) Feb 2012

Congrats chilli quek.

Xia, yup, I won't be going.
My gynea est 200g per wk leh. I don think will slow down. Instead bb will put on more weight. My #1 is like that. And some of my friend's bb also put on more weight in the last few weeks. I'm very worried now loh. Jus had fast food and eat a lot again. Dinner hav lots to eat too. Chiam, fat fat!

Wow congrats Chilli Quek! short labour for first time mommy! i wish mine too, i keep telling bb also...heehee...hope it works..

3.3kg shld be alright...my sister having 3.8kg boy, natural...my cousin 4.07kg c-sec...big babies run in the family....**gulpz**
Wah haven't checked for a while so many mummies popped! Congrats and have speedy recovery ya!

Opps: red date tea will make teeth turn black? Hmm I nv check my teeth leh but look the same, maybeyour teeth too white lah!

GG: I think the red date tea and soup help in milk production.
But fluid intake also need to be sufficient. Need at least 2-3l a day.

Rocco: ur hormones are acting up lah! It's normal for first time
mummies but do keep it in check ya!

Looks like really a lot of babies this year!
Hi all, did anyone try red raspberry leaves tea during your pregnancy? Does it really help with the contractions and make labour faster?
Congrats to all mummies! Wah chili quek, 5hrs is super fast. I hope I have such duration as urs too.

I just went for 38weeks check up and bb gain 300g to 2.8kg. Good thing is I've been losing weight since 37weeks, 1kg in 2 weeks. N one of my worst fear is confirmed... I got stretch marks =(

Anyway... I'm still waiting for bb to be out naturally. Been on maternity leave since monday and the waiting time is boring me already. Reading so many mummies have given birth makes me wanna hold my boy in my arms soon! But we shall see how it goes ba...the rest of the mummies who are still waiting.. JIA YOU!
hi ladies

i'm a sept mtb.. will like to know if your confinement lady is good, esp cooking.. pls recommend her to me if you hv good reviews on ur cl.. thanks!
Chilli quek - woot gd job! Grats!!! =) waaaaa tmc so full? Sux Sia! Hope can get rm when my turn comes. The 4 bedded full also when u waiting there? How long u stayed there? Are they gonna charge u 4bedded or single bedded like tis? Anyway have a gd recovery!!!

Opps - dun worry I also eating alot of nonsense! Hahahha see how at next appt? Mebbe by den u pop already since doc say ur bb v low? Heh. Mine still v high up. Sianz.
Hi soul daddy, how many hrs apart does soul mummy pump? How many tablets of fenugreek she take? Which brand? I have gnc.. Dunno to take not wait to see if supply will go up. Am pumping about 70-100+ combined
Chewie: so many questions! Lol
1) averagely 3 hours between each pump. Even if very little.
But now stretch about 4-5 hours. Guideline is if you feel full then go pump. Otherwise will engorge.
2) same we bought from GNC. 2 tablets 3x a day. And we KS got motilin (dunno the spelling) from our gynae during the 2nd week to help
3) can just take. 70-100 is pretty good already. Just now SoulMummy pump 210 but remember we don't pump as often now as initially.
Chilli: congrats! Wah u very steady just 5 hours.. SoulMummy contractions till delivery 30.. If second one faster then you next time just 2 hours? Lol
Xia, my Gynae told me tat it's super full this mth for tmc. Dunno mt A or tmc got to convert on the waiting room to wards so it's not enough. Crossing my fingers also that there will be available rooms for us.
Just to share on the availability of single bedded room at TMC, when my hubby register in the morning, he was told there was no standard single bedded room available and we might have to take single premier onwards. But by the time I popped in the evening, I got a standard single bedded room.
Hi girls, i jus gone thru c sect at 5pm. Princess indeed very Chubby. 4.04kg n 52cm long. Luckily listened to dr, didn't insist natural birth. Keke.

Jus now giddy n tired, so I asked nurse to give formulae milk via cup feed. If I only start bf tmr, is tt ok?
jinglebell: yep sld be ok! My first one was c-sec at abt 7pm - I only saw my son in the morning and bf started from there too.
Congrats jinglebell

Soul: I'm going to see LC tomorrow afternoon. The staff told cost could be about $85-90. How come yours only $70? So gd...
BluCryst: Dunno leh. You ask them got discount anot? Eh we think 70 plus is expensive already. I still think they overcharge us.. Get use to being a mummy already?
soul and chewie, better to be hardworking and pump every 3hrs. Don stretch. Even if don feel full in 3hrs time still go pump. Cos hav to tell the breast bb need more milk. Supply and demand. Tat time I only stretch when I back to work and result is supply drop a lot. Since soul mummy still on ML, pump every 3hrs.

I don dare to fenugrek (GNC) cos when I took, I feel giddy and urine with a smell. So I worry my milk will also be affected by the smell.

jinglebell, wow, big bb. Congrats! Make me worry now. Hope my bb don go bigger then #1 cos I wan VBAC.
Agree with Oops. Oops I am going for my gynae check at 10! Hopefully baby still good size to go VBAC - but my gynae not very into doing u/s o maybe he won't check size - he doesn't like to scare me if bb is too big. hee! Last night I thought I felt contractions but it's false labour - oh well - looks like she is happy staying in there!
Oops: for us we feel it's better to pump with a slightly longer stretch since the milk flow is already established and can rest in between otherwise when feed baby and change diaper and sterilize bottles and pump milk finish sometimes not enough time to rest or nap. Will affect the milk flow also. The LC say must nap or rest in between to get better flow. Now the EBM already ytd had to throw away half a cup due to 24hrs... Very wasted..

Anyway different people maybe different ba.. But If you feel giddy better don't eat.. Doctor can also give med to stimulate bm.
soul, u nvr store in freezer? Those extra can store in freezer for future used. Last time I record all my pumps so I can see even tot I pump more every 4 to 5 hrs instead of 3hrs but whole day add up to be lesser. I also record all feeds. So I knw there is extra for storage in freezer. If not enough, I will bring down from freezer to top up.

Ya loh, I better don take med or fenugrek. Worried leh. I know some ppl took fenugrek and hav lots of milk. For me no effect. I prefer natural method like what i hav mentioned long ago.

orangeroses, jus notice u hav chosen a gd gynea that is pro and gd at VBAC. U shld be in gd hands. Now also worried if bb stay longer inside tummy, he will grow bigger. But I really don wan him to come out so fast leh. My #1 not yet trained for sleeping on his own and I'm still enjoying pregnancy and family of 3. Mix feeling lah.
Have store alot in freezer already.. I think have 25 packs already. Wa you very hardworking we never record down.
They say freezer can store up to 6 months? And if just out in refrigerator is 24 hours?
Souldaddy: did the medicine doc gave u effective? I am taking fenugreek 8 capsule per day but only manage to pump on 30-50ml. 50ml that's is I miss one 3 hrly pump. Today is my 13 day. How long did soulmummy took to built up her supply?

Going to see my gynea next Monday I will ask him for the medicine if it's effectively.
Serene123: we can't really be sure. We took the meds probably sometime in the 2nd week. And initially also around that kind of level. I guess it took SoulMummy probably 3-4weeks before she started to hit past 100ml. Lately each pump is also around 130ml to 200ml.

But we also stopped the medicine le. I think for Asians it might take us about a month to build up a decent flow?
Soul, for me I try not to store in freezer for too long. Guideline from KKH booklet:

Deep freezer - 6mths
Normal freezer - 3mths
Fridge - 48hrs
From freezer down to fridge - 24hrs
out of fridge or freshly pump and left at rm temp - 1hr

I think our freezer are not deep freezer and we keep open and close the freezer door. So I only store in freezer for 3mths. Then those that going to expire and bb not drinking (extra), I will pass to my niece and nephew to drink. This time I will let my #1 drink. Hehee...
Serene, slowly.. I m taking fenugreek too.. But my gynae said 1 tablet 2x a day only! He also gave me domperidone, 1 tablet 3x a day. Today is d17, my volume of milk abt the same as yours...
Hazel and souldaddy: I will be patient and pump see if supply can hit 100ml per pump. Cos tired for pump every 3 hrs cannot continue rest.
Serene, I sleep thru in the night! Every morning wake up, breasts hurt. My gf said slowly... She wanted to give up too.. Her bb was born in oct last yr... Now she still pumping!
Soul: yah, $70 also exp, but compared to the quoted price they gave me yours considered cheap. I will ask again if there's discount for FBI card or TMC patient. I did mention I delivered at TMC.

The other day I didnt pump every 3hr my milk as got affected now.. Sigh.. I used to be able to pump 160ml on gd days.. On average also can hit around 100ml. But now instead of feeling engorged every 3 hr, my breasts still don't feel as full, and it affect my volume.
So far I pump diligently every 3-4 hrs. Avg 6-7 pumps per day. Never hit the 8 pumps think hv to be more on and hv to sleep less. Cos every time I nap I will overslept.
congrats to mummies who have just given birth~

finally my turn tomorrow. Decided to induce midnight today at TMC. Hope to see bb by tml afternoon! Also heard from my gyane tt TMC is running out of single beds, seems like there is an average of about 60+ babies born per day for the past few days. hope I can get my single bed.

Re: breastfeeding
I'm also worried that I do not have enuff milk for my bb girl, even though she is my 2nd child. Just to ask, any idea if it is ok to take fenugreek and lactation tea on the same day?
Gals, NLB is giving out a very nice baby journal coupled with a music CD with poetry,songs etc. there is also a growth chart. it is free. pls go and collect from any NLB library is not displayed at the rack.
Oops: I hope so. But sometimes busy with baby end up stretch till about 4 hrs or bit more than start to pump. A friend of mine said pumping regularly won't really help to increase ss as she herself have tried it. I'm not sure if it's true for all.
Chewie, I was at 4A also .. Super hot!! Aircon blowing ceiling.. Mine was sister Linda. Did u have to fork out extra $$ for the dinner?
Khim, jia you!!

Getting a lil boring with the confinement... So hot and sweaty' sianz...wish it'll quickly end. Anyone planning full mnthbparty already? Oh yes, you long zi charges how much for the names?
Oops: Yep, I have a really good gynae!
Am very happy to be with him because I know he will let me try. Today no u/s done but he said my baby seems to have put on abt 300gm - which makes it about 3.2kg and I'm already 39 weeks 2 days liao. Why isn't my girl coming out? *faint*

NC: Agree with you. Latching may be extremely comfortable during the adjustment period - but it gives you time to rest. when baby sleeps you can sleep too - recuperating the strength you need for taking care of a newborn. Try to latch as much as you can, stimulates production too. We don't need to know how much baby is getting. Sometimes being very taken up by numbers will make us feel inadequate. For me I never knew how much I could "produce" for #1 until I went back to work. I latched and pump to empty so when I went back to work i got abt 150ml every 3 hours. But DS only needed 80ml every 2.5-3 hours (at 3 mth +). So I cld even save some! So sometimes not knowing is better. As long as they get heavier and get enough wet diapers tt means they are thriving!
orangeroses, you choose him cos of VBAC for #2 or he is your gynea since #1. How he know bb's weight when no u/s done? Wat is your #1's weight? He nvr do cervix check at all for u rite? Mine was 3.3kg. So my bb cannot be bigger then 3.3kg. Stress! If he continue to put on 500g in 2 wks, will exceed.

Maybe cos I study a/cs, I'm very particular abt figures. Plus having the experience of #1 losings so much weight when I change to latch, I'm very worried loh. But I will still try to latch for #2. And will pump if #2 nvr empty my breast.
Orange roses, be patient! ;) hehe baby will come out when time is ripe! Mine #1 was 3.2kg, was hoping #2 will stay longer before meeting us... But she prefers to be out. Glad she is healthy and well. I'm latching totally, baby actually lost 700g when I checked out.
oops: No my first gynae was from another clinic - I wanted VBAC so I did my research extensively and chose him. He is very experienced and i read that he is very zun in terms of estimating baby's size. He doesn't like to do u/s every week. Quite traditional.
My #1 weight was 3.465kg! Nope, he Paul doesn't do cervix check.

Zeal: I am trying to be patient! haha - the problem is VBAC success rate lower if baby is bigger - am envious we have the same EDD and yours came out so fast! I'm already 39 weeks 2 days today. Last night I had some minor contractions and thought "HEY! This is IT!" but no lor - it stopped after 2 hours (half hr interval followed by 15 mins interval). I think normal for baby to lose weight when check out - 10% - but if baby had a lot of water retention during birth then it could be more. But keep going anyway! As long enough poo/pee it means ok!
orangeroses, yup I did research too tats y I know he very gd in VBAC. But I prefer to stay in KKH so can't take him. Wonder if I can go see him for 1 appt to check on the size of bb cos my current gynea's est not very zun. I will also ask my gynea not to check cervix until I check-in to delivery suite. Will your gynea let u try VBAC if bb bigger than #1?
After work check forum so many posts!

Zeal: we had our full month party le since our DD born early. We used select catering/ Stamford same company.. Terrible.. Late la.. No chairs la.. Luckily we KS make them come early and our guests all came later. For relatives and some friends we ordered those cake from sweetest moments which alot of ppl comment very nice.. My MIL prefer the assortment of cakes tarts etc say very nice.

Bluecryst: I think pumping regularly helps. If not latching then more hard work. I agree with NC that latch on best but whatever the reason can't then EBM also ok but more work as things to clean etc and will have more incidence of blocked ducts.

Hazel: thanks for the tip! Will go down to NLB to check it out!

Serene123: it's ok la.. When u rest and nap supply is better.. LC say one.
Oops u are right. 3 months the deep freezer kind is different..
Those can go down to -5 degrees.... No space to put. Haha.. Not ex to buy.

Hazel: I went down to collect already very nice.. Lol I just say heard that's some free journal for baby and come with cd to give away is it? Haha..
