(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hello ladies,

Me too! my back is aching like hell these days. Wonder if its bcos my bb is big? scary.. feel like calling in pre-natal massage. I'm hoping for natural delivery too!

can add me to the FB group too?
my email [email protected]
Hi Mummies,

I am a silent reader all this while n currently approaching 30wks. Am greatful for all the valuable information found here!

Thanks Jen for the 3D scan recommendation, just made an appt this sat. Hopefully bb is in the right position

My details as follows:
EDD: 4th Feb 2012
Gender: Boy
Gynae: Dr Benjamin Tham
Christina78, cannot leh. Maybe like what jen say mus add friend to create group. I have added you as friend, pls approved.
Then I will try again.
Welcome Happytomato! You got your memo to do the 3D scan from Dr. Benjamin yet? Don forget to bring that and your 20 weeks scan report if you have. We have the same gynae
I am wif Dr. benjamin too, Edd 14-Feb-2012.

Jas-add me too as friend-my email [email protected] , hehehe
hi jen and happy tomato
i m with dr ben tham too! my edd is 07 feb 2012. i got the memo liao, will collect it these few days. booked appt for next tues morning.
Thanks for the reminder Jen
Dr Tham & his nurse were like so surprised tt its less than $60. Ask me to bring the pics over when i go for my next visit.

Hi Rocco, i am so looking forward to the scan! Hopefully we both managed to get nice and clear pictures

Btw may i check with u both.. how frequent r ur visits with Dr Tham from 3rd trimester onwards? Coz i'm told to visit him 3 wks later aft my 29wk visit... thought its suppose to be 4 wks still?
Happytomato, dr tham never say anything, i scheduled mine about 4 weeks later
. He mentioned somethhing on my week 24 about increasing the visits after a certain number of weeks, but i forget what he said. Oops! think its after week 32

Dunno if i can change my scan to sat, but i dun like sats, its so crowded!
Chewie, my last visit at 25+ weeks, my bb is already head down. But not engaged yet. actually, from bb's kicks u can tell roughly bb is head down or head up. Also, when bb is head down, u can feel the pressure at the pelvic n lower areas. Butt, backside n upper thighs will start to ache also...
Happy tomato: Dr Tham is looking forward to my 3D pics as well at the next visit. He said will reccomend to other patients since its so much cheaper than doing at TMC.
think it was 32 weeks onwards, he will see us once a week.

Hazel, your baby is already head down? That's fast! I'm kind of worried, my baby still in upright breach position at the last visit.
Hi Serene,

When i was at my 28wks, my gynae also says my baby is 1.3kg.. medium-large size...
told me to cut down on carbo...
Jen, I dunno if bb will still change position. But, I roughly can tell her legs are still at my belly there coz kicks r there...
Jas, I did not see your friend request in FB. Wanna add again?

Teoong, I did my first session of pre-natal massage today. Feel super good after it especially my back. Am so looking forward to my 2nd session

Serene & Cranky, I just did my 28 weeks checkup yesterday, Doc says my baby is about 1.1kg but I have put on 3kg each mth for the past 2 mths. When I asked if I need to control my diet, he say if I want, I can cut down on carbo....
Morning, jus did the add friend in fb for those who gave me their email address. Please approved me and I will try to create the group again. Hope I can figure out how to create group.
Jus tok to hubby on the 3D scan. He say #1 nvr do 3D then Di di hav 3D scan, don knw whether in future #1 will get angry. #1's time have no such offer leh. Its $100+ leh. Haiz, hubby ask me to decide. Then #1 I did maternity photoshot and I also took pic of my tummy every mth. I nvr do all tis to #2 leh. Haiz. Headache!!!! Very difficult to be fair.

Feel like going cos tis will be my final pregnancy.
In order to be fair, I jus asked my friend to take maternity photoshot for me. He is still learning so he won't be charging me. He took for my #1 pregnancy as well.
serene & cranky: mine also 1.3 kg at 28w but gynae said ave??? Look like diff gynae have diff standards? I dun keep track of my monthly weight gain already, cuz v depressing if cannot eat what I want to eat, esp now appetite getting poor again...

100% Cotton Hanky/WashCloth from Korea

1 Pack (10 pcs) - $8.90 each (Less than $1 a piece!)
Above 3 packs - $8.50 each

I want to introduce this 100% cotton hanky for babies. It's brought in from Korea and I personally use no other hankies/wash cloths but these for my 1 year old baby. Since she was born till now, I have been using these hankies as washcloth for her face and body (even my CL says its very good and she has never seen it before!).

They are also used as burp clothes and her hanky for going out. In her first 6 months, she has slight reflux and frequently threw up. I prefered to use these cloths instead of tissue paper as they are much gentler to the skin.

It's super soft, thin, washes and dries easily and very cheap too! It can be washed over and over again in the washing machine and doesn't tear easily.

They come in packs of 10 at $8.90 each. If you get 3 packs and more, its $8.50. Postage is calculated separately or collection can be arranged.

PM me if keen. Thanks
Hi Jac- accpeted you as friend!Your boy look so cute!

BluCryst- I did ask abt the 3D, whether its ok to do- it seems that its harmeless like the rountine scan we do every month-the machine they use its actually similar, just that the machine has an additional 3D function which can convert the shots taken to 3D.
Jas- why don't you go lah since you want to close factory after #2. I'm sure #1 has more photos in his album to look at than #2 and will not be angry over the 3D shot. And its true! I felt bad when I realised I have 3 big books of baby-childhood photos to choose for my wedding montage but when my younger sis tried to find childhood photos for her wedding, she only have like less than 10pieces-so sad. My sis was like grumbling to my parents why so unfair-jiejie got so many but she don have. so if you ask me- I would say- give it to #2 as Christmas gift lah!
Yeah, I hav successfully created the group in fb. "Feb2012Mummies". Those who I hav not add as friend, can try to seach for "Feb2012Mummies" and see whether you can request to join the group.
happytomato: if i never remember wrongly, after 32 weeks is once in 2 weeks, then nearing delivery (should be after wk 36) then once a week.
Thanks Jen. Yup, shld be going for the scan. Will get the gynea letter on 6 Dec. I can called to bk appt 1st rite. Finally done the fb group.
Hi all, I am a nov mummy who had delivered to a baby boy at tmc on 14 nov.

I had some challenges in breast feeding so bought a breast feeding pillow (My Brest Friend brand) last friday. It did help a lot in my breast feeding but bec I do not have enuff milk for my baby, I decide not to latch him on already and will try to pump out whatever i hve instead.

The original price is $83. I am willing to let go at $65. It is still very new cos I only used it last friday and weekend, and I still have the plastic cover. Please pm me if you are interested. Self-collection at Toa Payoh - can arrange to meet at MRT station. Thanks.
Morning mummies!

TGIF!! yaahooo... Can't wait for the day to end!

Jas, i tried to find the group "Feb2012Mummies" but cannot find leh.

Serene/ cranky / NC, your beanie at 1.3kgs at 28wks looks okay to me. But probably your gynae takes into considerations your build as well then tell you to cut carbos? Mine scan at 25wks alr 1.088kgs le.. Hear liao I wana cry lor, gynae says Big for me and ask me to cut dwn carbos as much as possible and eat more protein. boohoo.. my meals are boring these days really limited food to eat cos have to control carbos intake.. but let's jia you. Endure and it will soon be over when we see our little ones in our arms!

Hi Evon, its at the radiology dept in Parkway East, to call for an appt, number is 6340-8715-cost affordable at $59.

Jas-thanks for setting up the FB page! yah-can call n book appt first.
Teoong, I aldy set to "Open". U try see whether can find? Anyone can advise on how to make the group able to viewed by everyone?
Rocco, I had wanted to ask Dr. Tham but each time when I'm there, I forgot. :p Okay, next week appt- I will remind my HB to remind me to ask. Interested- but think some of the mummies discussed on the usefulness before, and conclusion-not so beneficial which leaqd me to second thoughts.
Christina- Natal essential seem to be a popular choice among mummies. You can try out their one time trial offer at $10,I think and see if you like it.
Teoong and NC, are you both viewing FB now wif phone or desktop? For phone, you can't see the group until you accepted the invite.
I tried to add Teoong and Rocco's email address through the group's add friends function, don know if it will work..if you see the invite, then it does.
Hi Jas, is there a difference between open gp and closed gp. It says Closed gp-Anyone can see the group and who's in it. Only members see posts. For open gp- Anyone can see the group, who's in it, and what members post. so for open gp, can others who are not members post on wall as well? Just worried about getting unwanted adverts on FB gp page as well.
Anyone know? I'm lousy wif FB too.
Jen, me too, I'm lousy with computers. I wan to set as closed but teoong say can't view so I try open. Since she still can't view, I will change it back to closed. But wonder what other settings I need to do?

Hi Jas, thanks for setting the group.
I still cannot see the group, even when I tried to search for it again. Search results shows nothing. I am using desktop currently.
