(2012/02) Feb 2012

Serene added you in. Now soo busy leh-SMH forum and FB, very distracting. ahahaha.

Think for me-I would like to try for natural first as well. To experience the utimate pain once in a lifetime. I had an op done several years back for my cysts and I had a really bad post-anaesthesia effects of vomitting and drowsiness for 2 days post-op. Really don wish to spend my 1st 2 days of motherhood in that terrible state-and just like wat Jas mentioned,on top of the bad pain, and wif pain killers, how to breast feed?

Jas, thanks for sharing... I will try for natural birth, jus pray that I wouldn't freak out and dun know what to do, how to push etc...

I finally started shopping for the baby over the weekend. Bought clothes etc. But I get tired easily, need to sit down very often, haha...
Morning mummies!

Start of the week again.. How i wish it's Friday! haha.. counting dwn mood.
Personally, I would opt for natural birth again if I can. Like what Jas has mentioned, the wound heal faster bah, only prob might be after birth when you move your bowel. But I think can always ask for your gynae to give stool softener if you scare to push during bowel n the pain. The best thing about natural birth is that you can call in yr massage lady 3-5days after natural birth.
Jas: admire your spirit! hope all the best for you and the bb!

GHK: dun worry lah, when ur in there there are so many things that can happen, but most ppl I know managed to go thru natural, although most with epi. So it's really doable.
Rocco, epi is the most wonder invention in the world. After epi u won't feel anything. No pain at all. I can laugh with hubby and tok on the phone after epi.

NC, Thanks.

GHK, jus take it when it comes. I don knw how to push. Mus wait till tat day for the nurse or midwife to teach me. Hope I can have a chance to do that lah.
My first 2 births were c-sect. When i asked my gyane if i could deliver my #3 naturally, he also said NO NO! After 2 c-sects, the 3rd must be a c-sect. And he cannot allow me to go into labour cos high risk for myself and baby. Thus he will have to deliver my bb at 38th wk. It's gonna be CNY bb.. ;P

Go for natural is the best.. You can still opt for epidural to reduce the labour pain.. ;P
I'm feeling nausea again. Headache, vomit air and stomach uncomfortable. Still having bad coughing and running nose. For almost a mth liao. THinking of calling The private Suite for hospitalization leave.

Bubbliciouslee, y your 2 kids born c-sect?
Hi Mummies! It's been long since i last log in... so topic now is on natural or c-sect birth?

Any one has tried natural w/o epi? i had wanted to do it for #1, but after 1 long night, i cannot take it.. in the end took epi... =( this time round i wanted to try again, but not sure if i will succeed this time....
Hi bubbliciouslee, C-sect is indeed risky. Wah, CNY bb then your confinement will be costly lor.

Yes, go for natural and take epi if cannot tahan the pain. I went in for for nbr# 1 was due to backaching, not so much of labour pain. End up take epi cos cannot tahan backpain. hehehe.. Delivery wise I would say it's very smooth & fast, hope my nbr#2 will be the same.

Jas, go and see doc immediately. Don't risk your health.
Mich: me too wanna try w/o epi this time! But my pain threshold v low, when my water bag bust I already tot I could die from the pain. So prob this time will end up epi again
NC - hahaha, so #1 u oso try to tahan? i heard so much abt the side effects of epi, getting worried for my health later on when i'm older... some frens advise me to go c-sect this time round cos it's not so damaging to my body. also becos i've alr been thru natural, this time can try c-sect. but then again worried that i can't go for natural again in future.
I also tried to tahan for my #1, but end up taking epidural. Its too painful for me.

I'm thinking whether I shld go KKH or jus take leave to rest. Haiz. Jus realised I hav 1 dya leave left. I definably need a rest.
Rocco, Christina78 - Yah loh tts y i m confused aft hearing wat my frens said. But on the other hand like wat NC & Jascmy mentioned, seems like its more beneficial for our bb when we go thru natural birth
Just afraid tt if cannot dilate enough end up c sect..
Does anyone know if this is the case, do we have to pay for both natural & csect charges?

3D Scan
Rocco i went for my 3d scan last sat. But BB was facing downwards so the sonographer asked me to take a 3 mins walk outside and come bk again. 2nd time still the same but luckily she managed to angle it in such a way whereby i managed to get half frontal view. So happy can see him yawning and sucking his thumb haha
The sonographer was very nice and told me its ok if i do not want the pics since only side views but i cannot resist it la lol. Hope ur bb facing upwards when u go for the scan
happytomato, yup, u have to pay for both natural and c-sect. So the bill is really a bomb to me.

Going kkh soon. Haiz, my boss face so black when I tell her I'm taking time-off to go KKH.
jascmy, if u need the rest u need the rest. No point pushing yourself and you shouldnt be pushing it in the first place. If you don't rest, u never will after bb arrives. I will take HL too if im really tired. Just had my gynae appointment last Friday and i was really tempted to take up the offer of 1 week HL for this week! But it's really a bad time for me to take HL now so i will just tahan first. If there's really nothing urgent for u at work, i strongly suggest you rest at home....
Very good info and past experiences on c-sect and natural birth. Thanks Mummies! After hearing so much, I will go for natural w epidural. I am one of the unlucky ones with very bad period cramps ( can roll on floor, vomit n black out kind ). So am very scared of the contraction pain. Wouldnt want to traumatise myself then dun dare to have Nbr 2.
Jas, yeah i agree w Butterwaffles. I can understand how tough it is for you working mothers out there. I really do appreciate that I do not have to work during this period, if not I think I will end up with lots of leaves as well especially when the backache strikes....

Sorry I've been away so long! Missed talking to u girls! Have been v busy with wrapping up work. Company re-org so forced to handover and start clearing my leave.

Hope everyone is progressing well! I'll be staying home most of the time now so hopefully can log in and chat more. =)

Ok.. I'll go catch up on reading what I missed. =)
happytomato, what i understand is the hospital will charge whatever is more expensive. Eg, if you go natural delivery, end up csection, they will auto charge u the csection package price. BUT, for the period of time you are in the labour ward before you kenna csec, the use of labour ward & the stuff you use there, will be charged separately ala carte.

re:natural or csec
I wont say which is better but a matter of which one is more suitable and safer for the mother & baby. If can, by all means try natural. If pain, take epidural. If still cannot, then csection. It's not a crime to take epi or undergo csec and you aint lesser of a mother/woman because of that
Hi Planet, really long time didnt see you here.

Jas, good that you decide to go and see doc. really must rest our body now that we are going into 3rd tri, need all the rest now.

Have you mummies buy NB diapers already? me still dragging.. dunno to buy how many packs to standby cos Gynae says bb is big makes me reluctant to buy so many packs of NB diapers. Should b buying more size S to standby. I really do hope that my gynae will give me HL nearer to EDD manz, super dun feel like working and dun wana waste leave. **praying hard**
Teoong, i usually order my boy's diapers online so i shun bian ordered 1 pack of NB diapers, since they deliver to my place. I'm delivering at Mt A and they use Huggies. First time mummies might wish to note that the cutting of Huggies is abit smaller. So if you using Huggies, don't buy too many packs first
Oh, i also might be asking for HL nearer to EDD. I'm sure i can't walk by then. My pelvic bone is killing me. But still can tahan. When cannot, i will just ask for HL. I don't wish to push myself....
happytomato: My scan is tmr.
you know i m so paranoid, internet sometimes provide too much info that makes me scared, like side effects etc... So its safe hor?

Yeah i will talk to bb and ask him to behave tmr. haha
jas - nothing is more impt than ur health and bb's well-being.. like wat my hubby always tells me, i can always look for another job, but if something happens to me or bb, i'll regret forever...
NC, you mean water bag burst is also painful? Oh no. I'm planning to take epidural, dun think I can tahan the contraction pain.
Rocco, I was reading abt the 3d scan on Internet too. Should be ok if they keep it to under 30 mins. The only scary part to me is that the sound waves gog in will generate noise to the baby, and the level is like train approaching the station. I thought that is quite high. Since 3d uses the same technology as our usual scans, I think it should be ok, after all, we also did Oscar and the 20 week detailed scan, and both took quite long.
GHK - my pain got worse after doc broke my water bag... i tot if i could tahan the contractions for 1 whole night, i should be able to take it... but i was wrong... =(
Pardon my posting onto this thread.

Would like to share that I have one unit of preloved Medela Freestyle to let go as I have stopped breastfeeding. It is a local unit that was purchased in 2010. Complete set (with box and receipt) in good condition.

Letting go at S$300 (neg). Also able to throw in freebies like BNIB baby clothes, etc.

If you are interested, please contact me at wusimidaizi [at] gmail [.] com.

Mich, my gynae burst my waterbag when i asked for epi cos cannot tahan backpain even though I can alr 3cm dilated. I can understand why you say cannot tahan the pain cos somehow I could feel the contractions getting stronger even when I had epi. Dont think I can tahan the pain as well if I went thru what you went thru. Epidural = hapidural! haha.. I will still ask for epidural again this time round. Mai Tu Liao!! :p
GHK: yeah for my case it hurt real bad when the water bag burst! And the pain will get worse and worse with every contraction leading to the final push. But I also heard that with every contraction, your pain threshold get higher and higher. But I dared not push my limit at that time, cuz too painful I couldn't dilate fast enough. After epi everthing was super fast and smooth.
Teoong, i bought 2 packs of Pampers NB. I think hosp will give you the pack of leftovers NB after the stay. So dun stock up too many now. Husband can go and buy if we need more. ;)
Thanks butterwaffles and Effie for the suggestions. Heehee.. then i will stdby my hb to go n buy if needed. Lazy me still hvnt pack my hospital bag, really nua and tired these days chasing after nbr# 1.
GHK: Yeah thats my concern also. Cos detailed scan and oscar is essetial for bb as it determines bb's health. the 3d scan is like for keepsakes only so is it like exposing baby to more risk when there isnt a need to?
re: contraction pains
Sometimes i feel it's not just the intensity of the pain. But the stamina also...i mean, how long can one tahan if u suay suay need 10 hours to dilate 10cn that kind?! The duration matters alot too! Aiyoh, my colleague said her pain is like someone using a knife stabbing at her vagina repeatedly. And sorry, she didn't use epi ok...tahan all the way.

teoong, i haven't packed bag too. I didn't even give it a thought until you've mentioned it!!! Now i keep thinking about how to pack my house for CNY. Havent got to the hospital bag part ^^ But then again, 2nd time for me already, more or less i know what i need so quite alright. Just hope baby won't come out week 37 on the dot before my scheduled csec date, else happy CNY to me in the hospital....

Mummies who are suffering from very backpain, you can try going on all fours a few mins at a time at home. I find that it helps with my pelvic bone pain. I don't know about you all, but if i walk too much, too long or simply stay in a position for too long, the pain gets very hard to bear. It's like, neither here nor there, move also die, dont move also die.
Thanks for the info Jascmy & Butterwaffles

Rocco - i think its safe as Dr Tham didn't discouraged us from doing it. Keep us updated on ur scan ya

Teoong - I bought 2 pkts of NB Pampers & 2 pkts of S size Pampers during the last parenthood fair as they were having a promotion.

Shengshiong having promotion on some bb items from 24/11/11 - 07/12/11. The pampers diapers r cheaper than wat i got from the fair! hmph
Butterwaffles, now that you mentioned on going on all fours to ease the backaches. I recall reading that somewhere also. Mind old liao, didnt think of that. heehee.. will try that tonite! Choy choy choy, talk to your bb to stay in your tummy till wk38. Have confidence!

Happytomato, thanks for your infos on the shengsiong bb items promos. Will look out for it and get hb to buy.
Planet - ^5!!! hope you can go thru it!!! btw, wat's the chart that you're creating? wanted to go in to take a look but stupid company blocked the page...
Mich, NC - ok, so contractions get really bad esp after water bag burst. Fingers crossed....

Rocco, that's why I'm still undecided, will decide by this sat as I'm seeing gynae for 28 week checks, will have to ask her for memo if I'm going for it.

We were talking abt cord blood previously. Me and hubby finally decided to donate it, not going to bank it.
Planet-long time no hear! How r u? Can update for me: baby gender-Girl, #1 for me.

Happytomato, Thanks! Shengsiong has got really good deal! Better than the last NTUC one. Good buy must buy, going to chion this sat for pampers. The mamypoko has got 2 packaging yellow and blue, anyone knows if there's any difference other the the price?
happytomato: Any idea why eastshore so cheaP? my mil was like saying is the machine good or not? why so cheap and thomson so ex?

actually tham's nurse told me tham has 3d scan machine also, but he only use it when he cant see baby for example bb facing down. hahahaa.
Lots of discussions on c vs natural huh? Mine was c section for no 1. Opting for C for no 2 as its fast and I dun wan to worry no dilation again. My recovery for no 1 was fast, keep fingers crossed same this time. My hubby was able to witness bb birth, took videos once they took bb out
Mich> It's a consolidated excel sheet with all Feb mummies' info. Easy reference to see everyone's edd, gynae, age etc. =) I really hope I can go thru without epi.. so far i dunno anyone who has done it without! Need more moral support! Heh.

Jen> Harooo.. I'm doing great. But slight flu. Going for next gynae check up tomorrow. Will update my bb's progress again! =) Btw I've updated your data too. We're both having girls. =)
Butterwaffles, u mentioned abt pelvic bone pain. Exactly which part? I hv starte to hv pain too, at the bone area where pelvic hair is. Is it that part? I m still wondering why it is painful there. Thanks.
Kimmy n other sisters, taka member sale of an additional 10% starts this thurs till Sunday. This is on top of the Xmas sale that taka is having!!

<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies!
Sorry to interrupt!
I'm a fellow mummy of 2 and just delivered in September this year.

Hope all of you are enjoying your pregnancy! Rmb to sleep well and eat well!

Just to share that I'm selling very good quality breast milk storage bags from Korea at BP section. Need income for my family as I've stopped work since last trimester.

Do support me by purchasing some if you need them (definitely value for money), recommending my BP/FB page to your friends if you do not need milk bags (but I hope all of you need cos it means you've got loads of milk!) or just help by liking my FB page.


My BP page: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/6281430.html?1322474937

My FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Thelittleonesinmylife/288198271213600</font>
