(2012/02) Feb 2012

In mrs Wong's antenatal class, she shared that the last few wks of pregnancy before edd, our body is like an oven. V hot internally n coconut is meant to cool us down a it is cooling. She said 1-2x a wk is enough. The belief of drinking coconut so tt bb comes out clean is just old wife myth.

I helped to deliver my niece in the car while we rushed to hospital. my sil didn't take any coconut but my niece was very clean at birth, not bloody either. So clean until bro's car was nt dirty. I cleaned up the car thereafter so I know. Placenta only came out when we arrived at 24hrs.

Hey Hazel- you helped in delivery in a car?! Wow, that's really admirable! I will still take coconut whether for cooling or clean baby, its a delicious drink to take and a good alternate change to red date drink.
Hazel, no wonder I feel so hot nowadays. I can sweat a lot even in air-con room. Yesterday on course, everyone complained that its very cold in the room, I'm the only one enjoying it. Hahaa... I can't take this hot weather liao. Every morning wash my hair with sweat. If I washed my hair again, it will become very wet till water dripping from hair.
Jas- you have not cut short your hair? I chopped off mine 2 weeks ago- a bit heartache cause my long hair was wif me for more than 10 years. But its a good change, feel much cooler now. Aircon to me is a must too- I'm also the only one in office without the need for jacket/cardi at 18C.
Jen, my hair aldy very short since 1st preggy with #1. Before I deliver, I cut till like men's hairstlye (showing my ears). Good wor. During confinement, jus wash a bit and blow dry in mins. Still feel super warm. Hahaa... But I don like men's hairstyle leh. Now still very short but ears covered. Look more girly. Can't imaging those with long hair! Faint!
i was just complaining to my friend abt feeling hot when i realise we have come to this topic already =p

my 'hotness' comes and go, unpredictable. sometimes i can sit on a chair and suddenly feel hot flushes on my face - looking like guang gong.
Hi Mummies,

Nice to meet you here!! Im a new mummy expecting my first boy in mid February.

It is indeed nice to see so much information here as I really needed them
Wanted to use J&J Head to Top wash but after reading all the comments, I think I better switch.
Ya.. The "hotness" is crazy... Now that I'm at home.. I got to on the air con in the living room on most afternoons, except when it's thunderstorm days. If not, I will be so hot that I feel like fainting. Think my utilities bill is shooting up like crazy, cos the bedroom air con is on at night, and the living room one is on in the day...
The green coconut can go hawker center, sometimes got sell. East Coast confirm have

I also feel v hot, have to on the aircon and fan both in order to sleep. Hubby thinks I am mad!
Jascmy, I wake up every 2 hrs at night to go toilet. By 7am, i am awake, sigh... My butt n upper legs r starting to ache, ESP when I want to get up on my feet. Once, I fell on my knees in the middle of the night!
Jen, me too. I'm a toilet queen now. Even day time I will go toilet once every hr.

2 days ago, the weather at nite was very cooling (after rain) but I still sweat like mad. So I on the fan to blow at me whole nite. I wake up with a running nose and my cough get worst. Haiz, don dare to do that anymore. Sweat better then fall sick.
Hahaha, so everyone is a walking generator now! My utility bill has increased abt $40 for last month n tis month due to high usage of Aircon too. Used to on occasionally, now every night 18C, weekends day time also on. Wonder how when I do confinement wif no Aircon or fan.
Hazel n Jas, for me I feel my bladder is just not completely emptied when I go toilet so end up going every hr too cause kept feeling the urge.
I plan to use air con during confinement. If not, think I will go crazy or go into depression. Will wear sock and keep temp at 25 degrees. Air con is better than fan.
Yes, will be using aircon during confinement time!! Fan cannot wor, I got body aches the other time the moment the fan blew at me!
Yup, confinement will be as hot as now. that time I on fan and blow for w while, cos really cannot tahan. A while only lah. I nvr on air con, so my shirt is forever wet with sweat.
I went for the cheap 3D scan at Parkway East Hospital yesterday. It costs ard $59 only. If you are keen, quickly call to make an appt. The scan can only be done btwn 26-30 wks. ;P

My baby was resting his face on the placenta so i only managed to get half frontal view and side view during the 3D scan. It took abt 35mins and we were given 9 photos in CD.

Remember to bring ur 20wks detailed scan rpt, NRIC and gynae letter along.
Re drinking coconut:
My Thai cousin-in-law and Phil helper told me to start taking coconut on a weekly basis when i was 5 mths preggie. They were sharing with me that back in their hometown, taking coconut is good for the baby's complexion.
But our local myths is that taking coconut is so that when we deliver the baby, there will be less vernix and bb will be "cleaner". And that we should only start taking abt 1-2 coconuts abt a mth before bb is due as it is too cooling for us.
Listen too much makes me confused bt anyway I have been taking 1 coconut/month.. ;P
Hello Ladies! Rainy and gloomy afternoon! Yawns.. How I wish i'm at home sleeping now.
talking about back aching, my back is aching big time! Time need to go gynae and take MC to rest at home. Buay tahan the pain.

Hi Christina, welcome!

Aircon : yes yes, I nearly switch on my aircon 24/7 during my 1st confinement. And my electricity bill shoot all the way up! gosh! no choice, otw I will be perspiring like waterfall!
bubbliciouslee, I still believe in our myths. Better to be safe then sorry. For cooling down of body, I drink barley twice a mth.

Ooohhh... I'm going drowsy again. Jus seen doc and took med. Hope I can still continue to do my work.
Hey bubblicious, you went too for the scan?
Thought is was sweet to have coloured photos of BB beforer she is born. My baby had one of her feet up beside her ear and 1 hand beside the other ear on one of the photos, so funny wif her round face in between. hehehe.

I have following BRAND NEW items for sale:

1. Pigeon wipes with casing (x8): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. Pigeon Milk Bottles (x2): $13 each
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
When do we officially start 3rd trimester?? Jus received the Dumex update that I have start 3rd trimester now at 26 wks.
is it too late to do 3D scan?
I called my gynae for referral letter, but they say that may have to check with TMC, because scan not recommended after a certain number of weeks, as baby may already engage in pelvis.
Hi moms, i bought too many bottles of Lierac when i was at HK! Strongly recommended by my preggie friends.

i have Lierac Phytolastil Solution - Anti-stretch mark cream x 1, selling at $50.

Lierac Phytolastil Gel - $40.

I will send you by semi-registered post!

Let me know if you are keen.
hi mommies, i didnt read the messages till now. so J&J not advisable to use? Aiyah i went to buy 2 bottles of bath leh. how? adults can use> haha, i use myself lor.
Hi Jen & Teoong,

Thanks for the warm welcome

My EDD is 16 February. Just went for my 28 week checkup today and gynae informed that my placenta has moved upwards! It was low when I had my 20 and 24 weeks checkup. Really happy about it.

Seems like a lot of mummies here are feeling hot.. But I have yet felt the heat though. Am happy w the fan and sometimes, I even have to pull blanket over my legs in the middle of the night.
Hi Hazel & Jas,

I have the same experience as you.. I can be just out of toilet about 5 mins ago and feel the urge again. Sometimes my bladder seems to be full but when I go toilet, only tiny weeny bit came out.

Backache is at its worst when I just finished my meal. Past few days keep feeling aches in my right ribcage and back. Good thing it's not that irritating now...

By the way, do you know what is the purpose of the red date drink? Been told to drink it but dunno what's the purpose for and if I really have to home brewed it?
Dear Mummies,

I bought some Desitin Rapid Relief Diaper Cream from US last week but just found out that I am unable to use them for my newborn as it will spoil the cloth diaper.

Singapore is selling at about S$12 for a 2 oz tube. I have 2 oz and 4 oz available. 2 oz is at S$8.20/tube and 4 oz at S$12.70/tube. Expiry date is February 2013. All in original packaging and unopened. I am selling the items at the price that I bought them at and have proof of receipt should you need them.

Do contact me if you are keen ya..

Christina, aiyoh, now body so hot dun drink red date drink. Make it even hotter. Later fall sick leh. Usu taken in first tri for better blood flow.

Now I take water chestnut or luo Han Guo drink once a week!
re: confinement
For my #1's confinement, i do use both aircon and fan. I wore long pants thou but sleeveless tops. But i actually wear the tummy wrap to sleep. Bathed everyday twice a day. At that time, my confinement was during the month of mid Feb to mid March.

re: young coconut
When i was nearing EDD, my husband always ask if i want to take young coconut drink. I just take if he asks but if he never, i never request also. My boy via csection did not come out clean :D

re: full bladder
When i was walking to mrt yesterday after work, i can actually feel myself leaking urine. When i've just peed right before i left office. The 'joys' of pregnancy ladies!
butterwaffles, I also leak urine very often esp now I'm coughing badly.

My back is getting more and more aching now. Really worry abt my 3rd trimester.
Christina, I'm the same as you, backache is worst after dinner, maybe too much food and weight in front and the back got to support it, sigh....
Do we wan to create a facebook group? Seems like facebook group for mummies are very active now then forum. Maybe we can start one there now.
Hi Jas,

I was coughing and sneezing a month back and YES, I leaked urine now and then

Hi Hazel,

Oki oki, got it
Will take more 'cooling' drinks moderately. Been so thirsty but I cannot drink plain water coz it tastes so yucky to me. Been looking for healthy substitutes to drink.


yeah.. I would think so too. So now I eat only 70% full, the troublesome part is I feel hungry fast and it seems like i'm forever munching.
jascmy, maybe its not our first pregnancy, our bladders lagi weak? I can't walk properly as well. The vagina area is painful. I shuffle to work actually. It's embarrassing....when colleagues ask what's wrong, esp male colleagues. Your #1 csec too?

christina, understand same as i can't take plain water super yucks. I take quite abit of cold water thou. Better than plain warm water. I like Snapples Grape juice. Soda water nice also, heh. Choc vitasoy? But i think choc vitasoy alot of sugar. My appetite is slowing down....don't worry, i think soon you wont feel perpetually hungry anymore. But you will still gain the most weight during the 3rd tri, i think it's a normal sign.
butterwaffles, yup, my #1 is csect. Praying hard I can hav a smooth natural birth this time. I think u r right, I don hav this kind of problem in my 1st pregnancy. Old liao, so everything also very weak now. Someone here say mus do pelvis floor exercise to strengthen the pelvis bone to prevent leak urine. My GP also suggested me to do. I will try my best to do whenever I remember.
Butterwaffles, Grape Soda is my fav! Sometimes I have craving for Coke too but I know it's not good for baby... I normally satisfy myself with chrysanthemum drink or barley water. If really cannot tahan, then I will make my hubby drink Coke and took 2 sips just to satisfy that craving.. HAHA.

So far i gained about 9kg, doc tells me it's normal but it sounds so scary to me!!

Couldnt take calcium tablet prescribe by doc so asked to drink 2 glasses of milk everyday. I have been taking milk powder for pregnant mothers too.. worry no milk when baby comes out...
Talking abt drinks, I can drink up to 3 packets of Milo in one night, those poke and drink ready packets. Cos I'm so hungry in the night that I have trouble getting back to sleep. So drinking Milo helps me get back to sleep. My hubby says that at this rate, baby will come out chocolatety colour, I say it's alrite lah, cos boys who are tanned are more good looking, haha, jus my excuse....
Can someone give me your email address for fb. I tried to create group but keep prompting I need to choose friend.
Hello All!

Rocco, If you want to do 3D next week, maybe too late, got to check position of baby. But you can always try at Parkway East-the radiologists there very nice, was told they would try to get a good shot of baby, if they are not able to take any, then you have a choice of not taking the photos and they will refund you on the spot.

Jas- you can create gp yet? I'm in Facebook too, yah-need to add friends from your current contacts to create a new gp. What's the name of our gp? Feb2012 Mummies?
