(2012/02) Feb 2012

hi mummies! my sister suggest to get the body+shampoo wash for newborns. easier to clean the baby cos no need to swop from body wash to shampoo. what do you think?
re: karihome
i do rem seeing karihome infant FM in NTUC :p Must rem to check again...

re: Cetaphil & Sebamed
Cetaphil has no smell at all but Sebamed got. But i feel the smell is ok, not dettol kind. It's quite mild actually. I very much prefer these 2 compared to Avalon, California Baby etc. Their smells are too strong....or maybe cos i'm pregnant now, sense of smell too sensitive. But for newborns, a mild top to toe wash is really good enough. My MIL used to use J&J with lavender on my boy. Smells really nice but it wasn't suitable for him...J&J products have quite abit of parfum ah. It really depends on the babies. Like how some can take drypers, some cannot. Some can take mamypoko, some cannot. Alot of trial & error i feel....

I have following BRAND NEW items for sale:

1. Pigeon wipes with casing (x8): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. Pigeon Milk Bottles (x2): $13 each
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
Mummies, can try mustella brand for baby shampoo and bat. Last time I use gia but after awhile like abit drying.
butterwaffles, yup, do check again. Don think there is infant FM for karihome.

Morning all, Finally its friday! I can get some rest tmr. Hubby say will bring my #1 to MIL hse tmr and stay for 1 nite while I hav a gd rest at home alone. Finally hav some 'me' time liao. Yeah! Looking forward to tmr. Will miss my #1 but no choice I need to take care of both mine and bb's health too.
TGIF! Jas-good for you to have a break tomor, try to recover your sleep!

Tay & Mknwt- think that was no specific Feb 2012 FB , the last time I heard was people joined a general FB gp. Are you both new mummies? There is a chart for updates though- think it was maintained by planet or chewie.
Meifen- yah, that's what Mrs Wong advised too as babies do not need shampoo till after 4 months. the head to toe wash is good enough. Think I will go check out pureen or kodomo.
Ah yo, everyone tot I'm going to due soon. Even my big boss asked me the same question jus now when she saw me in the toilet. FAINT!!! When I tell them I'm still in my 2nd trimester, they are shocked and commented that my tummy very big. Haiz, all the fats and water inside wor. Bb normal size. Very worried that I will not be able to walk when I'm in my 3rd trimester cos tummy will be even bigger.
Hey Jas, I got same comments too, think I have balloned quite abit last few weeks compared to 1st trimester. Boss is now pushing me to give date when I will start ML so the contract staff can start. When are you starting yours? My Edd is on Feb14, thinking of starting after CYN, is it too early?
Jen, I will only start my ML on the day I deliver. I prefer to use my ML for full concentration on taking care of bb and bf. Cos once we are bk to work, we will be super tired handling both work and bb. Sure lesser time to pump BM and lesser time for bb. BM supply will drop very fast. Tats wat happened to me for my #1.

I'm thinking whether I shld take annual leave or request for hospitalisation leave for the week before my EDD. Hubby wan me to take leave cos initially I told him I wan to work till I deliver. Hehee.. I have see some of my friends and colleagues who work till deliver wor. My EDD is 29 Feb.

My #1 easlier to plan cos he born in late Aug. So my ML end in mid Dec. Cos its end of the yr, I cleared my leave 2 wks before my EDD and also after my ML. Plus I also cleared my child care leave (CCL) for that yr. So I went bk to work on 2 Jan at that time.

This #2 bb a bit difficult to plan cos is too the early yr.I can;t clear leave and CCL
Hello Mummies!

TGIF! sorry long time didnt login here.. been busy and company going thru re-org and I will kena from this re-org. Now waiting for them to confirm payment of my maternity leave niah.

Seems like many mummies are hitting 28wks.. i'm still at wk26 niah, last week when to gynae for review. Scan bb and he mentioned that bb is big, estimate is about 1.088kgs at wk25. I hear liao wana cry! really big bb, but my wt gain is just 400gm cos I controlled my carbs intake le. Now praying hard that I can go for natural birth as much as possible.

Jascmy, I got the same comments that my tummy is big!
Good la, you take a good rest tomorrow. my nbr 1 is also tiring me out. Usually I'll get my hb to handle her and get as much rest as possible.

Jen, I think so long your gynae give you the go ahead to con't working then you can work till after CNY bah. For me I usually will take one week prior to EDD or gynae's scan and advise when bb will be due la, rather spend more time with bb when bb is out than take 2wks straight and rot at home. Still the decision is up to you.
Jas and Teoong, check wif you both, from your previous experience-do you have time to finish up laundry of baby clothings and stuffs if we work till delivery? I only do laundry once a week for the 2 of us, but not sure for BB stuffs, need to spread over few days to wash or not. Actually, my purpose of leave is to do laundry, cleaning of house and last minute shopping.
I'm a very forgetful person, somehow last minute will realised a lot of things not done and then rush like mad. My wedding also like that. :p
HI Jen,

I rem washing bb laundry during my wk36-37 wor and pack aside in case delivery early mah (together with my hospital bag). So no need to rush. Are you hiring confinement lady? the CL will help you to wash bb clothings everyday de.. you can actually prepare at least 2 wks worth of cloths for bb first la. I am getting in pt-time helper all these while, cos too tiring to look after nbr 1 when preggy. My advise is not to take risk and wait till last minute then wash, cos you nvr know when you little one wants to come to the world to meet you after 37wks.
Jen, yup, I also wash everything quite early. My delivery bag also packed very early. I planned to pack my delivery bag tmr when I'm resting at home and hav the time. Cos I really worried bb will come out very early. Like ppl say, 7mths bb very smart and clever. So they can come out anytime from 7mths pregnancy onwards if touchwood anything happened. They are pre-mature but can survived with current technology. Better start do and prepare early. Best to do it now.
Like my sis, she delivery her twin bbs at 6mth+ cos she overwork and stress with her #1. Lucky she packed her delivery bag early if not hubby will hav headache on wat to bring.
Choy choy, touchwood...! Our bbs will be feb or for some Jan 12 bb.
Jen, bb is different from wedding. Wedding date is set but bb can come out anytime leh. Maybe u can take 1 or 2 days leave to prepare everything now. You have the list of items to buy for bb? And list of items to pack in delivery bag?
Wow, Jas- you are already packing tomor? I have not finished buying stuffs yet, I got a list of items to buy from Mothercare and the delivery bag list from TMC for reference.

Teoong- we decided not to hire a CL cause its too ex for us to afford. I will be doing confinement at my mum's place. Thought of washing the BB stuffs at home first before bring some over to my mum's place to use.
Jascmy, good that u can rest and have some "me" time tmr...

Talk abt washing and packing, I was jus telling my hubby a few days ago that we should step up the preps. Cos the last month was his peak period at work, so we have not moved on any baby stuff. The baby room not cleared out yet. And guess what, we only bought 2 items so far - stroller and car seat. Nothing else, I'm starting to panic already. I've the list prepared, but I jus need him to go shopping with me. Cos I dare not walk too much and cannot carry heavy stuff, so definitely cannot go shopping alone. And then now, got to also do Xmas shopping for all the gifts, really all clash together. He's going to be more free in week's time, so hopefully we can prepare more...
Jas, you pack really early wor. True also la, wth your nbr 1 around, hard to do own things.. Eyes always has to be on nbr 1. hmm.. mayb i shld start packing mine also. But everyday comes home after work already damn tired liao. settle nbr 1 to slp, soon after I also KO.

Jen, then it's better you wash some bb clothes first and put at your mum's place first. Don't do last minute, else really buay hu to pack in time de.
Hi all!! Btw the chart not maintained by me. Shd be planet

Bought a chest of Ikea drawers which got delivered yest. Starting to keep things in place now... Toys go into toyogo plastic box, milk bottles etc too. Will buy detergent later so can wash the <9 mth size clothes tmr!

Can't wait to see gynae next Sat
Hi GHK, oh.. then you better get your hb to start going shopping with you n buy the things bits by bits, Dun wait till yr end and do all together. Cos you still have to carry the things.. minimal carrying of things nearer to your EDD is recommended.

Hi Chewie, you got the pple to assembly the chest drawers? I also want to buy new chest drawers but dunno if my hb allows me to buy or not.
i bought a mini cupboard already. but dunno when it should be delivered. i was thinking of dec but hubby say no need so early, after CNY also can. my edd is Feb 23. the placement of the cupboard is in our room and we need to shift our bed, so we don't want to have it in our room and be a sore eye too early.

he also doesn't intend to wash bb clothes that early cos it will collect dust and got to wash again (we are super lazy). i hope its not too late by den.
Can we wash bb clothes in washing machine but putting them in a laundry bag?

I very lazy to squat down in toilet n hand-wash bb clothes lei..
Teoong, ya, will pull hubby to go start buying stuff next weekend...

Mummies, one qn on washing. If washing machine is supposed to use low-sub detergent, can we use baby detergent in that washing machine?
Hi teong, yes just paid ikea to deliver n fix. They fixed in half an hour tho when hubby checked at night realized one of the drawers can't close perfectly. But still 99% perfect n they took half hour! It's very heavy. If hubby fix, think must waste 5 hrs! Delivery $55, fixing $30 cos min 6% of cost or $30

I intend to wash in washing machine using baby detergent. Yes, wash baby clothes separately. Mine also always use special detergent. Hope won't spoil it.. Haha

I think wash already can keep in clean plastic bag in drawer.. Then won't get dusty
i seen dr on Wed, bb is 28 weeks and about 1250g. Dr say is consider normal weight. BB is so cute lately! I noticed he move alot from 10-12mn everyday, and the movements are realli so obvious. I have been trying to find a good moment to capture it on video, but it always happen randomly so very hard to capture!
me too Rocco! my gal gal also keeps rolling with her butt protuding out but trying to capture using my phone ...couldnt!!
sweetcorn: You can see which part ar? i m not sure which part it was. But when i tap on my tummy to disturb him, he will put i dunno issit the hand/feet, there will be a small bump protruding, like a small mountain.
Rocco, actually im not sure too! Juz guessing but its really an amazing experience! My hubby got excited when he could feel the protuding part! Lol
cxling: I have tried one session
which came as complimentary as part of the postnatal package that i signed up. It was ok, just like normal massage but rub alot of oil. The massage lady said that i have very tense shoulders.
Hi Maxiblur, drink coconut is to cool the body and also 'clean' the baby so baby come out nice nice no rashes etc. Anyway is a nice drink so no complaints!!

I think I started from around 8 or 9 months last time, 2 a week

Recently been eating v heaty stuff, chilli crab, durians, curry, pizza...jialat!
Afternoon mummies!

I started on wk36 drinking coconut, buy those small coconut n drink the juice only. I dun eat the meat cos too heaty. usually will leave the meat to let hb eat. haha.. and bb comes out will be clean clean.

My bb clothings i also use to wash in waching machine, I do not mix wth adult clothings. Only specifically wash bb clothings using bb detergent.
Hello all, I went for 3D scan at parkway East hospital today. It's true that the 3D scan wif photos n CD rom only cost $58.95! Guess wat, we get to view bb on scan monitor for abt 45mins! My mum didnt have this during her time, so she was so amazed at technology now. Haha. Worth for money! Anyone interested, just need gynae to write a memo that he order a 3D scan for you n state your gestation stage, then can call for appt.
cxling: i dun think prenatal massage helps, just shiok only

Anyway, my MIL says coconut is veri cooling leh so i dun dare to drink it wor... is it realli true baby will be 'clean'?

What is the standard attire for confinement? Pyjamas (long sleeve and long pants) plus socks? Will it be very warm?
Jen, I'm interested leh. Can let me hav more details like where is the clinic and contact no. etc? Mus hav doc letter? Cos I'm in KKH, not sure will they give me this kind of letter.

Rocco, I only drink in the last mth, once a week and share with hubby. I'm not sure abt the "clean" bb cos I went thru c-sect. But my sis say her gal was born very clean after she had coconut drink. Her twin (2nd pregnancy) born not so clean cos they are pre-mature and she hav not start drinking coconut. So she say very true.

I wear long pants and short sleeve pajamas and a slipper. Nvr wear socks cos too warm liao. Sweat a lot leh. I only wear socks when I sleep.
I'm so tired again today. Last nite wake up at 1am with difficulties in breathing. Feels like I have run many KM. Have to breath hard to get the oxygen. I sit at my bed for very long time and managed to sleep a while then wake up again at 3am. Then can't sleep liao. Can't breath and keep coughing. Lucky my hubby asked me to sleep in another room cos he don wan me to cough and wake #1 up. But poor him hav to endure my #1's cry every now and then. He teething and having cough now, so keep waking up to cry and cough.
Bad cough plus breathless, feel like wan to die liao. Haiz!
Hi Rocco, I asked and compared prices between TMC and Parkway East. 3D at TMC cost $190! I can do like 3 times in Parkway East and the duration not as long in TMC cause TMC always so crowded. Parkway allow my HB and my mum to go in wif me too.

Jascmy- I just called up the radiology dept in Parkway East for an appt, number is 6340-8715. The person will remind you to bring your 20weeks detail detailed scan report if you have, and a memo from Dr- simple one will do. Mine from Dr. tham just state my Edd date, currently at 2nd trimester,and to do 3D scan for me, that's all. Think you can also get one from KKH.
I heard my friends mentioned about taking coconut for 32weeks onwards too, but must be the green ones. Nowadays, NTUC and giant only sell the small Thai ones leh. Maybe, need to go beach and wait for green coconut to drop-hahahaha.
Jen, I will asked hubby whether he wan me to do the 3D scan. Thanks for the info.

I don't dare to drink coconut too early. It very cooling. I don wan to hurt my bb's lungs. Drink in the final mth shld be enough. NTUC have but mus really see our luck going to all NTUC to find. So far I don't hav a problem looking for it previously.
