(2012/02) Feb 2012

I think I can confirmed one thing. We can't find the group when we do a search no matter whether its closed, secret or open. We have to be friends in order to add each other into the group.

So lets be friends in fb and we add each other into the group.

Hi Jas, I went to one of the groups that I was in and check the settings using desktop. It's also a closed group. And I think they add each member as a Admin as well. Maybe you try to logon to the group that you have created and add from the page, on the right hand side then you can see the number of members.

hope this helps.
I tried adding maxiblur but seems like no reaction leh.

Maxiblur, pls check whether u receive any notification. If maxiblur is in then I think I need the email address to add.
NC, u try whether you get any notification before I used the only way and thats to add u as my friend. Thanks for helping me do testing on tis part.
Hi Jas, I think Teoong is right- I went FAQ FB to read abt gps. Its says only Admin can approve members under the settings button. Why don't u try to add me and chewie as admin using your setting button, then we both can help as well?
jen, but do the member need to be our friends before we can add them into the group?

Ok done, chiewy and jen both have admin rights now.
NC, then how ah. Sorry for not adding you as friends yet cos I hope u can help me do testing while I try to find out how to do it.
Rocco, on cord blood banking...i rememebered Dr Tham mentioned tt if we can afford and ve spare cash y not since its like an extra form of assurance. However he also added that if gotta choose between insurance and that, perhaps insurance provides better returns
Gotta consider factors like family history etc... I'm also undecided towards it.

Serene/Cranky/NC.. My bb weight at 29wks was within the range of 1.3-1.5kg. Dr mentioned a bit on the big side.. Not sure is it accurate since i've heard of bb weights differing by up to 1 kg when out.

jascmy..Thanks for setting up the Facebook account. Tried to search for it but nothing comes up too.
Jas: I guess you may have to add us individually to the FB group.. You wanna give it a try? Can add me at [email protected].

Serene/cranky/NC: My bb also weighed abt 1.36kg at 29 weeks. So i think ur bb's weight should be in the normal range? Anyway thus far, I have only put on abt 3.5kg so i don't really expect my bb to be of the above average size..

3D Scan @ Parkway East:
The sonographer recommended us to do the scan btwn 26-30 weeks. So those who are keen, remember to book an appt before your 31st week.

Frequent toilet visits:
I also can't seems to empty my bladder. Have been waking up at least twice every nite to pee... I guess is a norm? Sometimes when i sneeze, i also noticed that my urine will leak. Now i have to wear panty liners everyday.. ;(
Hi Jas, it seems that friends of members is the most direct way to join a gp.But others can add themselves too. This is what I copied from the FAQ FB site:
To join a group, click Ask to Join Group at the upper right side of the group's page. You can also be added to a group by a friend who is already a member.

Since groups require admin approval for you to join, you may have to wait for an admin to confirm your request. Admins can also block specific people from joining a group.

Certain groups on Facebook are secret and will not appear in search results. You cannot request to join these. Only being added by an existing member will give you access to these groups.

Ok, based on para 1, I am pasting the gp link here, can you ladies & gentleman (maxiblur) try to see if you can click on the "Ask to Join Group" at the upper right side of the group's page
I think because Jas & me are already members, can't see this button anymore.
happytomato: thanks, i will ask him again.
I am quite worried also cos my family side has cancer history, and i have heard that male pass to female, female pass to male. **touchwood** so quite worried.
Hi Jen,

Yes, I copied the link and click on "ask to join group'!

The strange thing is that when I click on the members I am not able to see which member has the admin rights. Rightfully should be able to see.
Jen, Jas, thanks for doing the fb thing, I manage to send request using the button at top right corner...

Feeling a bit breathless today...

Think my baby haven't turn yet, still getting the kicks in the lower belly, so looking forward to gynae visit next week...
Teoong, I'm inside the group when u requested. So I approved you.

GHK, me too, will feel breathless and wake up at nite having difficulties in breathing. I get kicks all over my tummy. Eg. jus now in the morning is kick on top, then jus now at bottom. He is very active now and keep moving around. Can feel the movements. So uncomfortable.
GHK-just approved U!

I got a lot of kicks from baby too- but can't tell what she' doing inside though. Notice I get a chain of rumbling kind of movement in the morning and then sometimes after lunch, she will hiccups I think, cause tummy goes up and down. Jas-I think its a joy to feel them
I always giggle when bb starts movement. hehehe
Thanks, i'm in...

Some kicks are quite strong, the whole tummy will move to one side, quite scary, haha...
NC- just added U too!
BTW did you have your wedding shots in taiwan? I saw familiar background like my wedding shots-like the lavender and forest at YangMingShan, right?
Hahaha, me too! 一生一次! Those were our prettiest moments wat! My wedding shot was on my profile for quite some time too until pregnancy. Then HB started to comment how much weight I put on so took it down to shut him off.
i just requested to join the fb group toO! so next time chat from there?

Btw, who is going for natural and who is going for csec?
Hi i ve also requested to join the fb gp. Thanks for the link Jen

Rocco don worry try and stay positive yah

Natural & C Section
I ve actually a few frens tt had to do emer csec when they couldn dilate in time.. n surprisingly those tt did csec told me their wounds healed very quickly in comparison to those tt went for natural birth... My mother herself who went through both encourage csec anytime over natural.. So nw still undecided as natural delivery is always strongly encouraged rite?
Jen, Jas, GHK: I got kicks throughout the day and night too. But my baby is not topsy turvy diagonally, so I always feel aching at right ribcage and back. Sometimes I think he's doing somersault coz can feel the tumbling motions in my tummy and they are quite shocking movements!
Happy Tomato, really?? I was contemplating C-sect over natural but people keep telling me natural better, less painful. But when I think abt it, actually natural more pain.

C-sect is no pain during labor, then surgical cut pain after birth. Natural is Contraction pain during labor, then Vaginal pain after birth. If I compare both, seems like C-sect is the better option.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies-to-be,

We are having pre-order for Authentic Hello Kitty Learning Chopsticks @ $12.43 per pair &amp; Pororo toothbrushes for young children! Also have authentic edison/disney/pororo learning chopsticks too! View @ http://www.allaboutzu.com/for-child.html

Thanks &amp; cheers,
Hi mummies should we start chatting in FB more liao? Easier to chat in FB...
Natural vs C-sect: I had natural for my 1st one. Dunno how's C- sect cuz diff ppl have diff experience with C-sect, I had frens whose wound healed v fast but also some whose wound took a long time to heal and v painful. Think really up to individual and skill of the gynae bah....
For me I'll still opt for natural if nothing goes wrong, cuz lower risk of infection for the baby. Plus easier to breasftfeed right after birth. The disadvantage is thar the first few times passing motions will be painful lor... But I also heard of ppl who couldn't walk for weeks after C-sect.
my MIL keep saying that natural is better, overall for myself and also for baby. I am not sure why. Those who did natural before, does it affect sex after birth?
Sitex has a photobookexpress package.
Usual for soft copy 48 pages is $99 but they are selling at $66.
Buy 2 free 1 so it works out to be $45 per book. Anyone want to share this package?
I only need 1 for my baby but heartpain to pay $66. Very tempted to get as you can customise and it looks like a coffee table book.
The voucher has to be used within 2 years. Can meet me at Raffles Place/Clementi/Khatib MRT to collect.

Let me know asap
so that i can go get it today.

For more details http://www.photobookexpress.com/ProductPricing_SOFT.html.
Rocco: you'll have a bit of problem with sex the first few times lor. Will be painful esp if breastfeeding cuz will be v dry. But after a few times will be back to normal. As to why natural is good for baby, it's because when bb passes thru ur birth canal, he's exposed to the bacteria flora of ur body, and because both of you share the same antibodies at this point, bb Will be naturally immune to these bacteria, hence less chance of infection during birth.
My #1 went thru emergency c-sect cos nvr dilate. My wound heal very fast (not sure abt inside cos I hav a colleague say lucky her 2nd bb also c-sect cos gynea say her inside not dry up yet after 2 yrs) and I can walk on the 2nd day and had no problem waking up from bed myself. Hav heard my friend telling me she need huuby to pull her up from bed everyday during her confinement and can't walk for many days. I'm the lucky ones.
Problems faced:
1) I had big problem breastfeeding cos can only use football method (carry bb on the side) instead of normal method in the end both me and #1 gave up on latching on.
2)I went thru both natural pain and c-sect pain.
The pain for c-sect is terrible. But I'm the lucky ones where I only feel the pain when I start to sit up on bed. I hav a friend who feel the pain immediately after the epi went off. She cried.
3)I hav problem bath too cos the water proof plaster drop off. And mus really take care not to wet that area. I'm so worried that it wound will open up or nvr dry up if I nvr take care.
4) I hav a bad record in my medical report. Last time I jus tick all "no" when asked on health issues. Now I hav a "yes". Cos I had operation b4.
5) I can't eat normal confinement food for 2 wks cos some food like chicken not good for the wound. So in the end I nvr "pu" enough. I keep falling sick after giving birth to #1 till now. So worried my #2 will be affected by my bad health.
4) I can't do massage till 3wks later, and my massage lady still don dare to massage my tummy at tat time. So in the end I nvr lost the weight and tummy size.
5) I have read lots of emergency cases during c-sect, eg, lost of blood, blood pressure drop, take too long to stitch up the wound and epi effect went off so can feel the pain went gynea is stitching up etc. The risk is more than natural birth. Lucky I went thru without problems.
6) I also don feel the motherly feeling cos bb jus came out like that without any feeling. So hubby keep complaining that I don love my #1. Only few wks later then I start to feel it.
7) we have to take many types pain killer, and other med which I'm afraid it will affect breastfeeding even tot gynea say its ok. I tried my best to endure the pain (lucky for me its not that painful after I get used to the pain of walking) and stop taking all pain killers once I reach home. For those who can't walk for many days and can't get up from bed, will need to continue with it. Some even hav to take the stronger version in order to stop the pain. Heard natural birth no need pain killer right?

So conclusion, I'm pray hard for a natural birth tis time. But I'm taking a big risk cos I don know whether my inside wound had dried up after 1.5yrs. If not dried up yet, I hav a risk of my wound rupture. But I will still pary hard and try my best for it. Hav been telling my bb that Daddy wan to see u born and cut your umbilical cord. So pls come out naturally. My hubby feel very sad that he is not able to witness the birth of his bb. KKH don allow hubby to be in for emergency c-sect.
Oh ya, I prefer to chat here cos FB will cos a problem in my co. PC. It will slow down the processing time of all PC if we all login. So co. track very strictly. I don dare to keep login to fb in office. And I don login at home cos too busy with #1 and hseworks.
Jus read an article on vaginal birth after c-sect or repeat c-sect case. Both have very high risk. And repeat c-sect risk is higher than vaginal birth after c-sect. I'm very scare now. So gals with 1st pregnancy now, pls go for natural birth. The risk of complications in c-sect is always higher. Esp for 2nd birth. Also heard if 2nf bb is also c-sect, 3rd bb confirmed will be c-sect and we can only have max 3 bbs. I know most of us wan to stop at 2 or 3. But can see from the risk here. If c-sect is safe, we won't hav to confirm stop at 3 for all c-sect case.

