(2012/02) Feb 2012

serene, ur boy so cute. My boy will also smak my tummy after he kiss. I think he wan to sayang but in a rough way. Hehee...

Lots of things to learn when we hav 2 or more kids hor. Jus heard from one parent in the child care that she hav 3 kids and #2 always complained his parents don love him. Usually when a family hav 3 kids, the #2 is always left out.

Anyway, I will stop at 2.


I have following items for sale:

1. Baby Plus: $160
Preloved. Condition 8.5/10 with Box, instruction manual and pouch. Full set.

2. Pigeon wipes with casing (Brand NEW): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

3. Similac Mom (Brand NEW): $15
Expiry Date: 29th Jan 2014

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
Jen, I m knocking off early for dinner before going for the talk. If not will be hungry n my bb will protest! ha!
hi mummies,

I am letting go (becoz not using this brand) the pigeon newborn starter set with 2 pacifier at $40.

The set is selling $46.90 at kiddy palace and the pacifier is $4.90 each at kiddy palace.

So basically you will save $16.70.

I can meet at bugis mrt, buangkok mrt or seng kang mrt for self collection. Do pm me if you are interested.

my gyae always give me Fish oil free sample but every time visit dif brand one lor.

Just want to know what brand more popular
thank you.
Jascmy, I also wan stop at 2. Wanted to go for ligation but dunno how e surgery is like. Is it another open wound surgery? And also worried bout e side effects like bad pms n bad cramps n heavier menstrual flows...
AL, I'm taking natalcare triplus for fish oil tabs n new obimin for vitamins.

Wow, good for u! so relaxed at botanic garden.
think I'm going to dabao Mac like chilli ad well. See ya!
Sisters who didn't go for the dr talk tonight didn't miss much. The first part was on labour which mrs Wong has already shared with us. 2nd part is super boring that we left at 830pm!
Sisters who didn't go for the dr talk tonight didn't miss much. The first part was on labour which mrs Wong has already shared with us. 2nd part is super boring that we left at 830pm!
Before the talk, I saw catered food on set up buffet line at the canteen downstairs.
I thought that those r our refreshments.. but too bad.. only a 10min break between the talks..

Mac not enough for me, I juz took a chicken puff from delifrance
AL, my fish oil is neurogain. So strange, I tot gyneas shld give us the supplements instead of us going to buy ourselves.

serene, I'm worried abt the side effect too. I wan to ask my gynea on this topic but always forget. Will remind myself to ask on my next visit in Dec. I don wan accident and got #3 bb.

So exhausted! Suffering from frequent nite toilets and #1 waking up every hr at nite. So worried that I will deliver early leh. Last mon I went to see my GP for my cough, she say her 1st bb born at 3.3kg and 2nd bb born at 2.5kg only cos she deliver early. She say she busy taking care of #1, carrying him around and not enough rest so end up deliver early. Scare me leh. I also lost my appetite. Don knw why. I used to be a super big eater but now can't eat liao.
serene, i don't want #3 as well but when i asked my gynae about ligation, he asked me to consider 2 points first. 1) What if current marriage fails and i remarry? I'm currently 28 only afterall. Not very young but definitely not old lor. 2) What if something happens to 1 or both my kids. So i'm not going for ligation. Will opt for IUD

jascmy, i also worry my #2 will come earlier. Very tired recently and my pelvic bone pain is not getting any better. My scheduled csec is on 1 Feb when i'm 38 weeks plus. Not sure if my baby can tahan until 38 weeks. My boy came out on the dot at 37 weeks....
Hazel, u r soo right! Waste of time to listen to repeated slides presentation, we all rushed for nothing! Thought they would have interesting topics like pregnancy complications, baby common illness like colic, down syndrome management or something, so disappointed. Would rather go AMK Hub m have another Mrs Wong session then this!

Chilli, we bought Mac n ended up eating behind cause talk was so boring.
Oh dear, anyone read about the J&J news on Today online yet? It says the J&J shampoo contains cancerous ingredient which is not advisable to baby use!
butterwaffles, for the 2 questions, Don think I will re-marry if this marriage failed. Will have phobia in marriage leh. for the 2nd qestion, touchwood, I hav 2 boys, ok bah. Don knw lah. Will check with gynea on tis topic.
Hope our #2 will tahan and be a dragon bb.

Jen, I aldy heard of the news long time ago. Lucky my #1 not using J&J.
Jen, thanks for the offer to sit with me, jus saw ur message this morning, I also couldn't find someone to go with me, so better not venture into unfamiliar places when I'm not supposed to walk too much.

My friends say that boys usually will come out earlier. So I'm mentally prepared for a slightly early one. Been telling him inside the tummy to come out only in feb, that will be at least 37 weeks, and cleared of 1st week of CNY.
Hi to all mother to be, I hope u can take 1 min to help to vote for my lil boy in a Facebook contest. Pls kindly help to vote for my LIL MONSTER~
This contest will end at 5pm today so really really appreciate if you can take a min off ur busy schedule to help and vote for my lil darling. Thanks a lot for the kind help~ :D

He will be extra merry happy for Xmas if he can get the vouchers for more more toys!

Pls kindly follow these 2 steps:


GHK, I think it depend on the bb. Some ppl say 1st bb will come out early while some say will be late. Same thing for #2 bb. It all depend on when bb wan to come out. My #1 boy came out 1 day before EDD. Not sure when my #2 wan to come out. No matter when he comes, pls come out naturally. Hehee...
I'm not feeling well now. Having nausea. Vomit air, giddy, feeling terrible and no appetite. I forced myself to finish my porridge and now end up gastric pain too. I think I'm too exhausted. Whole nite equal no sleep. I need a rest now. But I don hav leave and MC liao. USed up all for this yr. How ah. Go get hospitalization leave? But tat means I hav to go KKH delivery suite leh. I cant go emergency (24 hr clinic) cos I'm more than 22 wks. I have phobia in delivery suite at this time leh. For my #1, I had very slight spotting and end up they say I hav contractions and do so many procedures there. End up my gynea say actually jus a small matter. Haiz. I don wan been strap up and end up like that there again. I'm really super tired. Argh!

I would like to recommend my CL who did for me last CNY. She is available wef 10 Jan 2012 as a MTB had cancel her service due to an unforseen reason.

You need not apply any pass for her as she is holding on to a LT social visit pass in SIN for 5years.

She is neat, clean & hygenic and very pro to breastfeed. She cooking are superb and she is not calculative.

She even assist me in making red eggs and cooking extra food for my babies 1st month party.

Her charges are according to the market rate. Is no regrets hiring her as your CN.

I am not getting any commission from her as I called her to check what food to cook for my babies as i am a first time mum also.

PM me if you need her contact...

Wishing you a smooth delivery...
Jas- sounded really bad, think u r suffering from exhausting. Wat abt infant or child care leave? My friend made use of these when leaves run out.
Jen, i don't use J&J too. But it's because my boy has ezcema. He uses cetaphil body wash, like me. Shampoo, he uses sebamed. J&J actually contains alot of parfum i think. Quite drying too....

jascmy, after CNY cfm is dragon ah? Cos my dad keeps saying must be after 3 or 4 Feb. But i just schedule my csec on 1 Feb, not really bothered about the animal sign, as long as bb comes out safe and sound...u from pte suite rite? You should call and ask if you can get hospitalisation leave from your gynae. Last time when my gynae was at KKH, he granted me hospitalisation leave too. 3 times in fact. For morning sickness. Then for PUPPP rashes. Then for pelvic bone pain. I think in total, i took like 2 months plus of hospitalisation leave...

chilli quek, if this is my #1, i think its much easier to stay stress free, haha!~
jen, my child care leave also finished liao. My #1 and me keep falling sick so finished up all the leaves.

butterwaffles, I also don really bother, so long after CNY will be dragon. Hehee... So can jus call the pte suite up to get hospitalisation leave? Ok, I will try later after lunch. U r rite, #1 bb can stay stress free. #2 bb very difficult cos very stress abt #1 and all the hsehold chores.
Jen, u attended mrs Wong class on bathing bb? She said J&J shampoo is ok. Not a per what newspapers said. Anyway, I hv no intention to use J&J shampoo for bb from
Day 1 before this news is out.
Jascmy, gynae can give hospitalization leave as long as they think u should rest at home, dun need to be physically in hospital. That's what I'm using now. Think u really need to rest more.....
Haiz, but now I feel so bad taking hospitalisation leave. Cos I'm always not in office, on urgent leaves or MCs. Tats y I used up all my leaves. Now my tree is botak with no leaves liao. 1.5mths to go for the new yr.
Not easy to handle both #1 and pregnancy. Aldy so stress taking care of #1. Can't imaging next time hav to take care of 2 kids. FAINT!
Hazel, yah I did, remembered Mrs Wong mentioned that no shampoo for baby till after 4months. I had intended to use JnJ for bath, powder, shampoo cause it's such an established brand n I use when young too. So kind of shock at the new. maybe will try kodomo instead. Any mummy has comments wif brand of baby wash?
Hi jascmy, hope u get better soon! I also always urgent leave, mc, leave. Agree that first child was less stressful. Nowadays sometimes talk to myself when doing work in front of computer, as I try to concentrate on typing the right things.

Also more unable to multi-task now. As mummy chilli quek says, must stay happy and positive ok.
for those of us who are already 28 weeks, congrats!!! we are officially in our 3rd trimester!!!

12 weeks to go..

jen, u r rite, my whole office is full of coughing and sniffing sound. So many ppl sick.

ANNticipating, yup, I will. U too. Jia you! Like what cranky say, its abt 3 mths more to go. But after delivery will be another form of headaches and stress.
jascmy, so you managed to take hospitalisation leave?

Jen, when my #1 was born, i was using Pureen top to toe wash. But really, depends on the baby. Some babies are ok with normal washes, some not. Have to trial and error. I still prefer Cetaphil and Sebamed but then its cos my boy has sensitive skin ah. Else i think i might just stick to Pureen all the way...

rocco, my boy takes Karihome goat's milk. His sister will follow the same brand...

cranky, 11 more weeks to my csec. 9 more weeks to the start of my ML. i can't wait...tired...
butterwaffles, i feel so bad leh. Will hav a full day rest at home tis weekend and see how next wk. I better today cos my #1 only wake up when I wake up to go toilet last nite. Realised I go toilet at 12.30am, 3+am and 5am everynite. Haiz.

I'm also using pureen top to toe wash since #1 born till now.

I'm thinking of changing to karihome goat milk for my #1. Found out that its only for 6 mths and above hor. Wanting to buy one tin jus in case I do not hav enough BM (my #1 had 2 days of mixed FM and BM cos my supply is super low on the 1st few days). I think I will buy similac cos karihome do not hav milk for newborn.

Gals, better buy one small tin of FM in case 1st few days or for some ppl, forever no BM. Like my sis, she completely no BM so her hubby have to rush to nearest NTUC at nite and scratching head there don knw which brand to buy. So funny.
Morning, Jas- you sounded better today!
Checked wif you, heard the hospital will give us some bottles of milk to take home for back-up? Is that true? Went NTUC to check pricing-its really ex-1 small tin of 400 Enfalac newborn is like $44+?

And about the body wash-pureen smell nice or not? I love the Johnson wash smell from babies, so sweet.  Butterwaffles- will Cetaphil and Sebamed smell like dettol or its odorless?
Cranky- You are right- time passes so fast! 12 weeks more to go, but kind of enjoy Baby kicking and tumbling in my tummy now leh, was hoping time will go by slower.
Jen, Yup, I'm better cos I have more sleep last nite. Maybe cos my boy have slight fever and we feed him with med so he can sleep better. He still wake up but at my toilet time and went bk to sleep super fast.
U hav to request from the hospital for the bottle milk or they won't give u. I remembered for my #1, we were chased out by the nurse and gynea very last min till I forget to request. Lucky, tat time friso give free newborn tin of FM and it arrive 5mins after I reach home. Jus nice!
Pureen smell nice. Sweet smell too. I like it!
Jen - Thanks for the concern. I had not visited the doctor as i have been visiting doctors till scare during this pregnancy. I took a day leave to rest at home on tuesday with some medications from previous visits, and went for the doctor's talk that evening. Really waste of time. Me and hb also didnt had dinner, and we could only grab some salty fries from Macdonalds. We head off for dinner after the doctor talk as we were not interested with the talk.
Returned back to work on wed, and till now, i'm still having runny nose, and is still feeling sleepy. Will be going for gynae appt tmr, so likely to take MC to have a good rest before my audit next week.

With regards to the shampoo, my sister recommended Kodomo too.
mknwt, same same. I also visit doctor till scare> Sure will visit them at least once a mth. I think my UTI is coming bk again. Suddently feel the pain again. Haiz.... wil monitor again and if still the same really hav to call and get hopitalisation leave if I really get UTI again. Really think I need a rest now.
Jascmy - Oh, we are on the same boat. I've experience UTI before too. its's really irriating. So uncomfortable. Do drink some cranberry juice. I think it helps. Take care.
