(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

janjan>> I also have this crampy feeling, they r explained, my tcm told me its called mid-cycle cramping. Just dun think too much abt it. It may mean nothing.

simplelife08>> Well, dun read too much into signs and symptoms as they r so similar with AF type signs. So long no see red means got chance, pls do not give up! Let's Jiayou!


Amy, so the Testosterone test is ur test or ur Hb's test? sorry, am abit confused ><

My sis once when to pray to those god that will "give" children (im not sure what is that call) when we were in HK a few years back, she indeed got pregnant when she's back from Hk.

Jas, dont worry, sometimes stress play an impt factor. especially the hectic lifestyle in singapore. JIAYOU okies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my Hb oso caffeine addict. he drinks alot of those Nescafe canned coffee everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My family mostly oso smokers and on average, each had 3 kids. my Hb's frens all smokers for both husband and wives, and they have 3 kids, or twins.

KWXY, how's ur pregnancy? take good care ya. may i know what fresh fruit juice u made for your Hb? as in the fruits combinations?

Am going to c gynae tmr with Hb for further checks i guess? Hb seems to be co-operative, hope that we can get thru this difficult period.

JIAYOU gals!

windy, how long have u been trying?

JC, ya lo, i guess that is just a myth. U went for blood test as well?

Lynzi, i went to pharmacy for supplements, omg, there are so many different kind. not sure which shld i buy for Hb. any idea where can i get info on these? Alot of ppl ask me go temple touch those "guan yin" with a child one, but i dare not.

QQem, Jiayou!! Me actively trying since Oct last year... About 5 months bah... Also dunno what's wrong...mum keep asking me to go checkup... Maybe too stressed over ttc? The more u want the longer u wait?? My friend and Sis in law got preggie after a few months they got married... So lucky... Me got married a year before them and now still struggling...

Thanks all..This is the first time i am using the ovulation kit to test for O.. suppose to BD every alternate days but my hubby say he is tired. So we only BD once during the O.

as wat i feel, 1 BD its hard to get pregnant ba.. i dun really hope much..

QQem..i went for hormone and thryoid test. Will get the result tonight..hopefully okie lah..

than tomorrow go see TCM will let her see the report, so that she can give me the appropriate medicine

Windy, thanks! I guess mayb due to stress. Doc said try for a yr if dun have den go checkup. At least ur mum understands, my mum only Noe how to stress me as both my sis n cousins all gt pregnant before or just after married. Even Hb relatives and frens around r all asking. I could only fake a smile n turn away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

QQem, hang in there... kind of understand the stress the family can give... my extended family have reserved all sorts of baby stuff for us like so -_-""

Good morning gals.


I also lor my sil also ask me need maternity wear mah she pack le give me haiz also dun koe when than got chance to wear lor.


Actually some pple believe that leh my fren also hor dun koe so qiao or wat the mil go take 1 so call wat duo zhi fo is like a buddha with many kids the status ask her put beside her bed and really not long my fren pregnant ley so some ple really belive all tis la.

Hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How's everyone here? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stay positive. Looking forward for the weekend.

Hi Gals,

You all got experience severe cramp after O? today is dpo3 morning when i wake up my stomach very pain + cramp lor the feeling like AF come de cramp.I thinking cnt be come so early mah than after poo the pain also gone .

Now no more le ley, i also when going come AF the pain will be serious but just tis time round like very fast DPO3 than start le and the pain like more serious haha maybe telling me can die heart liao la.Think no hope again tis cycle liao.

aiyoh.. today so stressed... work is coming in nonstop... sometimes i feel like telling gov, pls come and see our forum... we really want to contribute and give birth.. but hor, so many factors including stress, how to procreate???


Because hor this 1 like standard will have de PMS symptom so i got feeling no hope again lor.

Haha peapea ya must tell gov hor not we dun wan contribute to the country population is we too stress.

lolx... ya lor, i think stress is really a big factor. how not to be stress with our everything? work la, ttc to la.. hahhaa

Hi all, i have a brand new box of Clearblue digital ovulation test (Smiling face type) for sale at $80, inclusive of postage. There are 20 test sticks in each box. Expiry at Dec 2011 or after. Please PM me for more info.



anyone 16/17 dpo and AF still hasn't reported?

mine's definitely lurking somewhere and im q sure im not pg..so why cant she show up already?? e no-show is driving me crazy!! arrgh.. to think tat i've nvr been late... #*#$*#_#

Peapea, ya, really -__- friends even bring me go c pram all these and they decide who will buy what if I'm pregnant. Relatives even touch my belly during cny as I had put on some weight n asked m I pregnant n I said no, they said must be u pregnant until u duno. Lol

Jc, thanks, I will go check it out, haven decide which tcm to go, so tempting to try ban choon wan at serangoon.

Jas, yalo. Somethings these kind of stuffs seems to work but no medical proven or scientic proven. My sis touch that one oso like statue w alot of kids, she wanted a boy but accidentally touch a girl as all e babies look alike, so in e end she really pregnant w a girl.

Ya lo. I rem seeing a news saying e give birth rate in sg did increased, but e increase r due to Singaporean marrying a non-local wife or both husband and wife are not local. E birth rate by Singaporean still remain as low. Can we tell e gov, not we dun want, is the stress level in our society makes it really hard. Everything oso $$$$$.

In e clinic now w HB waiting to c doc. Super nervous than waiting for my test results as i dun Noe what will doc said to HB n duno if he could accept.

QQem, jas and dolma,

i think we should tell them that we TTC until stress ah.... trying all ways and all means to conceive.... give us a BFP anytime man!

QQem, jia you and good luck!


Dun be nervous, they will sure be way out de.

I also same leh, put on weight than relative aslo say than i keep say no than they say wow like tat u fat a lot i tell them ya lor hao chi hao zhu mah haha.


How you know not pregnant ley? u got test mah? or recently u got stress or wat?

QQem>> Dun worry, all will be ok de[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou!

Twoormore>> Have you tested yet?

Hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bear is waiting and countdown to end my work day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now feeling abit of cramp, again on and off.. This cycle keep having cramp on and off..Dont know what wrong? Anyway, didnt bother me much as want to come, will come. If is my turn, will be my turn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i guess let it come naturally bah, then i will not be so stress over ttc le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u hv no idea how many x ive tested!! >.< all BFN..

e only reason i can think of is, i ovulated late.. n e only stress i've been under is this 2WW (of hell) which unfortunately, is self-inflicted.

upsetting la.. i m goin to give myself till tis weekend before i go for a blood test.. im sure AF is going to show up wif a vengence when she visits!!!

twoormore>> Mayb you really O late la, dun be dissappointed yet, no see red means got chance. Test again this weekend... Jiayou!


cycle is 28 days if not 29. vvv zun. sick also wont change type of cycle. AF shld hv arrived 3 days ago.


ya, im quite certain i o'ed late..aiya..i doubt i'll strike this easily..haha...anyway, hb will b travellg nx mth so there goes my lil' bunny....

twoormore>> wa dat means u already late liao, but still keep the faith, sometimes it takes awhile for the hormones to pick up by the test[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will pray hard for you... shoo AF away!! come baby dust[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks dolma, u're so sweet. =) i also wish e AF will steer clear this time around..

weekend is jus round the corner..let's all try to relax n enjoy e weekend!

for all those who are ovulating this couple of days, BD BD BD!

for all those in the 2ww, let ur hair down and be nice to the hb! he's not a workhorse! =P

and for those who hv missed this cycle, look fwd to nx month's!

Twoormore, I am dpo13,cd28. Waiting af to report also. Cycle days also like yours.

Dolma: TGIF! Time to de- stress n sleep enough. Maybe my job is very stressful.

Jus came back from seeing doctor, 3hrs of waiting and seen doc for 10mins only -_- doc didn't say much, kind of repeating the test results to hb. Prescribed 4 supplements, vit e, calcium, neuro b and Q10 for hb. Wasn't told what r e supplements for. End of April gotta go for another SA to c if there's any improvement, if yes, will then proceed to IVF. Above r all instructions by doc, me n hb haven really discuss yet.

Ladies, bD more if u can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm having EWCM these few days which mean o-ing soon but bd oso no use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

back from gynae...hormone and thyroid all well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so glad...but i definitely not going bac to this gynae if i really got BFP..so boring one..want to ask 1 more qns and she seems so urgent to push me off.

anyway according to her, the temperature method is alrady outdated. Ask me to use Ovulation kit..haha

Jc, yalo. I'm thinking whether I shld continue w her, paying pte price yet waiting time so long.

Peapea, since which day u notice ewcm? Normally ovulation occur towards e end of ewcm. Eg, I normally have 5 days of ewcm so ovulate on e 4th or 5th of ewcm.

haha..i not going back to the gynae...i think i just spend my $$ on the TCM better.

she asked why i didn't finish the medicine she gave me for my menses to come. Than i told her your nurse tell me to stop once menses come. I didn't know must finish lo.

than she said 'oh..means yr menses about to come alrdy when u come to see me'. Than i ask her when should i expect my menses to come since my last cycle so irregular. She said mine is 2 month come 1 time one..so i will O late..

abit dumb right...

at jurong loh...

starting my second week dose on TCM..doc say okie loh..shall see how it goes..

say must lose weight ...haha

Hi ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hows everyone doing?

did not have good sleep for the past few days as always need to awake n go pee. Dont know is it I drank too much water. But I did empty before sleep. Plus me is those lazy type,rather sleep than go toilet n pee.. But cant tahan, bo bian...

bearge>> which dpo are you now ah? could be a sign lei, frequent urination [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today 7dpo for me, bbt dropped to coverline, either my menses is going to start early or something else...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this cycle is so haywire for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dolma>> today dpo8, but suspect I O 3 days earlier which will make today dpo11... Dnt know leh, but nowadays if I miss my meal, my whole body will feels so weak.. Maybe also part of AF reporting sign... Hopefully AF goes away, dnt want to see AF..;)


bearge>> All seems good sign for you... I shoo yr AF away!! Bring BB dust for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We jiayou together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

