(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Dolma>>let's jia you together!! Me just now itchy backside. While waiting for my instant noodle to cook, I tested my temperature for fun. 36.8. As I never try taking bbt before. Is it normal? But I feel cold worr.. Crossing finger n see till next Friday if AF not appear, will go buy hpt.


Wow bear, seems like a good sign if you need to empty bladder in the middle of the night hope to hear good news from you soon. Dolma, fatigue is a positive sign too jiayou jiayou!

Miloqueen, dolma>> my toilet visit is not that much. But hubby always laugh at me when I rush to toilet n pee as very high tide.. Lets all jia you together!!

Bearge/Milo- yup jiayou jiayou!! But bearge bbt must take in d morning once awake then accurate de cos our body temp fluctuates throughout the day de[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolma>>hee..hee..ok,ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tmr I go test my temp play play. update here after that. Boring sunday.. Rotting at home. Sleepy..Zzzz...btw, what is the average temp that I should take note?

hi ppl, think im moving to 2WW.. ha... was having cramps the whole of O day... quite sian... but thank God we tested positive for OPK before i fly off... so hopefully got chance la... hahahaha

Good morning ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my temp was 36.5. Is it normal? Last night also awake go pee.. Hubby surprise why this morning I test temp. Hee..hee... For those in 2ww, let's hold hand together n pray hard for bfp. Jia you!!!

Hi all, i have a brand new box of Clearblue digital ovulation test (Smiling face type) for sale at $80(neg), inclusive of postage. There are 20 test sticks in each box. Expiry at Dec 2011 or after. Please PM me for more details

Morning gals.

Today CD20 for me but already got on off cramp and sore breast my typical pms symptom really sian. Gone case again for this cycle liao.

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

jas>> ya lor.. now really counting down to off work. Hows your 2ww? Me no symptom at all till now..Scare scare.. Dont know this cycle will tio or not? Praying hard for BFP


I got my on off cramp and sore breast liao usual PMS symptom so i know no hope again liao.

No symptom maybe mean good symptom. Just like no news means good news

been very quiet today.

Company dealing with gloomy news of the quake..doesn't help much when i am in a Jap company..haiz...

i am plotting the temp chart.

One day high, one day low, one day high, one day low but overall, temp is dropping.

Is this normal or i doing something wrong?

Kath, there is Eu Yan Sang Clinic at Tiong Bahru Plaza, the Practitioners Qi Xiao Yan apparantly seems to be quite good.

Hi all, i have a brand new box of Clearblue digital ovulation test (Smiling face type) for sale at $80, inclusive of postage. There are 20 test sticks in each box. Expiry at May 2012 or after. Please PM me for more info.


Amy: hi I'm CD11 today gonna test opk in 3 days cos I'm 35 day cycle... New cycle new hope!!!! This cycle I started taking folic acid on top of my gnc pre natel multivits n taking royal jelly too. Dunno got use mah just whack

JC>> Mine BBT chart also like tat.. Last cycle also up and down, up and down.. Dunno izzit taking wrongly or not..

Queen>> My last "normal" cycle was 38 days, quite close to yrs.. Think we can hold hands for this cycle~

Any advice when I shd start testing OPK? I am taking EPO now. Can folic acid be taken at the same time?

JC>> Our body temp goes up and down daily, unless it is not too drastic, guess its quite normal

Today 9DPO for me, have been feeling quite sickly this 2 days, mayb gonna fall sick soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How's everyone? Bearge?

dolma>> Me 10dpo today. On and off also feeling not too well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i guess falling sick too..

How everyone in 2ww today?

I think its the weather these days making ppl sick[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bearge>> today got take temp anot?

dolma>>yap, same as yesterday,36.5. but i dont really think the temp is that accurate. Thats why i very sianz lor..as no symptom. dont know strike or no strike.. Hubby told me take it easy..hahaha. Both of us always say this sentence when come to ask BFP.

Ya Dolma,

I think is the weather also because i dun like to drink plain water la.

hmm seems this cycle. You , me & bearGE very close . Good luck to all of us!!.

bearge>> i prefer no symptoms hahaha, cos dun have to guess whether it relates to AF or strike! ya la, take it easy la, if strike good la, if not nevermind next cycle jiayou again!

jas>> yup its good we have cycle buddies here to share our thoughts and feelings, let's jiayou!!

hi gals, been very quiet.. as i work closely with my jpn cols. It's v sad and worrying wk so far... haiz

hi Jas, bearge & dolma, I am in 2WW too. AF should report by now otherwise it's v v late period, simply hate my irregular cycles, lugi few mths every yr. Tested last wkend (itchy hand) and it's BFN. Chances for this cycle seem low, don't seem to hv any symptoms now. Remembered last nov, I was feeling v tired & had lots of mucus in nose. Just hope AF to come soon if it's confirmed BFN. at least can start new cycle asap.


me 12dpo tdy.. dare not test, hope to be able to test in 2days time if AF didnt report.. i try not to tink but hb ask every alt day if BFP anot. stresss....


Dun give up hope yet, i think we all at this forum alway like say this no c red means got hope.

Ya lor bearGE, no symptom at least good like mine de start having liao so like agar know gone case again liao.


Ya lor think only we in the 2WW stress than know the feeling of each other lor. Hubby also alway wehn AF report will tell me nv mind la try nx mth but can c his disappointment lor.

lynn>> Dun give up yet, mayb you O late this cycle. test again if AF still dun report this 2 days.

All those in 2wwk, dun give up hope also, jiayou jiayou!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolma, af reported today, reported 3 days late. Cycle this time is 32 days. New cycle new hope! I thought my bbt was high, around 36.8, got hope, tested yesterday bfn. Was about to c doc why period late. Luckily af reported.

To ladies in 2ww: good luck!


hello girls, just join days ago...i'm ttc-ing since mid of last yr...tried bbt after a few months of ttc-ing and recently started opk...if nothing happens for the next 2 months, probably would see doctor liao...any recommendation on doctor who function in mt A or KK?

